Reflect critically on your current role and identify and justify the need for personal and professional development; Utilize different types of evidence to analyse your skill and competency development;

Personal and Professional development

Reflect critically on your current role and identify and justify the need for personal and professional development;

Utilize different types of evidence to analyse your skill and competency development;

Critically reflect on your development of values, knowledge, skills and where applicable competency.

Explain the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration. Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative on medication administration.

Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
Explain the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration.
Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative on medication administration.

Competency 4: Explain the nurse’s role in coordinating care to enhance quality and reduce costs.
List clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on safe medication administration for nurses.
Explain audience's role in and importance of making the improvement plan focusing on medication administration successful.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed speaker notes are provided. Speaker notes are clear, organized, and professionally presented.
Organize content with clear purpose or goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).
Patel, S., & Wright, M. (2018). Development of interprofessional simulation in nursing education to improve teamwork and collaboration in maternal child nursing. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing​, 47(3), s16–s17.

Professional Context

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will often find yourself in a position to lead and educate other nurses. This colleague-to-colleague education can take many forms, from mentoring to informal explanations on best practices to formal in-service training. In-services are an effective way to train a large group. Preparing to run an in-service may be daunting, as the facilitator must develop his or her message around the topic while designing activities to help the target audience learn and practice. By improving understanding and competence around designing and delivering in-service training, a BSN practitioner can demonstrate leadership and prove him- or herself a valuable resource to others.


For this assessment it is suggested you take one of two approaches:

Build on the work that you have done in your first two assessments and create an agenda and PowerPoint of an educational in-service session that would help a specific staff audience learn, provide feedback, and understand their roles and practice new skills related to your safety improvement plan pertaining to medication administration (only focus on one topic, ;such as reducing lookalike medication errors, reducing giving medications patients are allergic to, etc) OR

Locate a safety improvement plan through an external resource and create an agenda and PowerPoint of an educational in-service session that would help a specific staff audience learn, provide feedback, and understand their roles and practice new skills related to the issues and improvement goals pertaining to medication administration safety.

The final deliverable for this assessment will be a PowerPoint presentation with detailed presenter's notes representing the material you would deliver at an in-service session to raise awareness of your chosen safety improvement initiative focusing on medication administration and to explain the need for it. Additionally, you must educate the audience as to their role and importance to the success of the initiative. This includes providing examples and practice opportunities to test out new ideas or practices related to the safety improvement initiative.

Be sure that your presentation addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

List the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on safe medication administration for nurses.
Explain the need for and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration.
Explain to the audience their role and importance of making the improvement plan focusing on medication administration successful.
Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative on medication administration.
Communicate with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.
There are various ways to structure an in-service session; below is just one example:

Part 1: Agenda and Outcomes.
Explain to your audience what they are going to learn or do, and what they are expected to take away.
Part 2: Safety Improvement Plan.
Give an overview of the current problem focusing on medication administration, the proposed plan, and what the improvement plan is trying to address.
Explain why it is important for the organization to address the current situation.
Part 3: Audience’s Role and Importance.
Discuss how the staff audience will be expected to help implement and drive the improvement plan.
Explain why they are critical to the success of the improvement plan focusing on medication administration.
Describe how their work could benefit from embracing their role in the plan.
Part 4: New Process and Skills Practice.
Explain new processes or skills.
Develop an activity that allows the staff audience to practice and ask questions about these new processes and skills.
In the notes section of your PowerPoint, brainstorm potential responses to likely questions or concerns.
Part 5: Soliciting Feedback.
Describe how you would solicit feedback from the audience on the improvement plan and the in-service.
Explain how you might integrate this feedback for future improvements.
Remember to account for activity and discussion time.

What are some of the different ways love is discussed, especially in the context of Trinidadian culture? Give specific examples.

Love After Love AAS

In this Discussion Board, write about your reactions to the way love is discussed in Part One and Two in Ingrid Persaud’s Love After Love. What are some of the different ways love is discussed, especially in the context of Trinidadian culture? Give specific examples.

