Provide a brief summary of the organization. Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state? How strong is the need for change? What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?

Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization.

Given this understanding, we need to research and assess when, and if, an organization is ready for change, and then adopt a process to best facilitate the change process. Choose a Middle Eastern organization in which you are familiar. (If not possible, conduct an internet search to identify a Middle Eastern organization which has gone through a transformation process within the last three years.) Then address the following:

  • Provide a brief summary of the organization (its history, culture, industry, product, and services).
  • Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state?
  • How strong is the need for change?
  • What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?
  • If the change does not occur, what will be the impact on the organization in the next few years?
  • Briefly explain if the change process was a success or failure.
  • Based on what you have learned thus far in the course, evaluate the company’s readiness for change. Were they ready, why or why not? Would you have done anything differently?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 6-7 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • academic writing standards and APA 7th edition style is required
  • submission should include: Introduction, Conclusion, & Headers for each paragraph
  • References should be not less than 5 references and one of your references should be at least from your textbook
  • your submission should be supported with course material (PowerPoint attached) concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook (Attached copy) and at least three current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.
  • In-Text Citation should be used in your paper, and make sure to include it in the ending of each of your paragraphs.


Test whether the mean speed is 55 mph before and 60 mph after at the α=5% significance level. Explain each step and interpret the results.

Repeal of the national maximum speed limit on average speeds on U.S. roads.

Suppose our goal is to quantify the impact of the repeal of the national maximum speed limit on average speeds on U.S. roads. Representative speed data are collected for particular time periods before and after the repeal. The spreadsheet “hw1_speed_data.csv” contains vehicular speed data before and after the repeal of a speed limit law. Use R to do the solve the following questions:

Generate summary statistics for vehicular speeds data and compare the results. (6)

Generate and interpret box plots for vehicular speeds data (make them look nice). (10)

Generate and interpret histograms for vehicular speeds data (make them look nice). (10)

Find out the mean and median values of the after-speed data for those particular vehicles whose speeds before the repeal were greater than 60 mph. (5)

Find out the frequency distribution of vehicular after-speed data and interpret results. (5)

Generate 99% confidence intervals for mean vehicular after-speed data assuming the population variance is unknown. Explain each step and interpret the results. (8)

Generate 95% confidence intervals for the variance of before-speed data. Explain each step and interpret the results. (8)

Test whether the mean speed is 55 mph before and 60 mph after at the α=5% significance level. Explain each step and interpret the results. (10)

Test whether the variance of after-speed data is less than 19 mph2 at the α=5% significance level. Explain each step and interpret the results. (10)

Test that the mean vehicular speeds before and after are equal at the α=10% significance level. Explain each step and interpret the results. (10)

Test that the vehicular speed variances before and after are equal at the α=5% significance level. Explain each step and interpret the results. (10)

Use a Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test to assess whether the distributions of speeds before and after are equal. Also draw density plots using before and after speeds data. Interpret the results based on the test and drawing. (8)


Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different. Be specific and provide examples.

Patient case study

Write a 2-page summary paper that addresses the following:

  • Briefly summarize the patient case study, including each of the three decisions you chose for the patient presented. Support your decisions with evidence-based literature. Be specific and provide examples.
  • What were you hoping to achieve with the decisions you recommended for the patient case study? Support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.
  • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different. Be specific and provide examples.

Use and cite at least 4 sources for the assignment.

Discuss each medication option listed in Decision Points 1-3. Why did you not chose the alternative options? What is the mechanism of action for each medication? What are first line FDA approved medications for the disease state?


Describe my academic and career plans and any special interests that you are eager to pursue as an undergraduate at Indiana University.

Academic and career plans

Describe my academic and career plans (marketing interests) and any special interests (internships and starting my own business.) that you are eager to pursue as an undergraduate at Indiana University. If you encountered any unusual circumstances, challenges, or obstacles in completing your education, share those experiences and how you overcame them. (covid pandemic, car accident leaving me in a 3 day coma aka ptsd)

The mission of Seton Hall University is to form “servant leaders” for a global society. Describe how the skills you have gained through community service will be beneficial to Seton Hall University and to the specific program to which you are applying.

Seton Hall University

The mission of Seton Hall University is to form “servant leaders” for a global society. Describe how the skills you have gained through community service will be beneficial to Seton Hall University and to the specific program to which you are applying.

Use this link to research your essay.

Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?

