Did you already know he or she represented you in Congress? Additionally, discuss one policy or issue that your representative supports that you agree with, and one that you do not agree with. Do you think this member of Congress represents you and your district well? Why or why not?

American Government House of Representatives Discussion

Visit this site of the House of Representatives (link to https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative), and find who represents you within the House of Representatives. Visit the website of your representative, and then share with the class the name and anything else you found to be interesting about your representative. Did you already know he or she represented you in Congress? Additionally, discuss one policy or issue that your representative supports that you agree with, and one that you do not agree with. Do you think this member of Congress represents you and your district well? Why or why not?


What is the problem/purpose associated with your project; Identify and justify stakeholders. Is your project feasible or realistic? Support this domain with literature.

RESP 4111 Project Management Template

There is a multitude of project management strategies and presentation modalities that one can utilize when communicating goals, methods, and task allocation; in this course, we want to focus on the foundation of developing our project, stakeholders, timelines, and presentation of our work.
This template is a loose guideline that you can use to develop a project management proposal or plan for your work in this Capstone course.

Phase 1: Project Initiation
The first phase of developing a project management plan is to define your project. Scientifically, this generally manifests as a hypothesis statement accompanied by the identification, definition, or statement of purpose associated with your proposed hypothesis. Other questions revolve around the feasibility of the project. This was addressed in EBM, but theory and practice are two very different things.

Hypothesis (One to two sentences):
What is the problem/purpose associated with your project; Identify and justify stakeholders: (Two Paragraphs)

Is your project feasible or realistic? Support this domain with literature (One Paragraph):

Why is your project important? (One Paragraph):

In your reports, review the costs and give the pros and cons to each plan.

Pay for Performance Options Report (HR Analytics)

As a consultant for Berry Sweets, your goal is to submit to the company some options for pay for performance. They have specifically asked if you can create the following and give projected costs for the upcoming year.

-An incentive plan for bringing in new clients
-Create an end of project bonus
-Group incentive plan
-An annual profit sharing plan
-Individual performance based pay increases dependent on the employees rating.
-One option that you suggest.

In your reports, review the costs and give the pros and cons to each plan.

Have a clearly defined set of expectations for employees so they know what they are getting measured against.

Reply to discussion post

This makes me think back to our assignment last week about the salary bands and ranges. One of the biggest issues facing the next generation of workers is the giant amount of debt they carry from going to school (Kobliner, 2010). At the end of 2010, “there were twice as many four-year college graduates working as waiters and bartenders as engineers” (Kobliner, 2010). Incentivizing performance might be useful in this situation and add benefits, like tuition payment assistance, as part of the total rewards package. It also makes me think about how better reviews and communication could be used with this employee. Getting to know what motivates the employee may give some options to look into other positions that might be better aligned. From there, work with the employee and if they want to improve, offer other opportunities. This could also be a time where the job description might get looked at again to add more advanced tasks. It is also important to have a clearly defined set of expectations for employees so they know what they are getting measured against. Perhaps they are unfamiliar with those. If the employee is not willing to make change and take ownership, there is always the invitation to exit the company.

Kobliner, B. (2010, November 9). ‘Malemployment’ on the rise: The takeaway. WNYC Studios.

  • https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/articles/100717-malemployment-rise

What other perceptual errors are apparent in this case study? What can organizations do to minimize misperceptions in these types of situations?


Read Case Study Hy Dairies, Inc. (Chapter 3, pp. 109-110) in your textbook (and a minimum of six [6] peer-reviewed sources plus the textbook) and answer the following questions:

  1. Apply your knowledge of stereotyping and social identity theory to explain what went wrong here. (make sure you define stereotyping and social identity, then answer through your definitions)
  2. What other perceptual errors are apparent in this case study?
  3. What can organizations do to minimize misperceptions in these types of situations?

Your paper must include an introduction and a clear thesis, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Top papers demonstrate a solid understanding of the material AND critical thinking. Make sure you have a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed source


Describe the architecture that you selected. Why do you feel that this architecture is appropriate for the application that you are designing for your project?


The architecture of a software application serves as the foundation for the design decisions. There are many good software architectures in use, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. For this discussion, use the library and Internet to research software architectures, select 1 that you feel is appropriate for your application, and respond to the following questions:

  • Describe the architecture that you selected. Why do you feel that this architecture is appropriate for the application that you are designing for your project?
  • What are some examples of the types of applications that suit your selected architecture? Provide justification along with your response.


Find the value of q such that Aisha is indifferent between going or not going to school for an extra year. Provide an intuition for your finding.

