How do you feel about the trauma physician contacting Sara to tell her that her boyfriend was coming to the ED? Did this contact violate any standards, rules, or regulations? With whom would responsibility and accountability rest if a poor patient outcome occurred while Sara was off the unit: Kelly and/or Sara? Why?

Week 3  Nursing: Leadership Case

 “Breach of Confidentiality”

  1. How do you feel about the trauma physician contacting Sara to tell her that her boyfriend was coming to the ED? Did this contact violate any standards, rules, or regulations?
  2. With whom would responsibility and accountability rest if a poor patient outcome occurred while Sara was off the unit: Kelly and/or Sara? Why?
  3. Think about the patient records you have encountered in your clinical experiences. Do you feel it is easy for nurses and other staff to access patient medical records, even for those patients for whom they are not providing care? What issues could this lead to? Who might need access to records of patients for whom they are not providing direct care?
  4. Do you feel a violation of patient privacy and confidentiality is grounds for immediate termination based on a policy of progressive discipline, even if it is an individual’s first offense?


Case Introduction

Sara, a staff nurse, is working on the unit when she receives a concerning call from her friend who is a trauma physician in the Emergency Department (ED). Sara’s boyfriend is coming into the ED after a motor vehicle collision. The trauma physician wanted to give Sara a “heads up” so she can come see him before his wife arrives. Sara heads to the ED to check on him and later returns to the unit distraught.

Secretary: Sara, you have a call on Line 2.

Nurse Sara: Hello this is Sarah.

Doctor: Hey, Sarah, it’s Doctor Taylor. I’ve got some bad news. I just heard that your boyfriend John is coming into the Ed. It wasn’t a crash on I-95.

Nurse Sara: What? How is he? Is he conscious?

Doctor: I don’t think it’s too serious. But you need to come down here quickly if you want to see him before his wife gets here.

Nurse Sara: Yeah, OK. I’ll be down in a few minutes. Kelly, could you just wash my patience for a few minutes? I have to run downstairs. Yeah, sure. OK. Is everything alright? Yeah. I will tell you when I get back.

Nurse Kelly: Sara… way… What about?… Report.


Part 2:

Nurse Kelly: Sara. I thought you said you’d be right back. Mr. Thomas’s IV in bed is leaking all over the place. And the doctors have been yelling.

Nurse Sara: I’m sorry. It’s just…it’s John. He’s been in a wreck. And I had to go downstairs before his wife.

Nurse Kelly: What? That’s terrible. Did he call you from the ambulance?

Nurse Sara: No. Doctor Taylor called me from downstairs.

Nurse Kelly: Really? She did. Well, I guess that’s nice of her. But listen, anyway, you really need to check on Mr. Thomas.

Nurse Sara: You just hold on. I just need to make sure John is OK before he goes into surgery. Ok his chart says he fractured his tibia. So, he does not need any blood because prior labs came out fine. I’m so thankful his alcohol screen came back negative.

Nurse Kelly: are you looking at his chart?

Nurse Sara: Yes, but it’s just because I’m so worried about him and I just got to make sure he’s going to be OK.

Nurse Kelly: I know you’re worried, but Are you sure that’s a good idea?


Part 3:

Nurse Supervisor: Sara, I called you in here because the medical records department came across something irregular when they were conducting their routine audit last Friday. It’s showing that you access to the medical records of John Jacobson, a patient who came into our Ed that afternoon.

Nurse Sara: I know, I know. And I’m really, really sorry. It’s just that John is the guy that I was telling you about, the guy that I’m dating, and I was just really worried about him. I’m sure you can understand.

Nurse Supervisor: I can understand your concern. However. It’s illegal for you to access his medical record. Even he needs written authorization to do that. We covered that in your orientation and your annual mandatory training ensuring compliance with patient privacy and confidentiality.

Nurse Sara: I know. I’m really sorry. And I promise it won’t happen again. It’s just. I was really worried about him. He was going to have to have a surgery.

Nurse Supervisor: I understand your concern. However, this is a serious violation on your part. Based on our policies. We’re going to have to let you go. I’m going to need you to clean out your locker and…

Nurse Sara: Don’t I get a warning first? But I’ve never done something like this before and I said it won’t happen again. I mean, don’t I need to get a warning first?

Nurse Supervisor: This offense is grounded for immediate termination. The hospital follows very strict guidelines when it comes to HIPAA violations. I’m going to need you to clean out your locker and leave immediately.

Textbook:  Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2021). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.



Leadership and Management

Marquis, B. L., and Huston, C. J. (2021). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing, 10th Edition.

