Explain why this type of analysis is most appropriate for your research. Explain what results you are looking for in your quantitative study (how will you know if you will accept or reject your null and research hypothesis?)

Data Analysis Plan

For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will carefully design a plan for analyzing your
quantitative data. Explain in detail how you will go about analyzing your data. Be sure to add this in order

1.Include definitions of all variables
2.Identify your null hypothesis and research hypothesis
3.Include the type of analysis to be conducted (correlation, t-test, confidence interval, regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, etc.)
4.Explain why this type of analysis is most appropriate for your research
5.Identify the significance level (typically set to .05, but may be set to .01 or .10)
6.Explain what results you are looking for in your quantitative study (how will you know if you will accept or reject your null and research hypothesis?)

NOTE: please ensure to open the research article attached and USE it as references in the questions
1 through 6.
APA formatting, references, and citations are require

Identify a patient’s need (health problem) and assess it holistically from the biological, psychological and social aspects. Critique the care for that need based on whether it meets all the biopsychosocial needs which arise from that need, whether it is supported by evidence or not and then, recommend a better care plan.

The Science of Nursing Decision Making


Summative Assessment Guidelines for The Science of Nursing Decision Making

For this assessment you will need to select a patient/ service user from a recent placement. Identify one need experienced by the patient/service user and explore the impact this will have using the Biopsychosocial Model. You will need to include a critique of the care given related to this need using evidence to support your views. This needs to focus on the decisions made by the care team, including any reasoning for interventions and treatment. From the evidence used, you need to offer recommendations for how this care could be enhanced or improved to ensure patient centred care.

Learning Outcome 5.
Critique the care, intervention and treatment plan of a given patient across the lifespan with appropriate explanation.

Assignment Guidelines: Case study structure

Introduction (150 words).
Start with a brief introduction of your chosen patient using approximately 30 – 50 words. You will need to provide more information of the patient in the appendix. Present your introduction and ensure it answers these 3 questions:

a. What? The introduction needs to clearly explain what this case study is about. This section needs to explain in your own words what is required in the assignment brief given above.

b. How? The second part of the introduction need to outline how this case study is structured. You need to summarise the details given in the body.

c. Why? An introduction needs to articulate why critiquing and evaluation of care is of significance to care delivery.
Body (1200 words)

Briefly explain the Engel (1977) Biopsychosocial Model which you will use for your assessment.

Identify a patient’s need (health problem) and assess it holistically from the biological, psychological and social aspects. Critique the care for that need based on whether it meets all the biopsychosocial needs which arise from that need, whether it is supported by evidence or not and then, recommend a better care plan. (For example, how would the stoma affect the patient’s physical/psychological status/quality of life or how would patient with schizophrenia cope with one of their symptoms). You will need to support your critique and reasoning with evidence-based practice.

From your critique, identify the recommendations that would be appropriate to introduce to the patient’s care plan, based on the latest evidence-based research / practice.

Conclusion (150 words)
Summary: Put a short concluding statement of approximately 50 words then summarise the key learning points that have emerged from your critique.

Appropriate referencing is an important element of academic writing. Ensure that you have used the most up to date UWL referencing guide available from the library. Please be aware that the referencing guide is regularly updated.

In a table, you will give more information on your patient/service user with the following information:
Presenting complaint /symptoms
Past medical history

The implemented care plan for the patient for the identified problem.
Do ensure that all information identifying the patient and the Trust/ Service provider are anonymised.

What were the team dynamics over the course of the module? Was it a cohesive and positive group? Was there any conflict in the group..why? Was it creative or destructive conflict? How was this resolved if at all?

A Reflection on your own leadership and team working skills.

3. Coursework 2 guidance

This is a 2000 word (+/- 10%) critical personal reflection across the course of the module on your own leadership and team working skills.

This is written in the first person.
Although a reflection this needs to be supported with relevant theory and literature: e.g. leadership and management theory, change theory, communication, team working, current health and social care policy.
What is Critical analysis? discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the literature you use as you apply it to your own group experience. Critical writing involves constructing an argument/debate about the subject you are discussing.
Focusing on certain areas may help you write e.g. communication, leadership, team working – it’s your choice. You can use a model to reflect but this is not necessary.
Your reflective diary notes will help you here as you review your thoughts over the weeks.

