Determine a category of informatics or technology that can solve the clinical or administrative issue

Determine a category of informatics or technology that can solve the clinical or administrative issue you identified in Week 2.

Compose a summary of the benefits of selecting a product from this category of technology or informatics system:

  • Identify a category of informatics or technology solution that may be appropriate for the identified workplace. Select a category of solution but not a specific product.
  • Provide a rationale for why this category of solution may help address the clinical or administrative problem.
  • Describe regulatory, legal, or ethical issues this category of solution may cause or resolve
  • 350- to 525-word paper

Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources, and develop an APA-formatted reference page.

Week 3 Tips

For this writing assignment, take your topic from week two and choose an informatics category to be used in your solution. For example, perhaps my topic is on patient education in the Diabetes Education Clinic. My proposal was to use an electronic patient education system. So now I will address a diabetes nurse run clinic educational software or package to be used.

Please follow the following carefully. It is very important in this assignment that you follow the format as format in nursing informatics is important to know and follow. In your presentation address this content material: Provide a rationale for why this category of solution may help address the clinical or administrative problem and Describe regulatory, legal, or ethical issues this category of solution may cause or resolve.

Identify a problem in your place of work. Propose the problem to your Clinical Instructor for approval.

As a nurse administrator, you identify problems. The next logical step is to intervene and improve outcomes.
Identify a problem in your place of work. Propose the problem to your Clinical Instructor for approval.
Using the Plan-Do-Check-Act Model, plan and implement an improvement. Sometimes, the PDCA Model is referred to as a PDSA Model (Plan-Do-Study-Act).
The problem identified and the process for this exercise is intended to be simple. Implementing change through PDCA is a process that can be frequently used without the intensity of research projects. Use the Youtube videos, your text or additional information as your guide.
Document your plans using the PDSA Worksheet that you choose. Various examples exist, you may have one in your place of work. Refer to the Rubric for this exercise to assure inclusion of key concepts.


Develop strategies that could be used by nurse executives to create an organizational climate of support to acts of moral courage.

Identify and analyze an act of moral courage in which you have been a participant or have observed. Use an exemplar from your current or past work setting.
Develop strategies that could be used by nurse executives to create an organizational climate of support to acts of moral courage.
Create a report utilizing the the SBAR Communication Tool
Points = 100
SBAR is a communication tool often used in clinical care of patients among inter-disciplinary teams. It is frequently used to share information between nurses and physicians related to changes in patient conditions. It can also be a powerful tool in management and administration providing succinct information related to recommendations for improved processes. Using the SBAR Communication Tool, identify and analyze moral distress and an act of moral courage. Include
S – Situation (include the act of moral courage in this section). 20 Points
B – Background (include precipitating moral distress in this section). 20 Points
A – Assessment (include leadership responsibility). 20 Points
R – Recommendations (include strategies to create an organizational climate in support of acts of moral courage. 20 Points

Please use APA 7th edition. Thank you.

Discuss knowledge and skill required by the nurse when promoting health

Must be written in third party using APA 7 references
Essay to discuss the knowledge and skills required by the nurse to promote health and well-being for patients and their families.

Expected: identify the key principles of the role of the nurse in health promotion to enhance patient wellbeing. An example from clinical practice should be used to illustrate the nurses role. Needs to identify a public health issue appropriate to your field, obesity, smoking, diabetes, depression, drug & alcohol misuse. (Diabetes I think I would like to do please )

In your discussion demonstrate awareness of policy documentation in relation to health and well-being , eg, the wanless review of health and social care that took place in 2002 and other documents such as designed for life , welsh assembly government 2005, nhs wales delivery framework, welsh government 2013, delivering local health care, welsh government 2013

Discuss knowledge and skill required by the nurse when promoting health
Identify barriers to the promotion of health and the adoption of healthy lifestyle
Essay should be structured with introduction, main body and conclusion
The introduction should be approx 10% of the total word count. It should include an overall aim of the essay. Introductory statements about the content, the rationale, for choosing the subject, and some background information to support this. This should be supported by references to appropriate literature. You may wish to define health and health promotion in the introduction. The introduction should also include the planned layout for the essay and a statement that confirms the maintenance of confidentiality.

