Research one current health care technology designed to protect patient privacy. Discuss its strengths. Discuss its weaknesses and suggest on how to improve them.

One current health care technology designed to protect patient privacy

Research one current health care technology designed to protect patient privacy.

Discuss its strengths.
Discuss its weaknesses and suggest on how to improve them.
Use at least 4 peer-reviewed resources no older than 5 years old.

(including textbook)
Book to be used. McBride, S., & Tietze, M. (2023). Nursing Informatics for the advanced practice nurse: Patient safety, quality, outcomes, and interprofessionalism (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Must contain at least 1500 words.
Use proper APA format.

Propose and create your on program supporting HIPAA. If you were to create your own computer program how will it protect patient information.

Create your own program supporting Hippa

Propose and create your on program supporting HIPAA. If you were to create your own computer program how will it protect patient information. Make sure to back it up one peer-reviewed literature no older than 5 years old.

How will the sample be selected? What type of sampling method is used? Is it appropriate to the design? Does the sample reflect the population as identified in the problem or purpose statement?

Nursing Research Identified Problems Stroke Patients and the Lack of Access to the Community Resources.

Begin your discussion by sharing your problem statement and research question. Next, discuss your sampling plan. In addition, discuss your research design. Consider the following as you craft your response.

How will the sample be selected?
What type of sampling method is used? Is it appropriate to the design?
Does the sample reflect the population as identified in the problem or purpose statement?
Is the sample size appropriate? Why or why not?
To what population may the findings be generalized? What are the limitations in generalizability?

Research design
What type of design will be used?
Does the design seem to flow from the proposed research problem, theoretical framework, literature review, and hypothesis?

Develop/write/invent a case study that will demonstrate a nurse incurring a problem and using an innovation(s) to improve patient care.

Case study

For this assignment, you will develop/write/invent a case study that will demonstrate a nurse incurring a problem and using an innovation(s) to improve patient care. So think of this as the reverse of how things would normally go….problem incurred, case study evolves….then finding the literature, the experts, the EBP to improve quality. Instead you have the research and innovation to fix or improve the problem but not the case that initiated the whole cascade towards quality improvement.There are several innovations to look at in the literature and EBP, so choose something you are interested in, get creative in developing your real life scenario or case. Use scholarly research/references to assist you in creating your case study. For this assignment you MUST create case study, do not copy and paste one found on the internet

  1. Beyond writing your case study, please
  2. State the innovation being used, and the
  3. Problem you are trying to fix.


Write an essay on what the disease is, what the patient can expect to experience, and the etiology of the disease.

Disease = Cerebrovascular accident

A trifold brochure of their assigned topic in lieu of a group project worth 100 points. This is to be written on a 5 to 6th-grade level designed to provide teaching to a patient (in your own words).

The brochure needs to entail the following:

What the disease is (pathophysiology), what the patient can expect to experience, and the etiology of the disease. (20)

Potential treatments (medications, procedures, therapies, etc.) including side effects and risks of the treatment. (20)

What the patient could be a risk for (e.g., safety, infections, disabilities, etc.). (20)

Patient teaching for possible supplies, devices, environmental changes, etc. (20)

Correct spelling with correct grammar. (5)

Visually appealing/ creative and flows well according to the topic and instructions. (10)


What trends did you find during your research, what social practices did you learn, what connections were found in the literature? What phenomena did you find most interesting or surprising as you researched the topic?

PICO question: Does hand hygiene reduce the spread of infectious diseases?

As part of your final project (25% of your grade), you will create a powerpoint that summarizes your work in progress.

The purpose of the assignment is to further your understanding of the importance of evidence based practice (EBP) by identifying a clinical nursing problem/question you observed in practice, searching the literature for evidence related to the problem/question, and then creating a powerpoint presentation. Using the information gathered, as you searched the data bases for evidence related to solving the problem/answering the question, you will develop the presentation describing the problem/question and the overview/discussion.

You will upload this submission and you are also required to post it in the discussion board for your peers to read.

