Develop a nursing practice plan using the Registered Nurse Standards for strategies in managing the health issues that impact those of a chosen diverse population in the local, national, or global community of Australia.

NURBN3021 Assessment Task 3

Diverse Populations & Nursing Practice

Weighting: 40%

Purpose: Develop a nursing practice plan using the Registered Nurse Standards for strategies in managing the health issues that impact those of a chosen diverse population in the local, national, or global community of Australia.

Word Count: Between 2200-2500 words in length

Format: You are required to use headings to structure your report. Do not include a defined Introduction or Concluding paragraphs. The Report will be presented as a formal academic paper.


In this assignment students are required to:

Choose one diverse population of your choice based on the populations outlined in the course content, that is: children, older person, men, women, minority groups, culturally and linguistically diverse persons, those with a physical or mental disability.

Then present a report discussing the key areas to follow. You will also propose a nursing plan that seeks to address one of the health outcomes you have discovered for this group.

Within your assignment you need to begin with:

  • WHY your chosen population is considered diverse and include:
    o Social determinants of health and how they impact this population;
    o Health inequalities (the differences in health status between population

groups) such as differences in wellbeing, risk of disease, abuse/violence,

healthy life expectancy, morbidity and mortality;
o Health inequities (differences in health status between population groups that

are socially produced, systematic in their unequal distribution across the

population, avoidable and unfair) such as difference in access, affordability,

income etc;
o Health outcomes – Discuss key health issues impacting this population ie

certain disease, mental health issues, injuries etc

(Approx.1200 words)

  • Discuss the nursing care considerations that would be important in caring for an individual of this population. Your discussion should highlight and link to three Registered Nurse Standards such as:

o Standard 2: Engaging in a therapeutic and professional relationship § How to communicate effectively, and how to be respectful of your chosen population’s dignity, culture, values, beliefs and rights.
§ How to provide support and direct your chosen population to resources to optimise their health-related decisions

(Approx.1200 words)

Referencing should be included using APA 7th Edition guidelines. It is expected that the students use peer reviewed sources for referencing. For this assessment and to support your findings, you are to use at least 15 peer-reviewed references in your paper.

NURBN3021 Assessment Task 4 Report
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Marginal Unsatisfactory
Excellent description of the diverse group. All key social determinants identified and comprehensive discussion of their impact.(10 marks) Good description of the diverse group. Most social determinants identified and good discussion of their impact.(8 marks) Minimal description of the diverse group. Most social determinants identified and some discussion of their impact.(6 marks) Unclear description of the diverse group. Some social determinants identified though poor discussion of their impact.
(4 marks)
A brief description of the diverse group. Minimal or incorrect social determinants discussed and minimal or incorrect discussion of their impact. (2 marks) Diverse population not introduced or discussed.

(0 marks)

Excellent discussion of inequalities and inequities. Comprehensive discussion of their impact. (20 marks) Good discussion of inequalities and inequities. Good discussion of their impact.

(16 marks)

Minimal or irrelevant discussion of inequalities and inequities. Unclear discussion of their impact.(12 marks) Unclear discussion of inequalities and inequities. Unclear/irrelevant discussion of their impact.(8 marks) Unclear discussion of inequalities and inequities. No or poor discussion of their impact. (4 marks) No relevant health inequalities or inequities discussed

(0 marks)

Excellent discussion of health outcomes. Comprehensive discussion of their impact on the population. (10 marks) Good discussion of health outcomes. Good discussion of their impact on the population. (8 marks) Minimal or irrelevant discussion of health outcomes. Unclear discussion of their impact on the population.(6marks) Unclear discussion of health outcomes. Unclear/irrelevant discussion of their impact on the population.(4 marks) Unclear discussion of health outcomes. No or poor discussion o f their impact on

the population. (2 marks)

