Identify the Causes of Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 years old. Describe the different methods use for Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 years old.

Causes of Breast Cancer in Woman Older than 45 Years Old

  • Asbel Morales Alvarez, BSN, RN-BC.
  • Universidad Ana G. Méndez
  • NUR502: Nursing Science and Research Process 
  • Professor: Dr. Gisela Llamas
  • January 22, 2023.

Causes of Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 Years

Breast cancer is a global health issue that greatly affects women across all age groups, but those above 40 years are perceived to be at higher risk of contracting the illness. Several countries record higher breast cancer figures among their population annually. Nevertheless, it remains a leading diagnosed cancer type among women in most African countries and is prevalent among women below 65 years (Wondimagegnehuet al., 2022). Contrastingly, the World Health Organization describes women above 40 as more at risk of developing the condition globally. Breast cancer occurs as a result of more than a single factor. As such, some of the causes of breast cancer among women over 45 years include age, family history, obesity, harmful alcohol consumption, exposure to radiation therapy (García-Albéniz et al., 2020), and not engaging in any physical activity.

Age contributes to women getting diagnosed with breast cancer since statistics show that a larger percentage of women over 50 years are at risk of developing the condition (Wondimagegnehuet al., 2022). Women are at higher risk of developing breast cancer when a member of their family or several family members have had the condition. Also, obesity that emerges after menopause makes a woman susceptible to the illness compared to those with healthier weight standards. Unhealthy alcohol intake for women places them in danger and enhances their chances of developing breast cancer. Similarly, women over 50 years are known to engage in minimal physical activity, which also expands their chances of having breast cancer. The purpose of this literature review is to analyze the causes of breast cancer in women older than 45 years old.


Significance of the Practice Problem

The purpose of the literature review is to identify and discuss the various causes of breast cancer among women older than 45 as well as examine the various factors that increase women in this age group’s chances of developing the condition. Data from the World Health Organization on breast cancer indicates that in 2020, about 2.3 million females were diagnosed with breast cancer; it also indicates that it formed the cause of death for over 680,000 women worldwide. Notably, the mortality rate is expected to rise in the next two decades (Wondimagegnehu et al., 2022). Almost 50% of the reported breast cancer deaths emerge in middle and low-income nations; Africa is one of the continents with enormous mortality rate statistics associated with breast cancer (Wondimagegnehu et al., 2022).

Notably, García-Albéniz et al. (2020) recognize older women’s exposure to toxic therapy (radiation therapy) exacerbates their risk of developing breast cancer owing to their increased comorbidity than other age groups. Therefore, women partaking in screening mammography leads to a decline in incidences of breast cancer in their advanced stages. Besides, a study conducted by (Bradley et al., 2020) recognized that the integration of insulin glargine does not increase the risk of women above 65 developing breast cancer. However, chemotherapy’s role in speeding up aging among cancer patients places women in this cohort at more risk of developing advanced-stage breast cancer (Chen et al., 2022).

Research Question

What are the Causes of Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 Years old?


  1. Identify the Causes of Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 years old.
  2. Describe the different methods use for Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 years old.
  3. Analyze the advantages of findings proper treatment for different Causes of Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 years old.

Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework offers a structure that supports a theory, and in this research study, the theory applied is the self-care deficit theory developed by Dorothea Orem. She was a nurse theorist, and apart from the self-care deficit theory, she also developed the Orem nursing model. Orem was born in 1914 in Baltimore and was the younger of two siblings. She began her education in Baltimore, where she graduated in 1931 and advanced to receive a diploma from the hospital school of nursing. She developed the self-care deficit theory between 1959 and 2001.

The self-care theory explains that patients can recover better if they maintain some form of independence in their self-care. This implies that a nurse should not offer all care activities to a patient. Therefore, in her theory, she encourages patients to practice self-care while receiving care from nurses, as this would improve their well-being. Quality life, therefore, begins with the patient, which is an aspect of self-reliance. Therefore, to assist nurses in achieving a better outcome in healthcare, patients must also have some form of independence in self-care (Gonzalo, 2023).

This theory explains that patients have the right to exercise self-care, and as such, I would apply the theory to the research by urging female breast cancer patients older than 45 years to exercise some form of self-care. Simple activities such as walking regularly, taking a bath, and crafting could work as a form of self-care (Bradley et al., 2020). These practices will assist in improving the quality of life for female breast cancer patients older than 45 years. Additional self-care practices can also include sharing with family and relaxing. Therefore, any other form of self-care by nurses is encouraged to improve the quality of health for female breast cancer patients older than 45 years (Chen et al., 2022).

For all the SOAP note assignments, you will write a SOAP note about one of your patients.

Module 7 Assignmetn: SOAP NOTE

SOAP is an acronym that stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. The episodic SOAP note is to be written using the attached template below.

