What are known characteristics of schizophrenia and relate those to this patient?

Advance pathophysiology

A 22-year-old female student was brought to her college student health department by her boyfriend. He was concerned about the changes in her behavior. The boyfriend noted that she has been hearing voices, and seeing things that are not there. She also thinks that there are people that want to harm her. She told her family that she cannot finish college as the voices told her to quit because she is “dumb”. The boyfriend relates episodes of unexpected rage and crying.

PMH: noncontributory

FH: positive for a first cousin who “had mental problems”.

SH: Denies current drug abuse but states he smoked marijuana every day during junior and senior years of high school. Admits to drinking heavily on weekends at various fraternity houses.

PE: thin, anxious disheveled female who, during conversations, stops talking, tilts her head and appears to be listening to something. There is poor eye contact and conversation is disjointed.

DIAGOSIS: schizophrenia.


1.What are known characteristics of schizophrenia and relate those to this patient?


Provide a minimum of three differential diagnoses. List them from top priority to least priority. Compare the diagnostic criteria for each, and explain what rules each differential in or out. Explain you critical thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.


To make an accurate assessment of the musculoskeletal, central, and peripheral nervous system in the older adult, the nurse practitioner needs to be familiar with changes in these systems caused by aging. Older adults often seek medical treatment when they experience limitation in functional ability as a result of pain, weakness, or physical impairment (Kennedy-Malone et al., 2019).
This week, you explore the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal and neurologic disorders in older adults through the completion of a SOAP note.

To prepare:
Review the case study provided.
Reflect on the patient’s symptoms and aspects of disorders that may be present.
Consider how you might assess, perform diagnostic tests, and recommend medications to treat patients presenting with the symptoms in the case.
Access the Focused SOAP Note Template in this week’s Resources.

The Assignment:
Complete the Focused SOAP Note Template provided for the patient in the case study. Be sure to address the following:
Subjective: What was the patient’s subjective complaint? What details did the patient provide regarding their history of present illness and personal and medical history? Include a list of prescription and over-the-counter drugs the patient is currently taking. Compare this list to the American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria®, and consider alternative drugs if appropriate. Provide a review of systems.

Objective: What observations did you note from the physical assessment? What were the lab, imaging, or functional assessments results?

Assessment: Provide a minimum of three differential diagnoses. List them from top priority to least priority. Compare the diagnostic criteria for each, and explain what rules each differential in or out. Explain you critical thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.

Plan: Provide a detailed treatment plan for the patient that addresses each diagnosis, as applicable. Include documentation of diagnostic studies that will be obtained, referrals to other health-care providers, therapeutic interventions, education, disposition of the patient, caregiver support, and any planned follow-up visits. Provide a discussion of health promotion and disease prevention for the patient, taking into consideration patient factors, past medical history (PMH), and other risk factors. Finally, include a reflection statement on the case that describes insights or lessons learned.
Provide at least three evidence-based peer-reviewed journal articles or evidenced-based guidelines, which relate to this case to support your diagnostics and differentials diagnoses. Be sure they are current (no more than 5 years old) and support the treatment plan in following current standards of care. Follow APA 7th edition formatting.

Case Study
Case Study: CVA
Mario is a 66-year-old Hispanic male who presents to the emergency room at his local hospital with acute aphasia, right facial droop, and right-sided weakness. The sudden onset of symptoms occurred at the post office where he works part time. One of his co-workers called 911. On the way to the hospital, the advanced squad team evaluated Mario’s neurologic deficits and glucose levels. The squad team then notified the receiving hospital of a possible stroke patient.
Upon Mario’s arrival to the hospital, the ER nurse practitioner proceeds to gather the patient’s medical history from his wife, Lucinda, who accompanied him in the ambulance. She tells the nurse practitioner that Mario has a history of uncontrolled hypertension (and he was often non-compliant with his anti-hypertensive medications). His recent diagnosis of diabetes also was noted, as well as the oral hyperglycemic agents he was taking.