No relevant health outcomes discussed
(0 marks)
Excellent discussion of the application of first Standard. Comprehensive discussion of their impact on the population. (10 marks) Good discussion of the application of first Standard. Good discussion of their impact on the population. (8 marks) Minimal or irrelevant discussion of the application of first Standard. Unclear discussion of their impact on the population.(6marks) Unclear discussion of the application of first Standard. Unclear/irrelevant discussion of their impact on the population.(4 marks) Unclear discussion of the application of first Standard. None or poor discussion of their impact on the population. (2 marks) No relevant discussion of the application of first Standard discussed
(0 marks)
Excellent discussion of the application of second Standard. Comprehensive discussion of their impact on the population. (10 marks) Good discussion of the application of second Standard. Good discussion of their impact on the population. (8 marks) Minimal or irrelevant discussion of the application of second Standard. Unclear discussion of their impact on the population.(6marks) Unclear discussion of the application of the second Standard. Unclear/irrelevant discussion of their impact on the population.(4 marks) Unclear discussion of the application of the second Standard. None or poor discussion o f their impact on the population. (2 marks) No relevant discussionof the application of the second Standard discussed

(0 marks)

Excellent discussion of the application of the third Standard. Comprehensive discussionof its
impact on the population. (10 marks)
Good discussion of the application of the third Standard. Good discussionof its impact on the population. (8 marks) Minimal or irrelevant discussion of the application of the third Standard. Unclear discussionof its impact on the population.(6 marks) Unclear discussion of the application of the third Standard. Unclear/irrelevant discussionof its

impact on the population.(4 marks)

Unclear discussion of the application of the third Standard. None or poor discussion o f i t s impact on the population. (2 marks) No relevant discussionof the application of the third Standard discussed

(0 marks)

APA style correctly used, no errors. Excellent recent (5-7 years old) and relevant sources used that demonstrated excellent depth of reading. Minimum of 15-20 peer reviewed sources. (5 marks) APA style correctly used. Recent (5-7 years old) and relevant sources used that demonstrate good depth of reading. Minimum of 12-15 peer reviewed sources.

(4 marks)

APA style not correctly applied with minor mistakes. Recent (5-7 years old) and relevant sources used that demonstrate reasonable depth of reading though minimum of 10-12 peer reviewed sources.

(3 marks)

APA style not correctly applied with minor mistakes with referencing AND/OR < 10 recent (5-7 years old) or relevant sources (2 marks) APA style not correctly applied with major mistakes with referencing AND < 7 recent (5-7 years old) or relevant sources (1 mark) No in text referencing AND/OR reference list in APA style provided.

(0 marks)

Excellent layout. Writing is concise and thorough. No spelling or grammatical errors.

(5 marks)

Good layout. Writing is concise and thorough. No spelling or grammatical errors.

(4 marks)

Clear layout. Writing may be concise but lacks clarity. Few minor spelling or grammatical errors. (3 marks) Unclear layout. Writing is not concise or thorough. Few minor spelling or grammatical errors.

(2 marks)

Unclear layout. Writing is not concise or thorough. Many major spelling or grammatical errors.

(1 marks)

Writing cannot be followed. Poor or absent use of spelling and grammar checks (0 marks)



Promote holistic patient centered care and population health supporting values, culture, right to self-fulfillment, and quality care outcomes.

EPSLO 1: Promote holistic patient centered care and population health supporting values, culture, right to self-fulfillment, and quality care outcomes.
In your Journal summarize personal and professional achievements and accomplishments that you have completed throughout the baccalaureate nursing program at EC that refer to EPSLO 1: Promote holistic patient centered care and population health supporting values, culture, right to self-fulfillment, and quality care outcomes.
Attach a minimum of at least two examples of your work that supports EPSLO 1 noted above.

Describe the nursing clinical practice problem and why the problem is significant to nursing practice.

Practice Problem: • Use of bedside report compared to report at the nursing station

Describe the nursing clinical practice problem and why the problem is significant to nursing practice. Include data, evidence, or statistics to demonstrate that the identified clinical practice problem is a priority.
Write a PICOT question to address the identified clinical practice problem. Follow and answer the PICO(T) question format template. Identify and label each component of the PICOT question.
Ensure the PICOT question describes the clinical practice problem, the proposed intervention, the comparison intervention, the outcome, and includes a timeframe.

Summarize the research study by describing the research design, sample and setting, major variables (independent variable, dependent variable), major findings, and application of findings to the proposed practice problem and PICOT question.

Paper structure instructions attached.
Research article attached.
PICO(T) question template attached.
Critiquing questions attached.

Explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).

This reflection journal allows students to outline what they have discovered about theirexplain how they met a course competency or course objective(s)., personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).

