How can the dynamics of the brain and neuronal patterns explain what occurs during communication?

Watch the above video with David Eagleman.

Write a 3-4 page, double spaced (750-1000 words-not including Title Page and Reference Page) research paper with a clear research question and thesis statement about Dialogue in the United States. Include a strong analysis of outside source(s) so that the purpose is clear and evident in your understanding of Dialogic Theory. Consider original ideas that relate to dialogic theory using this video, your readings, Threaded Dialogues, and at least one outside academic reference (peer reviewed journal articles and/or books are appropriate sources). Minimal personal reflection to support your research.

Consider the following when creating your research question, thesis statement, and paper:

How can the dynamics of the brain and neuronal patterns explain what occurs during communication?

How does a sense of reality effect communication in groups, organizations, between individuals?

We’ve been talking about understanding the Other through listening. Yet, what might not be known about the Other; and then how might one communicate in a dialogic manner with the realization that your senses of reality may differDavid Bohm. On dialogue 2004
William isaacs dialogue the art of thinking together. 1999
Video. The brain. David Eagleman 2015
And one more

Please refer to differences in reality in each human according to video
The definition of dialogue according to Bohm and Issacs
The challenges including fragmentation. Listening need for suspension. Lack of dialogue in current America

Turabian style no footnotes. Calibri

Write a 2 page paper as a response to the initiatives from the American Nurses Association describing the importance of infusing nursing leadership across the spectrum of health and health care.

This assignment addresses the following objectives:

Analyze elements and boundaries of nursing roles: Nurse’s role in leadership, education, research, collaboration, and advanced practice.
Integrate knowledge and skills in nursing leadership and management, quality improvement, and patient safety, as required to provide care and education in various settings.

View the video: ANA. (2019). The American Nursing Association Announces Celebration for 2020 Year of The Nurse.

American Nursing Association Announces Celebration for 2020 Year of The Nurse (Links to an external site.)
American Nursing Association Announces Celebration for 2020 Year of The Nurse

1 min. 2 sec.

Write a 2 page paper as a response to the initiatives from the American Nurses Association describing the importance of infusing nursing leadership across the spectrum of health and health care.
This paper should have a title and reference page but they are not included in the page count.
The following is a guideline for the outline of your paper.

Introduction – include the concept of nurse leadership generally. You could consider defining nurse leadership (1-2 paragraphs).
Body of the paper – Discuss the importance of leaders facilitating innovation and excellence in caring for patients, leading teams, and collaborating with others. (approximately 3 paragraphs)
Provide a hypothetical example of how a nurse leader would lead in caring for patients, leading teams, or collaborating with others. (1-2 paragraphs)
This paper should be in APA format and use 2-3 scholarly sources

What type of interventions improve adherence to recommendations on nutritional intake?

The purpose of this paper is to encourage critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration through the use of evidence-based practice studies.

Choose one of the main topics from the BELOW and then identify one study under that topic.
Read the study chosen and answer one of the topic questions listed below. Write a summary which supports the topic question. Provide a current research article (LESS than 5 years).

• What methods can be used to assess nutritional status?
• What methods can be used to identify those at risk for malnutrition?
• What specific health conditions increase the risk of malnutrition?
• What associations exist between nutritional status and health outcomes?
• What type of interventions improve adherence to recommendations on nutritional intake?


Main Topic: Evaluating nutritional status Articles for review:
• Formative evaluation of the feedback component of Children’s and Adolescents’ Nutrition Assessment and Advice on the Web (CANAA-W) among parents of school children

• Validation of the Diet Quality Index for adolescents by comparison with biomarkers, nutrient and food intakes: the HELENA study

Main Topic: Identifying those at risk for malnutrition Articles for review:
• Beyond malnutrition screening: Appropriate methods to guide nutrition care for aged care residents

• Population-specific short-form mini nutritional assessment with body mass index or calf circumference can predict risk of malnutrition in community-living or institutionalized elderly people in Taiwan

• Comparison of the prevalence of malnutrition diagnosis in head and neck, gastrointestinal and lung cancer patients by three classification methods

Main Topic: Malnutrition associated with specific health conditions
Articles for review:
• Malnutrition in a sample of community-dwelling people with Parkinson’s disease

• Nutritional risk index as a predictor of postoperative wound complications after gastrectomy

• Risk of malnutrition is associated with mental health symptoms in community living elderly men and women: The Tromso Study

