Discuss the dominant leadership style and personality type of each group member and compare the similarities and differences related to the steps of the communication cycle/feedback loop.

Week 2 TD

Part 1: Individual

1. Identity your leadership style and personality typology using the following instruments:
Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid: Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire: https://www.bumc.bu.edu/facdev-medicine/files/2010/10/Leadership-Matrix-Self-Assessment-Questionnaire.pdf

Personality Typology Profile: http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality/type

2. Discuss the dominant leadership style and personality type of each group member and compare the similarities and differences related to the steps of the communication cycle/feedback loop.

Describe how your leadership philosophy relates to the position and the organization within which you currently work. How does it affect the work you do, how you make decisions, and the culture you promote?

Week 1

Whether or not it is written or verbally articulated, everyone has an idea or belief system about leadership that influences their behavior as a leader and a follower. Many factors combine that inform your leadership philosophy.

1. Discuss your personal beliefs, values, experiences, and current leadership principles and trends that influence your leadership philosophy.

2. In 3-5 sentences clearly articulate your personal leadership philosophy. This should begin with, “My philosophy of leadership is…..”

3. Describe how your leadership philosophy relates to the position and the organization within which you currently work. How does it affect the work you do, how you make decisions, and the culture you promote?


Demonstrate an understanding of each, palliative and hospice care, as they are not the same. In what scenario(s) might this be applicable? Have you ever thought about palliative and hospice care promoting health? Why or why not?

Palliative and Hospice Care Journal

In this course, we consider vulnerable populations and Health Promotion and Disease Prevention standards. We look at content through the lens of pediatrics, women’s health, adults, mental health, and the elderly. Having just completed exercises related to the five levels of prevention in Week 1, consider what you have learned and how to apply Quaternary Prevention. Watch the following video and write a one-page journal submission regarding your thoughts about the use of palliative and hospice care as an option for health promotion. In your journal submission, you must demonstrate an understanding of each, palliative and hospice care, as they are not the same. In what scenario(s) might this be applicable? Have you ever thought about palliative and hospice care promoting health? Why or why not?

NOTE: video link: https://video.wnpt.org/video/npt-reports-aging-matters-aging-matters-end-life/

You may journal in first person, and this assignment does not require references as it is your thoughts. However, be sure to review the rubric, as a minimum of one reference is required to be considered exemplary work. If you choose to use quotes or citable material, you are expected to follow APA formatting

Paraphrase concepts/theories specific to healthcare disparities as related to vulnerability; provide at least three applications of concepts/theories that could be implemented within your community.

Caring for a Vulnerable Population in My Own Community

For this discussion, the textbook readings and articles assigned for this week should also help you to identify a vulnerable population in your own community. Describe the characteristics of this group—what makes them vulnerable—and utilize at least three scholarly resources to answer one of the following questions for your initial post.

1. Paraphrase concepts/theories specific to healthcare disparities as related to vulnerability; provide at least three applications of concepts/theories that could be implemented within your community.
2. As an APRN, how can you advocate for this identified vulnerable population within your community? List and discuss at least three ways in which you can advocate.
3. How does what you learned about your own cultural competency affect how you might approach your role as an advocate? Did you find that you had bias? Were you aware of your bias prior to this exercise?
4. As an APRN, how will you strive to be culturally competent and respectful to those you serve? List and discuss at least three behaviors/characteristics of a culturally competent and respectful APRN.

Note: Evaluate your APA proficiency and make sure you address each of the required elements for this discussion. Utilizing headings for each aspect of the question is a great way to know that you covered the elements of the question. As you continue to move through this course and our program, expectations related to APA, grammar, professional writing, and assessment instructions will encourage you to stretch and push yourself, ensuring you are producing graduate-level academic work that you can be proud of.

NOTE: Answer question 2. and also use IMMIGRANTS as a vulnerable population.

Discuss your personal beliefs, values, experiences, and current leadership principles and trends that influence your leadership philosophy.

WEEK 1 NR-534

Part 1: Individual

Whether or not it is written or verbally articulated, everyone has an idea or belief system about leadership that influences their behavior as a leader and a follower. Many factors combine that inform your leadership philosophy.

  • Discuss your personal beliefs, values, experiences, and current leadership principles and trends that influence your leadership philosophy.
  • In 3-5 sentences clearly articulate your personal leadership philosophy. This should begin with, “My philosophy of leadership is……”
  • Describe how your leadership philosophy relates to the position and the organization within which you currently work. How does it affect the work you do, how you make decisions, and the culture you promote?

Part 2: With Your Group

  • Discuss the commonalities and differences among the statements from the group.
  • How does your personal philosophy compare to the philosophy of your organization? How do you reconcile discrepancies between them?
  • What impact does congruency between your personal leadership and the organization’s philosophy have on creating a person-centered, caring healthcare organization?


Analyze the differences between advanced nursing practice and advanced practice registered nursing. Appraise the population served through your advanced nursing practice role.

Nursing Question

  1. Analyze the differences between advanced nursing practice and advanced practice registered nursing.
  2. Appraise the population served through your advanced nursing practice role.
  3. Evaluate certification opportunities for your chosen role.
  4. Develop your licensure, accreditation, certification, and education plan based on your chosen advanced nursing practice role.
  5. Investigate state-specific implications for your chosen role


What are the mechanisms of blurred vision which was part of his initial symptoms? Are there correlations between his abnormal blood chemistries and his other symptoms?