Points to consider:
· What was your personal experience of team working? (both face to face and online).
Be honest here as identifying your own strengths and weaknesses will help you to get the best from the module in terms of your own professional and personal self-development

· You might want to think about how your group developed over the weeks of the module and possibly use that as a structure for your narrative..hence the reflective diary.

· Tuckman’s (1965) work on group formation – the five stages – is a useful logical structure as it follows the path of the group from its early days through to task completion and beyond. https://www.businessballs.com/team-management/tuckman-forming-storming-norming-performing-model/

· Possibly consider your own group experience in each of these 5 stages and critically discuss this using relevant theory and literature to support your writing. You might find another structure that you could use..it’s up to you.
Think about:

· What factors promote or prevent good team working e.g. effective communication both face to face and using remote technology such as WhatsApp – what are the positives and negatives of such technology? different
team roles – think of Belbin’s Team inventory (1981) and your own identified team role and what you and others offered the team in terms of skills and attributes? What skill mix is needed for an effective team?

· How does the leadership and management style impact on team working? e.g. autocractic, democratic, situational styles? What was your own style and the styles in your team..did these change over time? Did leadership change from person to person over time?

· What is your response to change? Consider you own leadership and management skills…what are your strengths and what skills do you also need to develop? – you can refer to your attached CLCF action plan here if you wish

· What were the team dynamics over the course of the module? Was it a cohesive and positive group? Was there any conflict in the group..why? Was it creative or destructive conflict? How was this resolved if at all?

· Did the way the team worked, the professions included and the individual personalities contribute to conflict e.g. members not attending or participating? What did the team do about this?

· Was there a free flow of ideas in the group and were differences of opinion welcomed or was their Group Think and one dominant view prevailed unchallenged to keep harmony?
As a point of interest see the literature on Group Think (Janis, 1972):
Groupthink ”a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members’ strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action.” It is the triumph of concurrence over good sense, and authority over expertise.
See specifically the inquiry into the 1986 NASA Challenger disaster: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=2ahUKEwjJ19qj2-3gAhVXRxUIHU7_BGwQFjABegQICxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2003%2F03%2F09%2Fweekinreview%2Fthe-nation-nasa-s-curse-groupthink-is-30-years-old-and-still-going-strong.html&usg=AOvVaw2vrDir8iICMlpXuJNuUMwI

· COVID 19: how did the changes forced on the module delivery impact upon yourself and your group working e.g. moving earlier than planned from face to face to online group working and seminar facilitation? How does a team prepare itself for unplanned changes and working in uncertain times?

· There is a lot of literature around about team working, leadership and change including the factors that promote or inhibit this so critically apply some to support your reflection e.g. Tuckman, Maslow, Adair, McGregor, Lewin., NHS Change Management Model, Making Every Contact Count, NMC and HCPC guidance

· A lot of questions have been asked about structure of the piece…we ask for no set structure it’s your choice how you write this reflection, the important point is that you cover the points above and demonstrate that you can critically reflect on your own leadership and team working skills. Sub headings can be used if these help you to organise your writing.

· Approximately 10-20 relevant good quality academic references should support your writing

· The Clinical Leadership Competency Framework self-assessment should be completed and the action plan ONLY attached as an appendix at the end of the work. These can be found under the CW2 section on Moodle. The action plan is NOT part of the word count.

· Also see the CW2 marking guide in the module guide to see what the markers are looking for…especially the criteria for a first!

Discuss the importance of interoperability between EHRs and other disparate systems and the impact on improving quality and access to care. How can workflow analysis be used to identify issues related to interoperability?

514-Topic 6: Improving Access And Quality Care Through Health Care Informatics And Health IT


In what ways can informatics help health care providers overcome current or emerging barriers to care and increase access to safe, quality health care? Include a discussion of the value and challenges of clinical provider order entry (CPOE) and clinical decision support systems (CDSS) in providing safe patient care in your response. Why are heuristic principles (human factors/usability/user centered design) important for efficient clinical information systems such as CPOE and CDSS?