Macro Economics

Question 3

A common way to measure human capital per worker is to suppose it is a function of schooling, namely h(s) = e” where s is years of schooling and q is a parameter. Let the income of a person with human capital h be W h.

  1. a) Suppose Aisha is a representative worker in the economy and has completed s years of schooling, which means that she can earn We” in any given year forever (she is in-finitely lived). Find an expression for her present discounted lifetime income V(s) if the economy’s interest rate is r > 0, V(s) = We” + 1±„We” + (1÷,.)2 We” + b) Next, suppose that today, Aisha can decide to go to school for an additional year. During this year she cannot earn any income. In addition, she needs to pay an upfront tuition fee that is proportional to her yearly income, iWe”. From the next year onward she then earns an income Weg(‘±’) forever. Compute her present discounted lifetime in-come, V(s + 1).
  2. c) Find the value of q such that Aisha is indifferent between going or not going to school for an extra year. Provide an intuition for your finding.

3Ftemember that geometric series are such that if 0 E (0,1), then EZ,, = 1+6 + =

  1. d) In developed economies, the estimated return to an extra year of schooling is estimated to be roughly q = 0.068. The average interest rate is on the order of r = 0.04. What value of ry is consistent with these numbers? Moreover, given that Aisha is a representative worker, we can think of her income to be representative of the economy. In the UK, it amounts to roughly GBP 27,000. What, then, is the implied tuition fee in GBP?
  2. e) Caselli (2005) uses the following function to estimate human capital across countries as a function of thee average years of schooling of their workers, h = e0(‘) where /0.134 x s if 8 4 0(s) = 0.134 x 4 + 0.101 x (s — 4) if4<s<8 0.134 x 4 + 0.101 X 4 + 0.068 X (s — 8) if 8 < s. What does this piece-wise linear function capture?


Summarize the single story that this writer was addressing in his/her essay. Comment on how the writer addresses Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk in the context of his/her own single story.

Peer review

– Complete these questions for at least two of your classmates’ essays. Answer in full sentences–give specifics! Peer review is important stuff! Follow these questions, and number your responses. That makes it easier for everyone to read. Each peer review will be worth 10 points, so the more specific and detailed you are, the more likely you are to get full credit here!

-Choose essays with the fewest number of posts to respond to. That way, you will help ensure everyone gets feedback.

What works well in this single story discussion and personal narrative? Give the writer a compliment!
1.Summarize the single story that this writer was addressing in his/her essay.
2.Comment on how the writer addresses Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk in the context of his/her own single story.
3.Are there at least two quotes? Explain how the two components of this assignment could be fused together.
4.Comment on their use of a scene. Was there action and movement? Dialogue? Offer suggestions for how to improve the scene.
5.Were there any places you were confused? Why? What can he/she do to fix those confusions? If you weren’t confused, what else would you like to see in this story? Are there any questions you’d like answered?
6.What was your favorite line from this piece? Why?

Describe your initial reactions to Fadiman’s or Namu and Mathieu’s narrative. What are your thoughts thus far? What has surprised you? What has challenged you? Refer to specific examples from the text.


During this term, you were assigned to read either Anne Fadiman’s The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Culture or Yang Erche Namu and Christine Mathieu’s Leaving Mother Lake: A Girlhood at the Edge of the World. For this first Response Paper, draw upon your respective text, as well as our textbook by Barbara Miller, Cultural Anthropology, lectures, and additional course materials to provide an anthropological analysis of the events that have transpired in the first half of Fadiman’s and Namu and Mathieu’s books.

Your Response Paper will consist of two sections:

Section 1 (400 Words): Describe your initial reactions to Fadiman’s or Namu and Mathieu’s narrative. What are your thoughts thus far? What has surprised you? What has challenged you? Refer to specific examples from the text.

Section 2 (400 Words): Apply the anthropological and ethnographic materials you have read from Miller, additional texts, and lectures to either Fadiman’s or Namu and Mathieu’s work.

If you are reading Fadiman: What could, and should, an anthropologist have been able to provide to the situation(s) presented so far? How might a trained cultural anthropologist begin leading towards productive relationships between the family, social services, and the hospital staff?

If you are reading Namu and Mathieu: Imagine you are a trained cultural anthropologist interested in examining the kinship structures of the Mosuo people. What aspect of their lives might you be most interested in that could be impacted by their kinship structures?
Combined, all three sections will amount to 800 total words.

What theories resonate with you as a leader and as a member of a public? What events and what eras have influenced your sense of the world you live in? What has had significant impact on your worldview?


1. What theories resonate with you as a leader and as a member of a public?
2. What events and what eras have influenced your sense of the world you live in? What has had significant impact on your worldview?