Powerpoint presentation should include the following content:

Project title (You will reword your PICO question into a project title). (10 points)

Description of your topic and the primary source(s) you examined (this will be similar to the information compiled for the Literature Review Paper). (20 points)

Explanation of issues or questions for analysis: What did you hope to learn about your topic? (20 points)

Brief overview of how you studied your primary source(s) 10

Observations and Discussion: What trends did you find during your research, what social practices did you learn, what connections were found in the literature? What phenomena did you find most interesting or surprising as you researched the topic?  (10 points)

Claim: Based on your observations, what argument can you make about your topic? (10 points)

Connection to course readings: How do selected course readings help you to understand your findings? What elements of your project are not addressed by our readings 10 points)
Conclusion/Recommendation for developing research: Provide target population, research design, research method suggestions (10 points)

Identify and compare the causes and diagnostic tests. Identify and compare the signs and symptoms of the disorder. Describe the nurses’ role in caring for a patient that suffers from this disorder to include the multidimensional aspects of nursing care.

Nursing interventions for clients with endocrine disorders

Evaluate responses to nursing interventions for clients with endocrine disorders.

You are working as a nurse supervisor. You are finding a lot of new nurses are unfamiliar with certain endocrine disorders. You have decided to put together a guide for these nurses to educate them on different endocrine diseases and provide them with ways to provide quality multidimensional care.

Compare and contrast two endocrine disorders within the guide. Include the following information:

Identify and compare the causes and diagnostic tests.
Identify and compare the signs and symptoms of the disorder.
Describe the nurses’ role in caring for a patient that suffers from this disorder to include the multidimensional aspects of nursing care.
Identify how you will evaluate responses to the interventions taken for each disorder.

Choose a legislator or nurse leader active in health care policy to contact and interview on the related issue.

Nurse to Patient Ratios Legislature in Pennsylvania

Students will focus on a health care issue where legislation has been proposed or passed and thoroughly research the topic. The problem is to be discussed with evidence of related scholarly literature on the issue. If possible a copy of the bill passed on the issue should be attached to the paper. The student will take a position on the issue citing the literature supporting the stated position. In addition, students may choose a legislator or nurse leader active in health care policy to contact and interview on the related issue. The conclusion of the formal position paper should include the student’s vision on how the issue can be resolved (action plan) and what could be the potential outcomes. Proposed resolutions must include feasible economic solutions as well.

Create a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate and explain how the core determinants of health are impacting the health of your target population utilizing the picture below.

Project Concert

Practice Hours: Each module has a minimum required practice hours related to your work on the main education project. Practice hours relate to time spent on project work . Document your hours for Module 3 in Project Concert. Access Project Concert. You should have an estimated 10-15 hours for this module. Minimum required hours must be entered into Project Concert for Module 3. Some states/entities require hour logs for certification or employment. It is the student’s professional responsibility to ensure all hours are entered correctly in order to meet these requirements. Please see the Project Concert directions document in the Learning Materials on how to enter hours.

Create a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate and explain how the core determinants of health are impacting the health of your target population utilizing the picture below. Note that you should briefly review all of the determinants and then choose the ones that impact your target group to talk about in the assignment. Be sure to review the link information in the classroom on Core Determinants of Health. You will then use the power point you created as a visual and record your voice, narrating your power point.

  1. The presentation should be between 5 and 7 minutes in length. Use a recording platform of your choice  and either upload as an mp4 or share the link directly to the video in the drop box.

If you do not know how to create a screencast, note that there are tutorials on the website and also here is a short webinar link to click with information on how to use screencast-o-matic:

You will be using this sort of recording many times, so be sure that you understand how to use it.


Post a description of the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis, and explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your work setting. Describe how your health system work setting has responded to the healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented.

 National healthcare issue/stressor

If you were to ask 10 people what they believe to be the most significant issue facing healthcare today, you might get 10 different answers. Escalating costs? Regulation? Technology disruption?

These and many other topics are worthy of discussion. Not surprisingly, much has been said in the research, within the profession, and in the news about these topics. Whether they are issues of finance, quality, workload, or outcomes, there is no shortage of changes to be addressed.

In this Discussion, you examine a national healthcare issue and consider how that issue may impact your work setting. You also analyze how your organization has responded to this issue.

Post a description of the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis, and explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your work setting. Then, describe how your health system work setting has responded to the healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented. Be specific and provide examples.