For all the SOAP note assignments, you will write a SOAP note about one of your patients and use the following acronym:

S = Subjective data: Patient’s Chief Complaint (CC).
O = Objective data: Including client behavior, physical assessment, vital signs, and meds.
A = Assessment: Diagnosis of the patient’s condition. Include differential diagnosis.
P = Plan: Treatment, diagnostic testing, and follow up

Submission Instructions:

  • Your SOAP note should be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
  • Complete and submit the assignment using the appropriate template in MS Word

What intervention would you recommend?


Scenario One-A

You’re present on the locked adult behavioral unit as a 74 year old male, named John Rowe, admitted for an onset of dementia and to regulate his meds, is in the process of acting out by throwing some chairs against the day room wall. John’s family, including his son and daughter-in-law is also present, along with several staff members, having responded to the commotion of the chairs being thrown at the wall. The nurse in charge informs you that John was supposed to be discharged this afternoon after the doctor had written the order earlier in the day, per the family’s request, but upon arriving, the family now wants to leave John in the hospital 7 more days, stating that they feel he needs more medications to help his behavior at home, as John lives with the family and has been exhibiting delusional and forgetful behavior lately. John’s family also have told the doctor that they would like John to stay another week because they would like to go on their vacation this week and since they care for him full time, this would be the only chance they will get this year to vacation, so they want John to stay another week and have told him that he will be staying now after getting his hopes up the day before.

John has no history of violence prior to this admission and has been fixating on going home, but now that he has found out that he is not going home, he has suddenly become aggressive and unpredictable. After throwing the chairs against the wall, John yells loudly and threateningly at his family, telling them that they can’t keep him there and that he is going to his room to get his bags he’d already packed the day before in anticipation of his discharge. The family is fairly unemotional during the outburst, appearing only to be annoyed and embarrassed over the spectacle. The nurse in charge is trying unsuccessfully to reach John’s doctor and is clearly annoyed over the family’s decision to want John to stay. As John emerges from his room, clearly angry and agitated, the family tries reason with him, but only gets more aggression their way as he yells, waving his suitcase at them before walking toward the door. John begins pounding his fist and kicking the door, screaming and demanding that he be allowed to leave. Staff members and the family attempt to guide him away from the door, but John only yells louder and pushes past them all. He begins pacing around the room, yelling more and starts waving his suitcase around to keep everyone away.

1) What intervention would you recommend?

Indicate what strikes you as most interesting from the information and links provided. Why? Address the article and each link separately.

AH311: Medical Issue: Antibiotic Resistance

Discussion Review Directions:

Post a review on the Discussion Board. Type your review in the Reply box below these instructions.

If you are unsure how to post on the Discussion Board, review the Canvas student guide.

Be sure to list and define each medical term in the 6 articles. Then answer the following questions.

Thought Questions:

  1. Indicate what strikes you as most interesting from the information and links provided. Why? Address the article and each link separately.
  2. Project how the issues noted will impact you as a medical professional and healthcare consumer for yourself and significant family members.
  3. Indicate research to address the issue you believe will emerge during your healthcare career. What, why, and how.

Support your statements with evidence from the medical dictionary and your research (Wikipedia is not a research reference). Cite and reference your sources

Check this link to see if the document with attached links work, if not I uploaded a file as well. But please reach out to me if it does not load!!!!!

  • file:///Users/sindycolaci/Downloads/CDC%20Antibiotic%20Resistance%20with%206%20links%20to%20artericles.html

What did the practitioner do well? In what areas can the practitioner improve? At this point in the clinical interview, do you have any compelling concerns? If so, what are they? What would be your next question, and why?


Some children /adolescents may be more difficult to assess than adults, as they can be less psychologically minded. That is, they have less insight into themselves and their motivations than adults ( although this is not universally true). The PMHNP must also take into consideration the child’s culture and environmental context. Additionally, with children/ adolescents, there are lower rates of neurocognitive disorders superimposed on other clinical conditions, such as depression or anxiety, which create additional diagnostic challenges.

In this Discussion, you review and critique the techniques and methods of a mental health professional as the practitioner completes a comprehensive, integrated psychiatric assessment of an adolescent. You also identify ratify rating scales and treatment options that are specifically appropriate for children/ adolescents.

To prepare:
(a) Review the resources and consider the insights they provide on comprehensive, integrated psychiatric assessment.
(b) Watch the Mental Status Examination B-6 and Simulation Scenario-Adolescent Risk Assessment Videos.
(c) Watch the YMH Boston Vignette 5 video and take notes; you will use this video as the basis for your Discussion post.

Assignment Instruction:
(1) Based on the YMH Boston Vignette 5 video, Post answers to the following questions:
(a) What did the practitioner do well? In what areas can the practitioner improve?
(b) At this point in the clinical interview, do you have any compelling concerns? If so, what are they?
(c) What would be your next question, and why?

