Discuss each method with an example of how the method could be used in the organization. Then discuss how you will evaluate the method and learning.

Module 5 Assignment

The following specifications are required for this assignment:
Length: 500 words per essay prompt/section (1500 total for this assignment); answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. All APA Papers should include an introduction and conclusion.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)

Assignment Description:
Information Security in a World of Technology

Write an essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be three sections, one for each item number below, as well the introduction (heading is the title of the essay) and conclusion paragraphs. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations using APA citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

The textbook discusses several education methods. Discuss each method with an example of how the method could be used in the organization. Then discuss how you will evaluate the method and learning.

Healthcare continues to be a lucrative target for hackers with weaponized ransomware, misconfigured cloud storage buckets, and phishing emails. Discuss how an organization can protect patients’ information through:

  • Security mechanisms
  • Administrative and Personnel Issues
  • Level of access
  • Handling and Disposal of Confidential Information

You are providing education to staff on phishing and spam emails. Using the different educational methods discussed in Chapter 12:

  • Provide examples of how each method can be used
  • How will the method and learning be evaluated?

Describe the pathophysiology of bronchiolitis and identify the most common organism causing this infection. What laboratory testing can confirm your suspicion? Describe the pathophysiology of PDA and why the history of PDA is significant in this scenario.

Purpose of Assignment

The goal of creating a nursing concept map is to create a plan of care for a child with bronchiolitis. The nursing interventions would reflect the underlying respiratory syncytial virus with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) history.


Apply the foundations of pediatric nursing when caring for clients with health alterations.


You are working in a large urban pediatric clinic after-hours.

A mother brings her 6-month-old daughter, Vivi Mitchell, to the clinic for rhinorrhea, congestion, fever, and cough. Upon assessment, you identify the child has wheezing upon auscultation and on inspection, you identify retractions.

  • The child is in less than 10th percentile of weight and has a cardiac history of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA).
  • Born at 36 weeks gestation.
  • Mother states this child doesn’t go to day care but her two other children ages 2 and 3 do attend daycare.
  • T- 102.1 HR 140 RR 40 BP 83/58 Pulse ox 96%
  • A swab for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is positive.

Doctor orders – Nasal bulb suction and saline drops PRN, Tylenol 15mg/kg Q4 PRN for fever, Albuterol nebulizer in office and push po fluids as tolerated.

After the albuterol neb treatment, respirations are 36 and oxygen saturation is 100%. Wheezing has diminished. Mom is an ER nurse and the doctor feels comfortable that she has a nebulizer at home and can return to pediatric afterhours or ER if needed.

Client is discharged with these orders:

  • methylprednisolone 0.4 mg/kg oral BID for 3
  • Albuterol Q4 hours for 24 hours, then Q 6 hours for 24 hours, and Q6 as needed.
  • Call if needed prior to the Q4 dose.
  • Manage fever with Tylenol and continue hydration and nasal bulb suction Q6 while awake.
  • Return for re-evaluation in 3 days

In a two to three-page APA formatted paper, provide reponses for these questions and requests for information:

  1. Describe the pathophysiology of bronchiolitis and identify the most common organism causing this infection. What laboratory testing can confirm your suspicion?
  2. Describe the pathophysiology of PDA and why the history of PDA is significant in this scenario.
  3. What risk factors place Vivi Mitchell at a greater risk for the development of bronchiolitis?
  4. What are the characteristic signs/symptoms of bronchiolitis?
  5. Vivi Mitchell been prescribed the following medications; acetaminophen, albuterol nebulizer, corticosteroids. Provide the rationale for why each medication has been included as part of her medical management and explain any potential contraindications related to these medications.
  6. You are designing Vivi Mitchell’s plan of care. Identify two priority nursing diagnoses to include in your plan. For each nursing diagnosis, identify two SMART goals, and two interventions for each goal.
  7. What short and long-term possible complications should the nurse anticipate?
  8. What client education is appropriate for Vivi Mitchell as she is discharged from the after-care clinic?


Discuss what training programs are needed for educating staff on policies of use of technology, patient privacy and social media.

