Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.

Prepare a 2-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.

As you begin to consider the assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Breach of Protected Health Information (PHI) activity. The will support your success with the assessment by creating the opportunity for you to test your knowledge of potential privacy, security, and confidentiality violations of protected health information. The activity is not graded and counts towards course engagement.

Health professionals today are increasingly accountable for the use of protected health information (PHI). Various government and regulatory agencies promote and support privacy and security through a variety of activities. Examples include:

Meaningful use of electronic health records (EHR).
Provision of EHR incentive programs through Medicare and Medicaid.
Enforcement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules.
Release of educational resources and tools to help providers and hospitals address privacy, security, and confidentiality risks in their practices.
Technological advances, such as the use of social media platforms and applications for patient progress tracking and communication, have provided more access to health information and improved communication between care providers and patients.

At the same time, advances such as these have resulted in more risk for protecting PHI. Nurses typically receive annual training on protecting patient information in their everyday practice. This training usually emphasizes privacy, security, and confidentiality best practices such as:

Keeping passwords secure.
Logging out of public computers.
Sharing patient information only with those directly providing care or who have been granted permission to receive this information.
Today, one of the major risks associated with privacy and confidentiality of patient identity and data relates to social media. Many nurses and other health care providers place themselves at risk when they use social media or other electronic communication systems inappropriately. For example, a Texas nurse was recently terminated for posting patient vaccination information on Facebook. In another case, a New York nurse was terminated for posting an insensitive emergency department photo on her Instagram account.

Health care providers today must develop their skills in mitigating risks to their patients and themselves related to patient information. At the same time, they need to be able distinguish between effective and ineffective uses of social media in health care.

This assessment will require you to develop a staff update for the interprofessional team to encourage team members to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of patient information.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making.
Describe the security, privacy, and confidentially laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that govern the interdisciplinary team.
Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.
Competency 2: Implement evidence-based strategies to effectively manage protected health information.
Identify evidence-based approaches to mitigate risks to patients and health care staff related to sensitive electronic health information.
Develop a professional, effective staff update that educates interprofessional team members about protecting the security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient data, particularly as it pertains to social media usage.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
Create a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional staff update that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

To successfully prepare to complete this assessment, complete the following:

Review the infographics on protecting PHI provided in the resources for this assessment, or find other infographics to review. These infographics serve as examples of how to succinctly summarize evidence-based information.
Analyze these infographics, and distill them into five or six principles of what makes them effective. As you design your interprofessional staff update, apply these principles. Note: In a staff update, you will not have all the images and graphics that an infographic might contain. Instead, focus your analysis on what makes the messaging effective.
Select from any of the following options, or a combination of options, the focus of your interprofessional staff update:
Social media best practices.
What not to do: Social media.
Social media risks to patient information.
Steps to take if a breach occurs.
Conduct independent research on the topic you have selected in addition to reviewing the suggested resources for this assessment. This information will serve as the source(s) of the information contained in your interprofessional staff update. Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources.

In this assessment, assume you are a nurse in an acute care, community, school, nursing home, or other health care setting. Before your shift begins, you scroll through Facebook and notice that a coworker has posted a photo of herself and a patient on Facebook. The post states, “I am so happy Jane is feeling better. She is just the best patient I’ve ever had, and I am excited that she is on the road to recovery.”

You have recently completed your annual continuing education requirements at work and realize this is a breach of your organization’s social media policy. Your organization requires employees to immediately report such breaches to the privacy officer to ensure the post is removed immediately and that the nurse responsible receives appropriate corrective action.

You follow appropriate organizational protocols and report the breach to the privacy officer. The privacy officer takes swift action to remove the post. Due to the severity of the breach, the organization terminates the nurse.

Based on this incident’s severity, your organization has established a task force with two main goals:

Educate staff on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.
Prevent confidentiality, security, and privacy breaches.
The task force has been charged with creating a series of interprofessional staff updates on the following topics:

Social media best practices.
What not to do: Social media.
Social media risks to patient information.
Steps to take if a breach occurs.
You are asked to select one of the topics, or a combination of several topics, and create the content for a staff update containing a maximum of two content pages. When distributed to interprofessional team members, the update will consist of one double-sided page.

