Propose using social media to better understand how acne affects teenaged girls. For a researcher collecting data through social media, how might their interaction affect the results and how could this be avoided? Discuss how the researcher could verify the findings from the qualitative research.

Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice

Module 2 Individual Case Study Discussion Questions

Chapter 5

Evan and Marlyce have a 4-year-old son (Micah) who has cerebral palsy. Their life is very challenging because they both have to work and recently lost their home to foreclosure. Micah is being discharged to home this afternoon, and Marlyce is obviously anxious. Marlyce states, “I just feel like we are always out of touch when we go home. I have other children to care for, and we are always on the go.“ This case study is based on a longitudinal qualitative study from Canada (Woodgae, Edwards, & Ripat, 2012).

  1. Propose a qualitative research study purpose that would help the nurse provide better care for Micah’s family.
  2. As the researchers set up a qualitative study for families of patients such as Micah, they used purposive sampling. What does this mean, including some ideas for inclusion and exclusion factors?
  3. Now that inclusion and exclusion criteria are set for the study, how can the participants be recruited? How many participants would be necessary?


Chapter 6

Simon is undergoing cardiac catheterization after a heart attack. Throughout his hospital stay, the case manager asks about resources at home. Much to everyone’s amazement, it is discovered that Simon is homeless. Simon is supposed to undergo extensive follow-up and cardiac rehabilitation. Because of the location of this facility, the case manager knows that there are other situations similar to Simon’s in this community.

  1. If the case manager wanted to research Simon’s experience (managing cardiac disease while being homeless), how might the researcher maintain rigor?
  2. Describe a grounded theory study and an ethnographic study structure for Simon’s case.
  3. The case manager is using an ethnographic research methodology for patients who are homeless and have heart disease. Describe the data gathering process.


Chapter 7

Two teenaged girls visit the school nurse and are concerned about acne. Both have tried “things and food” that their friends told them about, but nothing is working. They are asking for more information and something that will help with “these totally annoying zits.”

  1. Propose using social media to better understand how acne affects teenaged girls.
  2. For a researcher collecting data through social media, how might their interaction affect the results and how could this be avoided?
  3. Discuss how the researcher could verify the findings from the qualitative research.


Chapter 8

The nurse recognizes that there has been an increase in the number of urinary tract infections (UTIs) on one unit of the rehabilitation facility. He heard about a new type of peri-care bath wipes. The nurse would like to try them as a way of seeing if they help decrease the incidence of cystitis.

  1. What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
  2. List some extraneous variables in this study.
  3. How might the nurse ensure randomization of the participants to the experimental or control groups?


Chapter 9

Mirlande is an 18-year-old woman in the clinic with asthma. She has been in the United States for 6 months and has gone through three albuterol inhalers and two salmeterol inhalers. The nurse practitioner is considering treatment strategies for the client.

  1. As the nurse practitioner considers research studies about the best treatment option, she is frustrated that she cannot find purely experimental studies. Is there value in reviewing a study that used quasi-experimental methodology? Provide rationale for your answer.
  2. If the nurse practitioner was unable to find research specifically about the young adult or older adolescent, what may be an acceptable alternative? Provide rationale for your answer.
  3. Propose a study for clients with asthma that would compare using a long-acting inhaler (anti-inflammatory) with an oral medication (anti-inflammatory). Describe the methodology if a Solomon four-group design was used.


Chapter 18

A woman brings in her 8-year-old child, who has a serious history of asthma. The nurse notes that the mother is tired looking, and the child is very “clingy.” As the nurse asks questions of the mother, the mother takes a deep breath and looks away. The nurse senses that there is something concerning the parent. After the nurse says, “You seem pretty tired,” the mother states that she is worn out from “chasing around all the kids.”

  1. On the basis of an appraisal of the article by Cerdan et al (2012), can the nurse assume that the client’s mother is likely to become divorced? Support your answer.
  2. The nurse would like to compare the current research (Cerdan et al, 2012) to a known evidence-base. What would you recommend?
  3. As the nurse reviews the Cerdan et al article, she notes that in previous research, there was no correlation between the number of emergency department visits and parental quality of life scores. Conversely, in the Cerdan et al study data, there was a significant correlation. How should the nurse use this information?