  • Communication, Confidentiality, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Chapter 19: Organizational, Interpersonal, and Group Communication in Team Building, pp. 513–518
  • Emotional Intelligence, Chapter 3: Twenty-First-Century Thinking about Leadership and Management, pp. 68–69
  • Chapter 4: Ethical Issues, pp. 84–92
  • Professional Negligence, Chapter 5: Legal and Legislative Issues, pp. 114–118
  • Other Legal Responsibilities of the Manager, Chapter 5: Legal and Legislative Issues, pp. 122–128
    • Chapter 25: Problem Employees: Rule Breakers, Marginal Employees, and the Chemically or Psychologically Impaired, pp. 682–693

Privacy and Confidentiality

Expert Peer-Reviewed Content from Lippincott Nursing Center

  • Cataletto M. (2011). On the horizon: Highlights of HIPAA for nurses. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 9(3), 6-8.
  • Kiel, J. M. (2015). An analysis of the management and leadership roles of nurses relative to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The Health Care Manager, 34(1), 76–80.
  • Mehnke, A. (2010). Managing a breach in patient confidentiality. Nursing 2010 Critical Care, 5(4), 48.
  • Wallace, I. M. (2015). Is patient confidentiality compromised with the electronic health record? Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 33(2), 58–62.

Patient Abandonment

Expert Peer-Reviewed Content from Lippincott Nursing Center

    •   Blyth, D. A. (2007). Do you know what constitutes patient abandonment? Nursing Management, 38(8), 8, 10, 54.



Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency from the list provided. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community.

Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity

Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report.

As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment.

Many organizations work to better local and global communities’ quality of life and promote health and safety in times of crisis. As public health and safety advocates, nurses must be cognizant of how such organizations help certain populations. As change agents, nurses must be aware of factors that impact the organization and the services that it offers. Familiarity with these organizations enables the nurse to offer assistance as a volunteer and source of referral.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you gain insight into the mission, vision, and operations of a community services organization.

You are interested in expanding your role as a nurse and are considering working in an area where you can help to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life within the local or global community. You are aware of several nonprofit organizations and government agencies whose work contributes to this effort in some way. You have particular interest in one of these organizations but would like to know more about its contributions to public health and safety improvements. You would like to report the results of your research in a scholarly paper that you could submit for publication.

Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency from the list provided. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3–5 page report.

As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment.

Choose the organization or agency you are most interested in researching:

American Red Cross.
Habitat for Humanity.
United Way.
Doctors Without Borders.
The Salvation Army.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
National Center for Transgender Equality.
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders.
Equal Justice Initiative.
National Alliance to End Homelessness.
Urban Triage.
World Health Organization.
The Arc: For People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Alliance for Retired Americans.
Futures Without Violence.
Blue Campaign: What Is Human Trafficking?
Covenant House.
Cultural Survival.

Note: As you revise your writing, check out the resources listed on the Writing Center’s Writing Support page.

Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency from the list provided. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3–5 page report.

As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. After completing this activity, choose an organization or agency from the list that you are most interested in researching.

Discuss the importance of micronutrients and their function in the body. Choose two micronutrients and discuss the signs and symptoms of toxicity and deficiency for each nutrient.

Week 2 Discussion Forum 25 pts

Develop a substantial initial post addressing all the points below:

  • Discuss the importance of micronutrients and their function in the body. Choose two micronutrients and discuss the signs and symptoms of toxicity and deficiency for each nutrient.
  • What is the role of these nutrients in the prevention of disease? Provide examples.

Summarize the key issues in your reflective commentary and development plan. Identify implications for future reflective practice and personal development.

Personal Effectiveness for Professional Practice

Summative Assessment Guidelines for the Personal Effectiveness for Professional Practice Module: Reflective Commentary and Development Plan (1500 words)

You are required to write a single document including: Part (1) a reflective commentary based on your experiences in one of the module sessions identifying an aspect of personal effectiveness that you need to develop and Part (2) a development plan which details how you will improve on the aspect of personal effectiveness identified in the commentary.
The reflective commentary and development plan must demonstrate achievement of the Module Learning Outcomes and make links to NMC Code (2018).
Guidelines in Respect of Confidentiality e.g. in group discussions and written assessments
During the module you will be required to draw on and reflect on your experiences and use these in group discussions and formative and summative assessments. It is therefore important that service user and peer (e.g. student, health care professional, lecturer, etc) confidentiality should be maintained at all times. It is your responsibility to ensure that information that would identify an individual, group or placement is omitted from all written assessments. You can achieve this by being selective and only using information which is absolutely essential, and by using appropriate pseudonyms e.g. ‘a service user’, ‘a children’s ward’.

Introduction (150 words)
State the aims of the reflective commentary and development plan.
Include which module session and aspect of personal effectiveness is the focus of the reflective commentary and development plan
Include which reflective framework will be used to structure the reflective commentary i.e. Borton (1970) or Gibbs (1988).