The task force has asked team members assigned to the topics to include the following content in their updates in addition to content on their selected topic(s):

What is protected health information (PHI)?
Be sure to include essential HIPAA information.
What are privacy, security, and confidentiality?
Define and provide examples of privacy, security, and confidentiality concerns related to the use of the technology in health care.
Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.
What evidence relating to social media usage and PHI do interprofessional team members need to be aware of? For example:
How many nurses have been terminated for inappropriate social media usage in the United States?
What types of sanctions have health care organizations imposed on interdisciplinary team members who have violated social media policies?
What have been the financial penalties assessed against health care organizations for inappropriate social media usage?
What evidence-based strategies have health care organizations employed to prevent or reduce confidentiality, privacy, and security breaches, particularly related to social media usage?
Your staff update is limited to two double-spaced content pages. Be selective about the content you choose to include in your update so that you are able to meet the page length requirement. Include need-to-know information. Leave out nice-to-know information.
Many times people do not read staff updates, do not read them carefully, or do not read them to the end. Ensure your staff update piques staff members’ interest, highlights key points, and is easy to read. Avoid overcrowding the update with too much content.
Also supply a separate reference page that includes 2–3 peer-reviewed and 1–2 non-peer-reviewed resources (for a total of 3–5 resources) to support the staff update content.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Ensure the staff update is free from errors that detract from the overall message.
Submission length: Maximum of two double-spaced content pages.
Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point.
Citations and references: Provide a separate reference page that includes 2–3 current, peer-reviewed and 1–2 current, non-peer-reviewed in-text citations and references (total of 3–5 resources) that support the staff update’s content. Current mean no older than 5 years.
APA format: Be sure your citations and references adhere to APA format. Consult the APA Style and Format page for an APA refresher.

1. Provides a comprehensive and insightful summary of confidentially laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that govern the interdisciplinary team.

2. Explains in detail, and with professional insight, the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.

3. Identifies multiple appropriate and well-researched evidence-based approaches to mitigate risks to patients and health care staff related to sensitive electronic health information.

4. Develops a comprehensive, professional, and effective staff update that educates interprofessional team members with flawless exposition about protecting the security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient data, particularly as it pertains to social media usage.

5. Follows APA style and formatting guidelines meticulously for citations and references. Academic citations and references are largely error-free.

6. Creates a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional staff update that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Adheres to all applicable disciplinary and scholarly writing standards.

Elaborate on the relationship between organizational effectiveness and quality nursing care.

Please answer the following questions/topics in a detailed paragraph form using scholarly resources. APA format must be used for all in-text citations. You should have a reference page in APA format as well. No title page is needed.
1. After reviewing the “Organizational Structures” chapter of your Yoder-Wise text, develop a definition of organizational effectivene

  1. Elaborate on the relationship between organizational effectiveness and quality nursing care.
  2. Choose a leadership/management theory that could be applied to this situation. Explain the main components of the theory and your rationale for application in this Case Study situation.
  3. Provide an example of the application of the theory to one of the bulleted concerns in the Case Study.






Select one nursing research article that focuses on a study that used Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring as a theoretical framework.

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is a conceptual thread in the USU College of Nursing’s curriculum framework. The purpose of this assignment is to offer students the opportunity to be exposed to Human Caring Science while providing students with the skills of critical appraisal of evidence.
Students will select one nursing research article that focuses on a study that used Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring as a theoretical framework.
Students should use as a guide, an appropriate Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist found in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt ( textbook)
The critiques are to be informal, although correct grammar, spelling, etc., are expected. The critique should include a brief description of the study that was reviewed and should address elements of the study relevant to critique.
Students will provide a written critique on a critical appraisal of the elements relevant to the nature of the research study such as type of study, design, quality of the study; and rationale, as well as implications for practice and further research and/or evaluation.
The grade will be based on accuracy, level of content and structure of the document.
Examples of research articles incorporating Jean Watson’s theory in USU online library:

Durgun Ozan, Y., & Okumus, H. (2017). Effects of nursing care based on Watson’s theory of human caring on anxiety, distress, and coping when infertility treatment fails: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Caring Sciences, 6(2), 95-109.

Rossillao, K. (2018). Caritas education: Theory to practice…2018 National Teaching Institute research abstracts presented at the AACN National Teaching Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, May 21-24, 2018.
American Journal of Critical Care, 27(3), e 14 – e15.

Discuss the access, cost, and quality of quality environments, as well as recent quality initiatives.

Discuss the access, cost, and quality of quality environments, as well as recent quality initiatives. Reflect on the relationship between quality measures and evaluation and role development. In addition, describe this relationship and note how the role of the Advance Practice Nurse might change without effective quality measures. APA 6th edition with InText citation.