Main Topic: Outcomes associated with nutritional status Articles for review:
• Role of nutritional status in predicting quality of life outcomes in cancer – a systematic review of the literature

• Nutritional support for liver disease

Main Topic: Interventions to improve nutritional status Articles for review:
• Interventions to enhance adherence to dietary advice for preventing and managing chronic diseases in adults

1. The Summary must include the following headings:
a. Introduction and Key Points
• Choose one of the assigned topics and identifies one of the questions
• Defines the topic and question
• States why it is a problem
• Information presented in logical sequence

b. Article Search
• Current (less than 5 years) and credible resource
• Database search – terms and methods used
• Number of articles located

c. Article Findings
• How it addresses the topic
• Type of research conducted
• Findings of research
• Why this article was chosen

d. Evidence for Practice
• Summary of evidence
• How it will improve practice
• How this evidence will decrease a gap to practice
• Any concerns or weaknesses located in the evidence

e. Sharing of Evidence
• Who would you share the information with?
• How would you share this information?
• What resources would you need to accomplish this sharing of evidence?
• Why would it be important to share this evidence with the nursing profession?

f. Conclusion
• Summarizes the theme of the paper
• Information presented in logical sequence
• All key points addressed
• Conclusion shows depth of understanding of topic

g. APA Style
• APA style used properly for citations
• APA style used properly for references
• APA style used properly for quotations
• All references are cited, and all citations have references
*NOTE: Must adhere to current APA guidelines and formatting.

h. Writing Mechanics
• No spelling errors
• No grammatical errors, including verb tense and word usage
• No writing errors, including sentence structure, and formatting
• Must be all original work



Conduct a literature search and provide an example of an ethical violation or research misconduct.

Conduct a literature search and provide an example of an ethical violation or research misconduct. Describe the event, supply the reference, and discuss what should have been done to prevent the problem from occurring.

Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health policy. Identify an action plan for nurses to increase involvement.

Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health policy.
Identify an action plan for nurses to increase involvement.

Submission Instructions:

The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper is to be no shorter than 5 pages; nor longer than 7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library (Links to an external site.) has a copy of the APA Manual).

Explore the implication of religious and cultural beliefs on Nigerians undergoing palliative care

A narrative literature review which will seek to explore the implication of religious and cultural beliefs on Nigerians undergoing palliative care or are at the end-of-life stage of cancer from a nursing viewpoint, additionally taking a critical view of religious and cultural values’ contribution towards achieving a holistic approach to care by the nurse.

Explore how adult nurses prevent pressure ulcers in elderly patients within the hospital setting

Explore how adult nurses prevent pressure ulcers in elderly patients within the hospital setting

Discuss advocacy consistent with “Code for Nurses” to achieve a healthy community.

moting the Health of Families and Communities – Initial Posts due by February 4, 2021 11:59 PM


Two of the ANA Code of Ethics guiding principles are:

  1. The nurse promotes, advocates for and protects the rights, health and safety of the patient.
  2. The nurse in all roles and settings advances the profession through research and scholarly inquiry, professional standards development and generation of both nursing and health policy.

In this forum you will consider a commentary by Diana J. Mason, RN, PhD,

moting the Health of Families and Communities – Initial Posts due by February 4, 2021 11:59 PM


Two of the ANA Code of Ethics guiding principles are:

  1. The nurse promotes, advocates for and protects the rights, health and safety of the patient.
  2. The nurse in all roles and settings advances the profession through research and scholarly inquiry, professional standards development and generation of both nursing and health policy.

In this forum you will consider a commentary by Diana J. Mason, RN, PhD, FAAN.  Dr. Mason is the editor in chief of the American Journal of Nursing.  She often writes on the topic of health policy and politics.


This activity aligns with the following course objectives:

  1. Perform competently and ethically to promote, maintain and restore health in communities, regions and populations.
  2. Discuss advocacy consistent with “Code for Nurses” to achieve a healthy community.
  3. Integrate an understanding of health care policies, including financial and regulatory, into professional nursing practice.
  4. Identify ethical concerns related to selected course topics.
  5. Evaluate knowledge of health care policies that affect families and groups.


The time estimated to complete this activity is 180 minutes.


