What is the strongest part of this draft? What about the draft is most memorable? What in the draft is weak? What in the draft is most in need of further work?

Cultural Profile Peer Review Workshop

Writer’s name:

Reviewer’s name:

  1. Read for a First Impression. Begin by reading the draft straight through to get a general impression. Read for enjoyment, ignoring spelling, punctuation, and usage errors for now. When you have finished this first quick reading, write a few sentences about your overall impression and what seems most interesting to you about the cultural subject that is the focus of the profile. If you have any insights or questions about the subject, give them to the writer.


  1. Consider Whether the Focus Is Specific and Clear. Consider whether the essay clearly focuses on a particular subject. Point to any passages where the focus seems to shift to something else. Also, let the writer know if the essay seems too much about the writer’s general ideas and not enough specific information about the subject/purpose.


  1. Assess the Vividness of the Presentation. Find the visual descriptions and let the writer know if any seem to need enlivening. Assess the usage of dialogue or direct quotes to strengthen presentation of the specific subject. Point to passages where additional features could be named and detailed, or where the sense of smell or touch could be added to the visual description. Also indicate if you have difficulty seeing people in action or cannot imagine what is involved in the activity.


  1. Evaluate the Plan. Point out any places where you felt bogged down or overwhelmed with information or where information was not clearly presented or was inadequate. If the profile is organized chronologically, point out any places where the narrative seems to drag as well as where it seems most compelling. If the profile is organized topically, look to see whether the writer has presented too little or too much material for a topic and whether topics might be sequenced differently or connected more clearly.


  • Look at the beginning—the hook. Does it capture your attention? Is there a quotation, a fact, or an anecdote elsewhere in the draft that might make a better opening?
  • Look at the ending. Does it leave you hanging, seem too abrupt, or oversimplify the material? Suggest another ending, possibly by moving a passage or a quotation from elsewhere in the essay.
  • Define/critique the following for the writer as we did in class:








Validity of information:

  1. Assess Whether the Subject’s Significance Is Clear. Point to any comments, judgments, interpretations, or ideas that seem vague or unrelated to what you are shown in the profile. Tell the writer what you take to be important or interesting about the person, place, or activity that is the focus of the profile. Indicate any details that seem especially meaningful and explain why you think so.


  1. Give the Writer Your Final Thoughts. What is the strongest part of this draft? What about the draft is most memorable? What in the draft is weak? What in the draft is most in need of further work?

Using the list of dictionaries, compute the number of students in each major and display. Compute the average gpa for each major and display. Write a program to transform the list of dictionaries into a big dictionary.

Programming Assignment #3 (40).  Objective: dictionaries, Murach Chapter 12).

Due Monday November 21, 8PM.  Late penalties-10% until 11:59PM -40% until 1PM, November  22


The structure of this program must be similar to the one in program 2

Start with the initial stud Grades of assignment #2.  DO NOT READ IT FROM A FILE (your grade will be 0/40 if you read from a file).

Your program will transform this table (each row of the table is a list)  into a table where each row is s a dictionary.  As an example, here is what the first two intial rows:

[ [1111    , “L” ,  “ART” ,”CC” ,    “Junior” ,    3.5  ,       7.8  ,    4    ,    2,    6],

[1256    , “L” , “MIS”  ,”No” ,    “Soph” ,     1.2  ,       7.3  ,    9.5  ,    5,     10],

will become:

[{‘id’: 1111, ‘gradeType’: ‘L’, ‘major’: ‘ART’, ‘transfer’: ‘CC’, ‘year’: ‘Junior’, ‘gpa’: 3.5, ‘proj1’: 7.8, ‘proj2’: 4, ‘exam1’: 2, ‘exam2’: 6},

{‘id’: 1256, ‘gradeType’: ‘L’, ‘major’: ‘MIS’, ‘transfer’: ‘No’, ‘year’: ‘Soph’, ‘gpa’: 1.2, ‘proj1’: 7.3, ‘proj2’: 9.5, ‘exam1’: 5, ‘exam2’: 10}


All  rows are  dictionaries, all rows have the same keys, which are

‘id’   ‘gradeType’    ‘major’   ‘transfer’ ‘year’   ‘gpa’    ‘proj1’      ‘proj2’    ‘exam1’    ‘exam2’

This is a way to refer to an element of the table by its name (e.g. ‘gpa’) rather than its column number (we still need to provide its row # to identify it completely).

