Do you find this study worth sharing with colleagues? Why or why not?


Create a slideshow using (Google Slides). Do not fill each slide with lots of words. Be concise.

  • Slide 1: DNP Project title, author, year, college/university, your name.
  • Slide 2: The problem & why it is important
  • Slide 3: The cause/s of the problem & which cause/s the study/project seeks to mitigate
  • Slide 4: Ethical issues that may have occurred or had to be mitigated
  • Slide 5: Solution – Theoretical framework and/or QI model
  • Slide 6: Who was involved? (was it an interprofessional team?)
  • Slide 7: Outcomes – Explain the results with a focus on the study/project outcomes.
  • Slide 8: Cost-effectiveness and limitations
  • Slide 9: Conclusion – Do you find this study worth sharing with colleagues? Why or why not?


How Would You Handle a Child Who Confides in You Some Illicit Behavior and Asks You Not to Tell His or Her Parents?

Module 2-

How Would You Handle a Child Who Confides in You Some Illicit Behavior and Asks You Not to Tell His or Her Parents?


Qualitative data have been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to the researcher. Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize the data.

Qualitative data

Qualitative data have been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to the researcher. Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize the data.

1 paragraph


Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis? Identify at least five possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.

Patient’s differential diagnosis

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study.
  • Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study you were assigned.
  • Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
  • Identify at least five possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.

The Case Study Assignment

Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template provided in the Week 5 resources. Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis, and justify why you selected each.


Review the five ways of knowing as described by Chinn and Kramer (2015). Which two ways of knowing most impact your professional nursing practice.

Ethics in nursing leadership

  1. Review the five ways of knowing as described by Chinn and Kramer (2015).
  2. Which two ways of knowing most impact your professional nursing practice.  Cite specific examples of the identified impact.
  3. Identify which way of knowing do you feel you need the most development.  Discuss two specific strategies you could use to improve this pattern of knowing.


Describe the four assessment techniques discussed in the textbook. Why is it important to perform the assessment techniques in order? Describe the significant characteristics of a general survey. Why is the general survey important?

Assignment Content

  1. Answer the following questions in a one or two-page summary of the following questions:
    1. Describe the four assessment techniques discussed in the textbook. Why is it important to perform the assessment techniques in order?
    2. Describe the significant characteristics of a general survey. Why is the general survey important?
    3. Conduct a pain assessment on a family member/friend using one of the pain scales that are discussed in the textbook. Document your findings in a summarized format. (see instructions below)
  2. You may conduct the pain assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to secure their permission. Include both subjective and objective data when performing the pain assessment & don’t forget to ask the “PQRST” questions using the process described in the textbook.
    APA format for references


Describe how you will utilize and implement the IOM Nursing Reports from 2010 and 2016 in your role as an Advanced Practice Nurse.

1. The president and the governor are referred to as the chief administrative or executive officers of the country and state, respectively. Analyze the differences and similarities in the roles and responsibilities of the respective heads of these executive branches.

2. Advocacy and public health nursing intersect in many ways. What are some specific examples that demonstrate how public health benefited from the advocacy provided by nurses?

3. Describe how you will utilize and implement the IOM Nursing Reports from 2010 and 2016 in your role as an Advanced Practice Nurse.

Choose a disorder that you would like to learn more about related to sexual dysfunction. Create a poster or teaching brochure on that topic. See rubric for the elements that need to be included.

Erectile Disorder

In this assignment you will make a poster or teaching brochure that you might give to patients regarding sexual dysfunction. Choose a disorder that you would like to learn more about related to sexual dysfunction. Create a poster or teaching brochure on that topic. See rubric for the elements that need to be included.
See Exemplar attached.

Each person will select one topic from one of the module headings

Sexual Dysfunction Disorders

Delayed Ejaculation
Erectile Disorder
Female Orgasmic Disorder
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Premature (Early) Ejaculation

Substance/Medication-Induced Sexual Dysfunction (note* if you pick Substance/Medication-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, it can only be for a psychiatric medication, and must get permission from your instructor if you want to use any medication class other than antidepressants)

Explain implementation strategies that could be used for successful use and adoption of a new informatics system. What barriers might exist during the implementation of a new informatics system?

Implementing Informatics Systems

In this writing assignment, you will write a one- to two-page paper in which you explain the implementation of an informatics system.

Step 1 Reflect on your encounters with healthcare informatics systems you may have used in the clinical setting (either as a practicing nurse or as a student in the clinical setting).

Step 2 Address the following questions as you write your paper:

Explain implementation strategies (name at least three) that could be used for successful use and adoption of a new informatics system.
What barriers might exist during the implementation of a new informatics system?
Describe types of staff education strategies (name at least two) that would be helpful.
What support should be offered to users after the implementation of a new informatics system?

Evaluate a healthcare plan using the attached worksheet. The selected plan can be your own health insurance or another plan.

Health Insurance Plan Evaluation

In this experiential learning experience, you will evaluate a healthcare plan using the attached worksheet. The selected plan can be your own health insurance or another plan.

Step 1

Use published information on the selected health insurance plan to complete the assignment 5.1 worksheet Download assignment 5.1 worksheet.

Step 2

Create a 7-10 slide Power Point presentation to include the following:

Introduction to the plan, including geographic boundaries
Major coverage inclusions and exclusions (Medical, Dental, Vision etc.)
Costs to consumer for insurance under the plan (include premiums, deductibles, copays, prescription costs)
Health insurance plan ratings if available. If no ratings are found for this plan, include a possible explanation for this situation.
Evaluation of the health insurance plan-include your evaluation of this plan from two standpoints:

  • a consumer-focused on costs, coverage, and ease of use
  • a public health nurse- focused on access to care for populations and improving health outcomes.

Cite all sources in APA format on a reference slide and with on-slide citations.