Discuss cultural biases and stereotypes that may be associated with the identified group. Include defining characteristics of bias, stereotyping, and discrimination.

Discuss cultural biases and stereotypes that may be associated with the identified group. Include defining characteristics of bias, stereotyping, and discrimination.

Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy.

Please note that the health care issue that I chose is: Heavy Nursing Workload and its Impacts on an Organization
Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples.
this is a class discussion based on my chosen topic. Heavy Nursing Workload and its Impacts on an Organization

Describe strategies for using mentoring to facilitate professional/career  development in the context of nursing education 

NURS 6351: Role of the Nurse Educator

Week 3: Relationships That Foster Growth – Mentors and Preceptors

Isaac Newton’s scientific work in the 1700s led to a great deal of understanding about physics. Allegedly struck in the head by a falling apple, Newton went on to develop theories that explain why anything with mass (like an apple) is attracted toward the source of a gravitational force (like the Earth). In effect, we learned that gravity is the force that keeps our feet on the ground and prevents us from floating away.

If you reflect on some of your most memorable professional experiences, you may recall some that were not very positive. Perhaps these relationships acted like gravity, restricting your efforts to reach desired heights. On one hand, the role of mentors and preceptors is to work like a gravitational force as well, helping to keep learners’ feet on the ground while guiding them through the trials of learning and growing within the profession. On the other hand, these relationships help learners rise beyond these trials and reach the goals they have established.

This week, you examine the impact that mentors and preceptors can have on professional goal attainment. With an appreciation for this impact, you will propose a plan for seeking a mentor who can help with your journey. This plan will inform your completion and submission of the Practicum Experience Plan.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Contrast mentors and preceptors
  • Describe strategies for using mentoring to facilitate professional/career  development in the context of nursing education
  • Develop measurable individualized practicum objectives
  • Develop a Practicum Experience Plan
  • Construct a time log to facilitate practicum time management
  • Synthesize the literature and nurse educator competencies to justify practicum projects*

Briefly and concisely summarize the history and physical (H&P) findings as if you were presenting it to your preceptor using the pertinent facts from the case.

1. Briefly and concisely summarize the history and physical (H&P) findings as if you were presenting it to your preceptor using the pertinent facts from the case. Use shorthand where possible and approved medical abbreviations. Avoid redundancy and irrelevant information.
2. Provide a differential diagnosis (minimum of 3) which might explain the patient’s chief complaint along with a brief statement of pathophysiology for each.
3. Analyze the differential by using the pertinent findings from the history and physical to argue for or against a diagnosis.
4. Rank the differential in order of most likely to least likely.
5. Identify any additional tests and/or procedures that you feel is necessary or needed to help you narrow your differential. All testing decisions must be supported with an evidence-based medicine (EBM) argument as to why it is necessary or pertinent in this case. If no testing is indicated or needed, you must also support this decision with EBM evidence.
** Reference must be no later than 5 years old (Unless it uses current best practice guidelines).
** Attached is the information for this case study.

Describe a time when you had to make a behavioral change how did you do it?

Reflect on yourself and assess your own changes. Describe a time when you had to make a behavioral change how did you do it? Do you recognize the stages though which you progressed?

How do you think you would be able to determine what stahe a patient is in ( as related to change)

How would you move a patient from one stage to the next?

What would you modify from the slf-study material to make them more useful to you

Describe the process used to choose the sources for your literature review.

This milestone assignment focuses on the Literature Review portion of your final project. For your final project you will address a Professional Nursing Practice Issue. You will continue to use the Issue that you chose in Milestone One. Prompt: For this milestone you will submit a Literature Review in an APA formatted Word document. At least three evidence-based, current references are to be
included in the literature review.
In your submission, be sure to address the following items:
1. Describe the process used to choose the sources for your literature review. This should include identification of the databases, journals, keywords, and
limiting factors used during the search for appropriate literature.
2. Justify your reasoning for choosing the sources as the most appropriate to address your issue.
3. Summarize the sources, noting the important findings that the authors’ present. Use correct APA format for citations
The format for the literature review should include:
1. A title page
2. An introduction
3. Subtitles for the articles with individual article summaries
4. Reference page . Prompt: For this milestone you will submit a Literature Review in an APA formatted Word document. At least three evidence-based, current references are to be
included in the literature review.