Discuss how as a future Florida Nurse Practitioner, can be applied to this provision while providing high quality patient care.

Provisions in the Nursing code of ethic

The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient. whether an individual, family, , community, or population.

  • Discuss how as a future Florida Nurse Practitioner, can be applied to this provision while providing high quality patient care.

Identify an important point of this topic and why do you think it is important and which of the 9 provisions of the nursing code of ethic apply to this topic. What would you add to the prevention and treatment recommended by the Florida Health Department and why?

Florida Department of Health Trending Topics

Search the Florida Heath Department (FHD) Website. Evaluate the trending topics:

  • Monkey pox
  • Hepatitis A

After searching the Florida Health Department website, complete the following:
-How do you see the role of the Advance Nurse Practitioner in this topic
-How can she/he positively impact the overall delivery of patient care
-Identify an important point of this topic and why do you think it is important and which of the 9 provisions of the nursing code of ethic apply to this topic.
-What would you add to the prevention and treatment recommended by the Florida Health Department and why?

Review the questionnaire and write a report that explains why each question is being asked and how the information gathered from each question is helpful for the medical team.

Discussion Essay

You are the Intake Coordinator for a mental health center. Your role is to gather patient information using a questionnaire. This data collection aims to provide a more holistic understanding of the patient’s human development to the medical team for proper diagnosis and treatment.

The Board of Directors has requested a report that explains why each question on the questionnaire is being asked. They want to ensure that the questions encompass all aspects of a patient’s background. Your job is to review the questionnaire and write a report that explains why each question is being asked and how the information gathered from each question is helpful for the medical team.

Differentiate between systolic and diastolic heart failure. State whether the patient is in systolic or diastolic heart failure. Explain the pathophysiology associated with each of the following symptoms: dyspnea on exertion, pitting edema, jugular vein distention, and orthopnea.



  1. Read the case study below.
  2. In your initial discussion post, answer the questions related to the case scenario and support your response with at least one evidence-based reference by Wed., 11:59 pm MT.
  3. Provides a minimum of two responses weekly on separate days; e.g., replies to a post from a peer; AND faculty member’s question; OR two peers if no faculty question using appropriate resources, before Sun., 11:59 pm MT.

Case Scenario:

A 72-year-old male presents to the primary care office with shortness of breath, leg swelling, and fatigue. He reports that he stopped engaging in his daily walk with friends three weeks ago because of shortness of breath that became worse with activity. He decided to come to the office today because he is now propping up on at least 3 pillows at night to sleep. He tells the NP that he sometimes sleeps better in his recliner chair. PMH includes hypertension, hyperlipidemia and Type 2 diabetes.

Physical Exam:

BP 106/74 mmHg, Heart rate 110 beats per minute (bpm)

HEENT: Unremarkable

Lungs: Fine inspiratory crackles bilateral bases

Cardiac: S1 and S2 regular, rate and rhythm; presence of 3rd heart sound; jugular venous distention. Bilateral pretibial and ankle 2+pitting edema noted

ECG: Sinus rhythm at 110 bpm

Echocardiogram: decreased wall motion of the anterior wall of the heart and an ejection fraction of 25%

Diagnosis: Heart failure, secondary to silent MI

Discussion Questions:

  • Differentiate between systolic and diastolic heart failure.
  • State whether the patient is in systolic or diastolic heart failure.
  • Explain the pathophysiology associated with each of the following symptoms: dyspnea on exertion, pitting edema, jugular vein distention, and orthopnea.
  • Explain the significance of the presence of a 3rd heart sound and ejection fraction of 25%.
Category Points % Description
Application of Course Knowledge 30 30% The student:

  • Differentiates between systolic and diastolic heart failure.
  • States whether the patient is in systolic or diastolic heart failure.
  • Explains the pathophysiology associated for each of the following symptoms: dyspnea on exertion, pitting edema, jugular vein distention, and orthopnea.
  • Explains the significance of the presence of a 3rd heart sound and an ejection fraction of 25%.
Support from Evidence-Based Practice 30 30%
  • Initial discussion post is supported with appropriate, scholarly sources; AND
  • Sources are published within the last 5 years (unless it is the most current CPG); AND
  • Reference list is provided and in-text citations match; AND
  • All answers are fully supported with an appropriate EBM argument
Interactive Dialogue 30 30% In addition to providing a response to the initial post due by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, student provides a minimum of two responses weekly on separate days; e.g., replies to a post from a peer; AND faculty member’s question; OR two peers if no faculty question. A response to faculty could include a question posed to a student or the entire class or a faculty question directed towards another student. AND

  • Evidence from appropriate scholarly sources are included; AND
  • Reference list is provided and in-text citations match
  90 90% Total CONTENT Points= 90 pts
Discussion Format
Category Points % Description
Organization 5 5% Organization: 

  • Case study responses are presented in a logical format; AND
  • Responses are in sequence with the numbered questions; AND
  • The case study response is understandable and easy to follow; AND
  • All responses are relevant to the case topic
Format 5 5% Discussion post has minimal grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or APA format errors*

(*) APA style references and in text citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference otherwise must be included.

