Select one of the following options and discuss your understanding of the role in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice.

Standardized Terminology and Language in Informatics

Standardized Terminology and Language in Informatics is an important part of healthcare. Nurses and healthcare workers need to understand and be able to communicate clearly.

Select one of the following options and discuss your understanding of the role in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice.

-Meaningful Use
-Reimbursement from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) payment

Identify at least one professional organization and one scholarly journal that you feel would be valuable for you to be actively involved with to enhance your role as a nurse leader. What is it about these resources that make them valuable? How can they help you develop in your nurse executive competencies?

Davis Week 5

Week 5: Professional Organizations and Journals for the Nurse Executive
As alluded to in the lesson introduction, this week’s discussion will focus on relevant professional organizations and scholarly journals of interest and value to the nurse executive. You can choose to focus on one of the following directions for your discussion this week.

Executive leadership practice: Identify at least one professional organization and one scholarly journal that you feel would be valuable for you to be actively involved with to enhance your role as a nurse leader. What is it about these resources that make them valuable? How can they help you develop in your nurse executive competencies?

Advocacy: Identify at least one professional organization and one scholarly journal that you feel would be valuable in helping you promote the cause or issue you identified in last week’s lesson. What is it about these resources that make them valuable? How can they help you promote your cause or issue?

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the biopsychosocial, political, legal, ethical, and economic factors involved in supporting adults and children, young people from a diverse population to manage long term or severe illness. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the intra-professional and multi-professional teams in supporting those with complex needs.

Longterm condition (Endometriosis case study patient

Summative assessment: MY CASE study would like to be based on endometriosis patient.
This assignment consists of 3000 words
The assignment totalling 3000 words will be marked as a whole (100%).
Students are required to write a maximum of 3,000-word case study that addresses all the learning outcomes which are:-

MO1 Demonstrate a critical understanding of the biopsychosocial, political, legal, ethical, and economic factors involved in supporting adults and children, young people from a diverse population to manage long term or severe illness.

MO2 Locate, examine, and critique the evidence base relating to the treatment of a range of long term and/or severe illness.

MO3 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the intra-professional and multi-professional teams in supporting those with complex needs.

MO4 Demonstrate an understanding of promoting and maintaining non-discriminatory practice.

Selecting your case study
Reflect upon your experience within clinical practice and identify an appropriate case study which will enable you to explore the key elements of the module. You could also use a case study from the module. Students are required to discuss these in-depth in relation to the learning outcomes of the module. It is important that you use your chosen case study to guide your writing but remember that to meet the module outcomes, you must explore wider themes within your assignment.

Assignment Structure
This assignment structure below can be used as a checklist to ensure you have evidenced the learning outcomes; however, the order in which you structure your assignment can be adjusted. Remember to be writing critically rater than descriptively throughout

1. (approx. 100 words).
The assignment should have a succinct introduction that outlines the purpose of the assignment and what you intend to cover.

2. (approx. 300 words)
a.) Introduce the case study you will be using to illustrate your writing. Include a confidentiality statement here. (endometriosis patient case study)
b.) Discuss relevant past and present patient history including their age and life stage, social and medical history.

3. (Approx. 500 words)
Discuss the biopsychosocial and economic factors involved in supporting patients, their families, and carers. Consider the value of person-centred care in supporting people with complex needs. .

4. (Approx. 500 words)
Critically evaluate relevant treatment options in relation to your case study and their conditions/illness and make sure you refer to any relevant NICE guidance.

5. (Approx. 500 words)
Discuss the role of the intra-professional and multi-professional team in supporting those with complex needs.

6. (Approx. 500 words)
Consider the ethical and legal context associated with complex health care conditions relating to the case study, including the mental capacity act, safeguarding and other relevant legislation where appropriate.

7. (Approx. 450 words)
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the need to ensure that care provided is inclusive and recognises diversity.