Discuss the importance of interoperability between EHRs and other disparate systems and the impact on improving quality and access to care. How can workflow analysis be used to identify issues related to interoperability?

Write at least TWO disseminating strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain WHY. (b)Identify at least TWO barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies you are most inclined to use. Be specific and provide examples.

Developing a culture of evidence-based practice

In this discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.
To Prepare:

(A) Review and reflect on the various strategies presented throughout the course that may be helpful in disseminating effective and widely cited EBP. This may include: unit-level or organizational-level presentations, and podium presentations at the organizational, local, region, state, and national levels, as well as publication in peer-reviewed journals.

(B) Reflect on which type of dissemination strategy you might use to communicate EBP.


(1) Write at least TWO disseminating strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain WHY.

(2)Identify at least TWO barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies you are most inclined to use. Be specific and provide examples.

(3) Explain how you might overcome the barriers you identified.

(4) Answer all parts of the discussion question expectation. Provide three references using APA normal writing rules and style. Write clearly with no grammar or spelling mistakes.

(5) Respond to Two classmates hypothetically by offering additional ideas to overcome the barriers to strategies or by offering additional ideas to facilitate dissemination. please include two references each for the two classmates’ responses.

Based on what you have learned, reflect on why midwifery is listed as a separate entry on the NMC register and, what you as an adult nurse can learn from midwifery to enhance your understanding and care of ALL adult patients, not just those who may be pregnant.


1 – Midwifery

Based on what you have learned, reflect on why midwifery is listed as a separate entry on the NMC register and, what you as an adult nurse can learn from midwifery to enhance your understanding and care of ALL adult patients, not just those who may be pregnant.

2 – e-Learning for Health

Consider the potential interactions between pain, isolation and dementia. Reflect on the potential impact on the patients / carers / service users you may encounter in your nursing career. How can you use this learning to inform your practice as the patient’s advocate to improve patient safety and uphold the principle of autonomy?


On what do you rely in the absence of evidence?

Absence of Evidence

Clinical decision-making requires critical thinking and is essential to forming a solid conclusion when evidence does not exist.

On what do you rely in the absence of evidence?

Submit a 275-word initial response that includes at least one related article to support your position.

Describe how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in healthcare. What is its purpose? How is it conducted? What information does it gather?

Diagnostic Tool: Rapid Influenza testing in children and adults

You will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. You will also consider examples of children with various weight issues. You will explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be proactive about their children’s health and weight.

Include the following for Option 1 Assignment

A description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in healthcare.
What is its purpose?
How is it conducted?
What information does it gather?

Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting.

Analyze critically service delivery evaluations, audit findings, near misses, critical incidents, major incidents and serious adverse events in adult nursing to identify improvement needs for care delivery with people, their families, carers and colleagues.

Prevention of Malnutrition of elderly patients in hospitals

Assessment Task
This assessment will be a Service Improvement Report. The patient safety problem/quality issue can be identified from a number of sources, for example: NHS Improvement, CQC report, problem/issues identified via DATIX, serious case review, research evidence, a common concern raised in the media. The focus will be to address this problem/issue and provide a structured plan to support improvements through the service improvement report.
What is the purpose of this assessment?
To equip you with the theoretical knowledge and skills required for your future role as a newly qualified nurse (NQN) when contributing to risk monitoring, quality care provision and optimised service improvements.

You should be able to:

Examine critically health and safety legislation and regulations to maintain safe work and care environments in adult nursing.

Appraise improvement methodologies.

Analyze critically service delivery evaluations, audit findings, near misses, critical incidents, major incidents and serious adverse events in adult nursing to identify improvement needs for care delivery with people, their families, carers and colleagues.

Apply critically the theory and strategies underpinning risk aversion, risk management and uncertainty.

Respond to your colleagues’ posts and explain how you might think differently about the types of tests you might recommend and explain why.

Gynecologic Health

Respond to your colleagues’ posts and explain how you might think differently about the types of tests you might recommend and explain why. Use your Learning Resources and/or evidence from the literature to support your position

References must be peer-reviewed journal/articles only