Read the following case study and answer the posed questions:

Case #1:

History: A 65 year old housewife complains of progressive weight gain of 40 pounds in 1 year, fatigue, dizziness, sluggish memory, slow speech, deepening of her voice, dry skin, constipation, and cold intolerance.

Physical examination: Vital signs: temperature 96.4oF, pulse 68/minute and regular, BP 108/60, weight 170 lbs, height 5 feet, puffy face, pale, cool, dry skin. The thyroid gland is not palpable, deep tendon reflex time is delayed.

Laboratory studies: CBC and differential WBC are normal. The serum T4 concentration is 3.4 ug/dl (N=4.5-12.5), the serum TSH is 0.9 uU/ml (N=0.2-3.5), and the serum cholesterol is 275 mg/dl (N<200).

  1. What is the likely diagnosis and what symptoms made you consider that diagnosis?
  2. Which lab data supported the diagnosis?
  3. Explain-Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid axis and interrelationship.

Case #2:

J.R. is a 58-year old man who presented with a 6-week history of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, fatigue, and blurred vision. A random glucose test performed on day of his visit and was 359 mg/dl. The patient denied any symptoms of numbness, tingling in hands or feet, dysuria, chest pain, cough or fevers. He had no prior history of diabetes and no family history of diabetes.

Admission non-fasting serum glucose 268 mg/dl (N=<180 mg/dl), HbA1c 9.6% (N=4-6.1%). Electrolytes, BUN and creatinine were normal. Physical examination revealed weight of 190 pounds, height 5’6.5″ . The rest of the examination was unremarkable, i.e., no signs of retinopathy or neuropathy.

  1. What are the mechanisms of blurred vision which was part of his initial symptoms?
  2. Are there correlations between his abnormal blood chemistries and his other symptoms?
  3. Identify the cardiovascular and microvascular risk factors in the history, physical examination, and laboratory data in this patient.

Cite current research findings, national guidelines, and expert opinions and controversies found in the medical and nursing literature to support your position.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format


Explain the progressive pathophysiologic relationship between an MI and the development of left ventricular (LV) failure. What factors affect the severity of LV failure?


Mr. T., a 45-year-old black man employed as a midlevel corporate manager, came to the doctor’s office seeking a physical examination. He appeared somewhat overweight. He denied taking any medications or smoking, but admitted drinking alcohol. His father and older brother have hypertension (HTN) and his paternal grandfather experienced a myocardial infarction (MI) and a CVA at a young age. Mr. T. stated, “A year ago at a health fair my cholesterol was tested. I was told later by mail that my cholesterol was 250 and I had to recheck my blood pressure.” His Bp at the time of his examination was 159/94, HR 96, weight 275, height 5’11 in.

  • Explain the progressive pathophysiologic relationship between an MI and the development of left ventricular (LV) failure.
  • What factors affect the severity of LV failure?

Next, visit http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dvt/facts.html Links to an external site. and access resources about deep vein thrombosis.

  • Document the manifestations and management of clients with deep vein thrombosis.
  • Submit a summary of some of the things you learned from this video.


Find a recent (less than ten years) scholarly article that discusses sexual behaviors among college-aged women.

Sexual Behaviors

Find a recent (less than ten years) scholarly article that discusses sexual behaviors among college-aged women.

Submit a written (no more than) two-page paper giving the following: a summary of your article, your opinion of the article/subject, how you would use the information to educate women on a school campus such as ours.

What considerations/actions should the nurse make regarding the client’s refusal to restart his blood pressure medication? What considerations/actions would have helped the healthcare team to prevent the client’s fall?


Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the discussion. If appropriate, support your position with credible resources/examples/evidence and provide APA references.

Mr. B
Mr. B, a 70-year-old male client, presented to his primary care physician with complaints of blurred vision and headaches over the last two months. On several visits, Mr. B’s blood pressure was found to be elevated, so the physician started him on hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg by mouth daily. One month later, Mr. B began to have chest pains and shortness of breath, so his primary care provider referred Mr. B to a cardiologist for further evaluation.

The cardiologist ordered an echocardiogram and stress test which revealed heart enlargement and a reduced ejection fraction (volume of blood pumped out of the heart per minute). As a result, the cardiologist started Mr. B on a beta-blocker (metoprolol 25 mg by mouth daily).

A few days after taking the new medication (in addition to the hydrochlorothiazide ordered by the primary physician), Mr. B suffered a fall at home. Upon arrival at the emergency room, Mr. B’s blood pressure was 80/50. The emergency room physician suspected the cause of Mr. B’s fall was hypotension secondary to the medications he was taking. The ER physician recommended that Mr. B follow up with his primary care physician and cardiologist, but hold the medication until seen by them.

As recommended, Mr. B visits his primary care physician for a follow-up. During the visit, Mr. B’s blood pressure is found to be elevated (160/90), so his physician tells Mr. B to restart taking his blood pressure medication.


Imagine that you are the nurse attending to Mr. B and that he indicates that he’s afraid to restart the medication because of his recent fall.

What considerations/actions should the nurse make regarding the client’s refusal to restart his blood pressure medication?
What considerations/actions would have helped the healthcare team to prevent the client’s fall?