Write a program to find Armstrong no in c using while loop.

Armstrong no in c

Write a program to find Armstrong no in c using while loop.

Use a box plot to explore how negative feedback varies based on the hour in which a post appears. Are there certain posting times that seem to rarely receive negative feedback?

FILE to use: Facebook Insights Post Level – Tableau

Looking at each month in the data, does including an exclamation point (“!”) in the text of our Facebook post seem to increase the post’s average lifetime “engaged” users (engaged users are users who clicked anywhere in the post)?

Explore the relationship between the inclusion of other key words in the text (data, science, etc.) and other metrics of interest (negative feedback, etc.). Prepare one interesting viz on these topics to share with the class.

Use a box plot to explore how negative feedback varies based on the hour in which a post appears. Are there certain posting times that seem to rarely receive negative feedback? Be creative and come up with one or two insights by playing with the data. Document your conclusions within the dashboard/s you create.


What is a random variable? How would you differentiate a discrete from a continuous random variable?

Random variable

Respond to the following questions:

  • What is a random variable?
  • How would you differentiate a discrete from a continuous random variable?


What are the implications for social work practice within the identified program? How should services change based on what you learned? What are the limitations of your research, and how would you address these limitations in the future?

Educating Adolescent’s On Substance Abuse

Section 1: Significance & rationale
In this section, you will report on Steps 1 to 3.
Identify population group
Identify whether it is an organizational or community focused needs assessment
Provide a rationale for the needs assessment (citational evidence is appropriate and will strengthen this).

Section 2: Qualitative Methods
2a. Sample-In this section, you will report on Step 4.
Indicate sampling approach
Identify three project partners
Provide a rationale for their inclusion.
Indicate the steps you will take to recruit participants in this study ethically

2b. Data Collection/Interview Guide Construction- In this section, you will report on Steps 5 & 6.
Describe your process for developing your interview questions
Present your interview questions.
Provide a brief rationale for the interview questions based on your literature
review. Citational evidence is expected.

2c. Data Analysis- In this section, you will report on Step 7.
Briefly discuss your analytic process for analyzing your interview data. This means your process of developing codes, categories, and themes. Provide examples of the codes and categories you used.

Section 3: Results In this section, you will report on Step 8.
Provide an overview of all 3 themes and describe each in detail
Provide examples from your recordings/interviews (direct quotes!) to support each theme.

Make sure to present data in the aggregate and conceal the participants’ identities.

Section 4: Discussion & Implications for Practice In this section, you will report on Step 9.
Summarize your findings and describe what you think is most important about your results. How did these findings diverge from the existing literature (or not)? What are the most important gaps or needs that you identified?
What are the implications for social work practice within the identified program? How should services change based on what you learned?
What are the limitations of your research, and how would you address these limitations in the future?

Based on your findings, identify a program or service you would like to implement? Your findings and conclusion (identified program or service NOT MORE STAFF) should be discussed in the context of existing research in the specified area. Two to five citations are expected in this section; citations should be from your literature review (i.e., Step 5).

NOTE: This response will directly inform your next assignment, the Logic Model, as well as the final assignment, the Program Evaluation.

Based on the findings from your needs assessment (i.e., the identified program or service that you would like to implement), develop a logic model. The “program/service” may be broadly defined. Ideally, this program would be a new element/offering in a larger community-based organization identified in the needs assessment. However, it could also be a new community-based organization meeting a new and distinct need among the recipient population and community (please check in with me if you have questions regarding the program’s appropriateness for this assignment).

Is the old landed oligarchy which originated during colonialism giving way to a more diverse panoply of business, industrial, commercial, banking, and other elites? Explain using examples.

Latin America essay


1. Until the 1930s, Latin America had often been feudal and medieval in its thinking, but then education increased, literacy expanded, and radio and television brought new ideas to even the most isolated areas. To what extent have the old fatalism and passivity faded? How have people become mobilized, and have new and challenging ideas of democracy and socialism arisen? Explain using examples.

2. Have Latin American countries shifted away somewhat from the state control and mercantilism of the past toward a system of open markets, freer trade, and greater efficiency, and have more modern businesses, industries, and services replaced the subsistence and plantation agriculture of the past? Discuss.

3. Is the old landed oligarchy which originated during colonialism giving way to a more diverse panoply of business, industrial, commercial, banking, and other elites? Explain using examples.

4. What factors shape public policy responses? How effective are the region’s governments in addressing their most pressing problems? Discuss.