Using Leininger’s Culture Care Model, what factors in the story shared by Mrs. Franklin-Jones should be considered by Nurse Hernandez when planning for the patient’s discharge? Why is the theory of Culture Care Diversity important in the delivery of nursing care for all patients?

Leininger and Watson

Write a 1500-1750 word APA paper addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least two (2) sources and the textbook using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Case study #1

Mrs. Franklin-Jones was admitted from the Emergency Room to Cardiac Intensive Care one week ago with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. She has recovered as expected and is moving to the cardiac step down unit today. She is talking with Nurse Julie Hernandez, as she gets settled in her new room, “I was really surprised when I got that bad pain in my chest! I knew I had high pressure but I just didn’t think it was that bad. I try to take my medicine like they told me to in the clinic but sometimes I forget. I guess that I need to study those papers they gave me about what foods I should eat and not eat. I better take care of myself! Momma had bad pressure and it killed her! Who knows—I may even have to learn to cook different than I was taught in Jamaica! I may have to let Tomas do the cooking. He’s got more time at home now than I do since he lost his job. There isn’t too much time between my shifts at the school cafeteria and my new housecleaning job. You know my sister is coming up from Jamaica to see me. I think she is bringing me some bush tea. That’ll set me right!”

. Using Leininger’s Culture Care Model, what factors in the story shared by Mrs. Franklin-Jones should be considered by Nurse Hernandez when planning for the patient’s discharge?
. Why is the theory of Culture Care Diversity important in the delivery of nursing care for all patients?
. Using Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality, develop a plan of care for Mrs. Franklin-Jones.
. Discuss the strengths and limits to Leininger’s Theory.

Explore what she means by this statement. Then, reflect on a patient that you cared for that you could apply her theory to. Provide details of the interaction and outcomes.

Nurse client relationships

Newman pointed out that, “nurse client relationships often begin during periods of disruption, uncertainty, and unpredictability in patient’s lives” (Smith & Parker, 2015, p. 288). Explore what she means by this statement. Then, reflect on a patient that you cared for that you could apply her theory to. Provide details of the interaction and outcomes.

Identify ethical dilemmas encountered in professional nursing practice. Describe the ethical theories and principles influencing healthcare decisions. Explain the interdependency of genetics, genomics, and ethics on nursing care.

Case summary

In your role as a case manager you have the opportunity for bedside rounding with the interdisciplinary team on your unit. In preparing for the week’s team rounds you need to prepare information to present a case summary and plan of care to the interdisciplinary team on your newly admitted client with a positive genetic test result. You look forward to the opportunity to advocate for your client and value the holistic approach that the interdisciplinary team supports.

  • Identify ethical dilemmas encountered in professional nursing practice.
  • Describe the ethical theories and principles influencing healthcare decisions.
  • Explain the interdependency of genetics, genomics, and ethics on nursing care.
  • Describe the principles of genetics and genomics.
  • Differentiate the legal and professional policies influencing healthcare decisions.
  • Design nursing care strategies which incorporate genetic and genomic risk factors


Write a patient scenario case study. Develop an answer key for the questions providing the answers and rationale for each question.

Transitions of care standards and implementation

Review the webpage provided on transitions of care standards and implementation.

Also review materials on the use of the interprofessional team and of nursing case management.

Write a patient scenario case study. Each of you have completed case studies before. They have a story line and questions that follow. In this case, it is best to use one unfolding case with embedded questions. With a transition of care, it is necessary to include different points in time to capture the full transition. It is essential to set the stage or present the case to your group. The detailed patient scenario should include the patient’s chief complaint, diagnosis, a summary of care and status, medications, cultural implications, resource needs, financial/insurance status, discharge plan/goal. This is for the facts only. The working of the interprofessional team and the proper transition of care across the continuum will play out as your case unfolds. Always remember to keep in mind, safety, and quality.

Once the scenario case study is written, insert questions that illicit critical thinking and application of learning. Students need a minimum of 10 questions for the case. The questions should capture and display an understanding of the standards and implementation discussed in the source provided in the lesson.

Develop an answer key for the questions providing the answers and rationale for each question.

The end product should allow each pair to show a full ability to meet the transition of care course outcome in this lesson (see lesson information above).

Discuss the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for PTSD and relate these criteria to the symptomology presented in the case study. Does the video case presentation provide sufficient information to derive a PTSD diagnosis? Justify your reasoning. Do you agree with the other diagnoses in the case presentation? Why or why not?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Succinctly, in 1–2 pages, address the following:

  • Briefly explain the neurobiological basis for PTSD illness.
  • Discuss the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for PTSD and relate these criteria to the symptomology presented in the case study. Does the video case presentation provide sufficient information to derive a PTSD diagnosis? Justify your reasoning. Do you agree with the other diagnoses in the case presentation? Why or why not?
  • Discuss one other psychotherapy treatment option for the client in this case study. Explain whether your treatment option is considered a “gold standard treatment” from a clinical practice guideline perspective, and why using gold standard, evidence-based treatments from clinical practice guidelines is important for psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners.

Support your Assignment with specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly.



Discuss whether any completed interventions were successful. What could be done differently in the future? If the interventions have not yet been carried out, you might discuss some institutional changes that could be made to ensure cultural safety for all clients in that setting.


Submit an evidence-based practice paper about cultural competency in mental health nursing. An evidence-based practice paper allows you to explore best practice and help improve client outcomes on a psychiatric unit. Your paper should describe how you, as a nurse, will include – or have included – cultural awareness in a client diagnosed with a mental illness. The person you describe could be someone in your clinical setting, someone you have worked with in the past, or a theoretical client.

Remember that culture can also include gender equality, sexual orientation, and other cultures besides race and religion – including cultures unique to one particular family. Your paper should be at least 3 pages (double-spaced, not including the title or reference pages) in APA Format and include:

Assessment: Discuss what you would assess in regard to a client’s culture. For example, are there specific dietary requirements? Are schedule changes necessary to avoid conflicts with religious practices? Who is the spokesperson for the family? What would you assess?

Diagnosis: List any mental health nursing diagnoses this person has or may be at risk for. Include at least one cultural diagnosis.

Planning: What planning needs to be done to ensure the cultural and emotional safety of the client?

Implementation: What are interventions that would ensure the safety of your client in regard to culture? Include at least two interventions. For example, if your client has religious beliefs that affect the ability to take medications, what interventions would you create to ensure the client’s safety? What can you do to make sure the client’s cultural needs are met?

Evaluation: How will you evaluate whether your implementation was effective? Make sure the parameters are objective and measurable.

In your summary, discuss whether any completed interventions were successful. What could be done differently in the future? If the interventions have not yet been carried out, you might discuss some institutional changes that could be made to ensure cultural safety for all clients in that setting.

How many similar patients were you able to find? How do sites like this one assist people with newly diagnosed conditions?

Written Assignment 4

Social Networking and Other Web-Based Applications in Healthcare

We are all touched by chronic conditions of varying degrees of severity. Visit the website Patientslikeme (, and search for other patients with symptoms that you or someone you know shares. How many similar patients were you able to find? How do sites like this one assist people with newly diagnosed conditions?

Social Media Challenges
The dangers are many for health practitioners who use social media sites such as Facebook. Browse the internet to see whether you can find any recent examples of health care professionals misusing social media. Did any details of the article(s) surprise you? Explain.

Research national health care systems from a nursing career outlook. What is it like to be a nurse in a country that has a national health care system? What are the salary, benefits, and working conditions? How do nurses’ rate their job satisfaction?

Nationalized Healthcare Is it Good For Nurses

Last week we talked a little bit about national health care systems, from the perspective of a patient who was abusing the system. We saw how, because she was committing fraud she was blacklisted from hospitals. Because of this when she actually needed treatment for a real diagnosis of cancer she was unable to get the care and died within a couple of months. Usually, when we talk about national health care systems the conversation is from the patient’s perspective. This week we are going to change perspectives.

This week, research national health care systems from a nursing career outlook. What is it like to be a nurse in a country that has a national health care system? What are the salary, benefits, and working conditions? How do nurses’ rate their job satisfaction? For this discussion board post, you may use scholarly articles but you may also use blog posts and other first-hand accounts from nurses. Also, don’t forget there are many countries with national health care systems so you can research more than 1 and compare and contrast.

Identify and describe the six methods of physical control of microorganisms.

Physical control of microorganisms

Identify and describe the six methods of physical control of microorganisms.