Part 1: Reflective Commentary (800 words)
Use the stages of the chosen reflective framework to structure the commentary and demonstrate reflection (MLO 1).
In your reflection demonstrate an understanding of the effect of emotions on behaviour and the potential impact on others (MLO 2).
In your reflection discuss what support and feedback will be needed to develop the selected aspect of personal effectiveness (MLO 1)

Part 2: Development Plan (400 words)
Use the template provided to write a development plan that details how you will improve on the aspect of personal effectiveness discussed in the commentary (MLO 3).

Conclusion (150 words)
Summarize the key issues in your reflective commentary and development plan.
Identify implications for future reflective practice and personal development.

Provide a literature review of what is known about this issue and how it impacts nursing practice and/or healthcare. Discuss your recommendations for reducing or eliminating this problem based on what you have found in the literature.

EHR Concerns and Recommendations

Nurses are experiencing Alarm Fatigue, they are routinely disregarding prompts from the Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)

Provide an introduction for your paper.

Define the topic of interest (Nurses are experiencing Alarm Fatigue, they are routinely disregarding prompts from the Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS))

Provide a literature review of what is known about this issue and how it impacts nursing practice and/or healthcare.

Discuss your recommendations for reducing or eliminating this problem based on what you have found in the literature.

Provide a conclusion for your paper.

Use proper grammar/spelling/and APA format guidelines as applicable. Include an introduction and Conclusions or Recommendations section for your presentation

Introduction – State what your paper will present.

Define the Topic of Interest – Provide a well-founded definition of the issue.
Literature Review of Topic – Provide a thorough literature review of what is known about the issue, and how this impacts nursing practice.

Recommended Approach to Reduce/Eliminate the Problem – Provide a proposed recommendation to reduce the identified problem in the organization, based on what is found in the literature. (You may assume that this is not currently being done in the organization.)

Conclusion – Provide a brief conclusion for your paper.

Discuss the significance of the research to nursing practice. Identify two details to support the research as qualitative or quantitative.

Research studies

During this course, you will learn the components of a research study. Each week you will learn components of the research process through your readings and application of the knowledge gained to published research articles. At the end of the course, you will complete a review of a nursing research article utilizing all of the components of the research process.

Using the Week 2 research template, identify the research components, listed on the template, as you begin to examine research studies. Review your two assigned articles and address each of the following criteria:

Identify and describe
The problem
Hypothesis or research questions of each study.
Discuss the significance of the research to nursing practice.
Identify two details to support the research as qualitative or quantitative.

NOTE: If a component is not addressed, the student receives a zero for that component.

Use the following articles

Jenson, H., Maddux, S., Waldo, M. (2018). Improving oral care in hospitalized non-ventilated patients: Standardizing products and protocol. MEDSURG Nursing 27(1), 38-45

Turk, M., Fapohunda, A., & Zoucha, R. (2015). Using photovoice to explore Nigerian immigrants’ eating and physical activity in the United States. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(1), 16-24. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12105

Share your experience with change, good or bad. If it was “good” experience, what made it good? And if “bad” what made it bad? How to these experiences align with best practices in implementing change in an organization?

Change agent

Change in our work and personal lives is often a stress inducing event. The goal of the change agent should be to mitigate stress as much as possible.

Share your experience with change, good or bad.
If it was “good” experience, what made it good?
And if “bad” what made it bad?
How to these experiences align with best practices in implementing change in an organization?

Based on the following titles of research studies, identify what you believe to be the specific type of quantitative or qualitative design of the study and the rationale for your selection.

Quantitative or Qualitative design of study

Based on the following titles of research studies, identify what you believe to be the specific type of quantitative or qualitative design of the study and the rationale for your selection. Refer to the links above for descriptions of research designs.

1. Determining the effect of position on heel pressure in older adults.
2. Factors that influenced the development of democracy in America.
3. The relationship between physical activity and GPA in nursing students.
4. Determining the effect of a new drug to treat brain tumors.
5. Coping strategies of chronically ill men and women.
6. Determining the incidence of drug abuse in RNs in community hospitals.
7. The meaning of living with COPD.
8. Exploring the Aborigine culture.

Explains two theorists or school of thought related to mental health care and nursing. Compare/contrast the therapy treatments for each theorist.

Mental health care and nursing

1.Explains two theorists or school of thought related to mental health care and nursing.
2.Compare/contrast the therapy treatments for each theorist.
3.Explain how mental health theory is used as a guide for nursing care to a person with a mental health disorder.
4.Explain how each mental health theory is used as a guide for nursing care to a person with mental health disorders.

Paper should include a cover page and a reference page. Note that the cover and reference page is not included in the page count of your paper.

Analyze strategies related to advocating for patients and effecting positive social change in health care. Analyze the impact of nurses on shaping the future of the profession.

Powerful Caring Leads to Social Change

Analyze strategies related to advocating for patients and effecting positive social change in health care.

Analyze the impact of nurses on shaping the future of the profession.

Develop a personal education success plan.

Develop solutions related to quality indicators in a clinical nursing environment.

Reflect on personal and professional strengths and needs.