Main body- should develop in a progressive way. Do not use “main body” as a heading, but instead use subheadings to signpost what the subsequent section will discuss. An anonymous example from a clinical practice should be presented which describes the patient/family. This should be no more than 200 words.
Following your clinical example, discuss the knowledge and skill that were necessary for the nurse to perform the health promotion activity for example background theory, comm7nication and interpersonal skills. A discussion of the relevant policies that underpinned your activity should be identified. Especially in relation to the role of the nurse in health provision. Identify the barriers that occurred, could have occurred, whilst promoting health. This might include lack of resources inequalities in health, service provision. Support work with references using APA7, presenting a balanced argument relating to the key issues and academic style writing. Literature must be in date and appropriate for academic work to underpin and support good practice and maintain patient safety.

Conclusion – should account for approx 10% of the total word count, it should recap and summarise the main issues identified and included in the discussion drawing together the salient points learnt from the discussion included in the main body. There should be particular references to the role of the nurse in health promotion and the challenges. There should be no new information here but references should be included where relevant. You may wish to discuss implication for future practice and make some recommendations.

Within the essay students should draw upon relevant literature on health promotion in order to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept and its application to clinical practice.

A reference should be included at the end of the essay and references should be presented according to the APA 7 guide.

All names and locations must be changed in order to maintain confidentiality and a statement to this effect must be included in the essay.
This should be written as a third party following the layout.

Develop a change strategy to improve the health care environment.

Develop a change strategy to improve the health care environment. These changes can be rooted in a desire to improve clinical outcomes and data related to assessment accuracy, drug administration, disease recovery rates, or another relevant metric or outcome.

Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as presented in the Resources.

In the media introduction to this module, it was suggested that you as a nurse have an important role in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). With a focus on patient care and outcomes, nurses may not always see themselves as contributors to the development of new systems. However, as you may have observed in your own experience, exclusion of nurse contributions when implementing systems can have dire consequences.

In this Discussion, you will consider the role you might play in systems development and the ramifications of not being an active participant in systems development.

To Prepare:

Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as presented in the Resources.
Reflect on your own healthcare organization and consider any steps your healthcare organization goes through when purchasing and implementing a new health information technology system.
Consider what a nurse might contribute to decisions made at each stage of the SDLC when planning for new health information technology.

Reference and cite within paper with page number



3. McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 9, “Systems Development Life Cycle: Nursing Informatics and Organizational Decision Making” (pp. 175–187)

Analyze theories about teaching and learning for appropriate application to the development of educational experiences that facilitate achievement of learning outcomes in various populations of learners in nursing.

Guidelines for Analysis of Learning Theory Written Assignment
In this course, Scholarly Teaching and Learning, we discuss various theories of cognition, or how people think, that have spawned many theories about how people learn, or learning theories. A learning theory is a coherent framework of integrated constructs and principles that describes, explains, or predicts how people learn. In Chapter 2 in the textbook (Oermann, DeGagne, & Phillips, 2018), you will find basic descriptions of major learning theories used in contemporary education. The references at the end of the chapter provide more information about the origins of each theory. In addition, Chapter 1 in the study of How People Learn (National Research Council (NRC), 2000), provides an overview of the development of the science of learning with evidence of applications of strategies teachers use to facilitate student learning.
Course Objectives related to this assignment:
1. Analyze theories about teaching and learning for appropriate application to the development of educational experiences that facilitate achievement of learning outcomes in various populations of learners in nursing.
2. Critique research about factors that influence learning in diverse populations of learners, and in various contexts in which teaching in nursing occurs.
Learning Objectives:
1. Explore various learning theories in order to establish one that best fits with one’s own learning experiences.
2. Analyze select learning theories in order to determine their relationship(s) with teaching behavior.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore at least one theory in depth in order to reflect on your own learning over time and to evaluate how your learning might affect your teaching. You will clearly describe the connections between theories of cognition and theories of learning This analysis will provide helpful information to you as you develop ideas for your Teaching Plan for a Learning Experience (TPLE).
The paper is to follow APA guidelines (2020) which specify including: 1) a title page; 2) brief introductory paragraph about the purpose of the assignment and any other information that will help provide context; 3) a description of the select theory including its author and a brief history of its development; 4) your rationale for selection of the theory; 5) an example of how the theory has influenced teaching; 6) a summary including a brief statement about what you learned by completing this assignment; and, 7) a reference list of resources used in the paper, including your textbook and at least two (2) additional resources. The resources/references should be cited throughout the paper.
The paper is to be no more than four (4) pages, not including the title page, reference list, and any attachments (optional). Please use headings to distinguish sections of content throughout the paper, which should be double-spaced using 11 or 12 point font. Evaluation will be completed within 10 days of submission and will be based on the Criteria for the Evaluation of Written Work (logic, literacy, completeness, accuracy and synthesis) that is located in the assignment guidelines section of the course.

