What would be the first pediatric policy that you would recommend? How can you effectively reach nurses to encourage their action to promote the policy? What are one or more reasons why many nurses do not engage in lobbying efforts?

Week 7 Discussion: Children, Health Policy, and Culturally Competent Care 8 8

This discussion will explore two components of appropriate health care for pediatric patients: health policy and cultural competence. .
To create your initial post to this discussion forum, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Choose ONE of the following prompts to discuss:
1. Imagine that you are a nurse lobbyist at the legislature in your state, with a specific focus on child and teen health. The children in this state encompass a broad range of social determinants of health. You are asked to recommend state-wide health policies to improve the health of this population, along with corresponding engagement strategies to reach nurses in the state.

What would be the first pediatric policy that you would recommend? Provide a rationale for your selection.
How can you effectively reach nurses to encourage their action to promote the policy?

What are one or more reasons why many nurses do not engage in lobbying efforts?

2. Describe a pediatric patient and/or their family members that you have cared for who is deemed by healthcare professionals to be ‘difficult’.

To what extent do you think that cultural factors, e.g. beliefs, values and customs common to a group, might have been implicated in this situation?
What are one or more barriers to culturally competent care that are specific to the nurse
relationship with pediatric patients?
List at least one strategy that a nurse can employ to overcome barrier(s) to cultural
competence with pediatric patients.

Step 2: Post your answer to your chosen prompt to the discussion forum. In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by Friday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Read other students’ initial postings and

What are your responsibilities as an RN related to medication administration and how will you carry it out?

RN responsibilities

What are your responsibilities as an RN related to medication administration and how will you carry it out? (Minimum of 2 pages)


What are the clinical manifestations (cues) of breast cancer? Describe lymphedema, why patients get the condition and nursing implications.


  • What are the clinical manifestations (cues) of breast cancer?
  • Describe lymphedema, why patients get the condition and nursing implications.
  • What is the incidence of breast cancer, including cultural considerations?
  • How will we evaluate your patient to see how she is going?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1000 – 1250 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.


Explain that this paper is a summary of the assigned article, followed by explanation of the impact of the article contents on your own future professional nursing practice.

Week 4 Professional Paper

Professional Paper

Explain that this paper is a summary of the assigned article, followed by explanation of the impact of the article contents on your own future professional nursing practice. Length for this section must be 50-75 words.

Assigned Article Summary

This section should be a revised and enhanced version of what you wrote in your Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet based on feedback from your instructor on that assignment. Appropriate revisions made from Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet will be crucial to improve your score.

Type statements that summarize the assigned article in this section. This paper should include a summary of the most important ideas in the assigned article (revised from Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet). One or two short direct quotations (with appropriate citations) including the assigned sentence for quotation must be used in this section (improved and revised from Week 4). There should be no prior knowledge, experience, or your own opinion in this section. All paraphrased ideas and facts (including the assigned sentence for paraphrasing) must originate from and be cited to the assigned article. No information should be included from other sources. See rubric for other criteria.

Add paragraphs here as needed. Length for this section must be 175-200 words.

Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice

Type statements here about the impact that the content of the assigned article will have on your future professional nursing practice. This portion of the paper must be your own ideas about how your own future practice will be impacted by content of the assigned article. Since ideas are your own, use of first person is appropriate and no citations are needed in this section. See rubric for other criteria.

Add paragraphs here as needed. Length for this section must be 125-150 words.


Write a concise summary of the paper here. A concluding statement is also to be provided in this section. Length for this section must be 75-100 words.

Provides a comprehensive section outlining possible prevention protocols or clearly indicates if none is available for the condition based on current scientific literature.

Pathophysiology of Kidney Stones

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to serve as an artifact, showing that students have demonstrated achieving the competency of scientific literacy.

This assignment specifically addresses the following Galen College of Nursing General Education Competencies: 2. Communication. 3. Information Literacy. 4. Critical Thinking. 5. Scientific Literacy.

You will need to work on this assignment weekly throughout the quarter. Your completed assignment will be due during week 9 of the quarter. Please do not wait until the last minute to work on this assignment. It is your responsibility to submit the completed assignment before the DropBox closes. No hard copies or emailed copies will be accepted once the DropBox is closed.

This project requires the ability to understand and apply scientific knowledge that you acquire both inside and outside the anatomy and physiology classroom. You will be presented a pathology that is applicable to the systems we have covered and will be assigned by your instructor. This is a pathology that you may encounter in your nursing career.

As you progress through this course, you will acquire information in a sequential, topic-specific manner. Each topic will include information that is relevant to this assignment. For example, the knowledge you gain from the lesson on cell morphology will be applied to later system-specific questions. Your explanations on each sub-topic should include information from sources that go beyond the textbook or classroom. You are expected to clearly understand the meaning of each topic before you construct your answers. For example, you are expected to know the meaning of “homeostasis” and to understand the topics that are connected to it. Don’t forget to read and understand the rubric before you start. Refer to it often – it will help guide you through the process.