Why do you intend to pursue the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)degree? Describe your understanding of the degree, your strengths for success as a DNP student and areas for growth.

Written Interview Questions for Doctor of Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Instruction: 500 words for each question

1. Describe a situation and reflect on how it changed your understanding of the social determinants of health and influenced your practice. Include a minimum of 2 scholarly Citations in APA format to support your response.

2. How have your prior professional nursing experiences prepared you to become a (insert: primary care family nurse practitioner, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner; population health nurse with advanced education; DNP prepared nurse) and achieve your career goals?

3. What attributes do you possess that will contribute to organizational and systems leadership to improve healthcare outcomes?

4. Why do you intend to pursue the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)degree? Describe your understanding of the degree, your strengths for success as a DNP student and areas for growth.

Identify 10 attributes that form your professional identity based on professional standards. Reflect on why each of the attributes were selected for your professional identity. Identify how diversity and teamwork plays a role in developing your professional identity.

Valuable Member Infographic


Demonstrate principles of professional identity and professionalism for the nurse within the context of regulatory and practice standards.


You are assigned to discuss your professional identity with your peers on the unit during a meeting and have decided to present the attributes using an infographic. The goal is to encourage all nurses to examine attributes and identify their professional identity to improve professionalism in the healthcare setting. As a nurse leader, you want your infographic to include the attributes that have guided your growth within the profession. As a leader of the unit, you work to grow the nurses on the unit and want to encourage them to identify their professional identity as the leaders to focus on succession planning. Your goal is to develop your infographic and share with other nurses to encourage them to examine the attributes to grow within the profession.


Create an infographic that includes the attributes you believe support your professional identity. Include the following:

Identify 10 attributes that form your professional identity based on professional standards.

Reflect on why each of the attributes were selected for your professional identity.

Determine the attributes that are important for nurse leaders.

Identify how diversity and teamwork plays a role in developing your professional identity.

Provide stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.

Who will benefit from receipt of this evidence? Where will this evidence have the greatest impact? What resources are needed? Who is the most appropriate audience? What are the benefits of this evidence to your selected audience? What are the potential risks of failing to disseminate this evidence?

Week 9 DQ

The Institute of Medicine has set a goal to have 90% of practice decisions to be based on Evidence by 2020 with the goal to improve care.

The intent of the dissemination of EBP results is that the information and intervention is aimed at a specific clinical practice audience. The main objective of dissemination is to increase and advance knowledge regarding evidence-based interventions for greater application and patient outcomes.

In determining the best mode of EBP dissemination you must answer these questions:

Who will benefit from receipt of this evidence?

Where will this evidence have the greatest impact?

What resources are needed?

Who is the most appropriate audience?

What are the benefits of this evidence to your selected audience?

What are the potential risks of failing to disseminate this evidence?

What are the barriers to dissemination of evidence?

Choose one of the following modes of dissemination and discuss why it was chosen. Assure you have attended to questions 1-7 above.

Social media presentation


Power point presentation

Poster presentation


Electronic/digital media

Podium presentation


Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the research article. In this comparison and analysis phase of the critique, consider how the research elements relate to one another, particularly in reference to the stated research design.

Qualitative Research critique

Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the research article. In this comparison and analysis phase of the critique, consider how the research elements relate to one another, particularly in reference to the stated research design. Here is a suggestion list of elements to consider. Reference your Research text also, as this is not an exhaustive list.
Is the research objective format at a comparable level to the stated design
Do the operational tools measure the concept
Do the data reflect the level of measurement necessary for the stated statistics used
Is the sampling method and plan style appropriate for the chosen research design
Has the author related the theoretical framework to concept variables, and outcomes
Is the problem heuristic to nursing, does the theoretical basis related to nursing concerns
Are limitations (both types) and biases addressed – can you identify possible concerns to generalizability
Validity and reliability of instruments / data : of outcomes due to uncontrolled threats
Does the author support the study rigor expected for the stated design
Are study variables – demographics, setting – controlled sufficiently for chosen research design
Specify examples
Justify your criticisms of these examples
Suggest research method alternatives

Write and format the paper using APA, 7th edition, with a maximum length of 7 pages (excluding title page and appendices). Analyze the information obtained based on clinical practice standards, the laws, and the literature.

