How much do I value becoming culturally competent? What actions have I taken recently or in the past when caring for culturally diverse patients that demonstrate my motivation?

Cultural Competence

To understand culture and cultural diversity, you must understand your own culture and beliefs. Utilizing the Staircase Self-Assessment Model as a means of determining your level of cultural competency, write a 1250 to 1500-word essay outlining the six stages: cultural destructiveness, cultural incapacity, cultural blindness, pre-competency, basic cultural competency, and advance cultural competency. Determine your level on the staircase by answering the following questions. Be mindful that your responses will not be judged; only your knowledge of the Staircase Self-Assessment Model will be evaluated:

Step 1:

• How much do I value becoming culturally competent?
• What actions have I taken recently or in the past when caring for culturally diverse patients that demonstrate my motivation?

Step 2:

• How much do I know about my cultural heritage or racial identity and its relationship to my own healthcare beliefs and practices?
• Have I discussed these issues with my parents, grandparents, or other relatives?

Step 3:

• How much do I know about cultural groups that differ from my own?

Step 4:

• How culturally diverse is my social network?
• How many encounters with cultural group members outside my social network do I have? Are these relationships superficial, or do I have social contact beyond the workplace?

Step 5:

• Am I able to independently identify the potential or actual problems that originate from cultural conflicts, or am I surprised by them?
• Do I serve as a culturally competent role model/mentor for others?

Step 6:

• Have I developed problem-solving strategies to manage cultural conflicts?
• Am I able to manage or resolve cultural problems or issues that arise, and what resources do I use?


Once you have completed the self-assessment, address the following questions:

1. Why are self-knowledge and understanding a critical step in achieving cultural competence?

2. How has the “cultural self-assessment” exercise influenced your awareness of personal and professional values, attitudes, and practices, including prejudices and biases?

3. How will your interactions with patients and families change as a result of this self-reflection?
Remember, you answer these questions from your perspective, so there is no right or wrong response. You must address each question. Although the information on your self-assessment paper is strictly confidential, if you do not wish to self-disclose a specific area from the Staircase, indicate that by explaining in detail why you do not want to disclose. You are not required to provide citations/references in this paper. Attention should be paid to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Discuss the specific treatment the patient received to manage the disease process in the culprit coronary artery, including the adjunct therapies required to ensure favourable health outcomes.

Acute Coronary Syndrome

The purpose of this assessment is to explore the key concepts of coronary artery disease and the management of significant cardiovascular pathophysiology in an adult patient. The students will discuss the presentation, assessment and relevant findings to determine the clinical status and evaluate the management strategy for a patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome.

Choose a patient you have recently cared for and:

Briefly describe their presentation and past health history
Analyse the patient’s ECG and identify the coronary artery that is likely to be associated with the observed ECG changes and the possible damage sustained by the myocardium and other relevant cardiac structures.
Explain the assessment and clinical care provided to stabilise the patient and prevent potential complications.
Discuss the specific treatment the patient received to manage the disease process in the culprit coronary artery, including the adjunct therapies required to ensure favourable health outcomes.
Outline the patient education and other nursing support that was provided to the patient and the family.

It is important to obtain patient consent and maintain patient confidentiality. In your written submission you must provide a script of approximately 50-75 words of what you said to the patient when asking for consent. You must also state that the patient gave consent.

Who will be affected? What resources are needed for intervention(s)? Where will the intervention be implemented?

Rotating Shifts Negatively Impacts Health and creates burnout/fatigue among nurses

Introduction is engaging & describes the clinical problem and its relevance to practice. Introduction previews the paper’s
structure. Plan phase:Plan discusses the following:

a. Strategies to achieve goal statement.

b. Interventions needed to resolve the clinical problem.

c. Rationales for interventions

Plan addresses all of the questions below:

 Who will be affected?

 What resources are needed for intervention(s)?

 Where will the intervention be implemented?

Plan identifies potential barriers to implementing the intervention(s) & presents solutions to overcome them.

Plan discusses the details of how the QI opportunity will be presented.

Do Phase addresses both of the items below:

a. Methods used to obtain audience feedback

b. Number of audience members providing feedback.

Analysis of audience evaluation of the presentation addresses 3 of the items below:

 The selected intervention.

 Priority to the health system; is it a high or low priority?

 Interest in implementation of


Do Phase includes a comprehensive (negative and positive) evaluation of the team’s perception of their presentation.Study Phase includes a summary of what was learned regarding the action plan and presentation. Act Phase addresses which of the next steps will occur:

a. Handoff current QI opportunity to the organization.

b. Conclusion: Close chapter on current QI Project & why.

Analyzing how your involvement influenced group members and the group outcomes. Identifies strengths and weaknesses, demonstrates an open, non-defensive ability to self-evaluate.

Self-Evaluation on Communication

Self-evaluation on Participation as a Group Member.

Each learner is to think about their participation in the group work related to course outcomes.

