In a 150-200 word paragraph identify a nursing theory that resonates with your personal belief system.

Philosophy of Nursing Part 4

Reflect on what is important to you as an individual and as a nursing student. Think about what you believe and what you value. Develop a paper that includes the following:

  • Prompt: Nursing Theory (5 points): In a 150-200 word paragraph identify a nursing theory that resonates with your personal belief system.

In a 150-200 word paragraph identify the values and beliefs that you feel are important in nursing and why you feel they are important.

Philosophy of Nursing Part 1

Reflect on what is important to you as an individual and as a nursing student. Think about what you believe and what you value. Develop a paper that includes the following:

  • Prompt: Professional Values (3 points): In a 150-200 word paragraph identify the values and beliefs that you feel are important in nursing and why you feel they are important.

In a 150-200 word paragraph identify 3-5 values and beliefs that are important to you personally.

Philosophy of Nursing Part 1

Reflect on what is important to you as an individual and as a nursing student. Think about what you believe and what you value. Develop a paper that includes the following:

  • Prompt: Personal Values (3 points): In a 150-200 word paragraph identify 3-5 values and beliefs that are important to you personally.

Describe which type of morality Kenny is displaying when he makes the decision to steal medical supplies for the homeless man. Watch both examples of Sara’s reporting decisions and analyze the consequences of each decision.

Discussion week 7

Describe which type of morality Kenny is displaying when he makes the decision to steal medical supplies for the homeless man. Watch both examples of Sara’s reporting decisions and analyze the consequences of each decision. Think about what you learned from the team leadership chapter in your text. What benefits came from Sara reporting Kenny to Cathleen? Why is it important for Sara to not only coach Kenny in this situation, but also build her team and develop an effective organizational team structure?

View the videos below prior to responding to the prompt.

Team Leadership:

Organizational Team Structure:

Develop a PowerPoint presentation on a clinical case that was seen during your experience or a topic that is of interest to you.

Nursing Question

Develop a PowerPoint presentation on a clinical case that was seen during your experience or a topic that is of interest to you.

  1. Topic: Cerebral Palsy
  2. Provide information about the:
    1. incidence
    2. prevalence
    3. pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level.
  3. Educate advanced practice nurses on
    1. assessment
    2. care/treatment
    3. genetics/genomics—specific for this disorder.
  4. Provide patient education for
    1. management of disease
    2. cultural and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed.

Construct a reflective paragraph (max of 2 paragraphs) in which you describe what you learned about your theorist and how you believe it will impact your future nursing career.

Nurse Theorist Presentation Project


  • Research assigned theorist.
  • Create a short (5-10 slides) PowerPoint presentation on theorist. Include short biographical information, theory they developed, application to nursing and 1 example of evidenced-based practice application.
  • Adhere to APA formatting in notes.
  • Have at least 3 scholarly references.
  • Construct a reflective paragraph (max of 2 paragraphs) in which you describe what you learned about your theorist and how you believe it will impact your future nursing career.
  • Present a 5-10 minute presentation to the class on 10/25/21.
  • Reflective paragraph(s) due 10/24/21 at 2359.

As an advanced practice nurse, state how you will contribute to the mission in one or more ways.

Admissions essay

FNU’s mission is to provide accessible nurse-midwifery and nurse practitioner education to prepare competent, entrepreneurial, ethical, and compassionate leaders in primary care to serve all individuals with an emphasis on women and families in diverse, rural, and underserved populations. As an advanced practice nurse, state how you will contribute to the mission in one or more ways. (Minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words)

Identify Alex’s daily eating patterns using the Standard Dietary Guidelines. How can Alex improve his nutrition habits to achieve healthy dietary patterns?


Alex is 33 years old and has been obese since he was a teenager. During this period, he has also developed type 2 diabetes. Alex struggles to find sustainable employment and suffers from depression. Alex’s attitude towards food is driven by his mental state: he is someone who eats for comfort. He currently takes medication for diabetes and depression and regularly meets with his GP to discuss and evaluate these two conditions. Alex has been advised by his GP to seek advice regarding changing his diet because not only will this have positive
effects on his mental state but losing weight will also lessen the impact of his diabetes. Alex’s daily meals usually include a breakfast from McDonald’s, including a McMuffin and a milkshake. He snacks throughout the day on chips, biscuits, and doughnuts before having a lunch of fish and chips with a Coke. For dinner, he usually has either pizza or pasta and a beer or Coke.