Critically examine and appraise how changes within the National Health Service have impacted on the care delivered to a patient with diabetes mellitus.

Topic ; Diabetic emergency (Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic)
Recommend structure;
Introduction (brief introduction of diabetes and complication
Main body
Recommendation for clinical practice
Screening assessment
Management treatment
Critically examine and appraise how changes within the National Health Service have impacted on the care delivered to a patient with diabetes mellitus. You will be expected to provide the most contemporary sources of policy that have influenced your topic choice.
Analyse and critically synthesise relevant theoretical and contemporary research based knowledge around your chosen topic. There is evidence of a comprehensive range of literature sources used to demonstrate that you have read widely around your topic in order for you to demonstrate comprehensive critical syntheses, as well as a coherent line of discussion.
Robust critical application of the evidence to support your topic and suggestions on how you can implement change to your practice.
An action plan [as an appendix] can be included to identify how you will address these suggestions meeting SMART criteria
Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly presented
You will have:
 Structured your essay in a logical manner including an introduction and summary or conclusion
 Demonstrated a coherent line of discussion
-critically examine and appraise; analysis and critical synthesis; critical application of the literature-

Explain what population you chose from the Healthy People 2030 objectives and why?

Movie Reflection Assignments on…

The Visitor –Director Tom McCarthy

You will be completing Reflection Assignments on the four movies you will be watching during this semester. These are smaller writing assignments to teach reflective and critical thinking regarding the Nursing profession. This course is focused on three topics; Politics, Health Policy and Advocacy. Advocacy is a topic that can be Advocacy for the Profession of Nursing, Advocacy for your patients and their families and Advocacy for a Health Issue or Public concern that impacts the health of your patients or the population in general. You may rent these movies from vendors like You Tube,  Amazon.com or Netflix etc.

For this week the topic will be on Immigration.  The movie, “The Visitor” portrays a Northern immigrant center- and a pretty  sanitized version of immigration and detention for  illegal immigrants. However the You Tube  segment you will watch specifically address the crisis at our Southern border and the immigration centers being run there by and for the United States Government- While this particular segment from June 2018- this is still occurring, and each month or so the the Government shows  updated numbers that have shown   even more children have been separated, than previously reported,  through these processes at the immigration centers- In fact, some  International  Civil Rights groups have stated that America is committing Human Rights Violations through these actions. This past year  the US government was taken to court for not supplying soap, tooth paste & brush , a comb/brush or basic  human hygiene needs, like diapers and clean clothing.  Young menstruating females are left in soiled, bloody clothing without sanitary hygiene supplies in these centers.In some centers it was reveled that immigrants don’t even have enough space within these camps to lay down to sleep at night, they are physically standing or in sitting positions while being housed in these centers.  The Government lawyers told the courts that the US should not have to supply these types of services to detainees.  Even our men and women  who in the past  have been imprisoned in  Prisoner of War Camps under the Geneva Convention (The Geneva Convention was a series of international diplomatic meetings that produced a number of agreements, in particular the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, a group of international laws for the humane treatment of wounded or captured military personnel, medical personnel and non-military civilians during war ) received better care than what is being given to these immigrants/detainees.  The US government has hired out the services for many of these centers to private business, for  millions of dollars, and the US alone has moved many immigrants including  children included to military bases at our Southern borders, in the dessert into tent cities- leaving immigrants, including small children to freezing night time temperatures and  temperatures during the daytime of over 100 degrees  during summer months.  Further aggravating the essential problem, is that immigrants, including many children and teenagers are dying while in these detention centers, under US care (something which has never occurred before ) . The US Government states they are under no obligation to vaccinate these individuals for Influenza, chicken pox, measles, TB etc. – Most recently a group of  International  Physicians  arrived at a center with 100 free doses of influenza vaccine, and were turned away not allowing to inoculate as many as they had brought supplies for. This has been true with soap and hygiene products which organizations have brought and donated, the government refuses to accept these items, even though they are free. Having this many people in such close living conditions is risking the families of guards and workers in these centers, who then  bring these  potentially fatal  bacteria and disease home, exposing their own families, and bringing disease into the surrounding communities.

