Compare the health care delivery system in the United States to one other country. Compare how disparities in health care delivery are addressed by each country’s system.

Discussion: International health care system profiles

Review: International Health Care System Profiles.

Compare the health care delivery system in the United States to one other country. Compare how disparities in health care delivery are addressed by each country’s system.

Based on your readings on this website and previous weeks, write a 1-paragraph summary on the role you have in addressing health concerns both locally and globally. Be specific regarding what specific action you will be prepared to take following the completion of your respective graduate program.

Note: Initial answers to the discussion question must be substantive and in the range of 150–300 words. Any references should be properly cited following APA formatting guidelines.

Using scholarly paper(s) of less than ten years, respond to your classmate’s discussion post. You may rebut or support his/her stance on the matter in your (no more than) two-page paper.

Sexual Behaviors Part B

See the attached sex health paper written by my classmate and the scholarly paper template below.


Part B. Using scholarly paper(s) of less than ten years, respond to your classmate’s discussion post. You may rebut or support his/her stance on the matter in your (no more than) two-page paper.

Describe the pathophysiology of acute respiratory failure. Describe methods for assessing the patient with acute respiratory failure.

Acute Respiratory Failure

Current APA 7 must be used and please be detailed.
The expected length of the paper is approximately 4-5 pages, which does not include the cover and references page. Please use the following format to draft your paper:

Introduction (including purpose statement)
Describe the pathophysiology of acute respiratory failure.
Describe methods for assessing the patient with acute respiratory failure.
Discuss medical management of the patient with acute respiratory failure.
Formulate a plan of care for the patient with acute respiratory failure.
Conclusion (this may be one short paragraph)

In regards to APA format, use the following as a guide:

Include a cover page and running head (this is not part of the 4-5 page limit)
Include transitions in your paper (i.e. headings or subheadings)
Use in-text references throughout the paper
Use double space, 12 point Times New Roman font
Spelling, grammar, and organization are appropriate
Include a reference list (this is not part of the 4-5 page limit)
Attempt to use primary sources only. That said, you may cite reliable electronic sources (i.e. NCSBN, AANP)

Analyze hospital privileges and how it works in each state for an APN (what does an APN have to do to get privileges at the hospital? Can APNs get privileges at a hospital? Analyze the nursing compact for both states for an APN, not an RN.

Analysis of APN Practice Regulation Paper


Analysis of APN Practice Regulations Paper (30%) through SafeAssign. In this scholarly paper, you are assigned a U.S. State and will write relevant APN statutes from the Nurse Practice Act and APN Rules and Regulations. You will compare practice environments between your assigned state and New Jersey. Upload your assignment under assignment (see the link on how to write a compare and contrast paper). Be sure to submit to SAFEASSIGN- an originality software before you submit the final paper. You are given multiple attempts but only the final submission is graded. Follow APA 7th edition and the following items should be addressed in your paper. Make sure to review the Plagiarism rules in your handbook and syllabus. This is due Sunday, 3/12/2023.

A brief overview of the paper- What will you discuss in this paper? Relevant factors could be the history of the APN role, APN allows for more care, etc. Purpose of the paper/assignment- Why are you writing this paper?

Background of your assigned state for an APN compared to New Jersey as an APN (how did it come to be? )
Advanced Practice Nurse Requirements
Discuss board certification comparing the two states (what is required to sit for the certification exam? Education courses, clinical hours, etc.
Discuss requirements for renewal for APN license and certification
Discuss/analyze the collaborative agreements in both states
Discuss/analyze the prescriptive authority in both states
State Differences in Practice
Analyze restrictions for APRNs between the two states (such as practice independent, dependent, prescriptive authority, etc.)
Analyze hospital privileges and how it works in each state for an APN (what does an APN have to do to get privileges at the hospital? Can APNs get privileges at a hospital?
Analyze the nursing compact for both states for an APN, not an RN.
Analyze Palliative/end-of-life care for both states for an APN- What can APNs do in this clinical setting? Medications, pronouncing death, DNR, etc.)

Summary of the key points and highlights of the paper. THis is not a repetition of what you have discussed. What did you learn from this for your future practice?

Minimum of three primary resources (within 5 years or less). Do not use nursing blogs

What are the implications for standardizing APN education and practice? How does it affect the future of healthcare?


What are the implications for standardizing APN education and practice? How does it affect the future of healthcare?

What are the common conditions associated with papulosquamous eruptions in children? List at least 3 common conditions and include the pathophysiology of each condition.

Clinical Case Scenario:

A 7-month-old boy presents with an erythematous, confluent, slightly raised, and scaly rash on his cheeks; and his extremities are also covered with a fine papular rash. The infant has had some scaling behind the ears and on the scalp since early infancy, but the symptoms have recently increased. The mother applies baby oil to the scalp to relieve scaliness. Except for some intermittent rhinorrhea, the infant has otherwise been well. Immunizations are deficient; he received only the first set when he was two months old. The family history is positive for bronchitis. The infant’s weight is at the 75th percentile, and the height is at the 50th percentile. Vital signs are normal. The physical examination is normal, except for the presence of the rash.