Module5 discussion

Discussion Question:
Discuss what training programs are needed for educating staff on policies of use of technology, patient privacy and social media.
Consider what training to provide to new employees and what ongoing training may be necessary.

Considering your selected topic of deploying a new computer program in a hospital setting, what healthcare teams would be essential to help support your new project implementation? How would each identified team help support the integration and outcomes you plan to achieve?

Module4 discussion question

Discussion Question:
Considering your selected topic of deploying a new computer program in a hospital setting, what healthcare teams would be essential to help support your new project implementation? How would each identified team help support the integration and outcomes you plan to achieve? Consider aspects related to communication, collaboration and professional organizations for best practices in healthcare informatics.

Describe the pathophysiologic manifestations of the disease(s). Identify and select appropriate interventions including diagnostic tests and nursing interventions.

Assignment Objectives

Describe the pathophysiologic manifestations of the disease(s).
Identify and select appropriate interventions including diagnostic tests and nursing interventions.
Analyze physiological and psychological responses to illness and treatment modalities.

Purpose: Examine case studies related to endocrine system and answer the assigned questions. This assignment should help refine your clinical/critical thinking skills.

Assignment Description: Answer the questions related to each of the patients provided. Your answer must follow APA 7th edition format. Submit the answer in the assignment area of your course.

Patient 1 – The parents of an 11 year old girl bring her for an office visit. She has been developing normally and has been healthy and active. Her parents report that for the past several weeks, she has been feeling tired and weak, drinking more fluids than normal, and has been urinating so much she has wet the bed at night. Two days ago, they noticed that her breath smelled “like fruit” and she lost 8 pounds these last weeks. Yesterday she began breathing fast and deep.

  • a. Present your initial diagnosis.
  • b. Describe the pathophysiologic explanation(s) to support your diagnosis and the clinical symptoms presented.
  • c. List the test(s) you would perform to confirm your diagnosis, the rationale for each test ordered, and the results you would expect if your diagnosis is correct.
  • d. Describe your recommended treatment(s) and the rationale to support your recommendation(s).

Patient 2– A 45 year old man is being seen because he has been experiencing vision changes, a burning sensation in his feet, and decreasing amounts of urine when he uses the bathroom. He has a long-standing history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Your physical exam reveals retinal hemorrhages in both eyes, and decreased sensation to moderate touch in the soles of his feet. A spot urinalysis shows microalbuminuria and a stat Basic Metabolic Profile (BMP) shows decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR).

  • a. Present your initial diagnosis.
  • b. Describe the pathophysiologic processes related to your diagnosis that explain the signs/symptoms, and lab results obtained.
  • c. State the effect of his symptoms on his life expectancy and the rationale for your answer.

Identify and select appropriate interventions including diagnostic tests and nursing interventions. Analyze physiological and psychological responses to illness and treatment modalities.

Assignment Objectives:

Identify and select appropriate interventions including diagnostic tests and nursing interventions.
Analyze physiological and psychological responses to illness and treatment modalities.

Purpose: Examine case studies related to neurologic disease and answer the assigned questions. This assignment should help refine your clinical/critical thinking skills.

Assignment Description:

Describe the pathophysiology of extradural and subdural hematomas.
Identify the surgical emergency and provided rationale for the choice.
Describe the most likely type of head injury and outline an appropriate treatment plan.
Your answer must follow APA 7th edition format.
Submit the answer to this assignment area.

Patient 1 – Two individuals come to the emergency department with head injuries. One, 25 years old, has just been in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and has a temporal lobe injury. The other, 65 years old, has increasing confusion after a fall that happened earlier in the week.

  • a. Differentiate the pathophysiology of extradural hematoma and subdural hematoma.
  • b. Identify the patient in the above scenario requiring immediate emergency surgical intervention and provide rationale for your choice.

Patient 2 – An 38 year old was driving his 1970 Chevy Corvette to a Milwaukee Brewers baseball game when a deer jumped out in front of him on the highway. He swerved his car and hit a telephone pole instead. His head hit the windshield and he suffered severe head trauma.

  • a. Describe the most likely specific type of head injury he suffered.
  • b. Outline the treatment plan for this patient.

