Prepare a health promotion teaching plan for your chosen patient based on the assessment findings

Case studies are used to promote active learning and application of learned content. These case studies enhance problem-solving, decision-making, and critical-thinking abilities. These case studies will use community engagement strategies to demonstrate clinical critical analysis and thinking based on the course objectives.Due to the current social distancing measures, we have limited abilities to connect with community members. So, you we ask you to look around at persons you already have contact with. For example, any person in your household or someone you customarily and safety get together with. To preserve the person’s confidentiality, please don’t share their actual name and relationship to you. This person will be your patient for the semester, and you will be acting as their nurse and will have three assignments to complete with them.•Assignment one—Assessment and Health Promotion Plan: 1.Perform a complete assessment on your chosen patient as per assessment guide.
2.Prepare a health promotion teaching plan for your chosen patient based on the assessment findings•
Assignment two—NOT NEEDED NOW!!!!! (this is just info that’s helpful to keep in mind, so you can make this 1st assignment the way, that will make the 2nd assn a bit easier to complete. But i’ll place another order for it later.) Concept Map for Chosen PatientoPerform an updated assessment on your chosen patient to see if there are any changes in health oPrepare a concept note for your chosen patient listing the main health issues (3-5) and suggested interventions for each health issue (3-5).

document 1 is assessment guide for the assgn.
all following documents are my assessments from the past, that you can use as a giude, or even copy parts of it with some modifications. I’d like my patient to be mostly healthy, 37 yo white male , not with tons of problem, but with some. A good idea would be – he has back pain and eye pain due to working from home and sitting in front of a computer all day with very limited physical activity. He might feel tired for the same reason. and teaching plan might address those issues. It’s not set in stone- just some ideas, and I’ll be very happy if you reach me out to discuss it.

Incorporate nursing’s professional core values, standards of practice, guidelines, commitment to excellence, and lifelong learning as a basis for professional nursing practice.

EPSLO 4: Incorporate nursing’s professional core values, standards of practice, guidelines, commitment to excellence, and lifelong learning as a basis for professional nursing practice.

In your Journal summarize personal and professional achievements and accomplishments that you have completed throughout the baccalaureate nursing program at EC that refer to EPSLO 4: Incorporate nursing’s professional core values, standards of practice, guidelines, commitment to excellence, and lifelong learning as a basis for professional nursing practice.

Attach a minimum of at least two examples of your work that supports EPSLO 4 noted above

Engage in the spirit of inquiry to propose solutions that support nursing excellence.

EPSLO 6:. Engage in the spirit of inquiry to propose solutions that support nursing excellence.
In your Journal summarize personal and professional achievements and accomplishments that you have completed throughout the baccalaureate nursing program at EC that refer to EPSLO 6: Engage in the spirit of inquiry to propose solutions that support nursing excellence.
Attach a minimum of at least two examples of your work that supports EPSLO 6 noted above.

Formulate decisions based on nursing, judgment and collaboration with the inter-professional team to achieve quality patient outcomes.

EPSLO 3: Formulate decisions based on nursing, judgment and collaboration with the inter-professional team to achieve quality patient outcomes.
In your Journal summarize personal and professional achievements and accomplishments that you have completed throughout the baccalaureate nursing program at EC that refer to EPSLO 3: Formulate decisions based on nursing, judgment and collaboration with the inter-professional team to achieve quality patient outcomes.
Attach a minimum of at least two examples of your work that supports EPSLO 3 noted above.

Identify three barriers that may prevent the provision of optimally healthy meals for elementary students on COBB county (Marietta GA)

Identify three barriers that may prevent the provision of optimally healthy meals for elementary students on COBB county (Marietta GA)

Evaluate community for a health-related need for older adults. 

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a teaching presentation related to healthy aging or improvement of health outcomes for older adult populations and deliver the project to older adults (2 or more).  Identify a learning need for older adults living independently in your community – talk to older adults in your neighborhood, work setting, family to identify a topic of interest and need. This is to be a topic that the older adult population in your community needs.

Please adhere to all Coronavirus physical distancing and means to avoid the spread of this virus.

This is a practice experience.  You will meet the following objectives in this assignment:

  1. Evaluate community for a health-related need for older adults.
  2. Search the literature for evidence-based data.
  3. Use health literacy and teaching guidelines for the older adult population to prepare a teaching presentation.
  4. Discuss the potential deliveryof topic and evaluation of a teaching project for older adults if no pandemic restrictions.  DO NOT ACTUALLY PRESENT.
  5. Identify a topic of interest considering older adults in your community.
  6. Review the information presented on the CDC site related to health teaching and older adults. Especially look at the material under “Develop & Test Materials” in the left menu.  Under that tab, there is an area “Understanding your Audience.”  See what is recommended for Older Adults. Also, see information under What are the Challenges for older adults? (Links to an external site.)

  1. Develop a teaching presentation on the identified topic taking into consideration the teaching/learning needs of older adults.  You can create handouts, pamphlet, powerpoint slides, or video that can be used to present the material. This must be your own work.  Avoid copying already made teaching materials.  Reference and cite as appropriate.  Be sure to prepare your project to meet the needs and challenges of older adults and health information literacy. Work on this week 4.
  2. Consider ways you coulddeliver your prepared teaching presentation on the identified topic taking into consideration the teaching/learning needs of older adults and cite as appropriate. Be sure to consider the needs and challenges of older adults and health information literacy in both written or oral presentations. Work on this week 4-5

Submit the following to the link above at the end of Week 5 :

  1. Teaching presentation materials.
  2. A narrative word document describing:
    • Why you chose your topic and methods.
    • What strategies you used to meet the health literacy and teaching/learning needs of older adults.
    • description of best implementation/teaching, with methods and strategies to meet the health literacy. NOTE: you are not to actually deliver the teaching due to restrictions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.        

