Based on the article, share 3 key points you would like to share with the class. Consider any ethical, cultural, or social implications of the research that are relevant to clinical practice.

Dermatological and gastrointestinal disorders

As you read and complete your coursework this week on dermatological and gastrointestinal disorders and their causes and treatments, connect what you are learning to a current or recent article that relates to one of the week’s topics.

Search for a recent journal article or an article from a reputable source in one of the following areas:

  • GERD
  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Inflammation
  • Cholecystitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Hepatitis
  • Colon cancer
  • Dermatology

Consider how the information in the article is important to your role as a clinician.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 600 words:

  • Summarize the article and provide a link to it. How is the pathophysiology clinically relevant or applicable?
  • Based on the article, share 3 key points you would like to share with the class. Consider any ethical, cultural, or social implications of the research that are relevant to clinical practice.

Cite your references.

Sally expresses concern about all the recent news about heart problems and celecoxib. What information should be included in a teaching plan to help her understand about taking celecoxib and the benefits and risks?

Discussion Essay

Sally is a 50-year-old female who has been a jogger for several years. She has recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She has been taking ibuprofen for 3 months but states that “it does not help” and hurts her stomach. The health care provider prescribes celecoxib 100 mg orally twice a day.

What is the first-line therapy for osteoarthritis and the mechanism of action?

Sally expresses concern about all the recent news about heart problems and celecoxib. What information should be included in a teaching plan to help her understand about taking celecoxib and the benefits and risks?

Ibuprofen and celecoxib are both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Explain how they are similar and different

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.


Does equating status with authority cause confusion? Why or why not?

Equating status

Does equating status with authority cause confusion? Why or why not?

Complete a thorough evaluation of your patient registry and complete a patient registry evaluation report that resembles a real-world evaluation.

Patient Registry

Many patient registries undergo changes based on periodic evaluations. In addition, many patient registries participate in data sharing which requires adherence to and meeting legal and regulatory compliance. An evaluation report on your patient registry can provide valuable information to program staff, stakeholders, and funders to support program improvement and decision-making.

In this final assignment, you will complete a thorough evaluation of your patient registry and complete a patient registry evaluation report that resembles a real-world evaluation.

Complete the Patient Registry Evaluation Forms.


Which ethnic groups are predominant in our community? Which age group has a higher prevalence of the health conditions mentioned above? What socio-economic factors influence the purchase of high- quality/nutrient-dense foods? What types of resources are available to improve access to nutritious foods for those living in our community?

Community Clinical Observation Paper

1. Identify the needs of persons living with the chronic conditions: eg

Cardiovascular disease


2. Consider how to meet the educational needs of each client with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes concerning:



Socioeconomic status

In your reflection paper, consider the demographic population of the City of Trenton. Which ethnic groups are predominant in our community? Which age group has a higher prevalence of the health conditions mentioned above? What socioeconomic factors influence the purchase of high quality/nutrientdense foods? What types of resources are available to improve access to nutritious
foods for those living in our community?

For your community health nursing experience, you are expected to:
Be prepared to complete vital signs, heights, weights, BMI, and nutritional education

Be prepared to answer questions about normal and abnormal vital signs

Be prepared to answer questions about healthy eating

Be prepared to complete social determinant screening. E.g., Smoking, drinking habit

Be prepared to reinforce education about available handout

3. Write a 2page reflective paper based on your experienceAPA due 1 week after the clinical experience, please submit it to your clinical instructor

4. Additional Information:
Uniforms and lab coats

Park at designated areas

Arrive at the specified location for at least halfhour to acclimate yourself. Start times vary by day and location. Refer to community schedule.

Secure all items in your trunk, and make sure you see the parking signs.

Bring a snack and/or drinks because you may not have a place to purchase food or drinks

Discuss how the coverage gap impact low income healthcare consumers population. What role does the ACA have in widening or closing the coverage gap? Why is it important to close the gap ? What are some solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap?

Healthcare Coverage Gap

The ACA was meant to provide quality health care coverage for all yet a coverage gap for some populations especially in states that oppose Medicaid expansion. Based on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the coverage gap problem, who is impacted by the coverage gap, the role the ACA plays in the coverage gap, why the coverage gap should be closed, and solutions/ recommendations for closing the gap. Address the following in your PowerPoint:

Select one state opposed to Medicaid expansion and describe why. Then, consider your own state. What are the benefits and drawbacks to Medicaid expansion in your state?