1) Sustaining change can be difficult, as there are many variables that can affect implementation. One critical component of EBP is to ensure that practice change is part of an organization’s culture so it will continue to impact outcomes over time. Name two potential barriers that may prevent your EBP change proposal from continuing to obtain the same desired results 6 months to a year from now, and your strategies for overcoming these barriers.

2) Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project. Discuss why each of your choices is the best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.

3) Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?

Using a DC model of the circuit, you have enough information to calculate VOV = VGS−Vtn. Calculate and write down the value of VOV and gm. What is the value of VGS?

AB 4 : NMOS Common-Source Ampliϐier and NPN Common-Emitter Ampliϐier Lab


To study NMOS-based common- source (CS) and NPN-based common-emitter (CE) ampliϐiers by:

  • • Completing the DC and small-signal analysis based on their theoretical behavior.
  • • Simulating the ampliϐiers to compare the results with the paper analysis.
  • • Implementing the circuits in an experimental setting, taking measurements, and comparing its performance with theoretical and simulated results.
  • • Measuring their output resistance.
  • • Qualitatively seeing the impact of transistor-to-transistor variations.

Materials: 1. Laboratory setup, including breadboard 2. 1 enhancement-type NMOS transistor (e.g., 2N7000) and 1 NPN-type bipolar transistor (2N2222) 3. 3 large (e.g., 47µF) capacitors 4. Several wires and resistors of varying sizes

Part 1:Design and Simulation of NMOS Common-Source Ampliϐier Consider the circuit above.

Design the ampliϐier to achieve a small-signal gain of at least AV = −5V /V . Use supplies of V+ = −V− = 15V , Rsig = 50Ω, RL = 10kΩ, RG = 10kΩ, and design the circuit to have ID = 1mA. Obtain the data sheet for the NMOS transistor that will be used. 1 DC

Operating Point Analysis

• Using a DC model of the circuit, (the three coupling capacitors are replace with ”large-valued” capacitors that create open circuits and you may also omit vsig, Rsig, and RL from the circuit), you have enough information to calculate VOV = VGS−Vtn. Calculate and write down the value of VOV and gm. What is the value of VGS? Remember: Your actual transistor will have a value of Vtn that will vary from his nominal value, which will alter your measurement results slightly.

• Calculate r0.

• You now have enough information to calculate RS. Calculate and show your calculations for RS. Is this value available in your kit or can it be created by combining resistors?

Note: At this stage we do not know neither VDS nor RD. AC Analysis

• Replace the circuit with its small-signal model. In the small-signal model, the capacitors will be at short circuits (what happens to RS?) and replace V+ with an AC ground. What happens to V−? Label the gate of the transistor as vi , i.e., the small-signal voltage at the input.

• What is the ratio of vi/vsig? How would you approximate it in further calculations?

• Derive the expression for Av = v0/vi . What is the value of RD that produces a small-signal focus gain of at least AV = −5V /V ? Is the value for RD available in your kit or can it be created by combining resistors?

• What is the DC voltage at the drain? Does this satisfy the assumption that the transistor should be operating in the saturation region? Explain.

• What is the output resistance, Ro? Simulation

• Simulate your circuit. Use capacitive values CC1 = CC2 = CS = 47µF, and the values of RS and RD based on your preceding calculations. Use a 10mVpk−pk, 1kHz sinusoid with not DC component applied at vsig.

• From your simulation, report the DC values of VGS, VDS, and ID. How closely do they match your calculations? (Remember: The simulator has his own more complex model of the real transistor, so there should be some small variations.)

• From your simulation, report AV . How closely does it match your calculations?

Part 2:Prototyping

• Assembled the circuit onto your breadboard using the speciϐied component values and those just calculated. Note that Rsig represents the output resistance of the function generator, and therefore you should not include in your circuit.

Part 3:Measurement

• DC bias point measurements: Using a digital multimeter, measure the DC voltages of your circuit at the gate (VG) , source (VS), and drain (VD) of your transistor.

• AC measurements: Using a function generator, apply to your circuit a 10mVpk−pk, 1kHz sinusoid with no DC component. (Note: Some function generators allowed only implicit small as 50mVpk−pk. If this is the case, use that value instead. Some distortion may occur in the output waveform.)

2 • Using an oscilloscope, generate plots of vo and vi vs. t. • Output resistance Ro: Replace RL with a 1MΩ resistor and repeat the AC measurement. What is the amplitude of the output waveform? Adjust RL until you ϐind a value such that the amplitude of the output waveform is approximately 50% of what is was for the 1MΩ load. This new value of RL is the output resistance Ro. How does it compare to the value calculated earlier? Hint: It cannot be greater than the value of RD. • Using a digital multimeter, measure all resistors to three signiϐicant digits. Part 4:Post-Measurement Exercise

• Calculate the values of VGS and VDS that you obtained in the lab. How do they compare to your pre-lab calculations? Explain your discrepancies.

