Discuss your chosen Healthy People 2030 Objective. Discuss the epidemiology, incidence, prevalence, and cost-burden of the problem. Describe the problem and the specific population.

Health policy unfolds daily and drives clinical practice in the United States.

For this assignment, you will expand on every item included in the PowerPoint Outline assignment you submitted during Week 1. The assignment will follow APA formatting and must be supported by the evidence.

For your presentation, you will dedicate 1 to 3 slides to each item listed in the outline. Be sure to address each item listed. See below:

Slide: Title Page
Slide: Outline (this is the slide(s) from Week 1)
Slide: Discuss your chosen Healthy People 2030 Objective.
Slide: Discuss the epidemiology, incidence, prevalence, and cost-burden of the problem.
Slide: Describe the problem and the specific population.
Slide: Discuss how the Healthy People 2030 objective intends to address/improve the problem or population.
Slide: Discuss the legislators who are working on the problem and the policies they are working on to improve the problem.
Slide: Discuss how the policy influences clinical practice and is used to promote best outcomes.
Slide: Discuss how the policy can be used by an inter-professional team to improve the problem.
Slide: Conclude: provide a summary of the problem, the policy, the solution, and your analysis.
Slide: References

What are some of the ways that you can encourage both patient and provider engagement to ensure the pilot program success? What barriers or challenges would you anticipate?

Telenursing and Telemedicine

Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful if patients engage in the program. You have been asked by your manager to pilot a program aimed at improving transitions of care using the new telemedicine system recently implemented at your hospital.

What are some of the ways that you can encourage both patient and provider engagement to ensure the pilot program success?
What barriers or challenges would you anticipate?

Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care. Describe the human factors faced in the role and other challenges. Express insights gained from the interview.

Informatics in the Clinical Setting

Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Then, in a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, discuss each of the following criteria:

-Role description and education level required for the role.
-Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care.
-Describe the human factors faced in the role and other challenges.
-Express insights gained from the interview.
-Research and discuss the impact of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Indicators and The Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals in your clinical setting. Describe how these governing agencies influence delivery of direct patient care.
-Research, discuss, and identify the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) utilized in your clinical setting. Be sure to get the perspective of your selected informatics professional during your interview.

Apply knowledge and theory related to the prevention, diagnosis, and management of select uncomplicated common acute and chronic health problems for individuals across the lifespan. Develop differential diagnoses and plans of care based on evidence-based research and clinical practice guidelines.

Prfolio sript

The purpose of this portfolio piece is to:

Apply knowledge and theory related to the prevention, diagnosis, and management of select uncomplicated common acute and chronic health problems for individuals across the lifespan.
Develop differential diagnoses and plans of care based on evidence-based research and clinical practice guidelines.

In this portfolio assignment, you continue the work you have already started by creating a script for your educational video based on the research you have conducted.


Remember that your video should end up as a very basic explanation of the topic because of the limited health literacy of people in general. You have researched the best sources you could find. It is now up to you to create a script where you “translate” the findings to lay terms in an appealing and interesting way. A sixth-grade level of language is an appropriate target for your wording and explanations.

As you envision your video and prepare your script, understand that we are not asking you to become filmmakers. You do not have to learn many new skills to fulfill this assignment. However, there are simple things you can do to make your video interesting. Here is a list of some pointers:

Avoid just talking for 5-7 minutes with the camera on you the entire time. You may indeed speak for the entire time. Yet, plan cutaways where you bring in short text, still images, or other relevant and appropriate footage from time to time at least.
Write your script the way you speak. While this is an educational video for patients and others who come into your clinic, you must write in a conversational rather than robotic or stuffy tone. Use as many contractions as is natural. The degree of formality is somewhat of a personal choice. However, you should sound and appear natural and as if you are talking to the people watching the video.
Similarly, do not read your script! Just don’t do it. Learn your research and practice your script enough so that you can speak to your audience without reading anything. We put this pointer in this part of the assignment to give you plenty of notice and preparation time. Here is an example of what your final video could look like:
How To Use A Spacer With Inhaler | How To Use Spacer Device | How To Use Aerochamber With VentolinLinks to an external site.

Here is another video you could learn from (notice how he comes across relaxed and knowledgeable rather than technical and stiff):

Making Educational VideosLinks to an external site.