The wife states both of Mario’s parents passed away from myocardial infarctions when they were in their late 60s.
Smoking history: Mario is a smoker, usually smoking about a pack and a half each day.
Exercise history: Mario leads a sedentary lifestyle that had contributed to his excess weight.
At 5’5” inches, Mario weighs 255 pounds. BMI of: ____ You decide what his VS are.
What other family history, social history, and vital signs will you obtain from the wife and the patient? Also: the HPI is the history of the present illness – not a place for everything. OLDCARTS go in HPI.

If it is in the HPI: do not repeat it in the ROS or PE, just say “see HPI” The soap note should be as succinct as possible. This means the Social history should be short – only mention things that might highlight the patient’s current condition or lifestyle.

Remember to document the ROS and PE findings as you would for a real patient / or one you have had in the past. DO NOT write “not done” or “normal.” This is not acceptable. However, if you write for the rectal exam “deferred” this is acceptable.
What diagnostic tests will you order for Mario to determine what type of stroke he is having? List at least four diagnostic tests you would order and explain the rationale of each test.
The CT scan indicated a diagnosis of stroke. However, the lab tests and CT scan performed on Mario indicated there was no hemorrhage or early signs of ischemia. What education can you provide the family about the results of a CT scan for diagnosis of brain stroke?
You tell Mario’s wife that it is crucial to recognize the signs of an impending stroke. Describe at least four symptoms and signs of stroke you will educate the patient and family to look for.
You also discuss the RISK factors for stroke with Mario’s family. Lucinda realizes that Mario meets the criteria for all of them. List at least four risk factors for having a stroke:
List at least three differential diagnoses for the symptoms listed above:
What referrals will you make for Mario after his stroke? List at least three.
Include health promotion education you will provide to Mario and his wife.
Remember to include your reflection, which is your reflection on your experience writing this case, things learned, etc.

Identify a recent article in the professional or popular media that challenges the NP role. Post the article, and draft your editorial response. What are your plans as an educator in your DNP role? How will you achieve those plans?

NURU 601 Discussion Boards

Weeks 3, 5 and 6

Week 3 Discussion Board B: Post basic information about the NP you are interviewing, including educational preparation, specialty area, and practice setting. Report on your interview with a practicing NP regarding perceived conceptions and misconceptions of NP practice.

Week 5 Discussion Board C: Identify a recent article in the professional or popular media that challenges the NP role. Post the article, and draft your editorial response.

Week 6 Discussion Board D: What are your plans as an educator in your DNP role? How will you achieve those plans?

Each discussion board lasts one week. Each student is expected to craft an initial post in a new thread that refers to relevant course readings. Discussion board posts may incorporate personal experiences in addition to course content.
The initial post is due by midnight Wednesday.

Each student must respond to at least two peers’ initial posts by midnight Sunday. Each student must post a total of five posts during the week.

All discussion board responses should be substantial, and further the scholarly conversation. For example, responding to a classmate with, “Great post. I totally agree,” would not qualify and substantial, and would not receive credit. Discussion board activity is intended to spark active conversation, synthesis, and reflection. It is a scholarly forum, and thus requires a scholarly tone and appropriate citations in APA format.

Discuss how they are similar or different in the way they define/discuss health and wellness, illness, the client, the environment, and nursing. Summarize by selecting the one model or theory that aligns best with your beliefs and then describe how this would affect the way in which you would practice nursing.

Comparing and Contrasting Theories

For this discussion, in three to four paragraphs, contrast two nursing models and theories found in your reading. Discuss how they are similar or different in the way they define/discuss health and wellness, illness, the client, the environment, and nursing. Summarize by selecting the one model or theory that aligns best with your beliefs and then describe how this would affect the way in which you would practice nursing.


What is the DSM 5-TR diagnosis based on the information provided in the case? Which pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Include the rationale for this treatment.


A 45-year-old man presents to his PCP with feelings of hopelessness, sadness and helplessness. He says that he cries for no reason, and has difficulty sleeping. He noticed that the problems began about 6 weeks before, and he did not feel able to shrug them off. He has been drinking more alcohol than usual, and has stopped going to work. When on his own, he admitted that he had thought of driving his car into the nearest canal.

Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence-based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers.

  1. Summarize the clinical case.
  2. What is the DSM 5-TR diagnosis based on the information provided in the case?
  3. Which pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Include the rationale for this treatment.
  4. Which non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Include the rationale for this treatment excluding a psychotherapeutic modality.
  5. Include an assessment of the treatment’s appropriateness, cost, effectiveness, safety, and potential for patient adherence to the chosen medication. Use a local pharmacy to research the cost of the medication and provide the most cost-effective choice for the patient. Use great detail when answering questions 3-5.


Looking at healthcare organizations as a predictable, unchanging entity misses the mark with today’s complex and dynamic healthcare organizations. I am not sure a traditional healthcare setting exists anymore. What do you think?

Week 3 Response

Write a response to the below questions:

1. Looking at healthcare organizations as a predictable, unchanging entity misses the mark with today’s complex and dynamic healthcare organizations. I am not sure a traditional healthcare setting exists anymore. What do you think?

2. I appreciate your understanding of the types of decisions made at the micro, meso, and macro level. Can you give a specific example of a decision that affected a medical organization vertically and horizontally?

Why are windshield surveys done? Why are windshield surveys important to the nursing profession? What is the community (zip code) you will be surveying for this project?

Windshield survey

  • Why are windshield surveys done?
  • Why are windshield surveys important to the nursing profession?
  • What is the community (zip code) you will be surveying for this project?



What issues do you care most about? What practices and policies do you want it to influence? What will it allow you to do next?


“Does a patient centered fall protocol compare to the current fall protocol reduce falls by 20% within 30 days?”
Add this to the “purpose” section of the templet. This is what you will be writing about. This paper is purpose paper for my capstone paper. please follow the template.


Write a statement of the problem, background, and significance of the project.


Write a 2-3 page (not including the title and reference pages)
APA formatted paper with an introduction and conclusion.
APA headings for each section of the paper
At least 5 references

Step 1: Capstone Project

Write a paper identifying the statement of the problem, background, and significance of your capstone project.

Step 2: Consider

What issues do you care most about?
What practices and policies do you want it to influence?
What will it allow you to do next?
Who would you like to benefit from the results?

Identify the organization’s mission, philosophy, and the administrative structure. Identify the type of organizational structure the facility represents.

Organizational Analysis – The Organization

The major assignment for this course is analysis of your organization (or an organization that you have worked for if you aren’t currently employed). In this assignment, you will report the organization’s mission, philosophy, and administrative structure. You will compare and contrast what you find with the characteristics of organizations you have learned about in the lectures and presentations and in your own investigative reading.

Complete this assignment to demonstrate your analysis of the big picture of your organization.
Introduction of the Organization

Provide a concise description of the healthcare organization, including type of agency, size, geographic location, services provided, target clientele, accreditation status, and community relationships.

Examination of the Organization

Identify the organization’s mission, philosophy, and the administrative structure. Identify the type of organizational structure the facility represents (functional, matrix reporting, joint practice, etc.). Give examples that support the type you selected.

Strengths and Limitations

Discuss major strengths and limitations of the organization.

Care Delivery System

Describe the nursing care delivery system(s) used. Include delegation examples of manager, charge nurse, licensed staff to unlicensed staff.

Outcomes and Measurements

Discuss two specific patient outcomes and explain how they are measured and monitored. Include one system–wide outcome and one nurse–sensitive clinical indicator.

Describes the strength of each article in paragraph form. Explains how the article answers the PICOT question.

Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

Paper and references must be in APA 7th edition. There must be 7 references, 1 reference must be on PICOT and 1 reference must be on Evidence Based Practice. References must be peer-reviewed, research-based journal articles within 5-7 years. In a separate document, discuss the strengths of the 7 references. Following is the instructions/rubric for that document.

1. Provides 7 references in APA 7th format (no errors).

2. Describes the strength of each article in paragraph form (e.g., type of study, population size, and geographic location(s) of study).

3. Explains how the article answers the PICOT question.