• Based on the measured values of VD and VS and your measured resistor values, what is the real value of ID based on your lab measurements?

• What is the measured value of Av? How does it compare to your pre-lab calculations? Explain any discrepancies.

Hint: The single biggest source of variations from your pre-lab simulation results will be due to variations in the transistor threshold voltage Vtn. Remember: Its value would be somewhere within the range indicated on the transistor data sheet.

Part 5: Design and Simulation of Common-Emitter Ampliϐier Consider the circuit shown below.

Design the ampliϐier to achieve a small-signal gain of at least AV = −200V /V . Use supplies of V+ = −V− = 15V , Rsig = 50Ω, RL = 10kΩ, RB = 10kΩ, and design the circuit to have IC = 1mA. Although there will be variations from transistor to transistor, you may assume a value of β of 100 in your calculations. Obtain the data sheet for the NPN transistor that will be used. 3 DC Operating Point Analysis

• Using a DC model of the circuit, (the three coupling capacitors are replace with ”large-valued” capacitors that create open circuits and you may also omit vsig, Rsig, and RL from the circuit), calculate and write down the value of IB and IE. What is the value of VB?

• Calculate a value for RE that produces a base-emitter voltage drop value of 0.7V . What is VE? •

You now have enough information to calculate RS. Calculate and show your calculations for RS. Is this value available in your kit or can it be created by combining resistors?

Note: At this stage we do not know neither VCE nor RC . AC Analysis

• Replace the circuit with its small-signal model (VA is large, so you may ignoore ro). In the small-signal model, replace the capacitors with short circuits (what happens to RE?) and replace V+ with an AC ground. What happens to V−? Label the base of the transistor as vi , i.e., the small-signal voltage at the input. What are the values of gm and rπ?

• What is the ratio of vi/vsig? Can you approximate it?

• Derive the expression for Av = v0/vi . What is the value of RC that produces a small-signal focus gain of at least AV = −200V /V ? Is this resistor value available in your kit or can it be created by combining resistors? • What is the DC voltage at the collector? Does this satisfy the assumption that the transistor should be operating in the active region? Explain.

• What is the output resistance, Ro? Simulation

• Simulate your circuit. Use capacitive values CC1 = CC2 = CE = 47µF, and the values of RE and RC based on your preceding calculations. Use a 10mVpk−pk, 1kHz sinusoid with not DC component applied at vsig.

• From your simulation, report the DC values of VBE, VCE, IB, IC , and IE. How closely do they match your calculations? (Remember: The simulator has his own more complex model of the real transistor, so there should be some small variations.)

• From your simulation, report AV . How closely does it match your calculations?

Part 6:Prototyping

• Assembled the circuit onto your breadboard using the speciϐied component values and those just calculated. Note that Rsig represents the output resistance of the function generator, and therefore you should not include in your circuit. Part 7:Measurement • DC bias point measurements: Using a digital multimeter, measure the DC voltages of your circuit at the base (VB) , emitter (VE), and collector (VC ) of your transistor.

• AC measurements: Using a function generator, apply to your circuit a 10mVpk−pk, 1kHz sinusoid with no DC component. (Note: Some function generators allowed only implicit small as 50mVpk−pk. If this is the case, use that value instead. Some distortion may occur in the output waveform.) 4

• Using an oscilloscope, generate plots of vo and vi vs. t.

• Output resistance Ro: Replace RL with a 1MΩ resistor and repeat the AC measurement. What is the amplitude of the output waveform? Adjust RL until you ϐind a value such that the amplitude of the output waveform is approximately 50% of what is was for the 1MΩ resistor. This new value of RL is the output resistance Ro. How does it compare to the value calculated earlier? Hint: It cannot be greater than the value of RC .

• Using a digital multimeter, measure all resistors to three signiϐicant digits. Part 8:Post-Measurement Exercise

• Calculate the values of VBE and VCE that you obtained in the lab. How do they compare to your pre-lab calculations? Explain your discrepancies.

• Based on the measured values of VB, VC , and VE and your measured resistor values, what is the real value of all currents based on your lab measurements? How does it compare to your pre-lab calculations? • Based on the actual value of the measured currents, what is the actual value or β for your transistor?

• What is the measured value of Av? How does it compare to your pre-lab calculations? Explain any discrepancies.

