Define reimbursement and describe what reimbursement means to a healthcare organization. What would happen if services were provided to patients, but no payments were received for these services?

Question 1: Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle

  1. Define reimbursement and describe what reimbursement means to a healthcare organization. What would happen if services were provided to patients, but no payments were received for these services?
  2. Illustrate the revenue cycle using a flowchart tool. Using a patient visit as an example, take the patient through the cycle from the initial point of contact through the care and ending at the point where the payment is collected.
  3. .As you are describing the patient visit and going through the revenue cycle, identify the different departments that the patient will encounter. After identifying the departments, I want you to prioritize the departments at the healthcare organization you have chosen in order of their importance to the revenue cycle. Support your ordering of the departments with evidence.

Question 2: Departmental Impact on Reimbursement

  1. A. In part one you identified and prioritized the different departments in order of importance to the revenue cycle, in part two  assess the activities within each department at this healthcare organization and how each department may impact reimbursement.
  2. Of the departments mentioned above which ones utilize reimbursement data? How do these departments impact reimbursement data? What type of audit would be necessary to determine whether the reimbursement impact is fully reached by these departments? How could the impact of these departments on pay-for performance incentives be measured?
  3. Identify the responsible department for ensuring compliance with billing and coding policies. How does this affect the department’s impact on reimbursement at this healthcare organization?

Word Count: 250 Words Per Question


What effect does vasodilation have on the afterload? What effect does vasodilation have on blood pressure? Explain why. How will her body try to bring her blood pressure back to homeostasis?

Profound vasodilation

A 29-year-old female develops sepsis and, as a consequence, she experiences profound vasodilation.

  1. a) What effect does vasodilation have on the after load? Explain why.
  2. b) What effect does vasodilation have on blood pressure? Explain why. How will her body try to bring her blood pressure back to homeostasis?

Be detailed in your explanation and support your answer with facts from your textbook, research, and articles from scholarly journals. In addition, remember to add references in APA format to your posts to avoid plagiarism.


Explain how understanding the health-illness continuum enables you, as a health care provider, to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing and are consistent with the Christian worldview.

Health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care

Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000-word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a perspective of your current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum. Include the following:

  1. Examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this perspective is important to consider in relation to health and the human experience when caring for patients.
  2. Explain how understanding the health-illness continuum enables you, as a health care provider, to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing and are consistent with the Christian worldview.
  3. Reflect on your overall state of health. Discuss what behaviors support or detract from your health and well-being. Explain where you currently fall on the health-illness continuum.
  4. Discuss the options and resources available to you to help you move toward wellness on the health-illness spectrum. Describe how these would assist in moving you toward wellness (managing a chronic disease, recovering from an illness, self-actualization, etc.).

You are required to cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Discuss how your selected strategy can be used in the planning and programming phases of budget preparation to identify less costly solutions for implementing technical, operational, and management controls.

Research paper

Prepare a two-page briefing paper (5 to 7 paragraphs) for the senior leadership and corporate board of Red Clay Renovations which addresses planning (what do we need to do?), programming (how will we do it?), and budgeting (how will we pay for it?) processes for IT security program management.

1. Use the company profile and enterprise architecture diagrams to identify five or more risks which require a financial investment. Financial investments should be categorized as: people investments, process investments, and/or technology investments.

2. Choose one of the four strategies for reducing the costs associated with responding to cyber attacks from the Rand report (A Framework for Programming and Budgeting for Cybersecurity):

  • Minimize Exposure
  • Neutralize Attacks
  • Increase Resilience
  • Accelerate Recovery

3. Discuss how your selected strategy (make it clear which strategy you selected) can be used in the planning (what do we need to do?) and programming (how will we do it?) phases of budget preparation to identify less costly solutions for implementing technical, operational, and management controls.

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.


How can the presence of accreditation standards improve the quality of healthcare informatics? What potential implications exist if a facility does not meet Joint Commission accreditation standards?

Week 10 Assignment: Accreditation – Improving Quality Related to Informatics

Start Assignment
Due No Due Date Points 60 Submitting a file upload
Due: Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time

In this writing assignment, you will write a one-page paper in which you will be explaining accreditation to maintain and improve quality related to informatics

Step 1 Respond to the following questions as you write your paper:
• Explain at least three Joint Commission expectations that can have implications related to healthcare informatics. How do these expectations impact an institution’s development of informatics?

