What is the purpose of evaluation in public health nursing? List two or three best practices for evaluating results of a health intervention in your practicum setting.

Public health nursing

What is the purpose of evaluation in public health nursing? List two or three best practices for evaluating results of a health intervention in your practicum setting (Miami Med Group)


Based on the decisions you recommended for the patient case study, explain whether you believe the decisions provided were supported by the evidence-based literature.

Sabrina is a 26 year old female who has just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She has scheduled an appointment for a follow up with her physician but has several questions about her diagnosis and is calling the Nurse Helpline for her hospital network. As she talks with the advanced practice nurse, she learns that her diagnosis also impacts her neurologic and musculoskeletal systems. Although multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder, both the neurologic and musculoskeletal systems will be affected by adverse symptoms that Sabrina needs to be aware of and for which specific drug therapy plans and other treatment options need to be decided on

Write a 1- to 2-page summary paper that addresses the following:

Briefly summarize the patient case study you were assigned, including each of the three decisions you took for the patient presented.

Based on the decisions you recommended for the patient case study, explain whether you believe the decisions provided were supported by the evidence-based literature. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.

What were you hoping to achieve with the decisions you recommended for the patient case study you were assigned? Support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.

Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different. Be specific and provide examples.


In 3 or 4 sentences, explain the appropriate drug therapy for a patient who presents with MDD and a history of alcohol abuse. Which drugs are contraindicated, if any, and why? What is the timeframe that the patient should see resolution of symptoms?

Psychopharmacologic treatments

As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, you will likely encounter patients who suffer from various mental health disorders. Not surprisingly, ensuring that your patients have the appropriate psychopharmacologic treatments will be essential for their overall health and well-being. The psychopharmacologic treatments you might recommend for patients may have potential impacts on other mental health conditions and, therefore, require additional consideration for positive patient outcomes. For this Assignment, you will review and apply your understanding of psychopharmacologic treatments for patients with multiple mental health disorder.


To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week.
  • Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatments that you have covered up to this point that may be available to treat patients with mental health disorders.
  • Consider the potential effects these psychopharmacologic treatments may have on co-existing mental health conditions and/or their potential effects on your patient’s overall health.

To complete:

Address the following Short Answer prompts for your Assignment. Be sure to include references to the Learning Resources for this week.

  1. In 3 or 4 sentences, explain the appropriate drug therapy for a patient who presents with MDD and a history of alcohol abuse. Which drugs are contraindicated, if any, and why? Be specific. What is the timeframe that the patient should see resolution of symptoms?
  2. List 4 predictors of late onset generalized anxiety disorder.
  3. List 4 potential neurobiology causes of psychotic major depression.
  4. An episode of major depression is defined as a period of time lasting at least 2 weeks. List at least 5 symptoms required for the episode to occur. Be specific.
  5. List 3 classes of drugs, with a corresponding example for each class, that precipitate insomnia. Be specific.
  6. Below is the case study link.
  1. https://cdn-media.waldenu.edu/2dett4d/Walden/NURS/…


Utilizing your scenario as a basis of research, create an annotated bibliography for each of the 4-scholarly sources which you have researched for the topic of your choice for this capstone project.

RES 410: Module 1–Essay

Chapter 1 – Annotated Bibliography

Utilizing your scenario as a basis of research, create an annotated bibliography for each of the 4-scholarly sources which you have researched for the topic of your choice for this capstone project.

You can refer to this as ”Chapter One” of your capstone project. –

Your paper will need to be in APA formatting including your cited references. This paper will be submitted through this assignment dropbox in WolfDen utilizing the Turnitin tool.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the ”docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, an underscore and the course number, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below: Jstudent_activity1_RES 331_101517

Module 1 – Course Project Activity – Chapter One – By the conclusion of this course, the BSRT student submit a concise and well-developed capstone project that will provide insight and increase the body of knowledge for a select topic. The student will demonstrate a knowledge of the totality of the necessitates for and implementation of a scenario significant to the practice pf respiratory care.

In this scenario, also summarize and describe the ethical considerations and implications of the capstone topic. You will need to find at least 4 sources for your capstone project. Utilizing your scenario as a basis of research, create an annotated bibliography for each of the 4 scholarly sources which you have researched for the topic of your choice for this capstone project.

You can refer to this as "Chapter One" of your capstone project.

Briefly describe the internal and the external structure of your client. Anything missing here to fulfill the complete structural family assessment? What will you assess for the developmental domain for your client?

