Describe the structural defects associated with left hypoplastic heart syndrome and the relevance of a patent ductus arteriosus in this defect.

Describe the structural defects associated with left hypoplastic heart syndrome and the relevance of a patent ductus arteriosus in this defect. Describe the three stage repair for this defect.

Discuss COVID-19 in children and discuss two possible reasons why children may have less severe symptoms.

Describe the impact to the organization if the change initiative is unsuccessful again, and potential steps the interprofessional team could take if the change is unsuccessful.

Consider a situation you experienced previously where change did not go as planned in your health care organization. Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you will assess the situation and the steps that should have been taken to successfully implement change.

Describe the background of the situation, including the rationale for and goal(s) of the change.
Identify the key interprofessional stakeholders (both internal and external) that should be involved in change efforts.
Discuss an appropriate change theory or model that could be used to achieve results.
Outline how you would initiate the change.
Describe the impact to the organization if the change initiative is unsuccessful again, and potential steps the interprofessional team could take if the change is unsuccessful.
Make sure to include slide notes of 100-250 words for each slide.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Discuss the role of the nurse in promoting health and preventing ill health.

Discuss the role of the nurse in promoting health and preventing ill health.

Does  active rewarming improve outcome measures.

Among immediately post-operative on pump open chest Cardiac Surgeries does  active rewarming improve outcome measures.

How does the concept of wisdom in nursing informatics compare to the concept of professional nursing judgment?

How does the concept of wisdom in nursing informatics compare to the concept of professional nursing judgment? What is DIKW and how do you “use” it in your practice?

Define key terms in informatics, healthcare informatics, and nursing informatics to achieve quality health outcomes.

Define key terms in informatics, healthcare informatics, and nursing informatics to achieve quality health outcomes.

Demonstrate synthesis of nursing and non-nursing science with information and computer technologies through collaborative advanced nursing practice.

Discuss the value of using standardized terminology while supporting the nursing profession in all of its practice settings.

Explore therapy as alternative to medication on patient with Borderline personality Disorder.

Explore therapy as alternative to medication on patient with Borderline personality Disorder.

Discuss Handover in a hospital ward of an end of life patient using SBAR

Discuss Handover in a hospital ward of an end of life patient using SBAR [Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation.

Select a client, family member, or friend to interview for a complete health history and complete a physical examination.

Select a client, family member, or friend to interview for a complete health history and complete a physical examination. Only use the individual’s initials when referring to the client.

Subjective (History): 27 points
I. Identifying Data
II. Chief Complaint (CC)
III. History of Present Illness (HPI)
IV. Past Medical History (PMH)
A. Hospitalizations
B. Surgeries
C. Medications
D. Allergies
V. Family History
VI. Social History
VII. Review of Systems
A. General
B. Skin
D. Neck
E. Cardiovascular
F. Respiratory
G. Gastrointestinal
H. Genitourinary
I. Musculoskeletal
J. Neurological
K. Mental Health

Objective (Physical) 27 points
I. Constitutional: Vital Signs, General appearance, initial impression
II. Skin
III. Eyes
IV. Ears, Nose, Throat/Neck
V. Cardiovascular
VI. Pulmonary
VII. Abdomen
VIII. Musculoskeletal
IX. Neurological

Critically analyse an identified area of practice discussing the opportunities and challenges to effective practice linked to a RCOT publication

A successful assignment will:

• Critically analyse an identified area of practice discussing the opportunities and challenges to effective practice linked to a RCOT publication (25%)

• Critically evaluate how the RCOT publication aims to emphasise and influence occupation-centred practice in the identified area of practice.

• Critically reflect on your developing theoretical knowledge and practice skills identifying how you can utilise professional body documents and publications to develop and enhance your own practice in a defined area

• Your assignment will take the form of a report supported by a range of appropriate references (10%)

On completing this module, you will be able to:

Knowledge & Understanding:
• Critically analyse the meaning of occupation-centred practice
• Apply a range of professional knowledge to safe and effective occupational therapy practice

Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
• Critically reflect on assessing occupational performance including the assessment of occupational risks
• Utilise a range of core occupational therapy practice skills and techniques by meeting identified placement competencies

Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):

• Demonstrate ethical reasoning to optimise occupational participation for individuals and groups whilst considering a range of policy, legislation, evidence and professional guidelines.

• Develop self-awareness and skills in critical reflection