Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership.

Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN‐prepared nurses.
Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.
Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health‐illness continuum.
Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Is cognitive behavioural therapy an effective intervention to decrease anxiety levels in adults with intellectual disabilities’?

‘Is cognitive behavioural therapy an effective intervention to decrease anxiety levels in adults with intellectual disabilities’?

This assignment must answer the above research question

This assignment is in relation to an Intellectual Disability Nursing degree

The assignment should include at least 4 relevant pieces of literature

Include a minimum of 10 references as appropriate.

Critically analyse the potential strengths and limitations of the business plan.

HE704 Leadership for Allied Health Professional


You are asked to produce

A service development/business plan (1,000 words) with a 2000-word critical analysis of the potential strengths and possible limitations of the service development/business plan with suggestions for how limitations could be overcome.

The rubric against your assignment will be graded can be found in ‘Assessment & Grades’ on Studentcentral. On the rubric will see that assignments will be examined against the learning outcomes of the module i.e.

By the end of the module, students will be able to:

LO1. Demonstrate self-direction, originality and creativity to write a business development plan based on the needs of the service in which they work.

LO2. Critically analyse the potential strengths and limitations of the business plan.

LO3. Provide critically reasoned proposals for how the limitations of the business plan could be overcome.

  • It is recommended that the structure of your assignment follows the requirements of the assignment i.e. it begins by presenting the business plan and follows with a critical analysis of that plan.
  • Within the service development/plan you will need to justify ‘why’ you chose to develop this service.
  • The plan itself should follow a logical structure and demonstrate originality e.g. by proposing a new service, and creativity e.g. by suggesting a novel approach to addressing the problem the service has been designed to address.
  • The critical analysis of the plan and may be divided into sub-sections, which may be several paragraphs long and headings may provide the reader with helpful signposting. Each sub-section will highlight the salient points and there will be obvious connections to what has gone before and what will follow. It is important that all the points you make are made clearly and concisely. Statements of fact need to be supported by evidence or referenced to some authority as appropriate. The text should flow from one sentence to the next and from one paragraph to the next, so the reader can follow your argument and end with a conclusion summarising the main points within your critique.
  • In critically analysing your plan, it is important to highlight what the strengths and limitations of the plan are and why, providing evidence from relevant literature to support your analysis. Critically reasoned proposals to overcome the limitations of the plan should be identified.


  • Your name should not appear on the assignment
  • The document will be word-processed, printed in size 11 font with 1.5 line spacing. The left-hand margin will be justified with an inch margin
  • Do not write a contents page
  • New paragraphs will be separated by one-line space
  • The assignment should be written in the third person
  • In the footer, please insert page numbers (bottom right)
  • Spacing between sub-sections may be used
  • Use the School of Health Sciences referencing style
  • Abbreviations will be only be provided when they are in common use and should be written in full when first written in the assignment.
  • There will be no grammar or spelling errors
  • The front sheet should use the following layout:
  • Word count is 3000 words, excluding references and appendices. The Faculty policy on word count states:

Markers will not normally consider work beyond the upper limit and students should include a word count on the front cover of their work. There will be no penalty for submitting work under the word limit. The upper limit mentioned in this statement refers to the published word limit for the assessment. For example, if the word limit for an assessment is 3000 words, then the marker should only consider the first 3000 words of the submission. Any material beyond this point will normally be disregarded.

The stated length of written coursework must not be exceeded. Any material beyond the stated length of written coursework will normally be disregarded.

Submitting your assignment

  • Please submit your assignment via Turnitin (please see student central ‘Assessment & Grades’ section).
  • Late Submission – normally if you hand in your work late you will fail the module and be required to resubmit the work and receive a mark capped at 50%.

Results and feedback

Results of marked assignments can normally be viewed on student central within 21 working days following the hand in date. Please note the mark is subject to ratification of the examination board.

Extension to the deadline

Information about requests for an extension beyond the deadline and/or mitigating circumstances can be found in the University Student Handbook available on the home page of student central, and you will find is at the bottom right corner of the under the ‘study support’ headings, follow the exam and assessment regulations and forms link.

Academic Misconduct

The University takes breaches of academic conduct very seriously and all allegations of academic misconduct will be investigated according to the regulations set out in this section and with full regard to the principles of equity and fairness. There can be severe penalties, including the denial of an award, if charges are proved. Academic misconduct includes ‘plagiarism and collusion, where a student submits work originated in sum or in part by someone else, with or without their consent but without acknowledgement (General Examination and Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses: GEAR).