We will discuss some aspects of these examples in the final portion of the Portfolio Video assignment. However, notice that the people in these videos included more than just themselves talking. They cut to simple screens with appropriate amounts of text or images or added them to the side. Do you feel like either one was reading a script? They both knew their content well enough and were passionate about it to the point of being able to speak very naturally. Here are some other styles of video you may consider that would be appropriate for this project:

Educational Channel approachLinks to an external site.
(minus the sponsor ad at the end)
Narrated Demonstration approachLinks to an external site.
(Reading a script would be okay here because there is no one speaking directly to the camera. However, it is still better to know the information well enough to sound like you are speaking to the audience instead of reading to them.)
News approachLinks to an external site.

Action Items
Gather your research into topics with a logical flow and sequence and form that research into a script. Use easy-to-understand language.
Plan for the use of appropriate text and images.
Your deliverable will be a Word or PowerPoint file where you break down the sections of your video showing the words you will speak and the onscreen text or images you will incorporate. If you use Word for your script, feel free to use the template provided. If you use PowerPoint, use the slides to show what will be on screen and the notes section for what you will say.

Describe at least 3 future trends in nursing informatics. Which role in nursing informatics do you find most interesting? Explain what you find interesting about it.

Nursing informatics roles

Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.

In numerous case studies, evidence demonstrates that nursing informatics has a positive impact on the quality of care.

Explore the American Medical Informatics Association website to review different types of nursing informatics roles.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Describe at least 3 future trends in nursing informatics.
  • Which role in nursing informatics do you find most interesting? Explain what you find interesting about it.


Do you feel potential employers, current employers, and colleges have the right to access your social media post? Do you feel employers and universities should make decisions based on your post?

Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics

Write an essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each number item. There should be three sections, one for each item number below, as well the introduction (heading is the title of the essay) and conclusion paragraphs. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations using APA citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

As most Americans have smart phones, tablets, and computers the utilization of social media is common place.
NCSBN has developed guidelines for nurses and nursing students for using social media responsibly. View the video.
If you were writing a hospital policy on smart phone and social media usage, what should be included in the policy?
How can you help both new and experienced nurses understand how social media can be properly used in the profession without breaking patient? What potential ethical and legal liabilities are there for the hospital and employees?

1.In 2007, Harvard University rescinded admission to 10 students after reviewing their social media post.

2.Do you feel potential employers, current employers, and colleges have the right to access your social media post? Do you feel employers and universities should make decisions based on your post?

3.Discuss the relationship between accreditation decisions, reimbursement, quality of care, informatics.

What 2 actions could you take to help achieve these 2 recommendations? Explain how these actions would help achieve health equity in your community.

Villarruel, Lecher & Carver

  1. Based on the state and national success stories highlighted in Villarruel, Lecher & Carver,2015) and global initiatives noted in the Rosa, Upvall, Beck & Dossey, 2019 article:
  2. What 2 suggestions do you have to initiate/promote diversity programs in your state or local area?
  3. Describe how these two suggestions align with the ANA Position Statement, The Nurse’s Role in Addressing Discrimination: Protecting and Promoting Inclusive Strategies in Practice Settings, Policy, and Advocacy?
  4. Schmidt, MacWilliams and Boylen(2016) propose a Code of Conduct for Inclusion and Diversity. Which 2 of their proposed nurse behaviors can you pledge to include in your personal nursing practice?  How will these behaviors improve inclusivity in your workplace?

