What were some contextual (external) factors that influenced you here? Evaluate the personal assumptions, beliefs and values that you described earlier. Would you change any of them? Did the experience reinforce any of them?

Critical reflection

Assessment task
Compose a critical reflection (500 words) on your personal experience of being involved in a workplace change initiative.
You are asked to link your reflection to your knowledge of multi-facets of change supported by content covered in Week 1.
As an aside you can use the critical reflection writing guide to structure your critical reflection.

Reflective writing guide


In this documentation tool, you can practice your reflective writing by using this framework of prompts that ask you to consider and articulate different aspects of a particular experience. This framework incorporates elements from various models commonly used in health professions (Gibbs, 1998; Johns, 1994).

As you work through this framework, remember that this is a way for you to crticially reflect on your experience of a workplace change in order to learn from it. So, you are not just describing what happened, but also examining how you responded, and why. In doing so, you test and develop: your self-understanding, your understanding of the world, and your skills and preparedness in handling future experiences.

How to use this guide:
Start by setting the context
What period of time are you reflecting on and what kind of experience was it?

Next, write a brief description of your experience during this time, noting the key features.

Next, try to explain what happened.
Why do you think you felt or act as you did in that situation? What were your own (internal) assumptions, beliefs or values that you were acting on?

What were some contextual (external) factors that influenced you here?

Now let’s test those theories.
Evaluate the personal assumptions, beliefs and values that you described earlier. Would you change any of them? Did the experience reinforce any of them?

What might be some possible alternative explanations for the experience you described? (E.g. how might the situation look from someone else’s perspective?)

Could or should you have behaved differently? How so?

What will you do now?
Is there any action that you should take now (in the short term)?

Has this experience affected your future plans (i.e. longer-term) – professional role, how you manage change, how you lead change etc

Finally, how do you feel about the experience now, after reflecting on it?

Write regular expressions and design a DFA that accepts exactly the strings over the alphabet in which every double ‘0’ occurs before every double ‘E’.


(120 marks) Write regular expressions and design a DFA that accepts exactly the strings over the alphabet {A, B,…, Z} in which every double ‘0’ (i.e., pair of consecutive ‘O’s) occurs before every double ‘E’ (i.e., pair of consecutive ‘E’s). Empty strings should be accepted as well. For instance, your DFA should accept the strings “FOODFORTHOUGHT”, “LOOKATTHESHEEP”, “DONOTFEEDTHEPIGEONS”, and “ILOVECPSC” but not “THISBEEFISGOOD”. Clearly indicate the meaning of each state. You can use A—C, F—H to represent letter intervals in your DFA labels, i.e., A —C, F—H means A, B, C, F, G, H.


Conduct a brief interview with your fellow student on what resources do they think UIC should provide to them for their overall well-being in college?

 Well-being in college

Conduct a brief interview with your fellow student on what resources do they think UIC should provide to them for their overall well-being in college?

Fill in the following word webs with the themes that emerged during your interview and specific words that were used to describe each theme.

Using your existing excel spreadsheet, find the tabs labeled “Sources & Uses”, “Cash Flow,” “Sale,” and “Amortization.” Locate the “Cash Flow” tab and complete the analysis.

Real Estate

Assignment #5

 After reviewing your total development cost, you and your partners are concerned about where you are going to find enough money to do the deal. Luckily, one of your friends just bought a house and introduces you to their mortgage lender at a local bank. The lender also happens to underwrite commercial loans and is excited to hear about your new company and the proposed project. Before any sit-down meeting, he provides you with the terms for their commercial lending program. He tells you to complete your financial analysis using the loan terms provided and set up a meeting at a later date to discuss the project further.

At this point, you and your partners have researched all of the information and costs needed to analyze the deal, but you still need to complete your cash flow analysis. The cash flow is a critical step in determining whether or not your project is profitable and if you need to make adjustments to the scope of work, construction budget, rent roll, etc. Ideally, your project will cash flow positively and you can confidently move forward with the project. However, more often than not, the project produces a negative cash flow or does not meet your minimum return requirements. It can be discouraging to be put in this position, but it does not necessarily mean the project is a bust. The best developers thrive in these situations because they come up with creative solutions that very few people have the skills to figure out.