1 Criteria

2 Description of the pathology

3 Normal anatomy of major body system affected

4 Normal physiology of body system affected

5 Mechanism of pathophysiology

6 Prevention

7 Treatment

Students will be assigned individual topics related to physiology and pathological conditions of physiological systems.
The student will be required to complete criteria 1-7 in a written paper.
The paper will be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 pages long not including a title and reference pages.
A minimum of three APA-style references must be included in the paper. There should be an APA-format references page at the end of the presentation. Additionally, in-text citations should be included when appropriate. Reputable resources include peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, interviews with clinicians who deal with these pathologies on a daily basis, personal experiences, class lectures, and other scientific sources.
The student should use a font size of 12, Times New Roman, and double-spaced throughout. The paper should be written with the text aligned to the left margin with 1” margins.
Students should review the information about plagiarism in the Student Catalog. Any copying of information from another source without giving proper credit through a citation will be met with severe consequences. In line with this, however, the entire presentation should not be directly copied from other sources. The student is expected to compose ideas in their own words, and only use text from other sources as a minor supplement.
The assignment should be submitted through the Dropbox in Canvas on or before the assigned due date. Refer to the late policy for late submissions.

Note: Any paper submitted that comes back with a Turn-It-In Similarity Report greater than 25% unoriginal will be subject to a thorough review and potentially a zero. You are expected to paraphrase and put things in your own words (while citing properly, of course). If you run your paper and it comes back 25% or higher go back and re-work it to have less direct quoting and copying from your sources. Say it in your own words!


Description of Pathology (10 points)


Student provides a comprehensive introductory section of the condition in 1-2 paragraphs.

(Up to 10 points)

Student provides a subpar introductory section of the condition in 1-2 paragraphs.

(Up to 7 points)

Student provides an inadequate introductory section.

(Up to 3 points)

Normal Anatomy of body system (15 points)



Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of normal anatomy of the body system throughout 100% of the project. Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary consistently throughout the assignment.

(Up to 15 points)

Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of the normal anatomy of the body system through at least 50% of the project. Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary mostly throughout the assignment.

(Up to 10 points)

Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of the normal anatomy of the body system through at least 25% of the project. Student did not accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary throughout the assignment.

(Up to 5 points)

Normal Physiology of body system (15 points)



Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of normal physiology of the body system throughout the project. Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary consistently throughout the assignment.

(Up to 15 points)

Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of the normal physiology of the body system through at least 50% of the project. Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary mostly throughout the assignment.

(Up to 10 points)

Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of the normal physiology of the body system through at least 25% of the project. Student did not accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary throughout the assignment.

(Up to 5 points)

Mechanism of Pathophysiology (20 points)



The student’s writing demonstrates a thorough understanding of the underlying anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. The overall paper shows a depth understudying of the disease consistent with collegiate level research on the topic.

(Up to 20 points)

The student’s writing demonstrates some understanding of the underlying anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. The overall paper shows some in depth understudying of the topic, but some information is missing.

(Up to 12 points)

The student’s writing demonstrates little understanding of the underlying anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. The overall paper shows a shallow understudying of the topic.

(Up to 7 points)

Prevention (10 points)

Student provides a comprehensive section outlining possible prevention protocols or clearly indicates if none is available for the condition based on current scientific literature.

(Up to 10 points)

Student provides a subpar section outlining possible prevention protocols or clearly indicates if none is available for the condition based on current scientific literature.

(Up to 6 points)

Student provides an inadequate section outlining possible prevention protocols or clearly indicates if none is available for the condition based on current scientific literature.

(Up to 3 points)

Treatment (10 points)

Student provides a comprehensive section outlining possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature.

(Up to 10 points)

Student provides a subpar section outlining possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature.

(Up to 6 points)

Student provides an inadequate section outlining possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature.

(Up to 3 points)

Paper Formatting & Overall Presentation

(10 points)

Overall presentation is 100% complete, follows APA formatting guidelines, demonstrates scholarly achievement and utilizes appropriate grammar and sentence structure throughout.

(Up to 10 points)

Overall presentation is mostly complete, APA formatting guidelines are mostly followed, demonstrates scholarly achievement, and utilizes appropriate grammar and sentence structure throughout the majority of the paper.

(Up to 7 points)

Overall presentation is two or more of the following: Incomplete, APA formatting not followed, does not demonstrates scholarly achievement, significant issues with appropriate grammar and sentence structure.

(Up to 4 points)

References & In-text Citations (10 points)

At least 3 sources have been referenced, references are from reputable sources, and proper APA format was used, both for in text citation and for the reference section, with no inaccuracies in APA formatting.

(Up to 10 points)

At least 2 sources have been referenced, most references are from reputable sources, and proper APA format was used, both for in text citation and for the reference section, with minor inaccuracies in APA formatting.

(Up to 7 points)

Insufficient sources were referenced, or sources were from biased sources, with many errors in APA style and formatting.

