Briefly discuss at least one shift In paradigm that you foresee on the national level and one individual shift an paradigm.

Paradigm Shift Assignment

Since March 2020 our country, and most of the world, has been battling the coronsittrus (COVID-19) pandemic The MC statistics show that more than thirty-two million Nigerians have been infected and the doer► to for the U S. has toppled over five hundred thousand.

The state of emergency caused by COVi0 19 has inspected practically every sector of humanity, leaving one to wander and ask ”Where do see go from here and how?

As we focus on the topic in today’s lesson, paradigm, let us discuss what we set in relations to how COVE-19 has shifted the paradigm of this country and for to as individuals.
Complete Discussion Board assignment in Blackboard.

1 Briefly discuss at least one shift In paradigm that you foresee on the national level and one individual shift an paradigm.

a. Post should be supported with facts;

b. Personal opinions may be stated, professionally and respectfully


List the characteristics or behavior and feelings that occurred during the trans-personal caring moment. Did it happen to you or was it observed? What was your personal reaction?

Caring Assignment
Answer the following questions.

Each paragraph should be a minimum of 4 sentences each, 12-point font, double spaced lines.
1. List five examples of trans-personal caring related to your personal, classroom, or clinical experiences.

Write a paragraph about each experience. Consider the following items:

a. What made it a trans-personal experience?

b. List the characteristics or behavior and feelings that occurred during the trans-personal caring moment. Did it happen to you or was it observed? What was your personal reaction?

2. Write a paragraph listing a simple explanation of four caring behaviors that will make the work environment a more caring environment. Examples of things that could be listed are:

a. Being on time

b. Being organized/prepared

c. Participating as a team player

d. Not taking part in workplace gossip

3. Write a one-page essay defining your personal motivation for attending school to become a licensed practical nurse.

Explain how health care policy and legislation might affect the resolution or management of a nursing leadership problem.

Intervention Strategy

Develop a written intervention strategy, 4-pages in length, that can be applied to the resolution or management of a nursing leadership problem.


Note: Complete Assessments 1 and 2 before beginning this assessment. You will choose one of the leadership problems illustrated in the associated case study scenarios presented in those assessments as the focus in this assessment.

Consider a bill from the ANA’s Policy & State Government Affairs program or another professional nursing association.

What impact would this bill have on nursing practice, whether or not it passed?

Imagine that you are in charge of a specialty area in your organization and tasked with developing collaborative, cost-effective, and innovative strategies to facilitate positive change.

What situation would be appropriate to address in your work setting?

How would you assess the needs and identify appropriate interventions for change?
Is the intervention cost-effective?

How does the intervention align with the overall organizational culture?


Develop an intervention strategy to resolve or manage a nursing leadership problem.

Identify a leadership theory or strategy most applicable to resolving or managing your chosen nursing leadership problem.

Evaluate the theories and strategies you have read about and are already familiar with.

Examine new theories and strategies, as desired. Focus your research on the scholarly and professional literature that can be found in the Capella library or on the Internet.

What is the theory or strategy?

What are the characteristics of the theory or strategy? What does it involve?

Why did you choose that particular theory or strategy?

Explain how your chosen leadership theory or strategy can be applied to resolve or manage your chosen nursing leadership problem.

Provide examples from the literature to support your explanation.

How has the theory or strategy been applied in similar situations?

Explain how consideration of an organizational change model influences your intervention strategy.

How can effective change leadership help build a health care organization’s or system’s capacity for health promotion and facilitate attainment of organizational goals?

Explain how health care policy and legislation might affect the resolution or management of the problem.

What health care policies or legislation might have an impact?

What would that impact be?

Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.

Express your main points and conclusions coherently.

Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your analysis.

Support your main points, claims, and conclusions with credible scholarly or professional evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

Competency 1: Evaluate theories and practices of leadership and management for professional nursing practice.

Identify a leadership theory or strategy that has some applicability to resolving or managing a particular nursing leadership problem.

Explain how a particular leadership theory or strategy can be applied to resolve or manage a nursing leadership problem.

Competency 2: Analyze how organizational goals, models of patient care delivery, and systems models affect health care service delivery.

Explain how consideration of an organizational change model influences an intervention strategy.

Competency 3: Analyze the impact of health care policy, legal and regulatory, and quality control on health care delivery and patient outcomes.