Reflect on your readings as well as the theory seminar and identify at least two (2) concepts from the following theory or model groups that provided clarification for you or resonated with you. Briefly discuss how each concept might help guide your advanced practice

Nursing theory

Develop Theory Seminars

So, individual seminars should provide an overview of 3 or 4 different theorists. Likewise, compare and differences in how each theory would guide strategies to address a specific health issue. Groups will develop Theory Seminar narrated PowerPoint presentations comparing and contrasting the identified advanced practice theories.

100 Points
This presentation is designed to demonstrate your ability to critically think in comparing and applying different theories to your type of advanced practice area (Nurse Practitioner). Group assignments and two or more theories are assigned. The Butts and Rich textbook will serve as the primary resource for this assignment, but other electronic resources are available by completing a google search on the theory or model. The length of the presentation is 15 minutes and one slide for references. A minimum of five peer reviewed articles published within the last 5 years are to be used to support the discussion in your presentation. Type your references on a separate slide. The narrated presentation will be provided online.

Introduction 5 points
1 slide • Briefly identify the theories you will be using in your presentation Comparison of Theories 20 Points
1 Slide • Briefly describe the origin of each theory
2 Slides • Identify similar and different elements for each theory Application of Theory to Practice 20 points
2 Slides • Discuss the key concepts from each theory as they apply to your advanced practice role.
1 Slide • Describe a client situation where elements from each of the different theories may be applied
2 Slides • Discuss how each theory can be used to design nursing interventions
1 Slide • Identify the components of each theory that need more research before it can be applied to your type of clinical practice
1 Slide • Apply at least two different theories to the development of evidence-based practice protocols Model Diagram 15 Points
1 Slide • Draw a diagram of the theories using only the concepts that apply to your clinical practice.
• Show how the concepts relate to each other by drawing lines, arrows or bold type
1 Slide • Discuss those areas that need future refinement or research to be used in nursing practice Synthesis of Theory & Application 15 Points
1 Slide • Give examples of how applying theory to clinical practice has increased your use of current literature and research findings
2 Slides • Give specific examples of how applying theory helped you to evaluate your clinical practice and approach to patient care.
1 Slide Summary 5 Points
1 Slide References 5 Points
Presentation Style, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, APA, 15 Points
TOTAL 100 Points

Power Point content will be based on the following as related to cardiovascular health in minority communities. racial disparities, biases, socioeconomic status.

Reflect on your readings as well as the theory seminar and identify at least two (2) concepts from the following theory or model groups that provided clarification for you or resonated with you. Briefly discuss how each concept might help guide your advanced practice

1. Theories of Organizational Behavior and Leadership (at least 2 concepts from this group)
2. Theories Focused on Health Equity (at least 2 concepts from this group)
3. Public Health Behaviors (at least 2 concepts from this group)
4. Include what you liked about the presentation and what could be improved

Develop a 20-minute presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4-5 pages in length, and record a video of your presentation.

Develop a 20-minute presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4-5 pages in length, and record a video of your presentation.

Nurses have a powerful role in the coordination and continuum of care. All nurses must be cognizant of the care coordination process and how safety, ethics, policy, physiological, and cultural needs affect care and patient outcomes. As a nurse, care coordination is something that should always be considered. Nurses must be aware of factors that impact care coordination and of a continuum of care that utilizes community resources effectively and is part of an ethical framework that represents the professionalism of nurses. Understanding policy elements helps nurses coordinate care effectively.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to educate your peers on the care coordination process. The assessment also requires you to address change management issues. You are encouraged to complete the Managing Change activity.

Completing course activities before submitting your first attempt has been shown to make the difference between basic and proficient assessment.

Your nurse manager has been observing your effectiveness as a care coordinator and recognizes the importance of educating other staff nurses in care coordination. Consequently, she has asked you to develop a presentation for your colleagues on care coordination basics. By providing them with basic information about the care coordination process, you will assist them in taking on an expanded role in helping to manage the care coordination process and improve patient outcomes in your community care center.

To prepare for this assessment, identify key factors nurses must consider to effectively participate in the care coordination process.

You may also wish to:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
Allow plenty of time to rehearse your presentation.
Recording Equipment Setup and Testing
Check that your recording equipment and software are working properly and that you know how to record and upload your presentation. You may use Kaltura (recommended) or similar software for your audio recording. A reference page is required. However, no PowerPoint presentation is required for this assessment.