  • Define what the coverage gap is.
  • Discuss how the coverage gap impact low income healthcare consumers population.
  • What role does the ACA have in widening or closing the coverage gap?
  • Why is it important to close the gap ?
  • What are some solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap? Include recommendations and/or solutions.

Your PowerPoint presentation should include/address:

  • Title Slide (1 slide)
  • Objectives Slide (1 slide)
  • Medicaid expansion (1-2 slides)
  • Coverage gap – define/problem/issue (1-2 slides)
  • Coverage gap impact on low income healthcare consumers (2-3 slides)
  • Role ACA has in widening or closing the coverage gap (1-2 slides)
  • Close the gap (1-2 slides)
  • Solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap? (2-3 slides)
  • Reference slide (1-2 slides).

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Explore two significant components of the ACA that could potentially impact specific populations unjustly. Identify at least two reasons for keeping the ACA and at least two reasons that it should be repealed, replaced, or revised.

Discussion Question:

Use the learning materials and additional resource readings from this week and reflect on whether you oppose or support the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Consider the nursing professional’s position as a caregiver and/or the healthcare leader as an administrator. Explore two significant components of the ACA that could potentially impact specific populations unjustly. Appraise the current political climate as it relates to repealing and replacing the ACA. For this weeks’ discussion, identify at least two reasons for keeping the ACA and at least two reasons that it should be repealed, replaced, or revised. Provide rationale for each.


s this quantitative research report a case study, case control study, cohort study, randomized control trial or systematic review? Where does the study fall in the hierarchy of evidence in terms of reliability and risk of bias?

Quantitative Research

Assignment Description:

Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There is no required word count; be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least one (1) source using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page are required. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Conduct a literature search to select a quantitative research study related to the problem identified in Module 1 and conduct an initial critical appraisal. Respond to the overview questions for the critical appraisal of quantitative studies, including:

  • Is this quantitative research report a case study, case control study, cohort study, randomized control trial or systematic review?
  • Where does the study fall in the hierarchy of evidence in terms of reliability and risk of bias?
  • Why was the study done?
  • Were the steps of the study clearly identified?
  • What was the sample size?
  • Are the measurements of major variables reliable and valid? Explain.
  • How were the data analyzed?
  • Were there any untoward events during the conduct of the study?
  • How do the results fit with previous research in the area?
  • What does this research mean to clinical practice?

Additionally, be sure to include the rapid appraisal questions for the specific research design of the quantitative study that you have chosen. These can be found in Chapter 5 of the textbook .

This critical appraisal should be written in complete sentences (not just a numbered list) using APA format.

Provide a reference for the article according to APA format and a copy of the article.


Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomic might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for clients in the group, individual, and family therapy.

Biological Basis and Ethical/Legal Considerations of Psychotherapy

To Prepare:
(1) Reflect on the foundational concepts of psychotherapy, biological and social impact on psychotherapy, and legal and ethical issues across the modalities(individual, family, and group). SEARCH for scholarly, peer-reviewed articles that informs and support your academic perspective on these topics.

(a) Post an explanation of whether Psychotherapy has a biological basis.
(b) Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomic might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments.
(c) Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for clients in the group, individual, and family therapy.
(d) Support your rationale with at least THREE peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly.
(e) Attach the PDFs of your sources.
(f) Respond to Two Classmate Posts by providing additional resources that support or challenge their position, along with a brief explanation of the resources. Provide at least two resources for each of the classmates responses. Please answer all parts of the discussion questions with reflective analysis and synthesis of analysis of knowledge with no grammar or spelling errors.

What are the benefits of using social media? What are the disadvantages? How reliable are these sources? What should nursing home administrators do?

Nursing Home Compare portal

One key component is the Nursing Home Compare portal (the “Portal”). However, there are limitations to the Portal. The Portal focuses on statistics and facts, and there is a significant delay before new data is available. But what about the typical consumer? Consumers also focus on perception and value. This is where the Portal may have some shortcomings.

Thanks to today’s modern world of social media, perception and the impression of value are at our fingertips. Before many of us make decisions on where to spend our time or our money, we go online. The same is now true for researching a LTC facility. Sites like Yelp and Facebook have become important sources in the selection process.

The attached article discusses the impact of social media on nursing home selection. It also goes into detail about the shortcomings of the Portal.…

For this written assignment, discuss the following:

  • What are the benefits of using social media?
  • What are the disadvantages?
  • How reliable are these sources?
  • What should nursing home administrators do?
  • What should the government do?
  • Besides social media and the Portal, what are some other sources for valid information?