Write one paper about mental disease definition of the disease and the causes and the treatment make it so simple to read.

 Mental diseases

Write one paper about mental disease definition of the disease and the causes and the treatment make it so simple to read.


Describe demographic characteristics for your community or state in terms of demographic makeup, ethnicity, and illness and health status. Identify any patterns or trends regarding populations seen in demographic reports.

Identifying Healthcare needs


The organization in which you practice is embarking on a new project to better understand the health care needs of the various populations in the community that it serves. You have been asked to join the project to represent your nursing role group. In the first stage of the project, you have been asked to examine community and state demographics to start identifying patterns and trends that can help inform health care practices and improve quality patient outcomes. It has been suggested that the project team begin by searching out relevant government agencies and resources that will help you locate the demographics for either your community or your state. Specifically, you have been asked to look for information regarding demographic makeup, including ethnicity and levels of illness and health status.

It has been noted that many of these resources should be freely available online.


As you examine the information that you are collecting, identify a health care need that is currently a concern in your community or state. For example, perhaps you find that your state has one of the highest rates of heart disease in the nation. Once you have identified the health care need in your community, do further exploration to see whether certain groups or populations within your diverse community or state are impacted by this health care need more than others. In our example, elderly and Native American populations are two groups that have a higher prevalence of heart disease.

Appropriately identifying the highly impacted subgroups within your community or state is a key component of this assessment, as you will continue to reference these groups for the upcoming assessments as well.

For this assessment you will develop a concise but comprehensive report of the demographic makeup of the community you have decided to focus upon, as well as the most significant health concerns. Be sure you are linking the health concerns you are identifying to specific demographic groups within your chosen community. The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your submission addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Identifying Community Health Needs Scoring Guide to better understand how each grading criterion will be assessed.

In your report, make sure to complete the following:

Describe demographic characteristics for your community or state in terms of demographic makeup, ethnicity, and illness and health status.
Identify any patterns or trends regarding populations seen in demographic reports.
Identify groups within the community or state population that are highly impacted by the identified health concern.
Communicate community demographic data and health needs in a manner that is clear and understandable to a variety of potential audiences.
Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.
Additional Requirements
Length of submission: 2–4 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your report should be thorough, but concise. No abstract is required for this assessment.
Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that illustrate the demographic make up of your chosen community, as well as its specific health care needs. Resources should be no more than five years old.
APA formatting: Use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] to help you in writing and formatting your analysis.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Assess population health to guide health promotion and disease prevention initiatives.
Describe demographic characteristics for a community or state in terms of demographic makeup, ethnicity, and illness and health status.

Competency 2: Apply basic epidemiological concepts and tools to understand health care needs.
Identify any patterns or trends regarding populations seen in demographic reports.
Identify groups within the community or state population that are highly impacted by the identified health concern.

Competency 4: Communicate effectively across disciplines, demonstrating respect for self and others.
Communicate community demographic data and health needs in a manner that is clear and understandable to a variety of potential audiences.

Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

Provide a brief introduction describing the chronically ill group you selected and rationale for selecting this illness and the participants. Clearly identify the Healthy People 2030 topic chosen and why this topic was selected.

Creating a Plan of Care

Utilizing the information you have gathered over the last four weeks regarding the specific illness group you identified, this week, you will create a plan of care for your chronic illness group.

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, (this page requirement includes the holistic care plan). Include the following in your plan:

-Provide a brief introduction describing the chronically ill group you selected and rationale for selecting this illness and the participants.
-Clearly identify the Healthy People 2030 topic chosen and why this topic was selected.
-Develop a holistic plan of care including patient, family and friends acceptance of the diagnosis, coping and impact on plan of care.
-Summarize the information gathered in each week (Weeks 1–4) over 2 to 3 pages. This is should not to be copied and pasted from previous assignments.

-Create a care plan for your chronic illness group organized using the following headings:
**Nursing Diagnoses (at least 3 related to topic and interview results)
**Assessment Data (objective and subjective)
**Interview Results
**Desired Outcomes
**Evaluation Criteria
**Actions and Interventions
**Evaluation of Patient Outcomes
-Identify strategies for the family or caregiver in the care plan and provide your rationale on how they will work.

Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.

Discuss the Mr. Payne’s history that would be pertinent to his genitourinary problem. Include chief complaint, HPI, Social, Family and Past medical history that would be important to know.