Nurse’s role in  practice setting(s)


The purposes of this assignment are to familiarize the student with one advanced practice registered nurse’s role in one or more practice setting(s), and to demonstrate the student’s ability to analyze the ways in which the APRN complies, or fails to comply with, current laws and practice standards and evidence in the literature.

Each student will arrange to interview, virtually, an advanced practice nurse (CNS, NP, CRNA, or CNM). Note: You have the option of doing this final paper with one other student, in which case you will need to add a paragraph after the references section that outlines/justifies your participation in the completion of the paper as part of your grading rubric. Use the interview questions listed below as a guide for paper content. Note that the interview questions address objectives listed throughout the four modules of the course. Finally, analyze the information obtained based on clinical practice standards, the laws, and the literature. For each question refer to the BON, certifying boards or peer-reviewed journals to identify and document the appropriate and necessary actions the APRN should take. For instance, analyzing the accuracy and adequacy or the APRN’s job description and explaining the purpose of a job description. Please note that this paper is not supposed to be a transcript of your interview, but that you should use the literature and readings from the course to supplement and analyze components of your interview. For example, the question related to APRNs and policy involvement, if your APRN states she does not have time for being involved in policy involvement, finding some literature out there related to prevalence or challenges of APRN involvement in policy. Please review the rubric for the paper when writing the paper as the analysis piece of it is worth 35 points. The analysis should be brief but thorough. References should be cited in the analysis and included on the reference list according to APA style.

Write and format the paper using APA, 7th edition, with a maximum length of 7 pages (excluding title page and appendices). Any sample documents (e.g., APRN’s job description, performance evaluation) may be placed in the Appendix and are NOT included in the page limit.

What variables affect the ratios? Have they been mandated by state legislation or organizational policy? How is your operational budget (unit or department) affected by the staffing ratio assigned to it?

Week 4 Hawes Discussion

Staffing is one of the largest expenditures for healthcare organizations. It stands to reason that for some organizations a mandatory staffing ratio could negatively impact their financial bottom line. Sometimes ratios can be different within an organization based on acuity of patients or type of unit. Explore your own organization staffing ratio policy. What is/are the ratio(s) and how they are determined? What variables affect the ratios? Have they been mandated by state legislation or organizational policy? How is your operational budget (unit or department) affected by the staffing ratio assigned to it?

Identify a professional nursing issue, one that you have seen, been involved in or is a hypothetical issue. Briefly explain what the National Academy of Medicine (old Institute of Medicine) is about, and why they developed the five core competencies.

Issues Paper

The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate a current professional nursing issue. The students will write up a short paper to discuss the IOM core competency that was utilized and the goal of the scenario.

Structure of assignment/paper:
• Identify a professional nursing issue, one that you have seen, been involved in or is a hypothetical issue.
• Identify a nursing core competency related to your professional issue
• Introduction
o -Patient-centered care including patient rights
o -Teamwork and collaboration
o -Evidence based practice
o -Quality improvement
o -Informatics to include confidentiality
o Briefly explain what the National Academy of Medicine (old Institute of Medicine) is about, and why they developed the five core competencies.
 Explain all the core competency and give a brief description and example of them of them.
o Pick one (1) competencies that related to your scenario, and include a briefly description of the competencies, and:
 Discuss a knowledge, a skill, and attitude example of the competency (Do not use the example from the article, come up with your own)
o Discuss your professional nursing issue- how and why it and issue.
o Briefly discuss the scenario that you are planning to video.
o Conclusion