  1. Using your existing excel spreadsheet, find the tabs labeled “Sources & Uses”, “Cash Flow,” “Sale,” and “Amortization.”
  2. Locate the “Cash Flow” tab and complete the analysis. Keep in mind that your project may have a negative cash flow. If so, the next assignment will attempt to provide creative solutions to mitigate this.
  3. Using the loan termsand amortization tabs provided by your “lender”, complete the table on the “Amortization” tab.
  4. Finish the calculations on the “Sale” tab.
  5. Review the “Sources & Uses” tab and determine the equity to debt ratio.
  6. Save alltabs of your spreadsheet and submit to instructors as a PDF. 10 Points



Explain the critical issues that face a water corporation when implementing ERP systems solutions. What is the proposed solution for the implementation issues of ERP systems in water corporations?

Case Studies

Explain the critical issues that face a water corporation when implementing ERP systems solutions.


CLO5: Interpret the management challenges faced by information systems being implemented in organizations today, and how they affect business and society.

What is the proposed solution for the implementation issues of ERP systems in water corporations?


CLO1: Explain the significance of information technology and its applications in professional life.

List the key advantages gained by the water corporation from introducing the ERP system solution.

Identify Functionality of the CVM Program Identify the limitations of the program for “Document Warranties” and “Create work list”. Identify the limitations of the program for “See Logged Maintenance”, See Upcoming Maintenance” and “Set up Alerts”” Phase 2 – Competition to CVM Program.

Phase 1 – Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for Improvement

CVM Current Features

  • Identify Current Features of the CVM Program

CVM Functionality

  • Identify Functionality of the CVM Program Identify the limitations of the program for “Document Warranties” and “Create work list”.
  • Identify the limitations of the program for “See Logged Maintenance”, See Upcoming Maintenance” and “Set up Alerts”” Phase 2 – Competition to CVM Program.

CVM Current Competition among available Apps and Software Programs

  • Three current competition for the program among available mobile apps and software programs.
  • Research three other competitive programsPhase 3 – Recommendations

CVM Recommendations

  • Make recommendations on how to further develop the program for scaled use

CVM Potential Applications for New Programs

  • Develop potential applications for the new and improved program.

CVM Wire Frames and Mockup

  • Provide wire frames and/or mockups of a new system with improved functionality.


Write the factorial program using loop in PHP that takes input from textbox and print result on web page.


Write the factorial program using loop in PHP that takes input from textbox and print result on web page.

Question Two

When crating a string column in MySQL, we must identify the column subtype with the maximum length of the string, List and differentiate the two subtypes of string columns with example.


Question Three

What is Error Handing, then write a custom error handler script example to illustrate your answer (your example should not be from the textbook).


Question Four

Illustrate, the differences between PHP and JavaScript in your own words. (List at least four differences).



Create a cause and effect diagram, with the effect being the type of error. Describe how you would determine which point(s) in the process accounts for most of the errors. Describe how you would go about identifying and eliminating the root cause of the errors at that point in the process.

The Senator’s Mail (Revised, 10/20/2022)

In Senator Blah’s office, mail consumes the full-time attention of 43 out 68 staff members, and some attention from everyone. The incoming mail load varies from 1000-5000 letters per day and 300-2000 e-mails per day. About 2% of the e-mails have complex documents attached. The senator wants the office to respond to all mail within a week. All paper mail is opened in the mailroom, dated, and read for a first sort. “Non-issue” letters are relatively constant in volume — about 300 letters and 100 e-mails daily. Of the rest, 98% are “issue letters”, and 2% junk. An “issue letter” is anything that advocates a position, and 90% of these are routine forms sent by orchestrated campaigns on various subjects. “First sort” sends the issue letters to the response room, non-issue letters to Mary Packard, and the junk into the trash. E-mail is similarly screened in the response room, with the non-issue messages sent to Mary Packard’s computer by LAN.

The response room has 21 computers used on two shifts. The response staffers scan each paper letter into the system (this is, of course, not necessary for emails). If a return address is given (22% of cases) and the writer’s name and address isn’t on file, a file is created. The writer’s position is entered pro or con into an issues database. (If there is no return address, then a file cannot be created but the position is still entered into the issues database.) A standard-menu response is sufficient for 92% of the letters.