Give examples of each of the patterns of knowing in your narrative.

Assignment #1: Professional Narrative – Practice as the Basis of Nursing Knowledge

Grading Rubric is on the following page. These are the explanations of each component:

1. Write a narrative (story) about a specific experience in your role as a nurse . The experience should be meaningful to you. The best advice for identifying what you should write about is to pay attention to what first comes to mind. Experiences can be between nurse and patient, nurse and nurse, nurse and administration etc.

You have remembered that experience for a reason. Include the setting, the event, the players, and the stakeholders in the experience. The narrative should be at least 1 page (but not more than 3) to adequately include the details.

2. Analyze your narrative. To write your analysis, discuss your narrative’s relational/ ​social, ethical, and systemic dimensions, as you see them.

3. Describe the key “concepts” in your narrative (what is your story “about?”).

4. ​Find a scholarly journal article that seems pertinent to YOUR OWN narrative. Attach the article. Cite article title, author, and journal at the end of the analysis segment of your paper in APA style. Briefly discuss the points of intersection between the article and your narrative in the analysis. Use 2 levels of headings for this paper:

4.​Read Carper’s article on the Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing located in the module for Week 1. Give examples of each of the patterns of knowing in your narrative.

5. ​The complete paper should be approximately 3-5 full pages. It should be in APA format with a title page, page numbers, references, headings, subheadings etc. It is worth 10 % of course grade.

Describe the theory briefly and how it relates it to this practice.

This is due January 26, 2021. My thoughts on this paper are included in number one. My thoughts began at I’ve gone…. and end at etc.. please utilize this information to guide the paper/response

Answer each question fully. Be sure to review discussion board rubric to avoid points deductions. Please be sure to cite 2 sources in your initial post and use APA style.

1. Find one nursing theory that you relate to in your current practice.
I’ve gone back and forth between Hildegard E. Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Theory and Joyce Teavelbee’s Human-to-Human Relationship Model. Theory of Interpersonal Relationships. My current practice is traveling to various regions for COVID-19 response to care for the growing number of individuals who’s been affected by this illness. Both theories apply. However, I’ve decided to go with Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Theory. During my travels providing care for individuals affected by COVID-19, I’ve cared for many individuals with different cultures, race, beliefs, past experiences, values, expectations, preconceived ideas, etc.

Describe the theory briefly and how it relates it to this practice. It can be a grand theory, middle range theory etc.

2. Find a theory (any) that you feel will be useful to you in the future as an advanced practice nurse and then talk about how you might use this theory. For example, I frequently counsel overweight teenagers in my practice about increasing the amount that they exercise and I often use the transtheorectical model of change to gage where they are in the process of change (ie. precontemplation, maintanence, action etc.).

Clearly identify and describe in detail a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.

Architect Daniel Libeskind is credited with saying “To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history, but to articulate it.” The suggestion is that his work does not copy the efforts of others but relies on it.
Understanding the work of others is critically important to new work. Contributions to the nursing body of knowledge can happen when you are able to analyze and articulate the efforts of previous research. Hence research analysis skills are critical tools for your toolbox.
In this Assignment, you will locate relevant existing research. You also will analyze this research using a tool helpful for analysis.
To Prepare:
Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources this week in support of locating and analyzing research.
Use the Walden Library to identify and read one peer-reviewed research article focused on a topic of interest to you in your specialty field.
Review the article you selected and reflect on the professional practice use of theories/concepts as described by the article
The Assignment:
Using the ‘Week 4 | Part 4’ section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following:
Clearly identify the topic of interest you have selected.
Provide an accurate and complete APA formatted citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details.
Clearly identify and describe in detail a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.
Provide a clear and accurate analysis of the article using the Research Analysis Matrix section of the template.
Write a 1-paragraph justification that clearly and accurately explains in detail whether you would recommend the use of this article to inform professional practice. Note: You can use the CARP method as presented in the Resources for this week on evaluating resources.
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:
Clearly and accurately describe in detail your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.
Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.
Provide a complete, detailed, and specific synthesis of at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.
Integrate at least one outside resource and 2-3 course specific resources to fully support your summary.
Note: Add your work for this Assignment to the original document you began in the Week 1 Assignment, which was built off the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.