  • Read the commentary by Mason in the provided article.
  • What is one “ah ha moment” that you had from reading this article – this can be something you agree or disagree with?
  • Why was it an “ah ha moment”?
  • How does this influence you personally when providing care for families?
  • What can you commit to in regard to advocacy?
  • Support your thinking from your course readings or other sources.  Remember to use APA format.
  • Your response should be 5 well thought out paragraphs (see rubric in forum folder)
  • Your response to your colleagues should be 3 to 4 paragraphs.  Your comments should add to the discussion / thinking in this forum.


Provide your initial post by Thursday, February 4, 2021 (11:59 PM) This is to be a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the discussion questions.  Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings and respond to two other students’ postings no later than Sunday, February 7, 2021 (11:55 PM) Your responses should be on a minimum of three different days (this includes your initial response and the response to your classmates).

American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD:

Mason, D.J. (2016). Promoting the health of families and communities: A moral imperative. Hastings Center Report,46(5), S48-S52.

.  Dr. Mason is the editor in chief of the American Journal of Nursing.  She often writes on the topic of health policy and politics.


This activity aligns with the following course objectives:

  1. Perform competently and ethically to promote, maintain and restore health in communities, regions and populations.
  2. Discuss advocacy consistent with “Code for Nurses” to achieve a healthy community.
  3. Integrate an understanding of health care policies, including financial and regulatory, into professional nursing practice.
  4. Identify ethical concerns related to selected course topics.
  5. Evaluate knowledge of health care policies that affect families and groups.


The time estimated to complete this activity is 180 minutes.


  • Read the commentary by Mason in the provided article.
  • What is one “ah ha moment” that you had from reading this article – this can be something you agree or disagree with?
  • Why was it an “ah ha moment”?
  • How does this influence you personally when providing care for families?
  • What can you commit to in regard to advocacy?
  • Support your thinking from your course readings or other sources.  Remember to use APA format.
  • Your response should be 5 well thought out paragraphs (see rubric in forum folder)
  • Your response to your colleagues should be 3 to 4 paragraphs.  Your comments should add to the discussion / thinking in this forum.


Provide your initial post by Thursday, February 4, 2021 (11:59 PM) This is to be a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the discussion questions.  Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings and respond to two other students’ postings no later than Sunday, February 7, 2021 (11:55 PM) Your responses should be on a minimum of three different days (this includes your initial response and the response to your classmates).

American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD:

Mason, D.J. (2016). Promoting the health of families and communities: A moral imperative. Hastings Center Report,46(5), S48-S52.


What management will be recommended for the patient?

A 78-year-old woman is brought to the clinic by her son, who reports that she has had three days of diarrhea that is now watery with small amounts of blood, and periodic vomiting occurring once or twice daily. The woman appears weak and ill. Her son reports that the woman lives with him, and that his family and children have recently been sick with gastroenteritis. The patient’s mucous membranes appear dry, and she reports feeling dizzy and falling earlier in the day. The fall resulted in bruising on her hip and elbow but no other apparent injuries. The patient takes antihypertensive medication, an oral antidiabetic medication, and occasional ibuprofen for joint pain; she is otherwise healthy. The patient’s vital signs are temperature 99.8°F, heart rate 96, respiratory rate 24, and blood pressure 118/58.

Case Questions:

What additional assessment information should be obtained?
What are the differential diagnoses for this patient?
What management will be recommended for the patient?
What patient education should be included?

Develop an understanding of a range of research approaches, designs and forms of evidence that can underpin nursing knowledge and decision making.

Module assessment Sept 2020 cohort

This module requires one piece of coursework to be submitted online via the Aula Turnitin link. Coursework must be at least 40% to pass this module. You are required to produce a 2000 word critique of qualitative and quantitative research papers utilising a research appraisal tool to meet all three learning outcomes. Much of the work in this module will prepare you well for this assessment. You will be given time in the seminar group discussion forums to discuss and practice using the critical appraisal tool to assess the quality of research papers.

Assignment guidance

Produce a 2000 word (+/-10%) critique of qualitative and quantitative research papers utilising a research appraisal tool to meet all three learning outcomes below:

  1. Develop an understanding of a range of research approaches, designs and forms of evidence that can underpin nursing knowledge and decision making.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the stages of the research process.
  3. Develop and apply skills of critical appraisal to assess quality of evidence.

NB: if you go over the 2000 word (+/-10%) limit you will be penalised by 10% of the awarded mark being deducted.

Using the critical appraisal tool recommended to you, assess the quality of the two primary research papers given to you.