1. Identify Alex’s daily eating patterns using the Standard Dietary Guidelines.

2. How can Alex improve his nutrition habits to achieve healthy dietary patterns?

Explain how the project management concepts you have examined thus far in the course might align with this advanced nursing practice role and why. Be specific.

Professional Role Development

Post a brief description of 4–5 major competencies required for the advanced nursing practice role that you selected.

Explain how the project management concepts you have examined thus far in the course might align with this advanced nursing practice role and why. Be specific.
Based on the steps and processes used by Rew et al. (2020) and the resources on techniques and tools for nursing research, how might you use these same concepts and a similar approach for completing your DNP doctoral project or dissertation?

Explain which processes and techniques you believe will provide the most guidance to assist you plan and develop your DNP doctoral project or dissertation. Be specific and provide examples. Then, describe how the project management strategies you will learn as a nurse leader may be applied to facilitate nursing research or nursing practice for your DNP doctoral project or dissertation. The Book: by Carolyn Sipes Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse

Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H. Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L. Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L. Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L. Identifies interactions with other medications MSN.E1.P4.

Case study and reflection

Case Study #1 Contraception

HPI: 23-year-old female comes to the clinic requesting contraception. She reports no health concerns. Is currently sexually active and using condoms. She is not sure what type of contraception she would like.

No current medications. Objective:

  • ● BP – 110/64, Pulse –68, Respirations – 16, Temp: 98.2
  • ● Height: 5 ft. 1 in., Weight 105 lbs.
  • ● Neck – No swelling, Thyroid is non-tender and non-enlarged.
  • ● Cardiovascular – S1S2, RRR
  • ● Lungs – Clear to auscultation, no use of accessory muscles.
  • ● Skin – No rashes, skin warm and dry, no erythematous areas
  • ● Extremities – No edema, cyanosis or clubbingLab and x-ray results

● Negative HCG

● Encounter for contraception

Address the following questions:

  • ● Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g. bid) MSN.E1. P1.L
  • ● Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ● Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ● Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ● Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ● Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with other medications MSN.E1.P4.L

Case study #2 Sexually Transmitted Infection

HPI: 19 -year-old male presents to the clinic with a 3-week history of increasing penile discharge. The patient states that he has had multiple sexual partners over the last four months. He notices this increasing discharge and some pain with intercourse. He does not consistently use condoms.

Current medications ● none


  • ● BP – 120/79, Pulse –72, Respirations – 14, Temp: 98.2
  • ● Height: 5 ft. 11 inWeight 185 lbs.
  • ● Penis:: mucoid yellow discharge. Swab obtained
  • ● Skin – No rashes, skin warm and dry, no erythematous areasLab and x-ray results

● Swab POC

● Chlamydia infection

Address the following questions:

  • ● Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g., bid) MSN.E1. P1.L
  • ● Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ● Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ● Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ● Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ● Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.L

Case Study #3 Bacterial Vaginosis

a 32-year-old female presents to the clinic with abnormal vaginal discharge. She reports a “fishy” smell. She is currently not sexually active.


  • ● Vaginal exam: increased vaginal discharge
  • ● Abnormal odorLaboratory Results:
    POC test: positive for bacterial vaginosis
    Based on current guidelines, what medications would be prescribed?
  • ● Select Drug and Dosage (as written on the prescription, e.g., bid) MSN.E1. P1.L
  • ● Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ● Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ● Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ● Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ● Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.L

Case Study #4 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

A 24-year-old female presents to the clinic with complaints of pelvic pain. The patient states she is sexually active and has been treated in the past for both gonorrhea and chlamydia. She reports a low-grade fever over the last few days. She is having pain with intercourse and intermittent vaginal bleeding.Exam:The patient has a moderate cervical discharge and significant cervical motion tenderness. A swab was obtained to test for gonorrhea and chlamydia.Assessment: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

● Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g., bid) MSN.E1. P1.L

  • ● Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ● Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ● Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ● Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ● Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with other medications MSN.E1.P4.