Both standard and composed letters are sent by LAN to the print room. Response staffers reply to each e-mail on-line, plus send the same message to the print room in letter form. In the print room, letters are queued into separate printers for stationary and envelopes, which must then bematched for folding/insertion. The “stuffed” envelopes are then presorted and postage is applied; both of these steps use automated machinery. The completed mail is then sent to mail pick up.

Mary Packard’s job is to be sure that the various “non-issue” caseworker aides and the senator himself promptly and correctly receive all mail for cases and special issues of interest. Most cases are intercessions by the Senator’s office with various agencies on some constituent’s behalf. Some are requests for visits and special favors. All campaign mail must be handled by party activists or by the Senator away from the office. Campaign mail must be paid for privately; the government pays for the rest. Mixing the two is scandal bait. Sen. Blah himself seldom writes more than one letter a day. All “non-issue” outgoing mail is completed without use of the print room and is taken to mail pick up.

Since the vast majority of the mail is “issue” mail, the office manager is quite concerned about how well the issue mail process is working. To evaluate this, one hundred constituents, who had been sent response letters last month, were surveyed by telephone. Two constituents could not remember getting a response. Eight said that the response arrived more than three weeks after they had sent their letter. Fourteen said that the response seemed to address a different issue than the one on which they had written. The results were not encouraging. A process improvement study is obviously called for

  1. Assignment: To get started, draw a Pareto chart based upon the results of the survey.

Which of the three types of errors should be targeted first? (HINT: Only compare the errors on the Pareto chart; do not include the 76 respondents who indicated “no problem”.)

To begin any process improvement effort, it is usually a good idea to draw a flow chart of the process in question.

  1. Assignment: From the description given above, sketch a flow diagram of the “issue” mail process in Senator Blah’s office. This chart should show each activity (like scanning paper mail), storage location (mail waiting to be processed), and decision point (like deciding on a response), which is described or implied by the above description, as a separate step (using a rectangle, triangle, or diamond, as appropriate).

Given your flow chart, think about how you would go about using the rest of the tools of process improvement (Text Chapter 12, Analytical Tools for Six Sigma, pages 351-354) to find and correct the root causes of these apparent problems. DO NOT attempt to state possible solutions; you cannot propose possible solutions because the exercise does not give you enough information to do so. Instead, consider how you would use the tools in order to develop the needed, detailed information, from which possible solutions could be developed and tested.

As a first step, look at your flow chart and decide where in the process it is possible to make a mistake that could result in the most frequently occurring type of error (that you identified in question 1).

  1. In-Class Exercise only: You can now (1) create a cause and effect diagram, with the effect being the type of error. Next, (2) describe how you would determine which point(s) in the process accounts for most of the errors. Then (3) describe how you would go about identifying and eliminating the root cause of the errors at that point in the process.

Only submit your answers to questions 1 and 2 in Canvas. You do not need to submit anything for question 3. You should submit your work as an individual assignment, but you are welcome to discuss your work and answers with your classmate


Select 7 Suggestions for Creating and Staging Repertory Work with a Critical Dance Pedagogy Approach. Explain why you selected each and how you would implement each into a creative P-12 school age classroom.

Critical Dance Pedagogy

Read Chapter 6, Critical Dance Pedagogy for Repertory, Case Studies.
Select 7 Suggestions for Creating and Staging Repertory Work with a Critical Dance Pedagogy Approach.
Explain why you selected each and how you would implement each into a creative P-12 school age classroom.



Discuss models for successful team performance. Determine the conditions necessary for teams to function effectively. Describe methods for addressing problems with performance.

Team Performance and Productivity

As a leader, you have been tasked with building a team whose purpose is to recommend a new performance evaluation system. The current system is outdated and greatly reduces employee morale each year.

As the leader of this problem-solving team, you are tasked with reviewing a team performance report. The report reveals that the team is behind schedule by more than six weeks, team members often miss meetings, there is noted conflict among team members, team members do not have clear direction and roles, there is no feedback on performance, and there is no clear team leader. The productivity score is 68%; the company goal is 90%. The company has asked you to create a comparative table of your findings. Your table will include the report findings in one column; with associated solutions, methods, and/or recommendations.

In your table, you will want to:
Discuss models for successful team performance.
Determine the conditions necessary for teams to function effectively.
Describe methods for addressing problems with performance.
Describe tools used for diagnosing and enhancing team performance.
Describe methods for setting clear performance standards and criteria.