(Up to 4 points)

As a Nurse practitioner Select this model “Rights Approach model” how it can be applied and why in an Ethical dilemma with a Patient. Provide an example of an ethical dilemma in which to apply the “Rights approach model”. What moral rights do the affected parties have, and which course of action best represents those rights?

Models of Ethical Decision-Making Process

As a Nurse practitioner Select this model “Rights Approach model” how it can be applied and why in an Ethical dilemma with a Patient.

Provide an example of an ethical dilemma in which to apply the “Rights approach model”.

What moral rights do the affected parties have, and which course of action best represents those rights?

The rights approach follows the belief that individuals have the ability to make their decisions freely. It believes that if it does not respect everyone’s moral rights, it is wrong to act.

Select model you may utilize and why? Support your response.

Write essay related to integrity. As a Nurse Practitioner how we can apply integrity in patient care? How can integrity affect the care of the patient?

Integrity in Patient Care

Write essay related to integrity.

As a Nurse Practitioner how we can apply integrity in patient care?

How can integrity affect the care of the patient?

Write an introductory paragraph into the template. The introductory paragraph should contain a summary of the problems in passing National Health Insurance.

National Health Insurance Failure

Read the brief articles for this assignment.

From 1906 -1994 the US tried innumerable times to pass different versions of NHI and failed. Ultimately, some of what was attempted was passed with the Social Security Act, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIPs, and a host of other programs. Much was included in the ACA, with some aspects removed in the Trump years. Efforts are now underway to improve the ACA, and we have gone full circle to today.

Note: For this assignment, the formal writing template must be used. The assignment will not be accepted or graded unless it is written on the template.  HP111 Writing Template (Word doc)
Report on the major attempts to enact National Health Insurance.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

  • Write an introductory paragraph into the template (download it, save it, and name it so you can find it).
  • The introductory paragraph should contain a summary of the problems in passing National Health Insurance.
  • 1st level two heading: Summary of NHI (use bolded words here as the heading) (summarize in your own words what it is and what it would contain).
  • 2nd level two heading: Attempts at NHI (use bolded as the heading) (include at least three Acts during the 1900s that tried to include NHI, use the section in the chapter).
  • 3rd level two heading: Pros and Cons of NHI (share what you have learned about the path to NHI, what you agree and disagree with).
  • Write a brief Conclusion paragraph (summarize the paper).
  • Cite any references. Proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling are required. Use your own words. Copying and pasting are not allowed.


Technology can be used to enhance patient safety. It can also result in alarm fatigue. What strategies can be taken to reduce alarm fatigue?

Patient safety and quality care

Patient safety is the cornerstone of high quality care. Nurses have an ethical responsibility to provide high quality care that avoids or minimizes risk to the patient. The implementation of a culture of safety reflects an organization’s commitment to patient safety and quality care.

  • What is the most effective strategy for developing a culture of safety?
  • Technology can be used to enhance patient safety. It can also result in alarm fatigue. What strategies can be taken to reduce alarm fatigue?


Explains how the project is grounded in successful change strategies. Acknowledges potential difficulties and discusses how those challenges will be met. Analyzes the way in which interprofessional teamwork will improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the quality improvement project. Identifies assumptions upon which the analysis is based.

Poster and abstract presentation

Third: Assessment 3 Instructions

Quality Improvement Presentation

  • Create an abstract (250 words) and
  • Create a poster for a presentation with voice-over for a quality improvement plan to executive-level leadership.
  • Build upon the clinical issue that was the focus of your Change Strategy and Implementation assessment, and turn it into a full, organization- or community-wide quality improvement (QI) initiative. USE DIABE
  • The focus here should be on a specific patient or health care setting model of care – DIABETIC PATIENT

The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. PLS USE THEM BELOW


  • Evaluates specific evidence that supports the quality improvement methods proposed. Identifies knowledge gaps, unknowns, missing information, unanswered questions, or areas of uncertainty (where further information could improve the analysis).
  • Explains how the project is grounded in successful change strategies. Acknowledges potential difficulties and discusses how those challenges will be met.
  • Analyzes the way in which interprofessional teamwork will improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the quality improvement project. Identifies assumptions upon which the analysis is based.
  • Communicates quality improvement considerations to relevant stakeholders in a way that is clear, concise, and compelling for the audience. The structure of the communication enables the audience to grasp complex concepts and encourages buy-in.
  • Integrates relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Citations are free from all errors.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 5–7 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your considerations and plans. Resources should be no more than five years old.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.


Abstract Requirements

  • Your abstract should be 100–250 words.
  • It should summarize the key information in your poster.
  • Do not put your abstract on the poster itself; submit it as a separate document. Or, if you are using PowerPoint to help create your poster, create a new slide that is clearly labeled as your abstract.

Poster Requirements

  • Your poster should include the following sections:
    • Quality Improvement Methods.
    • Evidence Supporting QI Methods.
    • Change Strategy Foundation.
    • Interprofessional Team Benefits.
    • Overall Project Benefits.
    • Make sure your poster fits entirely onto a single poster template page (or slide) and contains all of the sections described in the assessment instructions.