The Assignment:

This assignment is to be done in a narrative paper format (look this up if you do not know what this is) using  APA 7. APA 7 is the newest version, Purdue Owl has changed over to the 7th edition on their website.  Purdue Owl is an exceptional source for writing and APA- guidance – if you choose not to get the APA manual.  I also recommend Citation Manager on the internet- it will show you how to indent your bibliography, and cite your references for you.   It is Free– if you select to see ads every so many times… That means you have a title page, NO ABSTRACT, an Introduction, the body of the paper where you will answer the questions below. It is to be a narrative format, NOT the question written out and then the answer in a narrative- Do not embed (write out) the questions within your paper- discuss..

Instead of the question… Explain what population you chose from the Healthy People 2030 objectives and why?

You would write…

Example: I chose to do Falls in the elderly (over age 55) as my Healthy People 2030 objective because I currently work in an Assisted Living Facility. Falls are a Quality of Indicator in Long Term Care and Assisted Living, so they are monitored closely within my work environment. The elder (older than age 55) population  are important to discuss because the Baby Boomer generation has now aged, and the majority of the patients seen in both acute and  long term care, like Assisted Living Centers are  within that age range. 

After you answer all the questions within your body of your paper you are to write a conclusion section where you summarize the points of your paper.

Example: In conclusion as discussed in articles by Benner (2029) and Whittle (2017), falls in the elderly continue to be a problem for all levels of care. As discussed, falls often lead to complications, which mark the start of the decline of elderly patients as it impacts their quality of living. More research continues to need to be done in this area, and innovative ways to decrease falls within this population need to be identified.

Finally you will create a separate bibliography section (it has its own page) as your last page, and any resources you used for writing your paper need to be listed on it. (See Purdue Owl for how to create a bibliography page in APA format).  APA format is always done in 12 point font Times New Roman – and it does not allow for use of contractions (NO CONTRACTIONS) Examples:  would’ve, I’ve, can’t, or didn’t…

This paper should be no longer than 1500 words- (if you go slightly over I will accept it with marking you off. It should be no less than 1200-  that is about 3-5 pages- if you count your title page as page one, the  “meat”  aka body of your paper as 2-3 pages, and your bibliography/ references  page that gives you  four pages right there-

I don’t mind if you chose not to use level 2 or 3 headings, but you should label the Introduction, have a heading like : “Discussion” for your  paper  “meat” aka body, and  the conclusion, and the Bibliography/References  should have a label at the top of the page.

Quotes are optional… However, you should use no more than one quotation, I prefer you summarize in your own words, what is said, rather than quote- so if you do not quote that is okay.

You are required to use two additional sources for your reflection on the movie, to use other sources, like journal articles or articles or web content (not Wikipedia) to support your answers. So you will need a bibliography/reference  page to source that content for this reflection paper. (APA narrative format)!  Make sure you do a brief introduction to the movie you’re discussing in the assignment- include title, topic and identify the conflict or problem the movie addresses. Research whether the American Nurses Association has a paper or statement that addresses this issue discussed in the movie? If so, state their position. Provide a brief conclusion for the movie in a narrative form, and summarize the issue and what implications the problem poses for the public or for Health professionals. Finally-briefly (1-2 sentences) summarize what the next step should be to address the issues or problem suggested in the movie.

Answer the following questions:
1. Identify whether this movie encompasses Politics, Health Policy or Advocacy (what type of Advocacy) or more than one or more of these topics. Explain why you think the movie touches base on the topic(s) you choose.

  1. How did this movie make you feel?
  2. Do you feel the subject of the movie is an issue or health problem or topic that Health professionals can be an advocate for?
  3. How do you think it could impact you as a future Nursing Professional and your Practice?
  4. Do you think the movie presented a discussion of potential solutions or ways to combat the issue or problem? How would you approach the issue or problem? Could a Legislative bill at the state level or federal level help solve the problem or would research monies or federal research funds or grants provide support?
  5. Is the problem global and cross international borders? Does that make it harder to address the problem and find solutions for it?
  6. Did you like the movie? Why or why not? Were you aware of the issue prior to viewing this movie?



Describe the cultural underpinning pros adn cons of health care reform/affordable health care act in the US.

Describe the cultural underpinning pros adn cons of health care reform/affordable health care act in the US.
Writing must be from scratch as promised.
peer reviewed journals (2016-2020)

Summarize a health care problem or issue and describe a personal interest in it and experience with it.

Create a 3-5-page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing one of the health care problems or issues in the Assessment Topic Areas media piece faced by a health care organization that is of interest to you.


