Identify database users (personnel/credentials): Who are they? What are their competencies and background? What training might the database end users need to utilize the database? Discuss the types of data that users will collect for the proposed database and the types of reports that will be generated for analysis, including an an explanation of their use as well as an explanation of who will use the reports.

Database Project Proposal – Part 3

The purpose of this assignment is to provide learners a basic understanding for identifying a proposal for collecting data, designing and developing a small database, and presenting the proposal to stakeholders.

To complete Part 3 of the Database Project Proposal assignment, create a PowerPoint (10-15 slides) presentation video discussing your database proposal. Using Loom, record your presentation and submit the unrestricted Loom link on the first page of your PowerPoint presentation to the instructor.

Refer to the topic Resources for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom.

Part 1

Apply principles of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) in your proposal by including the SDLC phases listed below into your presentation. You may copy and paste elements from past assignments that apply to the SDLC.


Analysis (What are the requirements of the current system’s end user?)

Detailed Systems Design (Completes the design of the system’s processes, technical specifications, data dictionary, ERD diagram, training principles and methodologies.)

Implementation (Database is actually created and is customized by the creation of tables and views, user authorizations, etc. During this implementation phase, the database enters into a cycle of coding, testing, and debugging until it is ready.)

Maintenance (During this phase, end-users can begin to request change in it.)

Part 2

The presentation must also include the following elements of the proposal:

State the project problem and explain the role of the database in the organization.

Identify database users (personnel/credentials): Who are they? What are their competencies and background? What training might the database end users need to utilize the database?

Discuss the types of data that users will collect for the proposed database and the types of reports that will be generated for analysis, including an an explanation of their use as well as an explanation of who will use the reports.

Describe the project goals and clear measurable objectives for the database.

Provide examples of database schema components: database dictionary and ERD diagram.

Demonstrate database functions by providing a screenshot of basic MySQL statements and their outcomes for at least four rows: Statements include: CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, QUERY TABLE, ADD A NEW COLUMN, QUERY – COLUMN FUNCTIONS, ADD A NEW ROW, QUERY – AGGREGATION, MULTI-TABLE-QUERIES – JOINING, and QUERY – MULTI-TABLE.

Explain policies, procedures, and regulations (HIPAA) to assure security, privacy, and integrity of the database proposal.

Forecast any potential problems or barriers to meeting the project goals and objectives. Are there any specific assumptions that need to be made?

Conclude with the value of the project, emphasizing feasibility, cost (including future costs, security costs, and hosting costs), necessity, usefulness, and the benefit of the expected results. Make sure to include an explanation on how this database will save the organization time, money, and improve patient care/treatment with the data it will store and query both now, and in the future

Explain the patient’s rights under the Act. Review related sections of the mental health ACT. Critically analyse the influence of these guidelines on the Mental Health Act 1992, and the influence of this Act upon the prevention or management of a mental health disorder.

A case study of legal and ethical considerations of Mental Health in New Zealand

Rewrite this assignment according to the following instructions:

It is a mental health nursing assignment in New Zealand context. This case study is to reflect on New Zealand Mental Health (New Zealand Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992. The assignment is designed with the purpose of checking students’ understanding of this Act, including the enforcement guidelines, procedures, key terms and patient rights of the mental Health (New Zealand Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992, which are relevant to your case. Therefore, the major problem of the completed writing work is that it seems to target another law in another country instead of New Zealand context. Please kindly refer to the exemplar articles I uploaded for this writing task, mimicking the writing structure and ideas of the exemplars. These two examplars got a grade A+ and A respectively. The literature references listed in the exemplars may save some time for your writing. The simplest way to revise my paper is that you can synthesise the examplars, but be sure to avoid similarity issues. you can also change the patient John’s case scenario to cater to your analysis.

The writing may include the following part:

  1. Introduction
  2. An overview of the guidelines of the Act. This is a journey to bring the reader to understand the important sections of the act related to the patient John in the case study. Please explain the procedures from section 8-11. Also explain some key terms like definition of “mental illness”, criteria for dentention and so son. Explain the patient’s rights under the Act. Review related sections of the mental health ACT. You can also refer to the exemplars and synthesize the information.
  3. Critically analyse the influence of these guidelines on the Mental Health (New Zealand Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992, and the influence of this Act upon the prevention or management of a mental health disorder.
  4. Reflect on and provide an overview of the ethical principles used in a mental health setting and how these principles are integrated into the assessment and treatment processes for a client in a mental health setting.
  5. Critically evaluate these principles to identify the tensions that can arise for the nurse in reference to the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992 and how these ethical principles could be better applied to enhance mental health practice.
  6. Conclusion
  7. Appendix (John’s profile) (please refer to exemplars)

Case profile:

John, a 22-year-old university student diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia was receiving community care due to his command hallucinations. John’s symptoms became worse when he stopped going to the community mental health center for counselling and medication. He has become increasingly paranoid believing that God sends him personal commands to harm his neighbours. John was admitted to an acute mental health facility because of his psychosis and hallucinatory threats of harm to others. The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment & Treatment) Act 1992 was initiated due to these risks, and he is now detained under Section 11 of the Mental Health Act.

How have the American Ways of Warfare changed throughout the Modern American Military history experience?

American Ways of Warfare

How have the American Ways of Warfare changed throughout the Modern American Military history experience?