This is not full APA but if you used a resource then cite the reference appropriately in the text and give the full reference.  Cite references in teaching materials as appropriate.  See the rubric for more information. Please note that you can attach multiple files in this attempt.  Please be sure that you carefully upload your documents as emailed documents are not accepted without instructor permission.


Discuss the foundational 2 pros and 2 cons of healthcare reform in the United States.

Please discuss the foundational 2 pros and 2 cons of healthcare reform in the United States.
No introduction nor conclusion.
2 references 2017-2020 peer reviewed journals

List and discuss specific interventions utilized to meet the requirements for the chosen core measure

• Introduction and purpose of the paper. Core measure identified

• Identifies & discusses evidence base practice related to core measure topic. Statistical evidence will be included.

• List and discuss specific interventions utilized to meet the requirements for the chosen core measure

• Identifies and discusses how implementation of this core measure will affect YOUR nursing practice.

• Conclusion

Distinguish distance learning modalities and list the pros and cons of each.

Research 4–5 evidence-based articles related to distance education programs.
Distinguish distance learning modalities and list the pros and cons of each.
Analyze and compare each modality.
Provide a description of outcomes related to teaching and learning effectiveness, and student and faculty satisfaction.
The paper should be written using APA (6th ed.) formatting and should use the course textbooks for support. Review the rubric for grading criteria.

Identify and group clinical assessment data, treatments, medications, medical history data, and diagnostic and laboratory test data related to the general problems

The Nursing Process: Assessment, Nursing Diagnosis, Goals, Interventions, and Evaluation.


  • Gather clinical data: assess the patient; review the patient records, laboratory data, medications, and treatments. Objective and subjective data are important.


  • Based on the clinical data you have collected, begin a concept map care plan by developing a basic skeleton diagram of the reasons your patient needs health care.
  • In the middle of a blank piece of paper, write the patient’s reason for seeking health care or hospitalization (usually a medical diagnosis).
  • Around this central diagnosis, arrange general problems (nursing diagnoses) that represent your patient’s responses – actual or potential – to this reason for seeking health care (usually the medical diagnosis).
  • Recognize major problem areas. (You do not have to state the nursing diagnosis yet.)


  • Identify and group clinical assessment data, treatments, medications, medical history data, and diagnostic and laboratory test data related to the general problems (nursing diagnoses). This provides support for the nursing diagnoses.
  • Data can be listed in more than one area if it is relevant to more than one category.
  • If you do not know where the data should go but you think it is important, list it off to the side of the map and check with your clinical professor.
  • Finally, determine the priority nursing assessments that still need to be performed regarding the primary reason for seeking care (medical diagnosis); write them in the box at the center of the map.


  • Draw lines between nursing diagnoses to indicate relationships.
  • Label the general problems you have identified according to the North American Diagnosis Association (NANDA) classification system.


  • On a separate piece of paper, for each nursing diagnosis write your patient goals/outcomes.
  • Goals/outcomes are specific, realistic, and measurable. They are usually written in the future tense, “The patient/client will. …”
  • List nursing interventions to attain the goal/outcome. Interventions are specific nursing orders and are directly related to the goal.  Interventions must be written within the domain of nursing (not physicians).  Interventions include what you are carefully monitoring, treatments, patient education, and medications.
  • Be complete and think, “What am I doing this day for this patient/client”.
  • Carry the Concept Map and list of interventions with you as you work with the patient. Either check off interventions as you complete them or make revisions in the diagram and interventions during the day


  • As you complete a nursing intervention, write down the patient’s responses.
  • This step also involves writing your clinical impression regarding your patient’s progress toward expected goals/outcomes and the effectiveness of your interventions to bring these goals/outcomes about. Did you meet the goal or not?

SAMPLE PATIENT for Nursing Process Paper: Concept Mapping

Your patient for today is W. C., a 76-year-old male who was admitted 4 days ago with an abdominal abscess and bowel obstruction.  He went to the operating room for an Exploratory Laparotomy two days ago.

He has a history of DM Type 2, Cancer of the lung 2 years ago that was treated with radiation and chemotherapy, an enlarged prostrate, Cancer of the bone with chronic bone pain in his right leg, and Atrial Fibrillation with a pulse rate of 128 and irregular.

He has 2 abdominal drains with purulent drainage and a temp of 100.5 F.  Currently he is NPO with a NG tube to suction.  He has an IV of D5 RL at 100 mL/hr.  He has decreased breaths sounds on the right lower lung field and is on Oxygen at 6L by mask. He has a Foley catheter in place.

He says he is nervous; clenching his fists, and says that he is afraid of dying.

Medications: PCA with Morphine, Digoxin, Kefzol, Ventolin inhaler, Proscar, and Regular Insulin by sliding scale.


  • Based on the clinical data you have collected, begin a concept map care plan by developing a basic skeleton diagram of the reasons your patient needs health care.
  • In the middle of a blank piece of paper, write the patient’s reason for seeking health care or hospitalization (usually a medical diagnosis).
  • Around this central diagnosis, arrange general problems (nursing diagnoses) that represent your patient’s responses to this reason for seeking health care (usually the medical diagnosis).