  • Firstly, read both papers twice to gain a knowledge and understanding of the content.
  • Taking one paper at a time, use the critical appraisal tool to answer the questions about the paper. You will need to keep referring to the articles whilst you do this. Repeat this process with the next paper.
  • Compile a data extraction sheet as featured below to summarise the main points of the papers and their strengths and limitations. This will serve as a useful tool to help you to write your assignment.

Data extraction sheet format:

Authors & title Research aims or questions Setting or context


Participants Methods Main findings Strengths Limitations
Paper 1              
Paper 2              


Writing your assignment:


(approx. 300 words)


This needs to say what is going to be in the assignment. You can refer to the learning outcomes and this assignment guidance to help you write this section. For example:

·         This assignment aims to critically appraise two research studies…..etc.

·         Include one or two short sentences about why evidence informed practice is important for nursing decisions

Main body


(approx. 1,400 words)


Following use of the critical appraisal tool and completing your data extraction sheet, take one paper at a time, write up the main points of each paper (i.e. aims, methods, findings) and the strengths and limitations/weaknesses. Use the guidance below for each research study (you are NOT comparing the studies with each other).

NB: Do not just describe the studies. The main aim of the assignment is to appraise the research methods to assess the quality of the studies.

For example:


Research approach:

What approach did the researchers use? Qualitative or quantitative and what is the difference (two or three sentences only). Then consider specific approach: E.g. ethnography, cross sectional study, phenomenology, randomised controlled trial (RCT), etc. Briefly explain what this approach is, why it was used, and if it is appropriate for the purposes of the study.


Study methods:

Explain the study methods:


Title and aims:

·         Is it clear what the study is about and is the reason for conducting the study justified?

Author credentials:

·         One sentence about whether the researchers seem suitably qualified/experienced to carry out the research will suffice.



·         How did they recruit participants? What sampling methods did they use? (e.g. purposive, convenience sampling, random sampling, snowball sampling, etc). Why did they choose these methods? Do these seem appropriate for the aims?

Data collection methods:

·         What was their data collection method? E.g. For interviews: how did they conduct these – structured, semi-structured, using a topic guide? If it was participant observation – explain what this is and how they went about it? If it was RCT, did they have control group? Was it double blinded?, etc

·         Explain the strengths and limitations of these methods and if the researchers got the data needed.

Analysis and results/findings:

·         What analysis methods were used and why?

·         Does the data explain how the findings occurred? E.g. in interviews were direct quotes from participants displayed to support the findings? Was the statistical data presented and explained?

·         Do the researchers discuss any problems/issues that arose and what they did about them? E.g. if questions were unanswered on a questionnaire.

Ethical considerations:

·         State if the study gained appropriate ethical approvals

·         Consider discussing informed consent, participants right to withdraw, protection of confidentiality/identity, safety of participants/researchers.

·         Consider ethical principles.

Comment throughout the assignment on the quality of the research studies, as appropriate (refer to Ellis 2019 critical appraisal tool):

For qualitative studies:

·         Rigour

·         Dependability

·         Credibility

·         Confirmability

·         Transferability

For quantitative studies:

·         Bias

·         Confounding issues

·         Validity

·         Reliability

·         Generalisability and representativeness

Conclude with a short paragraph about the quality/usefulness of the study as a form of evidence to nursing practice.

You will need to support your work with references from appropriate professional/academic sources. You must utilise essential and recommended reading sources from the module guide and reference lists from lecture notes.


(approx. 300 words)

This should summarise the main points of the whole assignment. No new material should be presented.
Reference list Insert your reference list, strictly adhering to the university APA referencing guidance.
Appendix Insert your data extraction sheet.


Additional guidance:

  • You will need to refer to the HLS Undergraduate marking criteria for the standards we are looking for (at the end of this module guide).
  • Ensure you read professional nursing and academic sources for your expansion of knowledge, understanding, and to support what you say in your assignment. The reading lists are a good initial source.
  • Regularly refer back to the learning outcomes, assignment guidance and referencing guidance.
  • Ensure you reference correctly and appropriately and are familiar with how to avoid plagiarism (see online induction modules).
  • Proof read your work as spelling and grammar software does not pick up all mistakes.
  • Submit the assignment in Microsoft Word as one document ensuring module code, student ID, double line spacing, page numbers, and your actual word count are included.
  • Ensure that you are familiar with Turnitin submission guidance. Check your similarity report well before submission. Make sure you have plenty of time to submit the final version.