Explain how health care policy and legislation might affect the resolution or management of a nursing leadership problem.

Competency 4: Communicate effectively across disciplines, demonstrating respect for self and others.



Do you think the topic is under-appreciated or under reported? Or has it been reported on recently?

Peer Review on Topic Submission

You are asked to peer review the student’s topic submissions below. For the topic submission,  respectfully comment on:

What parts of the topic submission do you like?

Do you think the topic is under-appreciated or under reported? Or has it been reported on recently?

Do you find any parts of the topic submission confusing?

Do you have any helpful, constructive suggestions about how to make the topic submission even more engaging/interesting?

What would you like to know more about the topic?

Which article have you selected to analyze for the final project?What is the purpose of this article?

Food Environments and Obesity: Household Diet Expenditure Versus Food Deserts

1∙ Which article have you selected to analyze for the final project?

2∙ What is the purpose of this article?

3∙ What are the research question(s) asked in this article?

4∙ What is the hypothesis in this article?

Discuss which clotting factors the PT and PTT test evaluate and whether each test measures the intrinsic or the extrinsic pathways.


Jessie was a typical 2-year-old who liked to try and spread his wings. He would run and fall throughout the house. On several occasions, with minor falls, a bruise would develop on his legs or arms. Jessie’s parent would often worry about being reported for child abuse because of the easy bruising that Jessie experienced.

When Jessie was four, he accidentally ran into a small tree, hitting his nose. The nose bled excessively. Jessie’s mother tried to stop the bleeding, first with paper towels, which Jessie soaked through quickly, and then with a cold washcloth. Nothing seemed to help. Nervous about the amount of blood that Jessie was losing, his parents rushed him to the emergency room.

The emergency doctor ordered some blood work that included a Prothrombin Time (PT)and a Thromboplastin Time (PTT) test for clotting deficiencies. The site of the venipuncture for the blood draw, also took some time to stop bleeding.

An hour after the blood draw, the physician returned to the ER room to discuss the test results. Jessie’s PT results were normal but his PTT results were abnormal with an extended clotting time. The PTT clotting time was much longer than normal indicating the Jessie may lack of or decreased levels of a clotting factor.

Answer the following questions and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

Discuss which clotting factors the PT and PTT test evaluate and whether each test measures the intrinsic or the extrinsic pathways.

Describe the common coagulation pathway.

Based on Jessie’s test, which factor deficiency do you believe he has and why?

What career-related questions or concerns do you have as nurses with regard to leadership

Consider your existing convictions about ideal leaders in light of the readings and resources you have explored thus far in this course.

Think of a good leader that you have known, what makes that person an effective leader?

What is the most important characteristic for effective leadership?  (List the five most important characteristics and then make a case for the most important of these five.)

Do you feel that leadership can be learned, or is it an innate skill?

How do/should effective leaders work with and participate in teams?

What career-related questions or concerns do you have as nurses with regard to leadership?

Analyze the implications of language and health literacy for health promotion

After completing this module. you will be able to do the following:

. Describe the health education process

• Design and implement a health education program for selected populations

• Analyze the implications of language and health literacy for health promotion Overview

The primary purpose of health education is to assist clients in making health-related decisions. Health education may equip clients to make any of three types of health-related decisions: decisions about self-care, decisions about the use of health resources, and decisions about societal health issues.

In the selection and creation of teaching materials. community health nurses must first understand the process of health education which involves assessment and prioritization of health education needs. developing goals and objectives for health education programs, selecting and implementing health education strategies, and evaluating the effectiveness of health education programs.


 Explain, Why did you choose Nursing School? why do you want to be a Nurse?

Explain, Why did you choose Nursing School? why do you want to be a Nurse? should be stand out for the admission committee since this essay is for my admission.

Do we need to include sources and formate? If you have any suggestion and questions regarding this essay  feel free to reach out to me via email. Thank you!

Explain why Telehealth is a good business decision, Explain how Telehealth facilitates effective communication.

Health care informatics (Tele-health)

1. Include an overview and a detailed description of Telehealth.

2. Give pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages) of Telehealth.

3. Explain why Tele-health is a good business decision.

4. Explain how Tele-health facilitates effective communication.

5. Include and discuss, at least in one page, the workflow/communication process using Tele-health.