To get credit for this question, the transformation described here must be done by your program, using loop(s).

Display the rows of the tables with values 1111, 1888, 3333 for the key ‘id’

Dictionaries, “Key” and “value” have speciific Python meaning.


Using the list of dictionaries, compute the average gpa.  Compute how many students have their gpa greater than the average gpa.  PRINT both results

  1. Using the list of dictionaries, compute the number of students in each major and display.

Compute the average gpa for each major and display

  1. Write a program to transform the list of dictionaries into a big  dictionary (called big_New_Dict) .  Display the new dictionary, in a very legible way

big_New_Dict = { 1111: {‘gradetype’:’L’, … ‘exam2’:6}, 1256: {‘gradetype’:’L’, … ‘exam2’:10},

  1. Using big_New_Dict, compute the average gpa.  Compute the number of students in each major and display.

FORMATTING OF THE PROGRAM.  Like Murach, page 343.  However, do not use comments like “convert string to list”.

When you have a program well formatted  using IDLE, it may happen that the good formatting disappear when you upload to canvas (this happens if your lines of code are long).  This makes my work of understanding your program very hard.  No credit for the questions where it happens.

Solution: rewrite with short lines of code, using explicit continuation (Murach, page 29).  That means: upload your work much before the deadline.  Similarly, the execution output must be legible.


How many people are affected by the problem? Who are these people? Rich, poor? White, African-Americans and so on. Children or adults? Is the problem geographically isolated or is it prevalent all over the country?

What are the causes and consequences of the declining marriage rate?

1. Introduction and thesis: The purpose of the introduction is to get the reader’s attention so you should provide some ‘shocking’ data that gets his or her attention. At the end of the introduction, you should provide your provisional thesis—provisional because you are still researching this topic, so you will possibly modify your these before turning in the final draft a few weeks from now.

2. Evidence to prove that the problem exists: In this section, you should provide statistics that prove that the problem exists. Your goal should be to paint a picture of the extent of the problem.

Example: Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How many people are affected by the problem?
  • Who are these people? Rich, poor? White, African-Americans and so on. Children or adults?
  • Is the problem geographically isolated or is it prevalent all over the country?

Again, your goal should be to make sure the reader understands the WHAT regarding the problem.


3. Opposing Viewpoint: In some cases, there may be an opposing viewpoint, and if that’s the case, then you must tell the reader what the opposing viewpoint is and argue against it. For the topic I’ve used—the growing obesity rate—there isn’t a credible obesity viewpoint because no one is arguing that the growing obesity rate is a problem. There are those who might argue that using BMI to gauge obesity is not effective for X and Y reasons. So, make a judgment regarding your topic: Ask yourself whether there are people out there who think that the problem you’ve chosen is not a problem, and then debunk their position.

4. Three causes for the problem:

  • Cause 1 and evidence
  • Cause 2 and evidence
  • Cause 3 and evidence

5. Three consequences of the problem:

  • Consequence 1 and evidence
  • Consequence 2 and evidence
  • Consequence 3 and evidence

6. At least two pragmatic solutions

Are social networking Web sites appropriate for teenagers? Or should their access to such Web sites be restricted?

Social Media for Teenagers

Are social networking Web sites appropriate for teenagers? Or should their access to such Web sites be restricted?

How is loneliness and perceived high social support predictive of remission from depression within 18-35 years old?