8. (approx. 150 words)
A reflective conclusion that demonstrates what you have learnt from e exploring the case study, it may be helpful to use a reflective model to enhance your reflection. It is helpful to outline what you have learnt and will apply in your nursing practice going forward.

9. (Not included in word count)
Reference List.

What is the role of nurse and what is professional accountability in the promotion of health and prevention of ill health across different sectors.

What is the role of nurse and what is professional accountability in the promotion of health and prevention of ill health across different sectors.

The learning outcomes (LO’s) to meet are mentioned below, they are needed to pass the assignment. Theres a list of ways you can meet each LO below every single one of them.

2. Utilise literature and research that underpins compassionate person-centred care and shared decision making.

6Cs for nursing

Annex B proficiencies (NMC)

Define PCC and SDM- find literature that supports the definition

How PCC and SDM affect the care delivered to the patient-research articles (maybe about patient feedback for example)

Discussing literature that has been found

Effective communication- how it can affect the decision making

Barriers-religious beliefs (not agreeing to care, safeguarding (abuse, controlling behaviour, make sure working within policy and procedure),

language (interpreter, non-judgemental), learning disabilities, autism, personal beliefs

4. Describe how nursíng care is delivered across different sectors.

Primary, secondary, tertiary – eg look what primary care is -gp, pharmacist, tertiary specialist eg

How care is delivered across sectors

Nursing care across sectors.

Nurse practitioners work alongside GPs but also in other sectors MDT teamwork

If someone arrives with one problem may have another-may need to make referrals – accountable for that patient and making sure receive care in all necessary areas

Ensure NMC (2018) code of conduct is adhered to in all sectors regardless of where

5. Reflect on the role of the nurse and professional accountability in the promotion of health and prevention of ill health.

Role of nurse-how professional accountability is maintained

-Duty of candour
-Open and honest
-Open/honest culture
-Accountable for training
-The introduction 250 words
-The conclusion 250 words

In 13-17 year old females with depression, how does medication compared with no medication affect quality of life within three months?

Discussion Board Posting

In 13-17 year old females with depression, how does medication compared with no medication affect quality of life within three months?

Briefly summarize the presented issue. Describe your thoughts on the role health care professionals should play in resolving the ethical issue. Provide specific theories and refer to specific ethical codes to support your position.

Ethical Health Promotion Paper


Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article no more than four years old that discusses an ethical health promotion-related issue.

In your paper:

Briefly summarize the presented issue.

Describe your thoughts on the role health care professionals should play in resolving the ethical issue.

Provide specific theories and refer to specific ethical codes to support your position.

Explain how the concept applies to the selected nursing theory. Reflect on how the concept analysis findings apply to your advanced nursing practice, specifically as an NP.

Concept Analysis

Description of the Assignment

This assignment presents a modified method for conducting a concept analysis of one concept that is important and useful to the nurse practitioner role.  The concept for this assignment must be supported by a published nursing theory. The selected concept is identified and then the elements of the analysis process are applied in order to synthesize knowledge for application as demonstrated through the creation of a model case. Theoretical applications of the concept are also discussed. Non-nursing theories may not be used. Scholarly literature is incorporated throughout the analysis.

Only the elements identified in this assignment should be used for this concept analysis.

Possible Concepts: The following concepts are not required; students may select one of these concepts or find another concept. Each selected concept must be associated with a nursing theory; the use of non-nursing theories is not allowed. If you have any questions regarding your concept or the nursing theory, consult with your faculty member for assistance.

Note: the concepts of caring or cultural humility are not permitted for this assignment.

  • Adaptation
  • Burnout
  • Civility
  • Comfort
  • Compassion
  • Compassion fatigue
  • Competence
  • Empowerment
  • Engagement
  • Health
  • Leadership
  • Meaningfulness
  • Modeling
  • Noise
  • Pain
  • Quality of life
  • Resilience
  • Self-care
  • Sensory overload
  • Situational awareness
  • Criteria for Content
  • Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept
  • Defines/explains the concept using scholarly literature (a dictionary maybe used for this section only)
  • Support from nursing literature is required.