This week, complete the Aquifer case titled “Family Medicine 10: 45-year-old man with low back pain”

Apply information from the Aquifer Case Study to answer the following discussion questions:

-Discuss the Mr. Payne’s history that would be pertinent to his genitourinary problem. Include chief complaint, HPI, Social, Family and Past medical history that would be important to know.
-Describe the physical exam and diagnostic tools to be used for Mr. Payne. Are there any additional you would have liked to be included that were not?
-Please list 3 differential diagnoses for Mr. Payne and explain why you chose them. What was your final diagnosis and how did you make the determination?
-What plan of care will Mr. Payne be given at this visit, include drug therapy and treatments; what is the patient education and follow-up?

Of all the objectives listed under this topic, which do you think would be most beneficial to the patients with chronic illness?

Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for Access to Care.

-Of all the objectives listed under this topic, which do you think would be most beneficial to the patients with chronic illness?
-Provide rationales for your selection and support responses with examples from references.

Creating a Professional APRN Resume. Create a resume related to your desired area of expertise and advanced practice role.

Creating a Professional APRN Resume


Creating a Professional APRN Resume.
Create a resume related to your desired area of expertise and advanced practice role.
Follow professional guidelines in creating the resume.
May include Herzing Career Services as a reference for formatting the resume

Additional details:

Students will be graded in DISCUSSION BOARD on feedback to minimally 2 peers
Attach a professional cover letter to resume
Resume can be no longer than 3 pages including cover letter
Resume is for an APRN seeking an APRN position

Compare and contrast the pathophysiology between diverticular disease (diverticulosis) and diverticulitis. Identify the clinical findings from the case that supports a diagnosis of acute diverticulitis.   List 3 risk factors for acute diverticulitis.



  1. Read the case study below.
  2. In your initial discussion post, answer the questions related to the case scenario and support your response with at least one evidence-based reference by Wed., 11:59 pm MT.
  3. Provides a minimum of two responses weekly on separate days; e.g., replies to a post from a peer; AND faculty member’s question; OR two peers if no faculty question using appropriate resources, before Sun., 11:59 pm MT.

Case Scenario:

An 84- year-old -female who has a history of diverticular disease presents to the clinic with left lower quadrant (LLQ) pain of the abdomen that is accompanied by with constipation, nausea, vomiting and a low-grade fever (100.20 F) for 1 day.

On physical exam the patient appears unwell. She has signs of dehydration (pale mucosa, poor skin turgor with mild hypotension [90/60 mm Hg] and tachycardia [101 bpm]). The remainder of her exam is normal except for her abdomen where the NP notes a distended, round contour. Bowel sounds a faint and very hypoactive. She is tender to light palpation of the LLQ but without rebound tenderness. There is hyper-resonance of her abdomen to percussion.

The following diagnostics reveal:  

Stool for occult blood is positive.

Flat plate abdominal x-ray demonstrates a bowel-gas pattern consistent with an ileus.

Abdominal CT scan with contrast shows no evidence of a mass or abscess. Small bowel in distended.

Based on the clinical presentation, physical exam and diagnostic findings, the patient is diagnosed with acute diverticulitis and she is admitted to the hospital. She is prescribed intravenous antibiotics and fluids (IVF). Her symptoms improved and she could tolerate a regular diet before she was discharged to home.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology between diverticular disease (diverticulosis) and diverticulitis.
  2. Identify the clinical findings from the case that supports a diagnosis of acute diverticulitis.
  3. List 3 risk factors for acute diverticulitis.
  4. Discuss why antibiotics and IV fluids are indicated in this case.
Category Points % Description
Application of Course Knowledge 30 30% The student:

  • Compares and contrasts the pathophysiology between diverticular disease (diverticulosis) and acute diverticulitis.
  • Identifies the clinical findings from the case that supports a diagnosis of acute diverticulitis.
  • Lists 3 risk factors for acute diverticulitis.
  • Discusses why antibiotics and IV fluids are indicated in this case.
Support from Evidence-Based Practice 30 30%
  • Initial discussion post is supported with appropriate, scholarly sources; AND
  • Sources are published within the last 5 years (unless it is the most current CPG); AND
  •  Reference list is provided and in-text citations match; AND
  • All answers are fully supported with an appropriate EBM argument
Interactive Dialogue 30 30% In addition to providing a response to the initial post due by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, student provides a minimum of two responses weekly on separate days; e.g., replies to a post from a peer; AND faculty member’s question; OR two peers if no faculty question. A response to faculty could include a question posed to a student or the entire class or a faculty question directed towards another student. AND

  • Evidence from appropriate scholarly sources are included; AND
  • Reference list is provided and in-text citations match
  90 90% Total CONTENT Points= 90 pts
Category Points % Description
Organization 5 5% Organization: 

  • Case study responses are presented in a logical format; AND
  • Responses are in sequence with the numbered questions; AND
  • The case study response is understandable and easy to follow; AND
  • All responses are relevant to the case topic
Format 5 5%
  • Discussion post has minimal grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or APA format errors*

(*) APA style references and in text citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference otherwise must be included.