Clinical Mental health research Paper proposal

Research Question:

How is loneliness and perceived high social support predictive of remission from depression within 18-35 years old?

Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that high levels of perceived social support and low levels of loneliness predict remission from depression in adults aged 18-35 from blank regions to be in step with sampling.

Type of Study: Predict/Correlation Study → Regression Study Predict Variable: Loneliness and social support Criterion Variable: Depression → specifically from remission Measures: We are finalizing our measurement as we finalize the research question and hypothesis. Listed below are the different potential scales for each variable/measure/whatever it’s called Sample Method: Purposeful Sampling -take a sample from mental health clinics who are diagnosed with depression and ask them if they’d like to be involved in our study…focus on a region -Choose a region…choose if ip, op, etc. -those in remission Statistical Analysis: Correlational Regression. We might need to find a more specific form of regression analysis but can ask her later depending on how we input the variables into the statistical analysis software.

Research Design: RAW Ideas Correlational graphs Sample two different groups: those in remission from depression and those who are diagnosised with MDD, then test them with the loneliness and social support scales and then see how the two groups differ Rubrics: Scholarly Writing and Presentation APA format, correct spelling and grammar, professional terms, flows well, includes all elements (title page, headers, citations, references, appendix) Introduction/Program Information 20% Literature Review Synthesis of content, minimum of 15 references in this section alone, includes seminal and peer-reviewed journal articles, establishes clear call for research.

30% Research Design Well-developed research questions, methodology suited to research questions, problem statement, purpose statement, rationale, and demonstrates understanding of design chosen.

10% Methodology Describes sampling procedure, recruitment, expected demographics of sample, operationalizing of terms, informed consent, and data collection includes a cultural and ethical issues.

10% Instruments Accurate and thorough description of instruments and reliability and validity measures. Why these instruments were selected and which variables they will be measuring. If qualitative, describe the protocol and instrument to obtain thick descriptions.

10% Analyses Selects appropriate analyses and rationale for selecting analyses. Must explain what the analyses will “tell you.” If quantitative, clearly identify DV(s) and IV(s). If qualitative, clearly identify analytical framework.

What steps could have been taken to avoid taking down the DHCP server? With a network monitoring system (such as Splunk), describe you could have gotten ahead of the outage and reassured the stakeholders before they came to you in a panic.

Lessons learned

Following your postmortem, expand on your ‘lessons learned’ in a 1-2 page document. In the original scenario, you were alerted to the outage by your stakeholders. What steps could have been taken to avoid taking down the DHCP server? Furthermore, with a network monitoring system (such as Splunk), describe you could have gotten ahead of the outage and reassured the stakeholders before they came to you in a panic.


For your postings, comment with things you don’t understand in the videos, or things that you found very helpful.

Video Casting Methods

Review all videos and give two different opinions. Each opinion please refer to the videos.
Opinion 1
Opinion 2

For your postings, comment with things you don’t understand in the videos, or things that you found very helpful.

To allocate these costs would it be better to use patient revenues or the number of bills generated?

Cost Allocation

Review the below question and answer with two opinions.
Opinion 1
Opinion 2

Indirect costs must be allocated to assign them to activities that caused them to be incurred. A significant indirect cost in Health Services organizations is the cost of Financial Services. To allocate these costs would it be better to use patient revenues or the number of bills generated?

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, is the method of cost allocation more important or less important? Why?  

Article Cost Allocation

Review the Article. Provide two opinion
Opinion 1
Opinion 2

The article was written in 2011, just before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, is the method of cost allocation more important or less important? Why?


How does Activity Based Costing (ABC) differ from traditional costing? Which is better to allocate the cost of hospital X-ray equipment? Why?

Activity Based Costing

Answer the question and provide two opinions.
Opinion 1
Opinion 2

How does Activity Based Costing (ABC) differ from traditional costing? Which is better to allocate the cost of hospital X-ray equipment? Why?