Self-evaluate your performance as a group member, analyzing how your involvement influenced group members and the group outcomes. Focus of self-evaluation is COMMUNICATION.

Communicating through:


Black Board Collaborate


Analyzing the assignment what’s required.

Communication the Pros and Cons.

4 sections of the document have been completed to complete the Concept Map Assignment

Excellent critical analysis demonstrates the learner fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course by integrating concepts into the learner’s own insights. Identifies strengths and weaknesses, demonstrates an open, non-defensive ability to self-evaluate.

The learner provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.

How will you lead your program to prepare for the upcoming NCLEX testing changes based on the clinical judgment model?


You are the curriculum committee chair at your nursing program. How will you lead your program to prepare for the upcoming NCLEX testing changes based on the clinical judgment model?

Offer feedback on this posting below. Do you agree with the author or not. Support your feedback with references within the last 3 years and from peer-reviewed journals.

Discuss the background and significance of the problem to nursing. Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples from research.

1-2 Rough Draft of Section I of the Change Proposal

To get started on your Change Proposal, you will develop a rough draft of Section I, which is the introduction of your problem statement and change proposal. Your problem statement is a description of an issue that you feel needs to be addressed.

Identify a professional practice issue of local, state, or national importance.

The proposal will need to incorporate multiple aspects of health practice, including strategies to improve quality of care or health outcomes.

Explain why you selected the issue, identifying the significance to nursing practice and the expected outcomes from the change.


A. Identify a professional practice issue of local, state, or national importance for which you can act as a change agent.

B. Discuss the background and significance of the problem to nursing. Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples from research.

The professional practice issue I have selected is MEDICATION BARCODE SCANNING. The topic is approved by the instructor.

Identify what exactly you need to learn more about in order to better equip yourself in dealing with a similar situation. Explain how your findings can further equip you as a future APRN in managing such a critical situation.

Critical Moments of Ethics in Everyday Practice

According to American Nursing Association there are several everyday ethical conflicts APRNs are confronted with. Gather your thoughts, and note down your own knowledge and experiences on the issue. Identify what exactly you need to learn more about in order to better equip yourself in dealing with a similar situation. Then, conduct your research, which may take various forms. Conduct an online search and review academic journals or consult with a few colleagues, professors, or experienced APRNs and ask about their encounters and strategies around the issue. Lastly, present your findings back to the class in the form of a written post
Select one of the statements
Further investigate and research the statement to deepen your understanding of such situations.
Share a post that includes your selected statement and your research findings. Make sure to explain how your findings can further equip you as a future APRN in managing such a critical situation.
Word limit: no less than 300 words.

1. Identify a problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve.


A. Develop a written proposal by doing the following:

1. Identify a problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve.

Note: You may need to meet with your organization or practice setting, your manager, or your supervisor to help choose a current problem or issue.

a. Explain the problem or issue, including why it is applicable to the area of practice you chose and the healthcare environment.

2. Discuss your investigation of the problem or issue.

a. Provide evidence to substantiate the problem or issue (e.g., organizational assessment, national source documents, evidence from a stakeholder).

3. Analyze the state of the situation using current data.

a. Analyze areas that might be contributing to the problem or issue.

4. Propose a solution or innovation for the problem or issue.

a. Justify your proposed solution or innovation based on the results of your investigation and analysis.

5. Recommend resources to implement your proposed solution or innovation. Include a cost-benefit analysis of your proposed solution or innovation.

6. Provide a timeline for implementation based on your proposal.

7. Discuss why each key stakeholder or partner is important for the implementation of the solution or innovation.

a. Summarize your engagement with the key stakeholders or partners, including the input and feedback you received.

b. Discuss how you intend to work with those key stakeholders or partners in order to achieve success.

8. Discuss how your proposed solution or innovation could be implemented, including how the implementation could be evaluated for success.

B. Explain how you fulfilled the following roles during your process of investigation and proposal development:

1. scientist

2. detective

3. manager of the healing environment

C. Submit the completed attached “Professional Verification Form” from the organizational leader advising you in your leadership experience.

D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

How do they match? How do they differ? Compare and contrast qualities and characteristics of leadership and management, and explain whether you identify more with a leader, a manager, or both, using specific examples from your personal experience.

Leaders & Managers

Differentiate a leader and a manager (two different individuals) whom you admire or have been inspired by. These individuals could be from your work, history, or politics, for example, and can be from any walk of life. Write a paper explaining why you admire, respect, or identify with these people. Look at the qualities and characteristics of leadership and management that you have described. How do they match? How do they differ? Compare and contrast qualities and characteristics of leadership and management, and explain whether you identify more with a leader, a manager, or both, using specific examples from your personal experience.
Include the following in your paper:
Introduction with thesis statement
Summary of leader
Summary of manager
Compare and contrast qualities and characteristics of leadership and management
Personal application

Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges.


In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making.
Review the Resources and reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.
By Day 3 of Week 9
Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that currently exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy review. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities. Be specific and provide examples.