If using Kaltura, refer to the Using Kaltura tutorial for directions on recording and uploading your video in the courseroom.
Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact DisabilityServices@capella.edu to request accommodations.

Complete the following:

Develop a video presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Include community resources, ethical issues, and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. To prepare, develop a detailed narrative script. The script will be submitted along with the video.

Note: You are not required to deliver your presentation.

Presentation Format and Length
Create a detailed narrative script for your video presentation, approximately 4–5 pages in length. Include a reference list at the end of the script.

Supporting Evidence
Cite 3–5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your video. Include your source citations on a references page appended to your narrative script. Explore the resources about effective presentations as you prepare your assessment.

Grading Requirements
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Outline effective strategies for collaborating with patients and their families to achieve desired health outcomes.
Provide, for example, drug-specific educational interventions, cultural competence strategies.
Include evidence that you have to support your selected strategies.
Identify the aspects of change management that directly affect elements of the patient experience essential to the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care.
Explain the rationale for coordinated care plans based on ethical decision making.
Consider the reasonable implications and consequences of an ethical approach to care and any underlying assumptions that may influence decision making.
Identify the potential impact of specific health care policy provisions on outcomes and patient experiences.
What are the logical implications and consequences of relevant policy provisions?
What evidence do you have to support your conclusions?
Raise awareness of the nurse’s vital role in the coordination and continuum of care in a video-recorded presentation.
Fine tune the presentation to your audience.
Stay focused on key issues of import with respect to the effects of resources, ethics, and policy on the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care.
Adhere to presentation best practices.

Additional Requirements
Submit both your presentation video and script. The script should include a reference page. See Using Kaltura for more information about uploading multimedia files. You may submit the assessment only once, so be sure that both assessment deliverables are included.

Portfolio Prompt: Save your presentation to your ePortfolio. Submissions to the ePortfolio will be part of your final Capstone course.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Collaborate with patients and family to achieve desired outcomes.
Outline effective strategies for collaborating with patients and their families to achieve desired health outcomes.
Competency 3: Create a satisfying patient experience.
Identify the aspects of change management that directly affect elements of the patient experience essential to the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care.
Competency 4: Defend decisions based on the code of ethics for nursing.
Explain the rationale for coordinated care plans based on ethical decision making.
Competency 5: Explain how health care policies affect patient-centered care.
Identify the potential impact of specific health care policy provisions on outcomes and patient experiences.
Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead patient-centered care.
Raise awareness of the nurse’s vital role in the coordination and continuum of care in a video-recorded presentation.

Create a 4 page paper in APA 7th edition format on the two psychological theorists of your choice. Compare and contrast the two different theories on how to treat mental health patients.

Psychological/Dependency Disorder Paper

Create a 4 page paper in APA 7th edition format on the two psychological theorists of your choice. Compare and contrast the two different theories on how to treat mental health patients.
In order:

1. Explains psychological/dependency disorder related to health care and nursing.

2. Compare/contrast the therapy treatments for disorder.

3. Explain how mental health theory is used as a guide for nursing care to a person with a mental health disorder.

Select appropriate nursing interventions when providing multidimensional care to clients experiencing alterations in mobility.

Module 03 Assignment- Interventions to Promote an Environment of Safety

Purpose of the Assignment

Identify strategies to reduce the risk for injury to clients in various environments.

Course Competencies.

Select appropriate nursing interventions when providing multidimensional care to clients experiencing alterations in mobility.

Strategies for safe effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients experiencing sensory and perception disorders.


In a one page Word Document, plan interventions with rationale which will promote an environment of safety for the described client below. Consider the client’s medical history and medications.

Mr. Joe Smith, 75-year old man, recently suffered a left cerebrovascular accident. He has right visual field deficits and residual weakness in this right arm and leg. He uses a walker for mobility. He takes Metoprolol for his blood pressure and the physician started him on Coumadin because he has recently been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.

Use at least two scholarly sources to support your interventions and rationale. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing Guide https://guides.rasmussen.edu/nursing/referenceebooks

Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA Guide