Then, address the following. Your answers to these prompts do not have to be tailored to the patient in the YMH Boston Video.
(1) Explain why a thorough psychiatric assessment of a child/adolescent is important.
(2) Describe two different symptom rating scales that would be appropriate to use during the psychiatric assessment of a child/ adolescent .
(3) Describe two psychiatric treatment options for children and adolescents that may not be used when treating adults.
(4) Explain the role parents/ guardians play in assessment.
(5) Support your response with at least THREE peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your resources. Provide at least three references and answer all parts of the discussion questions with reflective analysis with no grammar or spelling errors.
(6) Respond to at least Two of your classmates’ posts by offering additional insights or alternative perspectives on their analysis of the video, other rating scales that may be used with children, or other treatment options for children not yet mentioned. Be specific and provide a rationale with evidence. Please provide two references each for the classmate’s response.

When you think about various forms of leadership styles you’ve studied such as transactional or transformational, or any other styles, are there any that just wouldn’t work within a learning organization? What role does mentoring, coaching, and apprenticeship play in the learning organization as opposed to the traditional or complex adaptive systems organizational model?


It is interesting to discuss your different perspectives on how your leadership styles fit within the learning organization(LO) and the comparisons made between the LO and complex adaptive systems. The two systems definitely have similarities and a learning organization can certainly be supported by the principles of the complex adaptive system. When you think about various forms of leadership styles you’ve studied such as transactional or transformational, or any other styles, are there any that just wouldn’t work within a learning organization? What role does mentoring, coaching, and apprenticeship play in the learning organization as opposed to the traditional or complex adaptive systems organizational model?

Create a model case with all attributes of the concept present. Identify direct and indirect empirical referents for measurement of the selected concept.

Heeseung Choi Cultural Marginality

Points: 50

Due: Day 7

As part of the final presentation, select a one-word concept from the main nursing theory you are presenting on. Create an infographic for this concept as part of your final presentation. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the rubric for this assignment.

Review the Walker and Avant Method for Concept Analysis: Eight Step MethodLinks to an external site.. You will be required to include several of the steps in your infographic.
Once you have selected a one-word concept related to the nursing theory you are presenting on, you will define this concept using an academic dictionary, with common uses described.
Apply three attributes (often synonyms) that further illuminate the meaning of the concept chosen.
Create a model case with all attributes of the concept present.
Identify direct and indirect empirical referents for measurement of the selected concept.

Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research. In this scenario, for what aspects of the issue would you use a qualitative research approach and for which aspects would you use a quantitative research approach?


The practitioners at the inner city community-based HIV clinic noticed over the last year there has been a dramatic increase in the number of black adolescent girls who have been diagnosed with HIV. They wondered why that was happening and whether there were any interventions that address the unique needs of this population that might help lower the HIV infection rates in this unique population. The team came together to do an EBP project to determine what was in the literature and found very little addressing this issue. Therefore, the team decided to conduct research.

1. Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research.

2. In this scenario, for what aspects of the issue would you use a qualitative research approach and for which aspects would you use a quantitative research approach?

Write this paper according to APA Scholarly Writing Standards, Student Version. Please limit this paper to 2 pages (excluding title page and references). All assignments must be written in an academic tone. You are not to write in the first person. Instead, you need to use the third person. Large word-for-word quotes are not permitted. Direct quotes, if used, need to be only a sentence or two long. Instead, most cited material needs to be paraphrased. Remember that if you use someone else work or ideas as your own and do not cite it properly is considered plagiarism. Three References should consist of scholarly journals NO OLDER THEN 3 YEARS OLD (2020). Cite relevant references in your response to the discussion topic/questions. Web sources can be used, though they should come from credible sources such as government agencies, academics and private agencies with a strong reputation within the community they serve. You will not be allowed to use web pages or web groups such as Wikipedia or, as the information contained in these web pages are academically questionable. You cannot use web pages with a questionable background or academic source. Furthermore, you will not be permitted to cite encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers (unless otherwise permitted) or magazines. It is important to remember that in this class, you must submit work that must be evidence-based credible sources.

What current research is being conducted related to this medication? What data/statistics are currently known concerning the medication?

Warfarin research

write a 2-page (double-spaced, size 12 point font, 1in margins) presentation on (drug of choice). Your presentation should include the following:

-What is the medication used for?

-What tests/symptoms/signs are required before prescribing this medication?

-Patient education?

-What current research is being conducted related to this medication?

-What data/statistics are currently known concerning the medication?

-You must include at least two scholarly sources from academic journals within the last five years.

The references list does not contribute to the page count.

Did this book do anything to change your perception of the mentally ill or the treatment of the mentally ill? What are your feelings after reading this book? Your personal opinion?

Crazy book

Crazy: A Father’s Search Through America’s Mental Health Madness by Pete Earley

Name some “system problems” that are discussed in the book.

Discuss some of the symptoms of mental illness that are described in the book. Be specific.

Why does the staff really fear “the 9th floor”?

Did this book do anything to change your perception of the mentally ill or the treatment of the mentally ill? What are your feelings after reading this book? Your personal opinion?