Hint: The single biggest source of variations from your pre-lab simulation results will be due to variations in β.

What is the inversion layer sheet charge density (in C/cm2) in the FET channel at the source end when VGS=4 V and VDS=1V and VBS =0V ?

A NFET  has the ID -vs -VDS curve shown below for VGS =4 V and VBS =0 V . The threshold voltage VTN of the device is 1 V when VBS =0 V .




�!”=3.45×10-13 F/cm

tox=10-6 cm


1.) What is the drain-to-source voltage at which the device saturates when VGS =4 V

  1. b) What is the electron mobility (cm2/V-s) in the channel?


  1. c) What is the inversion layer sheet charge density (in C/cm2) in the FET channel at the source end when VGS=4 V and VDS=1V and VBS =0V ?
  1. d) What is the inversion layer sheet charge density (in C/cm2) in the FET channel at the drain end when VGS =4 V and VDS =1V and VBS =0 V ?
  1. e) For the same bias conditions as in parts (c) and (d), what is the drift velocity of electrons (cm/s) near the source end?
  1. f) For the same bias conditions as in parts (c) and (d), what is the drift velocity of electrons (cm/s) near the source end?
  1. g) What is the inversion layer sheet charge density (in C/cm2) in the FET channel at the source end when VGS =4 V and VDS =5 V and VBS =0 V ?
  1. h) What is the inversion layer sheet charge density (in C/cm2) in the FET channel at the drain end when VGS =4 V and VDS =5 V and VBS =0 V

Consider the following NFET amplifier:

In the following parts, assume that the load resistor RL is NOT connected to the output.

  1. a) Generally one would like to keep the resistor R large. But if it is too large, the FET could go into the linear region for a given desired value of the DC drain current ID . Suppose you are at liberty to choose any value of the DC input bias voltage VIN . For every value of VIN above VTN the value of the resistor R has to be within a range in order to keep the FET in the saturation region of operation. For values of VIN between 0.5 and 2.5 Volts, find the maximum (Rmax ) and the minimum (Rmin) values of the resistance R needed to keep the FET working the saturation region. Plot Rmax and Rmin on the same plot as a function of VIN
  1. b) Suppose you need to the keep the DC voltage at the output VOUT equal to 1.5 V. And you also need to keep the small signal gain, and therefore gm , reasonably high, so you choose ID=200 mA . What should be the values of the resistor R and the input bias voltage VIN needed to meet these objectives? Or can these objectives even be met while keeping the FET in the saturation region?
  1. c) With the numerical value of the resistor as in part (b), and a varying input voltage VIN , what are the maximum and the minimum values of the output voltage VOUT such that the FET remains in the saturation region?
  1. d) With the value of the resistor as in part (b), what are the maximum and the minimum values of the input voltage VIN such that the FET remains in the saturation region?
  1. e) With the value of the resistor as in part (b), compute and plot (sketches not acceptable) the transfer curve VOUT-vs-VIN and indicate regions in which the FET is in the cut off, linear, and saturation regions.
  1. f) With the value of the resistor and the biasing scheme as in part (b), what is the open circuit small signal voltage gain Av =vout/vin (i.e. the voltage gain with the load resistor disconnected)? Need a numerical number as an answer and not just a formula. Now suppose the load resistor RL is connected to the output of the amplifier. Its presence will change things significantly.
  1. a) Suppose your biasing scheme, including values of VIN and R are as in part (b) above. With the load resistor now connected, what is the new output voltage VOut? Hint: it is not going to be 1.5 Volts anymore. And what is IOUT ? Lesson: loading can affect the DC biasing of an amplifier!
  1. b) Suppose your biasing scheme, including values of VIN and R are as in part (b) above.

With the load resistor now connected, what is the small signal voltage gain Av=vout/vin? Need a numerical number as an answer and not just a formula. Has it decreased or increased compared to the case when the load resistor was not connected? Lesson: loading can affect the small signal performance of an amplifier!

What is the greatest challenge your generation will face? What ideas do you have for dealing with this issue?

UMass, Lowell

What is the greatest challenge your generation will face? What ideas do you have for dealing with this issue?

Find an article from a reputable source (scholar) about cybersecurity in healthcare (USA). Summarize the article by explaining the main points found in the article, the importance of cybersecurity, and any other pertinent details found in the article.

Cybersecurity in healthcare

For this project find an article from a reputable source (scholar) about cybersecurity in healthcare (USA). Summarize the article by explaining the main points found in the article, the importance of cybersecurity, and any other pertinent details found in the article.