Case study 1

Instructions for Case Study 1 (20%): Word limit: 1500 You can choose any ONE of the kids (Mark, Max and Jamie) as your primary client.

Using the Calgary Family Assessment Model and the given genogram and ecomap,
1. Briefly describe the internal and the external structure of your client. Anything missing here to fulfill the complete structural family assessment?
2. What will you assess for the developmental domain for your client?
3. What will you assess for the functional domain for your client?

Discuss how your values, beliefs, culture and self-concept affect the nurse practitioner/client relationships. Identify strategies in epidemiology that offer or demonstrate culturally sensitive care.

Nurse practitioner/client relationships

Discuss how your values, beliefs, culture and self-concept affect the nurse practitioner/client relationships. Identify strategies in epidemiology that offer or demonstrate culturally sensitive care.

Include in your discussion your personal cultural heritage and its impact in your life. (Support your

answer with 3 references.


What type of learner are you? How will your learning style fit each of the modalities that university offers? What are your academic strengths and weaknesses?

Reflect on what you have learned over the course of this class.

In a minimum of six paragraphs, address the following:

  • What topic(s) in this course affected you the most?
  • What type of learner are you? How will your learning style fit each of the modalities that university offers (face to face/fully online/blended)?
  • What are your academic strengths and weaknesses?
    • Examples: test taking, writing papers, conducting research, using APA, time management, staying organized, using technology, understanding assignment instructions
  • How do you plan on accentuating your strengths and working on your weaknesses?
  • What are the benefits of working collaboratively on interprofessional teams?

Your paper must include the following in APA format:

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction (one paragraph)
  3. Body (at least four paragraphs, including APA citations of at least one scholarly source)
    • Double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman
    • Clear method of organization
    • Focused topic sentences
    • Transitions between paragraphs
  4. Conclusion (one paragraph)
  5. Reference page (include at least one scholarly source)


What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples? What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

As their names imply, the honeyguide bird and the honey badger both share an affinity for honey. Honeyguide birds specialize in finding beehives but struggle to access the honey within. Honey badgers are well-equipped to raid beehives but cannot always find them. However, these two honey-loving species have learned to collaborate on an effective means to meet their objectives. The honeyguide bird guides honey badgers to newly discovered hives. Once the honey badger has ransacked the hive, the honey guide bird safely enters to enjoy the leftover honey.
Much like honeyguide birds and honey badgers, nurses and health professionals from other specialty areas can—and should—collaborate to design effective programs. Nurses bring specialties to the table that make them natural partners to professionals with different specialties. When nurses take the requisite leadership in becoming involved throughout the healthcare system, these partnerships can better design and deliver highly effective programs that meet objectives.
In this Assignment, you will practice this type of leadership by advocating for a healthcare program. Equally as important, you will advocate for a collaborative role of the nurse in the design and implementation of this program. To do this, assume you are preparing to be interviewed by a professional organization/publication regarding your thoughts on the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.

To Prepare:
Review the Resources and reflect on your thinking regarding the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.
Select a healthcare program within your practice and consider the design and implementation of this program.
Reflect on advocacy efforts and the role of the nurse in relation to healthcare program design and implementation.

The Assignment: (2–4 pages)
In a 2- to 4-page paper, create an interview transcript of your responses to the following interview questions:
Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?
Who is your target population?
What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?
What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?
What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?
Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

Identify and explain your Capstone topic or hypothesis to the group. Explain your rationale for selecting this specific topic, scenario, hypothesis, and/or disease state. Explain its application or potential application in respiratory therapy.

Module 1 Discussion Forum: Your Topic for your Capstone Project

In this discussion forum, identify and explain your Capstone topic or hypothesis to the group. Explain your rationale for selecting this specific topic, scenario, hypothesis, and/or disease state. Explain its application or potential application in respiratory therapy. Express why you feel this needs addressing and/or if you think the topic potentially needs additional research. Take this initial post seriously, as you are expected to use this topic, scenario, hypothesis, and/or disease state as the basis of research for your extensive Capstone project. If you decide to change your topic following this discussion post or your classmates’ response to your ideas, please post an additional post explaining why or how you are selecting another topic or scenario.

Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.

Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies.
Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists and others have then benefited from consulting existing research to inform their thinking.
In this Assignment, you will review existing research focused on the application of clinical systems. After reviewing, you will summarize your findings.

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Format your Assignment as an Annotated Bibliography. Be sure to address the following:
Identify the 4 peer-reviewed research articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.
Include an introduction explaining the purpose of the paper.
Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.
In your conclusion, synthesize the findings from the 4 peer-reviewed research articles.