In your professional life, you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and your plans of action. You will want to keep abreast of best practices to help your organization adapt to the ever-changing health care environment. Being adept at research will help you find the information you need. For this assessment, you will review the Assessment Topic Areas media piece and select one of the health care problems or issues to research a current health care problem or issue faced by a health care organization that is of interest to you.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply information literacy and library research skills to obtain scholarly information in the field of health care.
    • Identify academic peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to a health care problem or issue and describe the criteria used for the literature search.
  • Competency 2: Apply scholarly information through critical thinking to solve problems in the field of health care.
    • Assess the credibility and relevance of information sources.
    • Summarize what was learned from developing an annotated bibliography.
    • Analyze academic peer-reviewed journal articles using the annotated bibliography organizational format.
  • Competency 4: Write for a specific audience, in appropriate tone and style, in accordance with Capella’s writing standards.
    • Summarize a health care problem or issue and describe a personal interest in it and experience with it.
    • Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
    • Write following APA style for in-text citations, quotes, and references.


Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

For this assessment, research best practices related to a current health care problem. Your selected problem or issue will be utilized again in Assessment 3. To explore your chosen topic, you should use the first two steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking.

  1. View the Assessment Topic Areasmedia piece and select one of the health care problems or issues in the media piece to research. Write a brief overview of the selected topic. In your overview:
    • Summarize the health care problem or issue.
    • Describe your interest in the topic.
    • Describe any professional experience you have with this topic.
  2. Identify peer-reviewed articles relevant to health care issue or problem.
    • Conduct a search for scholarly or academic peer-reviewed literature related to the topic and describe the criteria you used to search for articles, including the names of the databases you used. You will select four current scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles published during the past 3–5 years that relate to your topic.
      • You will want to access the applicable Undergraduate Library Research Guide related to your degree (found at the NHS Learner Success Lab) for tips to help you in your search.
    • Use keywords related to the health care problem or issue you are researching to select relevant articles.
  3. Assess the credibility and explain relevance of the information sources you find.
    • Determine if the source is from an academic peer-reviewed journal.
    • Determine if the publication is current.
    • Determine if information in the academic peer-reviewed journal article is still relevant.
  4. Analyze academic peer-reviewed journal articles using the annotated bibliography organizational format. Provide rationale for inclusion of each selected article. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to document a list of references along with key information about each one. The detail about the reference is the annotation. Developing this annotated bibliography will create a foundation of knowledge about the selected topic. In your annotated bibliography:
    • Identify the purpose of the article.
    • Summarize the information.
    • Provide rationale for inclusion of each article.
    • Include the conclusions and findings of the article.
    • Write your annotated bibliography in a paragraph form. The annotated bibliography should be approximately 150 words (1–3 paragraphs) in length.
    • List the full reference for the source in APA format (author, date, title, publisher, et cetera) and use APA format for the annotated bibliography.
    • Make sure the references are listed in alphabetical order, are double-spaced, and use hanging indents.
  5. Summarize what you have learned from developing an annotated bibliography.
    • Summarize what you learned from your research in a separate paragraph or two at the end of the paper.
    • List the main points you learned from your research.
    • Summarize the main contributions of the sources you chose and how they enhanced your knowledge about the topic.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • APA template: Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]as the paper format and the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] for guidance.
  • Written communication: Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
  • Content: Provide a title page and reference page following APA style.
  • References: Use at least four scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • APA format: Follow current APA guidelines for in-text citation of outside sources in the body of your paper and also on the reference page.

If you would like assistance in organizing your assessment, or if you simply have a question about your assessment, please do not hesitate to ask faculty or the teaching assistants in the NHS Learner Success Lab for guidance and suggestions

Describe the clonal selection process, including the intercellular collaborations that result in the production of effector and memory cells.

Describe the clonal selection process, including the intercellular collaborations that result in the production of effector and memory cells.

Describe foods that impact bowel elimination either positively or negatively.

Review and answer questions.
You are a visiting nurse checking in on your patient, a 93-year-old retired steelworker who lives alone with his two cats. You visit him on a weekly basis to monitor his blood glucose levels and refill his insulin syringes for his self-medicating throughout the week, as he is visually impaired. During your interview, he indicates that he has been experiencing irregularity and is quite anxious over developing a bowel obstruction.
a. How would you assess his bowel elimination patterns?
b. Describe foods that impact bowel elimination either positively or negatively.
c. What activities could you recommend to maintain adequate bowel function?
d. Outline how fiber and fluid intake facilitate bowel elimination.
e. Which mechanical function of the bowel causes constipation?