The School of Health Sciences reserves the right to use specialist software to help to detect and combat plagiarism. This means that samples of work for each module may be subject to scrutiny using the JISC software.

Analyze and critically discuss the challenges of implementing the recommendations in a setting of your choice.

Summaries the key recommendations. students may critique the process by which the guideline was produced (found in the methods section) and one section of clinical recommendations (this means a short section of the guideline containing several specific recommendations). Analyze and critically discuss the challenges of implementing the recommendations in a setting of your choice. You may wish to refer to a model of evidence-based practice in your answer. Remember to anonymize any clinical site you discuss.

Using the given critical appraisal framework critically appraise the given qualitative and quantitative research papers

Critically analyse the given qualitative and quantitative research papers. Provide a balanced appraisal of what has worked and has not for each paper. Support statements with sources and define key research terms and the pros and cons related to their use. Using the given critical appraisal framework critically analyse both papers. Form conclusions and recommendations for practice either at the end of each appraisal or as a combined version covering both papers analysed. The focus is on research knowledge, understanding and application. Define key research terms used then apply them in relation to the research papers. Use the framework subheadings to facilitate critical analysis and repeat for both papers. Some sections lend themselves more to research appreciation and appraisal such as the methodology, data collection etc so invest in more detail in these sections. Aim, Background and Focus need only be a few sentences. Format your essay under the subheadings of the appraisal frameworks given one for the qualitative paper and one for the quantitative paper.
Quantitative paper
Wang et al (2020) Remdesivir in adults with severe covid 19 a randomised double blind placebo controlled multi centre trial, lancet 395, 1569-78
Quantitative framework
Holland K and Rees C (2010) Nursing evidence based practice skills, Oxford University Press
Qualitative paper
Jones et al (2015) Realising their potential? Exploring inter professional perceptions and potential of the advanced practitioner role: a qualitative analysis BMJ Open 5, e009740
Qualitative framework
Holland K and Rees C (2010) Nursing Evidence based practice skills, Oxford university press

What are the possible ethical issues that could arise, how will you manage this, where will you apply for ethical clearance for your study?

This is a research proposal (part 2 of the literature review you did for me on bedside handover). Please let me know if you need me to send you the literature review for reference.

This assignment is linked with assignment 1. Now you that you have learnt how to conduct a literature review. Previously you have conducted a literature review on one of the element of bedside handover listed below:

The benefits of bedside handover

The barriers to implementing bedside handover

The perspective of nurses about bedside handover

The perspective of patients about bedside handover

The perspective of family members about bedside handover

In this assignment you are now required to write a research proposal based on any gaps identified in your review.


Use double spacing throughout essay.

Font size- 11 or 12

Approximately 4-5 pages (excluding reference list)

Use APA 7th Edition
A minimum of 10 papers are to be reviewed
All references must be within the last 10 years. If you need to go outside of this range, you need to provide a reason.
The following sections must be included in your proposal: Project title, Background, research question/objectives, significance of the study, Method (which should including the following sub headings: study design, study setting, sampling and recruitment, data collection, data analysis, ethical consideration, project timeline). Further details about these sections are provided below.
As part of the sources used you will need to include sources that justify your choice of methodology/methods.
You should include the subheadings listed in #7.
Please ensure you include an assignment cover sheet with your submission.

Background- This should include a detailed review of other research in the subject area. You will need to draw on the work you presented in assignment 1 (please be careful not to self-plagiarise). You need to draw on the findings from that assignment to help inform your current background. It should clearly show how your current work will build on what has already been done or why further research is needed in a similar area. Ideally it should present an argument to the reader as to why the research is important.

Research question/objectives: This section should include a concise statement about the desired outcomes that will be achieved in conducting the study. It should be clear and specific, achievable, and merit study.

Significance of the study: This section should describe the importance of the research to patients, the nursing profession, to health care and/or society.

Method: This section should answer the question: What is to be done, on who, how and where? The methods you chose should be relevant to the question you are trying to answer, and should be feasible.

Study design: Will this be a qualitative or quantitative study? if qualitative or quantitative, what type? (Phenomenology, quasi-experimental etc). Justify the chosen design. Include appropriate references.

Setting and Sample: who will you be collected data from and where will they be situated?

Data Collection: How will you be collecting data, are you interviewing people, are you using a survey? What will you use to collect your data? (Include references)

Data Analysis: Once you have collected the data what will you do with it? (Include references)

Ethical considerations: What are the possible ethical issues that could arise, how will you manage this, where will you apply for ethical clearance for your study?