  10 10% Total FORMAT Points= 10 pts
  100 100% DISCUSSION TOTAL=____ out of 100 points


Perform a new self-assessment. Rate yourself on clinical skills, based on your experiences during this practicum. Summarize the results. Explain which goals you accomplished and which you did not. If you did not achieve a particular goal, explain how you could continue to work on it, perhaps in your next practicum experience.


There is a saying that “people must look back in order to look forward.” As you transition out of this practicum and into a new one, you must “look back” at all that you have accomplished, taking stock of your skill and confidence levels before moving on.

For this Assignment, you return to your Week 1 Self-Assessment to gain a new perspective on what you need to do moving forward.

To prepare:

Review your completed AGACNP or AGPCNP Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form from Week 1, as well as the record of procedures you have performed throughout the practicum.

Assignment (2 pages)

Perform a new self-assessment. Rate yourself on clinical skills, based on your experiences during this practicum. Summarize the results.

Explain which goals you accomplished and which you did not. If you did not achieve a particular goal, explain how you could continue to work on it, perhaps in your next practicum experience.


Perform a new self-assessment, rating yourself on clinical skills based on your experiences during this practicum. Summarize the results.

Explain which goals you accomplished and which you did not. If you did not achieve a particular goal, explain how you could continue to work on it in professional settings after your program.

Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.

A married couple comes into the local health clinic where you are working. One of them wants an abortion, the other is vehemently against it. They are asking your opinion. First write about the situation as if it is the woman wanting the abortion and the man against it, then switch the roles (the man wants the abortion and the woman is against it).

Week 6 Discussion: Family Planning, Abortion Issues 2 2

Due: Post your initial response by Wednesday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time.
Your instructor will post a response to your post by
Friday 11:59 pm MT.
Respond to your instructor’s comments by
Sunday 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Step 1
Choose either Option A or Option B and post a 150+ word discussion by Wednesday, 11:59 pm
Be specific and give examples,
using at least two outside references, to buttress your argument. Cite all sources in APA format.
Side Comment: During the Soviet Union era, contraceptives were not available. Abortion was the
method of contraception. There are women who had over 200 abortions before the fall of communism. The same is true in many other countries.

Option A:
You are part of a medical mission to a small town in a country where contraceptives are not
readily available and family planning consists of either constant pregnancies or regular abortions. This has resulted in a health crisis for the women with a life expectancy half that of the male population. Both deaths in childbirth and deaths from complications as a result of an annual cycle of pregnancy followed by an abortion are on the rise. What are the ethics involved? How do you approach the families of the town? Consider that the culture is highly patriarchal and you need to be convincing rather than dogmatic.

Option B:
A married couple comes into the local health clinic where you are working. One of them wants an
abortion, the other is vehemently against it. They are asking your opinion. First write about the situation as if it is the woman wanting the abortion and the man against it, then switch the roles (the man wants the abortion and the woman is against it).

Search entries or author

Write about the issues involved from an ethical, not a legal perspective. (You may combine your
arguments if you feel the ethics are identical in both situations.)

Step 2
Read your instructor’s response and post a response to him by Friday, 11:59 pm MT.

Thoroughly research the issue of “Human Trafficking: The Need for Nursing Advocacy. Post a response to the discussion board.

Week 6 Discussion: Human Trafficking

Search entries or author

Step 1: Thoroughly research the issue of “Human Trafficking: The Need for Nursing Advocacy.”

Step 2: Post a response to the discussion board by addressing the following:
1. The scope of the problem of human trafficking from a global perspective
2. Human trafficking as a domestic issue
3. Human trafficking as a health issue
4. State how nurses can advocate for the victims of human trafficking.

Step 3: Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59 pm MT.
Cite any sources in 7th ed. APA format.

Response Posts: In your responses to your classmates, contribute to the discussion with your own original opinions or interpretation of the course materials.