Choose an ethical dilemma topic from the google form posted. Research the topic and find 5 current scholarly references. Write 3-5-page paper (not including the Title and Reference pages) in 7th Edition APA format (template is included under resources).

Ethical Research Paper


1. Students can recognize professional ethics and provide discipline-specific examples of ethical challenges in the workplace.
2. Students can explain potential results of discipline specific unethical behaviors, including inaction when witnessing unethical behaviors.
3. Students can discuss options when faced with ethical dilemmas and identify discipline –specific plans for how to navigate these challenges.


1. Choose an ethical dilemma topic from the google form posted.
2. Research the topic and find 5 current scholarly references.
3. Incorporate Nursing Code of Ethics in paper.
4. Address impact of breaches in ethical conduct.
5. Address alternative approaches to ethically challenging circumstances.
6. Write 3-5-page paper (not including the Title and Reference pages) in 7th Edition APA format (template is included under resources).
7. Take paper draft to Writing Center for critique.
8. Submit final copy of paper at deadline in word format. No pdf or other formats will be accepted.

Reply to two of your peers who chose two different topics. Provide your own examples of situations in which you have had to discuss immunizations/vaccines. What suggestions might you provide your peers in terms of dealing with misinformation related to this topic?


Reply to two of your peers who chose two different topics. Provide your own examples of situations in which you have had to discuss immunizations/vaccines. What suggestions might you provide your peers in terms of dealing with misinformation related to this topic? Replies to your peers must be on two separate days (minimum) and must utilize at least two scholarly references per peer post.

Write an engaging and reflective paper that would be helpful for someone in the discipline wanting to learn about “Failure to Respond” and the associated trends in Nursing Education and Practice.

Failure to respond reflection

  1. Review the provides article on ” failure to respond” .. link is above
  • Write an engaging and reflective paper that would be helpful for someone in the discipline wanting to learn about “Failure to Respond” and the associated trends in Nursing Education and Practice.
  • Use the following as a checklist for the scholarly paper:
    1. Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font; 1-inch margins; double-spaced.
    2. Consists of 800 to 1000 words in length
    3. Citation and references are to follow the APA manual format
    4. References should be no more than 5 years old
    5. Sources:
      1. Wikipedia (or similar sites) is not to be used as a reference
      2. Taber’s and/or other medical dictionaries or encyclopedias are not to be used as references.
    6. Include the following elements:
      1. Title page (APA formatted title page).
      2. Introduction
        1. Background knowledge-brief summary of current knowledge on the “Failure to Respond” and Clinical-Decision Making in Nursing
        2. Challenges imposed in practice
        3. Intext citation present and appropriate
      3. Literature Review
        1. Literature searches for the topic on the web and in databases are limited to peer-reviewed professional nursing and medical journals, texts, and writings (no older than 5 years).
        2. Uses literature to support claims, facts, and statistics.
        3. Intext Citation present and appropriate.
      4. Reflection
        1. What are your views on change?
        2. How will your practice be affected by the current changes and challenges associated with “Failure to Respond”?
        3. How will you personally uphold the change efforts in practice?
      5. Discussion/Implications/Conclusion
  • Proofread and edit the paper carefully, following the assignment rubric.
  • Use the plagiarism tool to check the summary against unintended plagiarism.

Define the issue. Detail nursing’s or legislative current state in relation to the issue and discuss the group position on the topic chosen.

Nursing Question

Prepare a written persuasive position statement using APA format.The statement must:

  • a) Define the issue;
  • b) detail nursing’s or legislative current state in relation to the issue;
  • c) discuss the group position on the topic chosen.

Section Titles for the Position Statement Include: Issue, Current State, and Position.

Use appropriate references within the body of the text, and add reference page. MY part is section B which is detail nursing’s or legislative current state in relation to the issue i have attach doc include the bill and every thing all you need is to read it and just do part B

Review the information in the FON report for SDoH and discuss how you are now prepared, as a nurse, to address those health care needs. Describe how your education and the skills you have learned will be used to promote achievement of health equity.

Hallmark Reflective Journal Assignment

Write a paper addressing the following questions. APA-formatted references are required. Each question response should be a minimum of 175 words and free of grammatical errors.

For this assignment, you will need to access the Future of Nursing Report: Links to an external site.

As you end your nursing program, you are being asked to discuss and reflect on the Future of Nursing Report and your own personal nursing school journey.

