Researching the origin of the technology. Briefly describe how to use it. Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles within 5 years at the latest regarding how higher education in nursing has used the platform in instruction or marketing.

Technology in Nursing Education Research Paper: Simulation

Researching the origin of the technology
Its purpose and function (audience, content);
Briefly describe how to use it;
The advantages/disadvantages of the technology;
Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles within 5 years at the latest regarding how higher education in nursing has used the platform in instruction or marketing;
The privacy and confidentiality issues (what the choices are when setting up account, any disclaimers listed, what the security is, has it ever been hacked);
Statistics regarding usage (as few sources are Google analytics, Pew Internet Research); and
Offer recommendations for future potential use in nursing education (what are the next steps in nursing education related to this technology?)
Alignment with MSN Essentials and course objectives.

What are two priority nursing diagnoses for this child? What are the priority nursing interventions for this patient after being transferred from the ICU? What are the risks of foley catheter placement?

Case Study

Review the case study and answer the following questions.

Jimmy, ten years old, was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit after a fall from the second-story townhome were sustained a fractured left femur and mild head injury. Currently, Jimmy is two days post open reduction internal fixation of the left femur. Orders were updated to transfer Jimmy out of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after being cleared by the neurologist. He has a long leg cast, indwelling foley catheter and will require neuro checks every two hours.

What are two priority nursing diagnoses for this child?
What are the priority nursing interventions for this patient after being transferred from the ICU?
What are the risks of foley catheter placement?
Does the patient still require an indwelling foley catheter? Provide a rationale to support your answer.

What else should you ask the client? What teaching would you reinforce to prevent the recurrence of otitis media? What expected outcomes would be specific to this situation?

Module 08 Written Assignment – Otitis Media

An 8-year-old girl comes to your ambulatory care clinic with complaints of left ear pain for the past 3 days. She had respiratory infection a week ago. On physical examination, the tympanic membrane is bulging.

Answer the following questions:
What else should you ask the client?
What teaching would you reinforce to prevent the recurrence of otitis media?
What expected outcomes would be specific to this situation?

Do you support this shift in traditional thinking which is linking external factors to health, or do you believe responsibility lies entirely with the individual and the lifestyle choices he or she makes? What surprised you most when you read the CDC summary about health inequities in this country?

Public Health Nursing

What are your thoughts on the “social determinants of health?” Up until recently, we have typically thought of health only in terms of health care and personal behaviors. Do you support this shift in traditional thinking which is linking external factors to health, or do you believe responsibility lies entirely with the individual and the lifestyle choices he or she makes? What surprised you most when you read the CDC summary about health inequities in this country?

Textbook: Demarco, R. & Healy-Walsh J. (2020).  Community and public health nursing: Evidence for practice (3rd ed.)

Summarize your chosen economic issue and its impact on your work, organization, colleagues, and community. Reiterate your rationale for pursuing this issue, as well as the gap contributing to it that you identified in your previous assessment.

Systematic evaluation Essay

Complete a systematic evaluation of a unit, facility, or organization with which you are familiar, in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may sometimes be tasked with the need to complete a systematic evaluation as a way of improving your organization’s outcomes. In this assessment, you will have a chance to practice these skills by completing a systematic evaluation of a unit, facility, or organization that you are familiar with in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue that you presented in the previous assessment. This systematic evaluation is often referred to as a needs analysis. Understanding how to do a needs analysis will be key as you advance through your career in the health care environment.

Background and Context
As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may sometimes be tasked with the need to complete a systematic evaluation as a way of improving your organization’s outcomes. In this assessment, you will have a chance to practice these skills by completing a systematic evaluation of a unit, facility, or organization that you are familiar with in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue that you presented in the previous assessment. This systematic evaluation is often referred to as a needs analysis. Understanding how to do a needs analysis will be key as you advance through your career in the health care environment.

Be sure to address each main point. Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide, including performance-level descriptions for each criterion, to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how it will be assessed. In addition, note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

Overall, you will be assessed on the following criteria:

Summarize your chosen economic issue and its impact on your work, organization, colleagues, and community.
Reiterate your rationale for pursuing this issue, as well as the gap contributing to it that you identified in your previous assessment.
Identify any socioeconomic or diversity disparities that exist with how your chosen economic issue impacts any particular groups or populations.
Use at least one piece of evidence to support this disparity (public health data, aggregated data from an organization, or other scholarly resources).
Explain the findings of evidence-based or scholarly sources regarding the need to address your chosen issue and pursue potential change or implementation plans.
For example, if your implementation plan includes the need for increased staffing, you might want to research errors or patient falls that occurred as a result of high patient and low staff ratio in the literature.
Use at least four evidence-based or scholarly sources that are relevant to your chosen topic to support your explanation.
Explain the predicted outcomes and opportunities for growth as the result of the proposed change or implementation plan.
Outcomes and opportunities for growth should focus on economic considerations.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.