  1. What are the characteristics of papulosquamous eruptions? Be thorough and descriptive.
  2. What are the common conditions associated with papulosquamous eruptions in children? List at least 3 common conditions and include the pathophysiology of each condition.
  3. What are the appropriate treatments for common papulosquamous eruptions? Why?
  4. When should children with papulosquamous eruptions be referred to a dermatologist?
  5. Define the following: a) confluent, b) papular, c) papulosquamous, and d) rhinorrhe


What are the short-term and long-term pathophysiological consequences of a fracture? How might the fracture type influence the risk of complications and time to recovery?


The musculoskeletal system is responsible for the structure of the body and the ability to have purposeful movements. Musculoskeletal injury and disease affect a large swath of the population and become increasingly prevalent in older adults.

What are the short-term and long-term pathophysiological consequences of a fracture?

How might the fracture type influence the risk of complications and time to recovery?


Identify at least 2 of the 5 principles of communication that you saw with examples? Did you include at least 1 of the concepts of phenomenology, caring and compassion, conflict, or use of words/meaning with examples?

Movie and Communication Analysis- The Good Nurse

Communication Written Analysis

Now you arc ready to watch the movie or TV show you choose:
You have now completed the readings from Week 3 – 5 and are ready to watch a movie or TV show to analyze the Therapeutic and Non-Therapeutic communication
Your faculty have used the website The Truth about Nursing introduced to you in Week 2 to choose a listing of TV shows and movies appropriate for this project You can choose any TV show or movie from the list below.

  • Movie
  • he Good Nurse
  • .00
  • TV show

Once you have watched your chosen show, you will complete the Communication Written Analysis assignment. Remember the assignment is worth 15% of your final grade and must be completed by the due date. There will be no extensions_
Write a 400-600 word analysis of the movie or TV show you watched. Your analysis should include examples of: Therapeutic, and Non-Therapeutic communication, as well as 2 of the 5 principles of communication. You should also include either examples of phenomenology, words/meaning, conflict or caring and compassion in communication to demonstrate and highlight your points.

You must use APA referencing of your textbooks. Your assignment should have an APA title page. — Your assignment must include the full name of the movie or TV show, and either the year it was filmed (movie) or the episode number and season (TV show).

Remember basic essay writing principles: essays rnuct have a brief introduction and ,iimmarykonclusion: must be in full sentences with appropriate grammar and ;yelling_ If you need a refresher or examples on essay writing including structure and set up of an acade, please click on this link to ensure you are on the right track: Acaderrric essay Writing Ba;ic;c1 (https; kategoryiacademic-essao

Submit your completed assignment into the Assignment folder. All assignments will be monitored for plagiarism using Turnitin.
Assignments will be graded using the details below: Before you submit did you? Write your essay using APA format (font, spacing, title page, reference page, intext citations)? Hint – you can review the APA module to ensure you are doing this correctly

Did you write a brief introduction paragraph for an academic essay? Did you include what you watched (name of show/movie, release date/episode/season)? Identify at least 1 therapeutic and 1 non-therapeutic example of communication with examples? Identify at least 2 of the 5 principles of communication that you saw with examples? Did you include at least 1 of the concepts of phenomenology, caring and compassion, conflict, or use of words/meaning with examples? Did you write a brief summary/conclusion for an academic essay? Did you check your spelling and grammar? The above is your rubric, read it carefully! If you answered yes to all of the above then you are ready to submit – go to the assignment folder and upload your assignment.

This assignment covers content from Week 2 to Week 5 and is assigned within the Week 5 content.

Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in practice. How might nurses utilizing telehealth benefit from these resources?

CDC Wonder1

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance website contains a number of resources nurses could innovatively incorporate in care delivery.

The CDC Wonder site could be utilized by nurses in a number of ways. to an external site.

For this discussion you will:

Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in practice.

How might nurses utilizing telehealth benefit from these resources?

Address what you find innovative about the link.

Feel free to share some of your nursing innovation ideas!


Sally expresses concern about all the recent news about heart problems and celecoxib (Celebrex). What information should be included in a teaching plan to help her understand about taking celecoxib and the benefits and risks?


Sally is a 50-year-old female who has been a jogger for several years. She has recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She has been taking ibuprofen for 3 months but states that “it does not help” and hurts her stomach. The health care provider prescribes celecoxib (Celebrex) 100 mg orally twice a day.

a. What is the first-line therapy for osteoarthritis and the mechanism of action?
b. Sally expresses concern about all the recent news about heart problems and celecoxib (Celebrex). What information should be included in a teaching plan to help her understand about taking celecoxib and the benefits and risks?
c. Ibuprofen and celecoxib are both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Explain how they are similar and differen.