Write about any major social event from the 1960’s, applying Barrier 3: Stereotype, from our chapter. As you write about the event, do so with the lens of stereotypes you notice being present. How did the barrier of stereotype further complicate an exacerbate the challenge already present?

Barrier 3: Stereotype

Likely you have noticed that we are adding, roughly every other week, a Historic Application of what we are learning. For this activity, write about any major social event from the 1960’s, applying Barrier 3: Stereotype, from our chapter. As you write about the event, do so with the lens of stereotypes you notice being present. How did the barrier of stereotype further complicate an exacerbate the challenge already present?

Think back to the 11 barriers identified in Chapter 3 (p.84-89), and choose two to respond to the issue of continued intolerance, ignorance, hate and prejudice.

Hate Incidents

Despite growth we’ve made in social causes, awareness, sensitivity, and skills, at times it seems be are losing ground, or repeating old patterns. We continue to hear of students being victims of hate incidents and crimes. In fact, we even see an increase in those numbers on some university campuses.

Think back to the 11 barriers identified in Chapter 3 (p.84-89), and choose two to respond to the issue of continued intolerance, ignorance, hate and prejudice. Begin by commenting on where you see progress, citing a specific example, but then write about how YOU could respond most effectively as a student if it were your campus, and to whom your response would be directed.

Write about a judgment call you’ve made recently that couldn’t be analyzed. It can be a big or small one, but should focus on a business issue. What was the situation, the alternatives you considered and evaluated, and your decision making process?

Human resources and recruiting in the tech industry.

Most decisions are made with analysis, but some are judgment calls not susceptible to analysis due to time or information constraints. Write about a judgment call you’ve made recently that couldn’t be analyzed. It can be a big or small one, but should focus on a business issue. What was the situation, the alternatives you considered and evaluated, and your decision making process? Be sure to explain why you chose the alternative you did relative to others considered.

Writing Guidelines

1. Write in the style you would use to write a business whitepaper or essay and do not use bullet points, graphics, tables, charts or flow charts.
2. Do not include any confidential or proprietary information from current/past employers.
3. Remember as you write that the reader may not be familiar with specific technical terminology, corporate cultures, and scenarios. Use language and descriptions in your response that enable readers to fully understand the situation.
4. Please limit your response to 1-2 pages (no more than 8000 characters).

Do a formal visual analysis of the artworks you selected Explain the relevance of these artworks in their time and provide your conclusions as to which could be their value for your generation and future generations.

How and why did Socrates die?

Research the story behind the mystery (mythological, historical, or religious).
Research two (2) artworks representing this event (mystery).
Search the authors of these two artworks (painter or sculptor) that you picked.
After selecting your artists and the artworks: research the author’s life, the epoch in which the author lived, and the artistic movement to which the author belongs.
Start your paper with an Introduction that makes reference to the story represented in the artwork.
Insert the pictures in your paper. If you need help, check this video.
Identify where are these two artworks now located and provide brief information about the location.
Do a formal visual analysis of the artworks you selected
Explain the relevance of these artworks in their time and provide your conclusions as to which could be their value for your generation and future generations.
Cite your sources at the end of your essay under Work Cited.
When you submit your work, you will be able to check your similarity Report from Turnitin. If you see that your paper goes over this percentage, review it and resubmit.

In Langston Hughes’ short story “Home,” what dream of Roy’s was realized? What dream was deferred? What is the meaning of home for Roy in Langston’s Hughes’ short story, “Home”?

“Home” and “Passing.”

Some of the themes that appear often in the short stories and poems of Langston Hughes include dreams both realized and deferred, and the meaning of home. In “Home” and “Passing,” we encountered each of these themes in different ways. For your first short answers paper, you will write about these themes in “Home” and “Passing.”

This document is six-pages long. Following the questions that you’re going to answer, there are precise instructions for writing the paper along with a model of what your paper MUST look like. Read all six pages and follow ALL the instructions. Some of the points you can earn on this paper are for following instructions.

Answer the following questions about “Home” in two paragraphs of seven-to-nine sentences each

  • In Langston Hughes’ short story “Home,” what dream of Roy’s was realized? What dream was deferred? (Note that this answer is ONE paragraph.
  • What is the meaning of home for Roy in Langston’s Hughes’ short story, “Home”?

Answer the following questions about “Passing” in two paragraphs of seven-to-nine sentences each:

  • In Langston Hughes’ short story “Passing,” what dream of Jack’s was realized? What dream was deferred? (Note that this answer is ONE paragraph.)
  • What is the meaning of home for Jack in Langston Hughes’ short story, “Passing”?