Project timeline: How long do you think this study will go on for? Factor in the fact that ethics application could take at least 2 months to be obtained.

Discuss two contrasting definitions of health and ill health.

You are required to write an essay that demonstrates your understanding of the differing approaches to health and ill health. The wordcount is 2000 words.

A case study has been provided for you to use as the basis of your essay, (attached). You must apply the case study to each discussion and explanation outlined below:

Your essay needs to include the following in relation to the themes presented in the case study:
• Discuss two contrasting definitions of health and ill health.
• Explain two different models of health and ill health. For example, biomedical, sociological, holistic and personal behaviour models.
• Discuss three contrasting sociological perspectives on health.
• Explain the factors that affect how people react to ill health.

The essay should be written in paragraphs which flow; you should include an short introduction, you must attempt to include some conclusions and recommendations towards the end of your essay.

You must include relevant citations and references, a references list and bibliography must be provided.

Critically evaluate the pros and cons of the ‘virtual’ and face to face’ appointments for the patients at the Community Health.

Non- attendance of the patients for the appointment has been a major concern at the National Health Service (NHS) which makes significant wastage of health service resources and increases waiting time for the other patients. Missed appointments known as ‘Did Not Attends’ (DNAs) can cause serious delays in treatment for other patients (NHS news, 2014). [Here need to explain the authenticity of the above statements with the evidence of NHS Audit or Research]. It has been reported that DNA rates in mental health are higher compared to other settings [Justify the statement with evidences and previous research statistics].

Non-attendance of outpatient/community appointments has been a long-standing issue for the NHS and this is also the case at the First Response team were I am currently working. The patients may fail to see a specialist when needed and thereby impacting on the continuity of care, compliance with medication, and engagement with the service. This translates into a financial impact on the service and the professionals’ morale. Clinical evidence suggests that psychiatric patients who miss follow up appointments have a higher chance of being admitted over a 12-month period and there is more likelihood of a negative effect on the condition [What clinical evidences-justification with previous research].

In the pandemic period we have accustomed to dealing with patients through virtual appointment, and we successfully and effectively assessed the patients. The fact that the practice of ‘virtual’ appointments is attracted more presence of the patients which automatically reduced with DNA’s comparing to ‘face to face’ appointments. Of course, the ‘face to face’ appointment must be provided to the patients who actually requested for the same. Before the pandemic we have followed the practice of ‘face to face’ appointments. But in pandemic time we changed it into ‘virtual’ appointments. When we had this ‘face to face’ appointments the DNA rate was more comparing to the pandemic time ‘virtual’ appointments.The simple way of making changes in the initial appointment letter will definitely reduce the DNA percentage. If the letter includes both the options of ‘face to face’ and ‘virtual’ appointment, the patient could opt whether they are interested in ‘face to face’ or ‘virtual’ appointments. This change will not make any extra cost to the Trust and reduce the DNA’s [Justify the above paragraphs with previous research, NHS Audit Materials, DNA statistics before and after the Pandemic].
This study critically evaluating the issues pertaining to non-attendance (DNA) in initial mental health assessments at Community Health and the significance changes may be considered to solve this problem by using ‘face to face’ and ‘virtual’ appointments without burden to the trust funds. This study is also demonstrates the importance of ‘virtual’ and face to face’ appointments based on the 4 pillars of the Advanced Clinical Practice (Clinical Practice, Leadership and Management, Education and Research). Furthermore, this study demonstrates to what extent the ‘virtual’ appointments benefit to the patients and also safeguarding the health service resources. Moreover, the study also critically evaluate the pros and cons of the ‘virtual’ and face to face’ appointments for the patients at the Community Health. The sources must be used from Academic journals and must NOT be older than 2 years.

How does mindfulness and stress reduction tools play a role in assisting registered nurses in the reduction of stress and job burnout?

Gather information from randomized control study research and systematic review of randomized control studies using references from Pubmed, Medline, CINAHL, etc.

Define the clinical key questions based on PICOT.
PICOT question: How does mindfulness and stress reduction tools play a role in assisting registered nurses in the reduction of stress and job burnout?
Briefly review the database selected for key clinical questions.
Identify the studies of the database search that are a Level I or II evidence.
Interpret the statistical results of the studies identified in Step 3.
Design a presentation.
Place results /overview of research in PowerPoint.
Length of the presentation should be 12–15 slides.
Follow 7th edition APA format.