According to the Committee for the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report, the vision of the initiative is the achievement of health equity in the U.S. built on strengthened nursing capacity and expertise as outlined in the 10 nursing outcomes found in Box S-1 of the report. Identify one outcome and describe how the nursing program your clinical experience at Nightingale College prepared you to contribute to that outcome?

Additionally, the Future of Nursing report categorizes social determinants of health (SDoH): Economic Stability, Education, Social and Community Context, Health and Healthcare, Neighborhood and Built Environment. Review the information in the FON report for SDoH and discuss how you are now prepared, as a nurse, to address those health care needs. Describe how your education and the skills you have learned will be used to promote achievement of health equity.

Reflect on how your knowledge/views/opinions have changed or remained the same since starting your education. (feel free to be creative here)

Think about your future nursing practice (my future practice will include working in aesthetics and labor and delivery). How can you use your nursing knowledge to champion health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?

How does the World Health Organization define Universal Health Care (UHC)? What are the pros and cons of providing UHC (support your discussion from the literature, at least one journal article)? Address concepts of access, equity, health promotion, quality, and cost.

Complex Health Care System Discussion Board Assignment

Initial Post Criteria (40 points)

As the U.S. continues to discuss changes to our healthcare system, it is important as nurses and future leaders in the profession, we have an understanding of the pros and cons of this type of system. For your initial discussion post, provide a professional based discussion on Universal Health Care. Include the following:

  • How does the World Health Organization define Universal Health Care (UHC)?
  • What are the pros and cons of providing UHC (support your discussion from the literature, at least one journal article)? Address concepts of access, equity, health promotion, quality, and cost.
  • Based on the 4 models presented this week (Bismarck, Beverage, NHI, Out-of-Pocket), which model or combination of models do you believe the U.S. should adopt in order to improve our system (explain your answer)?

Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative.

Strategizing and Creating Change

Discussion Prompt

Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative.

Suggested organizations include (but are not limited to):

  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) American Nurses’ Association (A.N.A.)
  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners (A.A.N.P.)
  • American Association for Nursing Leadership (AONL), effective May 2019 (formerly AONE)
  • The American Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN)

How many doctors were surveyed? How many of these doctors reported that they smoked? How many reported that they did not smoke?


In a 1985 study, Breslow (cited in Hand et al., 1994) examined the death rates from coronary heart disease in a set of British male physicians. He also classified the doctors according to whether or not they smoked cigarettes. The table below shows the number of physicians who died from coronary heart disease.

Age, smoking, and heart disease in a sample of male physicians

Age (in years) Nonsmokers Smokers
35-44 2 32
45-54 12 104
55-64 28 206
65-74 28 186
75-84 31 102

Use the data to answer the following questions:

  1. How many doctors were surveyed?
  2. How many of these doctors reported that they smoked? How many reported that they did not smoke?
  3. What is the probability that a person who died of coronary heart disease was between the ages of 35 and 44? Within this age group (i.e., 34 to 44), what is the probability that the person was a smoker?
  4. What is the probability that someone who died of coronary heart disease between the ages of 75 and 84 was a smoker?
  5. At what age range from the table above is smokers the highest proportion of those who died from coronary heart disease?


Identify your specialty area of NP practice (Family Nurse practitioner) . Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings.


Identify your specialty area of NP practice (Family Nurse practitioner) . Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings. Address the following:

  • Origin
  • Meaning and scope
  • Logical adequacy
  • Usefulness and simplicity
  • Generalizability
  • Testability

Finally, provide an example how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting. What rationale can you provide that validates the theory as applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner.


 Specialty Areas Nursing Theories

Family Nurse Practitioner

  • McCormack and McCance’s Person-Centred Care Nursing (PCN) Framework
  • American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) Synergy Model for Patient Care
  • Fawcett and Ellenbecker’s Conceptual Model of Nursing and Population Health (CMNPH)


Origin – Where and when did this theory come from?

Meaning – How the theory’s concepts relate to one another

Logical Adequacy – Looks at logical structure of the components of the theory

Usefulness – How practical or helpful is the theory?

Generalizability – Can the theory be applied to other situations?

Parsimony – Can the theory be explained in a simple or brief manner while still including all the important concepts?

Testability – Can the theory be supported by empirical evidence?

What Are the Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research? Compare and contrast the major differences between quantitative and qualitative research designs.

Discussion 3.1: What Are the Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research?

For this discussion, respond to the following:

1. Compare and contrast the major differences between quantitative and qualitative research designs.

2,. How is a descriptive research design different from a qualitative research design?