  2. Defining attributes:

A minimum of three (3) attributes are required.
Support from nursing literature is required.

Explanation:  An attribute identifies characteristics of a concept.  For this question, the characteristics of the selected nursing concept are identified and discussed.

Antecedent and Consequence
-1 antecedent of the selected nursing concept.
-1 consequence of the selected nursing concept.
-Support from nursing literature is required.

Explanation:  An antecedent is an identifiable occurrence that happens before an event. An antecedent precedes a selected nursing concept. A consequence follows or is the result of an event.  The selected consequence follows or is the result of the selected nursing concept.

  4. Model Case

1 Model Case is created by the student and discussed substantively by demonstrating within the case each of the following areas:

-All identified attributes
-Theoretical Applications of the Concept
-Explain how the concept applies to the selected nursing theory.
-Support from nursing literature is required.

-Reflect on how the concept analysis findings apply to your advanced nursing practice, specifically as an NP.
-Self-reflection may be written in first-person.

In your growth toward senior levels of leadership, begin to think about where and how you will be involved as an advocate or champion.

Davis Week 4 Discussion

Week 4: Advocacy

When we think of advocacy, many nurses think about how they advocate for their patients and/or families. Or you may think of situations where you advocate for a colleague, direct report, or team. Those are all legitimate aspects of advocacy and important for nurses. You’ve probably heard an instructor or mentor say that in aspiring to executive-level leadership, a transition occurs in your outlook. Your view expands exponentially as you become responsible for many teams and sometimes an entire organization. For this week’s discussion about advocacy, think about a policy, cause, or large-scale issue for which you are, or can become, an advocate or champion. As you look at successful nurse leaders and executives, you’ll very likely find that they are involved in some cause such as breast cancer research, childhood obesity, the HIV/AIDS epidemicic in Africa, or the heroin epidemic, and so on. In your growth toward senior levels of leadership, begin to think about where and how you will be involved as an advocate or champion.

Define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective and establish your evidence and research base to plan, implement, and share findings related to your project.

Assessment 1: Assessing the Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations

In a 5-7 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective. Plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours meeting with a patient, family, or group of your choice to explore the problem and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.

1.Define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective and establish your evidence and research base to plan, implement, and share findings related to your project.

2.Connect with the patient, family, or group you’ll work with during your practicum. During this portion of your practicum, plan to spend at least 2 hours meeting with the patient, family, or group and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. The hours you spend meeting with them should take place outside of regular work hours. Use the Practicum Focus Sheet [PDF] provided for this assessment to guide your work and interpersonal interactions. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.

What are the environmental risks to your economic initiative? How could your initiative, or aspects of it, still be a viable benefit to your organization or care setting if the environment shifts in unpredictable ways? What strategies would you propose implementing to keep all, or a portion of, your initiative a viable net benefit to your organization or care setting?

Cesarean Section Rates 3

Assessment 3 Instructions: Developing an Implementation Plan

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

  • Develop a 6-7-page implementation plan for the initiative you proposed in Assessment 1. Include a budget for material, staffing, and capital costs over the first five years of the initiative, as well as projected earnings. In addition, include a timeline, an organizational impact analysis, and an explanation of the effects of environmental changes on the initiative.


Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may be expected to create budgets and implementation plans to ensure that initiatives to take advantage of economic opportunities for the organization are rolled out successfully and can be sustained over multiple years. Additionally, it is important to be able to envision how an initiative could be implemented in different contexts and for different purposes to ensure that the investment remains a viable and positive asset to your organization or care setting.


Develop a thorough implementation plan for the economic initiative you proposed in Assessment 1. Your plan must include a budget for material, staffing, and capital costs over the first five years of the initiative, as well as projected earnings. In addition, include:

    • A plan and timeline for rolling out the initiative.
    • An analysis of how the initiative may impact other aspects of the organization or care setting.
    • An explanation how the initiative can remain viable in the face of environmental changes.
    • Sufficient relevant and credible supporting evidence.

