is the relationship between the work of art and the event? Did the artist depict the event accurately? Does the artist make changes regarding the event? If so, why do you think the artist made these changes?

Interdisciplinary Works

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, select and address one of the following options:

Option 1: Choose a work to discuss from one genre that interprets a work from another genre.

Include the title, artist, and description of both works.
Examine how the artist of the second work captured the subject or story of the first.
Support your point(s) with a statement from the second artist that discusses the influence, reasoning, or interpretation of the original work on the second work.
Click below for examples

Link: Examples
You could choose a specific artwork influenced by a literary work and how the artist captured the subject or story. (Examples: Salvador Dali’s Mad Tea Party and Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland; Pablo Picasso’s Don Quixote and Cervantes’s Don Quixote de la Mancha)
You could choose a literary work influenced by an artwork and how the author captured the story. (Examples: Picasso’s The Old Guitarist and Wallace Steven’s “The Man with the Blue Guitar”; Van Gogh’s Starry Night and Anne Sexton’s “The Starry Night”)

Option 2: Choose a work that is interdisciplinary (incorporates two or more disciplines), such as Hamilton from our lesson this week.

Include the title and artist(s).
Examine the genres that are intermingled to create the work.
How effective is the blending of genres in the work?
Why do you think the artist used different disciplines in the work?
Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist and one from a critic.

Option 3: Choose a work of art from any genre that depicts or tells the story of a real life event from any time period, such as The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine on December 2, 1804 by Jacques Louis David.

Include the title and the artist and some background of the event.
What is the relationship between the work of art and the event?
Did the artist depict the event accurately?
Does the artist make changes regarding the event? If so, why do you think the artist made these changes?
Examine the artist’s message in the depiction.
Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist.

Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Provide an assessment and care planning requirements for a specific patient /service user that you have cared for in a mental health practice setting, with a particular focus on biopsychosocial needs.

Assessment Task Detail and Instructions:

For this 3500 word essay, you will consider the assessment and care planning requirements for a specific patient /service user that you have cared for in a mental health practice setting, with a particular focus on biopsychosocial needs.

Throughout the assignment, the discussion should demonstrate an evidence-based understanding of the care that was provided for the service user, and show application of person-centred care and recovery principles in practice.

Paranoid schizophrenia and diabetes

Write an essay on the improvement of colorectal cancer screening rates within the medicare advantage population using cologuard.

Improvement of colorectal cancer screening

Write an essay on the improvement of colorectal cancer screening rates within the medicare advantage population using cologuard.

How effective was your choice of nursing model in carrying out a holistic and person/family centred assessment of a patient?

How effective was your choice of nursing model in carrying out a holistic and person/family centred assessment of a patient?

In this assignment you will use a nursing model to carry out a holistic assessment of one of the three scenarios. You must choose both the nursing model and the scenario from the three linked in Moodle. You will discuss and evaluate the chosen nursing model as a basis for holistic assessment and in the development of person centred care. You will then reflect on how this assignment might inform your future practice

What was the focus of the study? Describe the patients or other group (the subjects) in the study What was their health problem or what was being studied?

Evidence-Based Research Article Guidelines

In one or two pages (no more) complete the following information in a summary addressing the article using the questions listed below.  It is expected that this assignment will be completed in your own words. Cutting and pasting of outside source material is never acceptable professional behavior.  This submission MUST be in APA format.

Every student will need to turn in:

Cover page.

A one to two-page summary (in your own words).

A reference page of the assigned article in Canvas.

Cover Page: In APA format.

Summary page: You can but do not need to respond to each question individually. You can use questions as headings to guide your summary of the article.

  1. What was the focus of the study?
  2. Describe the patients or other group (the subjects) in the study
  3. What was their health problem or what was being studied?
  4. Who was providing the care or conducting the study?
  5. What was the setting for that care or the study?
  6. What were the findings of the study?
  7. What were the authors’ recommendations?
  8. How practical/useful is this information to a practicing nurse? (Please think in terms of potential benefits versus harm, cost-effectiveness, availability of support services, etc.)
  9. Complete this question:  What I wonder is……..?  Explain.

Please use college-level grammar and spelling, as well as correct APA format for article citation.

Reference Page: Please reference your article in APA format.