  10 10% Total FORMAT Points= 10 pts
  100 100% DISCUSSION TOTAL=____ out of 100 points

(*) APA style references and in text citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference otherwise must be included.


Considering Mr. D’s advanced age, what are the benefits/risks associated with providing life-sustaining measures? What factors should you consider based on the Mr. D’s age and health history?

Mr. D

Mr. D is a 90-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, left arm pain, and chest pain. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed, and he is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction. Mr. D has a long history of comorbidities including hypertension, diabetes, and congestive heart failure (CHF). With this in mind, the physician asks Mr. D if he wants life-sustaining measures taken (e.g., CPR, mechanical ventilation, etc.) should he experience cardiopulmonary arrest. Mr. D tells the physician that he wants all measures taken to save his life.


Imagine that you are the nurse assigned to provide care to Mr. D, and address the following:

  1. Considering Mr. D’s advanced age, what are the benefits/risks associated with providing life-sustaining measures?
  2. What factors should you consider based on the Mr. D’s age and health history?
  3. If Mr. D were your family member, how would you respond to his decision?


Reply to at least TWO of your classmates; choosing two peers that picked the other two topics. Compare and contrast your vulnerable population to theirs. What do you see as their population’s most resilient characteristics?


Reply to at least TWO of your classmates; choosing two peers that picked the other two topics (replies must be on two separate days). For your response, compare and contrast your vulnerable population to theirs. What do you see as their population’s most resilient characteristics? Replies must use at least two scholarly references per peer post.

Reply to at least two of your classmates using at least two references for each reply. In your responses, you should compare and contrast your experiences with differences in race, cultural background, or sexual identity (gender identity) between you and your patient with your colleagues’ experiences.

Wk 3 716

Reply to at least two of your classmates using at least two references for each reply. In your responses, you should compare and contrast your experiences with differences in race, cultural background, or sexual identity (gender identity) between you and your patient with your colleagues’ experiences.

What tests should be done to evaluate the patient’s glucose tolerance? How is the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) established? What would be the best treatment and follow-up strategy?

Case Study: A 34-Year-Old Woman in Her Second Pregnancy at 24 Weeks Gestation

A 34-year-old Hispanic-American woman who is in her second pregnancy and has had one live birth and no abortions is seen for prenatal care at 24 weeks gestation. Her weight is 220 lb, and her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg. Uterine size is appropriate for gestational age. The patient’s past obstetric history includes the spontaneous vaginal delivery of a 9 lb, 8 oz. male infant at 40 weeks gestation, 8 years ago in Mexico. The patient reports that the child is doing well. Her family history reveals that her mother has type 2 diabetes mellitus. A urine dipstick shows 3+ glycosuria and negative ketones.

1. What tests should be done to evaluate the patient’s glucose tolerance?
2. How is the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) established?
3. What would be the best treatment and follow-up strategy?

What is the health problem? Which group(s) are most likely to be at risk? What social/behavioral/health system determinants affect this?


For this assignment, you will develop two separate infographics (informative posters) to discuss two separate health issues relevant to the LGBTQ+ communities. In each infographic, you will discuss:

  • What is the health problem?
  • Which group(s) are most likely to be at risk?
  • What social/behavioral/health system determinants affect this?
  • Identify at least two potential interventions/activities the community, community health agency, or community health nurse could offer to prevent and or support this health issue
  • What resistance might be met in implementing the intervention/activity?

View the links in additional resources on how to create infographics.

You should submit two infographics and one reference list containing at least three scholarly sources. These can be submitted as three separate files.

What additional history do you need? What categories can you use to differentiate knee pain? What are your specific differential diagnoses for knee pain? What physical examination will you perform?


A 15-year-old male reports dull pain in both knees. Sometimes one or both knees click, and the patient describes a catching sensation under the patella. In determining the causes of the knee pain,

What additional history do you need? What categories can you use to differentiate knee pain?

What are your specific differential diagnoses for knee pain? What physical examination will you perform?

What anatomic structures are you assessing as part of the physical examination? What special maneuvers will you perform? With regard to the case study you were assigned to