The two behaviors from the article Becoming Inclusive: A Code of Conduct For Inclusion and Diversity by that I can pledge to include in my nursing practice are, involve others as partners in decision making and support the rights of others to make choices for themselves, and actively listen without interrupting imposing own opinions. I believe these behaviors improve inclusivity at my workplace because by carrying out these actions, patients and families feel that they are being included in their plan of care and feel comfortable speaking up when they don’t agree with a treatment being ordered for them. Recently on my unit we had a patient with advanced breast cancer who was given at best three months to live if we gave her every treatment option we had to offer. There was a lot of back and forth between the patients family and the care team because they didn’t understand that the patient was given a terminal diagnosis and the patients husband had a cognitive impairment so he couldn’t fully process what was going on. They were very confrontational every time a provider tried to suggest anything to make the patient more comfortable. The night before the patient passed, I spent quite a bit of time speaking to the family at the patient’s bedside, listening to all of their concerns and beliefs with out judgement or imposing my own opinions. When they finished voicing their concerns, I acknowledged that their concerns were valid, and also explained that by continuing on the trajectory that we were on was just going to make the patient more uncomfortable. She was starting to show signs of terminal agitation and was very tachypneic and was maxed out on high flow oxygen. She couldn’t move because she couldn’t breathe. I spent quite a bit of time explaining each medication that the provider had ordered to make the patient more comfortable and that we would slowly introduce them in order to monitor the patient’s reaction to them and make the family more comfortable. I also explained that by introducing these medications the patients breathing would become more comfortable and that when we got to this point, it would be time to ween the oxygen. The family was opposed to this because they felt it would suffocate the patient. I let them have this belief and the plan was to slowly introduce medications and go from there. Through open communication we were able to get the family to agree that every time we increased the patients morphine drip, we would turn the oxygen down until it was completely off. In doing so, the family was able to see that the patient was actually suffocating more the less we did.

  1. Review the 2021 Future of Nursing 2020–2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equityreport offers 9 recommendations for the nursing profession.
  2. Which 2 of the recommendations do you support most to help achieve health equity?  Explain.

The two recommendations that I believe will make the biggest difference in achieving health equity are, supporting the health and well-being of nurses, and preparing nurses to respond to disasters. I believe these are the most important because I have seen firsthand what happens when these things don’t happen. I have worked on the frontlines on a full covid unit. I have also felt the burnout and fatigue that comes from being forced to wear full personal protective equipment for twelve hours at a time with very little support from the people making these rules.  I have also seen what happens when nurses are not listened to and do not feel supported. They eventually get burnt out and leave-sometimes the profession completely. I believe that if nurses are not better supported and there is not better planning that goes into preparing nurses to respond to global disasters, we are soon going to end up with a profession that is nonexistent.  As the article states, “It is essential to address the systems, structures, and policies that create workplace hazards and stresses that lead to burnout, fatigue, and poor physical and mental health”. One action I would take to help achieve these two recommendations, now that I feel I have more of a voice with my new charge nurse role, is to push for more nurse involvement when it comes to putting together policies that effect how nurses take care of patients and the environment that they work in. I would also suggest that my hospital put together a wellness program in order to support nurses who are struggling with burnout, fatigue, and poor mental health. On my floor, I was involved in putting together what we call our lavender room. It is essentially what other hospitals would call a code lavender, just on a smaller scale. Code lavender was first developed by the Cleveland Clinic. It is a holistic care rapid response program to help caregivers in need of a calming influence after a stressful situation. It usually consists of support from chaplains, social workers, and staff from employee assistance programs. What this looks like on my unit is a quiet dark room with massage chairs, salt lamps and calming music. It is a room where people can go and decompress. I would suggest that we take our lavender room a step further and actually adopt the concept of a code lavender hospital wide. I think it would not only help with burnout and fatigue, but it would also help staff feel more supported and that they are not alone when it comes to facing difficult situations in the hospital setting.

  1. What 2 actions could you take to help achieve these 2 recommendations?
  2. Explain how these actions would help achieve health equity in your community.



Identify a clinical problem in your area of clinical interest. Discuss a gap in the current research literature that you can identify specific to your clinical problem.

Clinical problem

Identify a clinical problem in your area of clinical interest (Emergency Room). Discuss a gap in the current research literature that you can identify specific to your clinical problem. Think about variables you will need to investigate to fill the gap in knowledge share with your group.

For example (this is just an example), increased CAUTI in critical care is a clinical problem you are familiar with. You hypothesize that silver tip catheters decrease the incidence of CAUTIs in critical care. You as the researcher would like to investigate if this reduction in CAUTI can be attributed to silver tip catheters, but you are unable to find this in the literature. You develop a research problem stating this gap in the literature; Does the use of silver tip catheters in critical care units decrease the incidence of CAUTIS? The target population would be patients in critical care units with catheters. .The variables include CAUTI and silver tip catheters. The setting is critical care.


What actions will you take as a nurse to protect yourself and the other patients on the unit when taking care of your patient?


Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following:

You are caring for a patient with c-diff as part of your workload assignment. Discuss what c-diff is and how it is transmitted (how you can get it)?
What actions will you take as a nurse to protect yourself and the other patients on the unit when taking care of your patient?

You should include a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in APA format.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Consider the current NMC Code, relevant legislation, policies, guidelines, ethical principles. Identify, discuss and analyse the appropriateness of behaviours of the nurses involved in the scenario.


Integrate nursing professional values, responsibilities and accountability during clinical decision making with colleagues and to support individuals’ autonomy and dignity

  • Analyse safe care in relation to moral, ethical, legal, policies and professional standards using current evidence in CYP nursing practice
  • Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to support/lead others confidently and articulate nursing issues within the MDT and the public
  • Analyse how existing health and social policies influence resources that impact delivery of patient care to CYPs and their families
  • Compare and contrast how legal frameworks, local and national policies identify vulnerable CYPs within health and social care environments to prevent risks of harm to safeguard them
  • Analyse models designed to identify and support staff develop self-awareness, resilience, self-well-being and management in their role

Case scenario

Staff Nurse (SN) Dave has been a qualified children’s nurse for three years and due to personal interests in world travel Dave made the decision to work as an agency nurse. He has worked in several UK and international general paediatric wards. He has been working as an agency nurse on the present general paediatric ward for the past 16 months. SN Dave is also a Practice Assessor (PA) to student nurses.
On this particular shift SN Dave is the PA of year 2 student nurse (STDN) Nicola. Junior Sister Kay is in charge of the shift. The shift is particularly busy because they are short staffed. Ward manager Senior Sister (SR) Latta did not get around to booking any agency or bank staff to fill the shift shortages as she had to complete an e-module for a course she was attending. It took longer than expected and she completely forgot to cover the shifts. On SR Latta’s professional development study day she pops onto the ward during the morning to see how the ward is but did not inform the hospital site manager that the ward was very short staffed and no patient safety incident report been completed to record the unsafe staffing levels.
During the busy shift SN Dave is looking after far more patients than normal and they are broadly geographically dispersed across the ward, to include patients on different bays and also those residing in cubicles. STDN Nicola measures baby Suzi’s vital signs and documents them on the PEWS chart. The baby is pyrexial. The baby Suzi has a nasogastric tube in place and also an intravenous cannula in her right arm. STDN Nicola shows SN Dave the PEWS. SN Dave is in the process of taking some medication to another patient on the bay when STDN Nicola shows him the baby Suzi’s PEWS. SN Dave is concerned by Suzi’s very high temperature and quickly asks the parent to identify their son and SN Dave politely asks the parent to give their son the oral antibiotic liquid that Dave was about to administer to the child on the drug round. He leaves the antibiotic with the parent.
SN Dave walks with STDN Nicola to the drug treatment room and as he is walks Dave signs for the drugs that he left with the parent to administer; as given.
STDN Nicola hands SN Dave the drug chart of the baby with the very high temperature. He draws up some prescribed paracetamol in an oral syringe and hands it to STDN Nicola to give to the baby Suzi in the cubicle. STDN Nicola observes in the background SN Dave check the paracetamol with SR Kay and Nicola is happy that the drug dose is correct. SN Dave tells STDN Nicola to check baby Suzi’s identity bracelet, check the tube and flush the paracetamol down the tube. He then continues with the drug round and goes to another patient in the opposite direction.
STDN Nicola checks the baby’s identity bracelet against the drug chart, checks the time for administration and flushes the liquid paracetamol into the intravenous cannula instead of the nasogastric tube. Within minutes the baby’s appearance changes and the baby looks unwell and mottled. STDN Nicola shouts for help and explains to SN Dave what she has done. A medical emergency begins.
After emergency medical intervention the hospital site manager is bleeped and informed. The baby is stable. A patient safety incident report is completed. The baby’s parents return from their lunch break in the hospital canteen and are informed about the incident by the site manager and SR Kay. They are furious and wish to make a formal complaint. They cannot understand why they were not called on their mobile phones to come to the ward and also they cannot understand why and how the drug error could have happened.

Essay questions

Question 1: Consider the current NMC Code, relevant legislation, policies, guidelines, ethical principles. Identify, discuss and analyse the appropriateness of behaviours of the nurses involved in the scenario.