Additional Requirements
Length of Submission: 3–5 double-spaced pages.
Number of References: Cite at least four sources of evidence to support your identification of the gap. This could be public health data, a peer-reviewed journal article, or another scholarly source.
APA formatting: Titles, headings, resources, and citations are formatted according to the current APA style.
Note: As you revise your writing, check out the resources listed on the Writing Center’s Writing Support page.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze the effects of financial and economic factors (such as cost-benefit, supply and demand, return on investment, and risks) in a health care system on patient care, services offered, and organizational structures and operation.
Summarize the chosen economic issue and its impact on your work, organization, colleagues, and community.

Competency 2: Develop ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a health care organization in an effort to improve the quality of care and services offered.
Identify any socioeconomic or diversity disparities that exist with how your chosen economic issue impacts any particular groups or populations.

Competency 3: Justify the qualitative and quantitative information used to guide economic decision making to stakeholders and colleagues.
Explain the findings of evidence-based or scholarly sources regarding the need to address your chosen issue and pursue potential change or implementation plans.

Competency 4: Develop ethical and culturally equitable economic strategies to address dynamic environmental forces and ensure the future security of an organization’s resources and its ability to provide quality care.
Explain the predicted outcomes and opportunities for growth as the result of the proposed change or implementation plan.

Competency 5: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella writing standards.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.

Navigate the Joint Commission websites and prepare a presentation on their mission statement and areas that the Joint Commission covers, providing a summary of each area. Maximum 10 slides excluding presentation pages and references page.

Joint Commission Essay

Navigate the Joint Commission websites and prepare a presentation on their mission statement and areas that the Joint Commission covers, providing a summary of each area. Maximum 10 slides excluding presentation pages and references page. Two references in APA style



Identify a cardiac or respiratory dysfunction and its cause. Outline the key steps necessary to prevent the dysfunction and improve health status.

Cardiac or respiratory dysfunction and its cause

Identify a cardiac or respiratory dysfunction and its cause. Outline the key steps necessary to prevent the dysfunction and improve health status.


What information could each item indicate? What are the drawbacks of using each data source separately? How can 3 or more of these data sources be used to triangulate areas needing improvement?

Collecting Data Through Surveys

In this assignment, you will address how data can be collected and used for improving program effectiveness. The programmatic evaluation uses triangulation to determine a program’s effectiveness.

There are 2 parts of this assignment.
In Part 1, you will discuss some sources of data for program evaluation. You will explain how each source can be used in evaluation for determining the value of the program as well as pinpointing the program’s inherent issues that need to be addressed. In Part 2, you will develop 2 surveys from which you will collect data for programmatic review.


Part 1
Address the following:
• How can the following data sources be used to guide program evaluation and quality improvement?
• Withdrawal rates
• Course failure rates
• Summative assessments
• Formative assessments
• Internal test scores
• External test scores
• Student end-of-course survey answers
• Faculty end-of-course survey answers
• What information could each item indicate?
• What are the drawbacks of using each data source separately?
• How can 3 or more of these data sources be used to triangulate areas needing improvement?

Part 2
In Part 2, you will develop 2 surveys from which you will collect data for programmatic review.

Write 2 different surveys for the same course:
• Student end-of-course survey
• Faculty end-of-course survey

Develop a student end-of-course survey to assess the curriculum and teaching. The survey will:
• Contain 10 questions (5 questions regarding course curriculum and 5 regarding instructor/teaching)
• Use a Likert scale
• Follow guidelines for writing effective survey questions

Develop a faculty end-of-course survey to gain their feedback on the curriculum. The survey will:
• Contain 10 questions
• Use open-ended questions
• Follow guidelines for writing effective survey questions

Explain how you will use the resulting data to drive decision-making.

What are your responsibilities as an RN related to medication administration and how will you carry it out?

Medication Administration

What are your responsibilities as an RN related to medication administration and how will you carry it out? (Minimum of 2 pages)


Identify the artist, the title, date completed, and the medium. Explain how learning about the work will help you in your life and career. Consider the context in which the work was created and the meaning of the work.

Essay – Interrelationships Reflection

As we learned in Week 1, there is a difference between being educated and simply trained. The purpose of education is not only to determine what someone can do, but also what kind of person they become as a result of their education. Studies in the humanities will advance the communication skills, empathy, self-awareness, judgment, and professionalism of students, and they help students with becoming skilled at the social and cultural context of working with people.

In addition, studying the humanities can help students in the following ways:

Literature can introduce students to life situations with which they may not be familiar.
Drama can teach oral communication.
Philosophy can teach skills of analysis and argument.
Art, literature, drama. and music are expressions of human creativity, and taking part in some form of artistic activity, either as reader or viewer, is part of what makes us human.
For this assignment, choose a work of art that made an impression on you during this course. Then, address the following:

Include an image of or link to the work.
Identify the artist, the title, date completed, and the medium.
Explain how learning about the work will help you in your life and career. Consider the context in which the work was created and the meaning of the work.
Explain how one or more specific disciplines (literature, drama, philosophy, art, music) influenced you.
Examine the effect that you think this class could have on your career and personal life.