D. Presentation in Lab:

Your group will present your article summary together in Skills Lab #5. You can present using a PowerPoint, skit, or demonstration of your findings. You will be given approximately 5-7 minutes to present. Be creative!!

What are your thoughts on the “social determinants of health?” Up until recently, we have typically thought of health only in terms of health care and personal behaviors.

Public Health Nursing

What are your thoughts on the “social determinants of health?” Up until recently, we have typically thought of health only in terms of health care and personal behaviors. Do you support this shift in traditional thinking which is linking external factors to health, or do you believe responsibility lies entirely with the individual and the lifestyle choices he or she makes? What surprised you most when you read the CDC summary about health inequities in this country?

Textbook: Demarco, R. & Healy-Walsh J. (2020).  Community and public health nursing: Evidence for practice (3rd ed.)


What do you do? What is the ethical approach in this situation? How do you treat the community knowing that you may have to watch some die while you reserve treatment for specific individuals?


Step 1: Read the following Background:

You are a nurse in a Third World country in a small village of 150 people (adults and children – roughly equal in numbers). There is an outbreak of a deadly infection which is easily treated with a specific antibiotic. Untreated, the mortality rate is close to 100%. However, you only have enough to treat 25 adults or 50 children. Additional dosages are on their way but are not expected to arrive before the disease will run its course. Note that anyone over 11 is considered an adult and you are in as much danger from the infection as everyone else.

Step 2: In a 500+ word paper discuss the following:

What do you do? What is the ethical approach in this situation? How do you treat the community knowing that you may have to watch some die while you reserve treatment for specific individuals?


Based on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint presentation for high school-aged students discussing normative aging changes, sexuality, STDs, and prevention.

School Health & STDs

Based on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint presentation for high school-aged students discussing normative aging changes, sexuality, STDs, and prevention. Be sure to address each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least two (2) sources throughout your presentation. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Address the following:

1. Discuss normal body changes that occur through puberty into young adulthood
2. Discuss specific STDs, causes, symptoms, complications, and treatment. You should include a slide or two for each of the following:
3. Gonorrhea
4. Chlamydia
5. Herpes
6. Hepatitis B
7. HIV
8. Syphilis
9. HPV
10. Discuss pregnancy and prevention

The assignment should be submitted in PowerPoint format, with at least 10 content slides (in addition to a title slide and reference slide) and include at least two (2) scholarly sources other than provided materials.

The following specifications are required for this assignment:
Length: 10 – 12 slides (not including the title and reference slide); answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner

Structure: Title slide and reference slides in APA style. (at least 2 slides). Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least two (2) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint document and a Word document (.pptx) and (.doc or .docx).

Filename: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module7.pptx”)

Investigate how school health is delivered within your local school system. You can look at one specific school or an entire school district. Do the schools in your area have a school health nurse assigned? If not, how are health care needs within the school district managed?

School health

Investigate how school health is delivered within your local school system. You can look at one specific school or an entire school district. Do the schools in your area have a school health nurse assigned? If not, how are health care needs within the school district managed? What are ways in your area schools in which health promotion and management of existing health problems are addressed?

What do you do? What is the ethical approach in this situation? How do you treat the community knowing that you may have to watch some die while you reserve treatment for specific individuals?

Week 7 Assignment: The Ethics of Triage

Start Assignment
Upload your paper by Sunday night at 11:59 pm MT

Step 1: Read the following Background:
You are a nurse in a Third World country in a small village of 150 people (adults and children – roughly
equal in numbers). There is an outbreak of a deadly infection which is easily treated with a specific antibiotic. Untreated, the mortality rate is close to 100%. However, you only have enough to treat 25 adults or 50 children. Additional dosages are on their way but are not expected to arrive before the disease will run its course. Note that anyone over 11 is considered an adult and you are in as much danger from the infection as everyone else.

Step 2: In a 500+ word paper discuss the following:
What do you do?
What is the ethical approach in this situation? How do you treat the community knowing that you may have to watch some die while you reserve treatment for specific individuals?
You MUST choose an action. If you waffle or refuse to state who gets treated and why, you will receive a
0 for this assignment. The same is true if you write about this issue as if it is matter of vaccination rather than treatment!
Be specific and give examples,
using at least two outside references, to buttress your argument.
Cite all sources in APA format.

Step 3: When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor by Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.