What exposure have you had to nursing theory? What experience do you have applying theory in practice? What do you hope to get out of this class?

Nursing theory

What exposure have you had to nursing theory? What experience do you have applying theory in practice? What do you hope to get out of this class?

Introduce the health issue HIV and discuss the interventions necessary to prevent the issue and promote health.


You will introduce the health issue HIV and discuss the interventions necessary to prevent the issue and promote health.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Introduction/overview of the health issue and the prevalence in the United States and worldwide
  • Contributing factors
  • Prevention strategies
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Diagnostic tests (if applicable)
  • Advanced practice nursing role and management strategies
  • Medical/pharmacological management (if applicable)
  • Follow-up care
  • Conclusion


Describe the roles of the nurse for the program you are currently enrolled. Identify the scope of practice for the nurse in the state where you intend to practice. Using the Nurse Practice Act for the state where you intend to practice, compare and contrast the scope of practice for the LPN and RN.

Professional Identity of the Nurse: Role of the Nurse and Scope of Practice

Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment; roles of the nurse, scope of practice, compare and contrast scope of practice)

Describe the roles of the nurse for the program you are currently enrolled.
Identify the scope of practice for the nurse in the state where you intend to practice.
Using the Nurse Practice Act for the state where you intend to practice, compare and contrast the scope of practice for the LPN and RN.

Conclusion (reflect on the assignment including how you will use the scope of practice to support your role)
Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the State Board of Nursing website, and another resource could be a textbook. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style.

What further testing would you perform to obtain your “working” diagnosis? What is your final “working” diagnosis with a complete Management plan. What alternative or complementary techniques may benefit this patient both in acute care and for future prevention?

Gastrointestinal Case Study

Patient is a 68-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension, hypothyroidism, and diabetes mellitus II who presents to the Emergency Department with a 2-day history of “achy” left lower quadrant abdominal pain, 9/10 on pain scale, low-grade fever, and nausea that started about 12 hours ago.

Her last colonoscopy was 2 years ago, findings were normal.

Physical examination: T 101.6°F. Bowel sounds are hypoactive. There is generalized tenderness with guarding in the left lower quadrant. Her stool is negative for occult blood. KUB shows distended loops of bowel + gas patterns, and a moderate rectal fecal mass, but no evidence of free air. She is started on intravenous fluids and a BM protocol with minimal improvement in her symptoms.

Discuss the following:

1. Give 3-5 Differential Diagnoses for this patient

2. What further testing would you perform to obtain your “working” diagnosis?

3. What is your final “working” diagnosis with a complete Management plan

4.What alternative or complementary techniques may benefit this patient both in acute care and for future prevention?

Identfiy an issues within your practice. Write up the proposal using the following format introduction methodology result and discussion(IMRaD).

Evidence Base For Adult Nursing Practice

Identfiy an issues within your practice. Write up the proposal using the following format introduction methodology result and discussion(IMRaD).

Evaluate the role of the midwife in managing and evaluating normal midwifery care and in developing care plans to meet individual needs. Critically explore how wider determinants of health may impact on women, newborn infants, and their families.

Midwifery care in teenager pregnancy ( public health related)

case study

  • Scenario based assessment and plan of care with rationale focusing on the module learning outcomes 1-4. (3000 words)

The requirements

  • The description of the assessment
  • The scenario itself
  • The marking rubric – to determine your grade
  • Module Aims


• This module will provide the opportunity to:

  • o Critically explore how to promote normality when leading and managing care of women,neonatesand families with individual physical, psychological and social needs.
  • o Critically examine how wider determinants of health may affect the outcomes for women, neonates, and their families.
  • o Critically develop further knowledge,skills,confidence,andattitudes,whenleadingmidwiferycare,to empower women and their families with additional needs, to promote optimum health during antenatal, intrapartum, and early postnatal periods.
  • o Critically promote effective multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working to maximise benefits for the women, neonates, and families, ensuring the establishment of the effective care pathways.

The description of the assessment

  • For a given scenario, the future midwife will be required to:
  1. 1)  Evaluate the role of the midwife in managing and evaluating normal midwifery care and in developing care plans to meet individual needs (focus on two physical, psychological or social needs. Discuss one of risk factor at a time)
  2. 2)  Critically explore how wider determinants of health may impact on women, newborn infants, and their families.
  3. 3)  Critically analyse the public health role of the midwife in leading and promoting normality when working with multi- disciplinary, multi-agency and specialist teams in different settings.
  4. 4)  Challenge assumptions around maternal vulnerabilities, mental health, social needs, or individual differences in the provision of effective care.

Demonstrate the principles of effective leadership and management and their application to team working and decision-making. Consider an area of practice where you have witnessed a leader/manager who has made an effective decision involving the team.

Module on Leadership & Management for Children & Young Peoples Nursing

Essay 1

Learning outcome being assessed:

Demonstrate the principles of effective leadership and management and their application to team working and decision-making.

Produce 750 words which could include some reflection on your understanding of the above learning outcome. This should be fully referenced to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding.

Task 1: Consider an area of practice where you have witnessed a leader/manager who has made an effective decision involving the team. Think about the decision-making process and the principles of effective leadership and management (e.g., a safeguarding meeting, a psychosocial meeting, a discharge planning meeting