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft implementation plan to Smarthinking for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.

The requirements for your implementation plan, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

    • Create a budget for expected costs and earnings over the first five years of your proposed initiative.
      • What are the expected material, staffing, and capital costs of your proposed initiative over its first five years?
      • What are the projected earnings for your organization or care setting over the first five years of your economic initiative?
      • How does this budget take into account the findings and feedback you received on your business case?
      • What assumptions are you basing your budget on?
    • Create an implementation plan for your proposed initiative that enables achievement of quality or service improvements in an ethical and culturally equitable way.
      • Did you create a timeline for the rollout?
      • How will you work with relevant stakeholders to ensure that your economic initiative is implemented successfully and sustained?
      • How will you ensure that the rollout is conducted in an ethical and culturally equitable manner?
      • How will you ensure that the desired quality or service improvements your economic initiative will achieve are on track during and after implementation?
    • Analyze the impact of your proposed initiative, once implemented, on other aspects of your organization or care setting and ways in which negative impacts could be mitigated.
      • What other aspects of your organization or care setting may be positively or negatively impacted by the implementation of your proposed initiative?
      • How will these other aspects of your organization or care setting be affected? (For example, increased workload on a testing department, borrowing of staff hours from another part of the care setting, or better communication with the community.)
      • How could you mitigate at least some of the negative effects on other aspects of your organization or care setting?
    • Explain your strategies for ensuring that your proposed initiative can remain a viable asset to the organization or care setting in the face of dynamic environmental forces.
      • What are the environmental risks to your economic initiative?
      • How could your initiative, or aspects of it, still be a viable benefit to your organization or care setting if the environment shifts in unpredictable ways?
      • What strategies would you propose implementing to keep all, or a portion of, your initiative a viable net benefit to your organization or care setting?
    • Justify the relevance and significance of the quantitative and qualitative economic, financial, and scholarly evidence you used throughout your plan to support your recommendations.
      • How is the evidence relevant to your organization or care setting?
      • How is the evidence relevant to your proposed economic initiative?
      • How does the evidence illustrate a solution that has been successful in the past?
      • How does the evidence illustrate that a recommendation is the best course of action for your situation and organization or care setting?
    • Write concisely and directly, using active voice.
      • Proofread your document before you submit it to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your implementation plan.
    • Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:


Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

    • Format: Format your implementation plan using current APA style. Use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] to help you in writing and formatting your implementation plan. Be sure to include:
      • A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
      • A running head on all pages.
      • Appropriate section headings.
    • Length: Your implementation plan should be 6–7 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
    • Supporting evidence: Cite 3–5 authoritative and scholarly resources to support your implementation plan. Be sure that your sources include specific economic data.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your implementation plan to your ePortfolio.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Analyze the effects of financial and economic factors (such as cost-benefit, supply and demand, return on investment, and risks) in a health care system on patient care, services offered, and organizational structures and operation.
      • Create a budget for expected costs and earnings over the first five years of a proposed initiative.
      • Analyze the impact of a proposed initiative, once implemented, on other aspects of an organization or care setting and ways in which negative impacts could be mitigated.
    • Competency 2: Develop ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a health care organization in an effort to improve the quality of care and services offered.
      • Create an implementation plan for a proposed initiative that enables achievement of quality or service improvements in an ethical and culturally equitable way.
    • Competency 3: Justify the qualitative and quantitative information used to guide economic decision making to stakeholders and colleagues.
      • Justify the relevance and significance of quantitative and qualitative economic, financial, and scholarly evidence used throughout an implementation plan to support recommendations.
    • Competency 4: Develop ethical and culturally equitable economic strategies to address dynamic environmental forces and ensure the future security of an organization’s resources and its ability to provide quality care.
      •  Explain strategies for ensuring that a proposed economic initiative can remain a viable asset to an organization or care setting in the face of dynamic environmental forces.
    • Competency 5: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella writing standards.
      • Write concisely and directly using active voice.
      • Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.