• How can the presence of accreditation standards improve the quality of healthcare informatics?

• What potential implications exist if a facility does not meet Joint Commission accreditation standards?

Discuss the new technology and the ethical issues it raises. Issues might relate to patient privacy, informed consent, data security issues, data inadequacy, or associate liabilities.

Week 10 Discussion: Ethical Issues Arising from New Technologies

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by Friday night at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Step l Select an example of a new technology in nursing.
Choose an example of a new technology that you have encountered in your practice, or one that you have researched if you aren’t currently in practice. Examples include bar code medication administration (BCMA), prenatal genetic testing, or experimental organ transplantation.

Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board.
In your post, address the following:
• Discuss the new technology and the ethical issues it raises. Issues might relate to patient privacy, informed consent, data security issues, data inadequacy, or associate liabilities.

Step 3 Read and respond to two other students’ posts by Friday at 11:59pm MT.
Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.
In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peer’s posts by Friday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Cite any sources in APA format.
Select Reply to join the discussion. For grading details, see the rubric (
When you have completed the discussion, select Next to complete the Week 10 quiz.
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How do you plan to implement these findings from your research and hypothesis into nursing care?

Peer response for pico question

How do you plan to implement these findings from your research and hypothesis into nursing care? In your research include an interesting study regarding the beneficial effects of EFT in nursing students.

Identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity to be advocated through legislation. Research the issue and complete the sections below.

Advocacy Through Legislation

Identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity to be advocated through legislation. Research the issue and complete the sections below. For each topic that requires the listing of criteria, a minimum of two criteria should be identified and discussed. Add more rows as is appropriate for the topic/proposal.



In no more than 250 words, describe the problem, who is affected, and the current ramifications. Explain the consequences if the issue continues.

Idea for Addressing Solution

In no more than 250 words, outline your idea for addressing the issue and explain why legislation is the best course for advocacy.

Research the Issue

Perform research and compile information for your idea. Present substantive evidence-based findings that support your idea for addressing the problem (studies, research, and reports). Include any similar legislation introduced or passed in other states.

Evidence 1  
Evidence 2  
Stakeholder Support

Discuss the stakeholders who would support the proposed idea and explain why they would be in support.

Stakeholder(s) Supporting 1  
Stakeholder(s) Supporting 2  
Stakeholder Opposition

Discuss the stakeholders who would oppose the proposed idea. Explain why they would be in opposition and how you would prepare to debate or converse about these considerations.

Stakeholder(s) Opposed 1  
Stakeholder(s) Opposed 2  
Financial Incentives/Costs

In no more than 250 words, summarize the financial impact for the issue and the idea (added costs, cost savings, increased revenue, etc.). Provide support.

 Legislature: Information Needed and Process for Proposal

Discuss the how to advocate for your proposal using legislation. Include the following:

Provide the name and complete contact information for the legislator.  
Describe the steps for how you would present this to your legislator.  
Outline the process if your legislator chooses to introduce your idea as a bill to Congress.  
Christian Principles and Nursing Advocacy

In no more than 250 words, discuss how principles of a Christian worldview lend support to legislative advocacy in health care without bias. Be specific as to how these principles help advocate for inclusiveness and positive health outcomes for all populations, including those more vulnerable, without regard to gender, sexual orientation, culture, race, religion/belief, etc.



Using examples, compare and contrast the sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research designs. Describe some advantages and disadvantages of each.

Qualitative versus quantitative research designs

Using examples, compare and contrast the sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research designs. Describe some advantages and disadvantages of each.

Identify the level of evidence. Provide a quality rating of the evidence. Appraise and support the suitability of the evidence to address the practice problem.

Quantitative research studies (identified in Week 3 & 4 Discussion).

Appraisal of the Evidence to Address the Practice Problem: Include the following:

Identify the level of evidence.
Provide a quality rating of the evidence.
Appraise and support the suitability of the evidence to address the practice problem.

Selection of a Translation Theory or Model (1-2 paragraphs)
Present the components of the theory.
Discuss how stakeholders are integrated into the design of the theory or model.

In one concise paragraph, provide a clear and logical conclusion summarizing the paper.
Summary Table: Complete all sections of the Summary Tables of Evidence using the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool. Include the following: