Provide an essay on the vegetative and landscape modification to the state of Arizona in the United States. Provide three images per page.

Natural Science and Society

Project work instructions uploaded. This course is Natural Science and Society. Provide essay on the vegetative and landscape modification to the state of Arizona in the United States. Provide three images per page.

Briefly describe how Capability Developers and other force modernization proponents across the Army translate those potential solutions into the Force Design Update (FDU), and how the FDU creates approved requirements documents.

Army Force Development and Force Integration

Short Answer Questions:

F104 Question:Briefly describe how Capability Developers and other force modernization proponents across the Army translate those potential solutions into the Force Design Update (FDU), and how the FDU creates approved requirements documents. (The focus is Phase 2 and 3 of FD)

F105 Question: Describe how the Army uses the Total Army Analysis to translate validated force design proposals into actionable changes to the Army’s force structure, creates the budget request for that structure, and communicates those changes to the force. (The focus is Phase 4 and 5 of FD)

F106 Question: Planning, Programming, Budget and Execution (PPBE) is the process that aligns strategy to resources. Explain how PPBE encompasses the entire FM model, is cyclical, and is not simply an action that only occurs in Phase 4 of FD. Ensure to address how PPBE is affected by and affect the other two primary decision support processes.


Describe in detail the results of the analysis. Describe in detail the results of the community report-back. What implications does this research have for the future? Offer your opinion about the research overall.

Complete the CEEP assignment

At this point in the Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers process, you should complete research question formulation, assessment methodology development, data gathering. Finish the analysis of your data and bring your data to life using charts and diagrams.

By answering questions about the research based on the matrix, you can compose several paragraphs for each section.

Keep in the front of your mind as you write the project up; this research is about getting to know a community.

Discuss the write-up from this perspective and regarding entrepreneurship within the community and neighborhood.

The final report of the research project should include overarching areas organized by:

Introduction (Matrix: Question)

  • Research question summary
  • Context or neighborhood chosen
  • Why purpose and community first research

Methods (Matrix: Gather & Assess)

  • Describe the method chosen for gathering research data/information.
  • Describe the analysis method for data/information.

Results (Matrix: Assess & Report)

  • Describe in detail the results of the analysis.
  • Describe in detail the results of the community report-back.


  • What implications does this research have for the future?
  • Offer your opinion about the research overall.
  • What effect do you think it had on the community / specific people?


What is the underlying problem in this case from the perspective of federal government, the parents, and the prospective college students? Why do you think the parents were willing to play such a significant and risky role in their kid’s college admissions?

College admissions

Q1. What is the underlying problem in this case from the perspective of federal government, the parents, and the prospective college students?  (3 Marks)

Q2. Why do you think the parents were willing to play such a significant and risky role in their kid’s college admissions? (3 Marks)

Q3. How do you think the general environment, particularly economic, demographic, international and sociocultural forces, fed into the admissions scandal? (3 Marks)

Q4. Are the children who were aware of the cheating scheme purely victims in this situation, or should they also be considered unethical? Explain your answer using one of the four approaches to deciding ethical dilemmas. (3 Marks)

Q5. Based on what you have learned about Rick Singer, his involvement, and his decision to cooperate in the investigation, where would you place his level of moral development? Explain your answer. (3 Marks)


Define Mission Command (MC) in your own words and explain, through the principles of MC and the Leadership Requirements Model, how to prevent becoming a single point of failure. Elaborate by identifying the single most important principle (to you) for the success of MC. Provide an example of how you have employed the principle you selected.

Mission Command

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of Mission Command.

Background Information
The following observation resulted from warfighting exercises conducted by the Mission Command Training Program: Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) do not have a clear description of their roles and responsibilities.
Often, NCOs are empowered with the appropriate authority, but they do not have a clear role besides what they are working on at that time. For example, when Battle NCOs have a clear job, they become a single point of failure, as the unit does not have a replacement for those NCOs.

Discussion Question
Define Mission Command (MC) in your own words and explain, through the principles of MC and the Leadership Requirements Model, how to prevent becoming a single point of failure. Elaborate by identifying the single most important principle (to you) for the success of MC. Provide an example of how you have employed the principle you selected.

Resource Requirements
Mission Command Lesson

Article: Mission Command: A Senior Enlisted Leader’s Perspective


1. You must submit an initial response to the discussion question. Your initial response must:
-be a minimum of 250 words (We are looking for body content. Your
listed reference at the bottom of your post will not count toward this word requirement).
-state your Rank and Name in the subject line (ex. SSG Jones, Avery)

-include an APA formatted, scholarly reference and in-text citation to
support your post (use a reference other that the Mission Command lesson).

2. After you have posted an initial response, reply to two of your peers (you must reply to their initial response).

Each reply must:
-be a minimum of 200 words (salutations and references are not included
in your word count).
-open each post with the Rank/Name of the student you are addressing
and close each reply with your Rank/Name.
-your first three posts (initial response and two replies) will be graded.

What did it mean for the U.S. and USSR during the Cold War? Is the space program still relevant? Is it worth the cost, considering the growing debt? How does the space program benefit the U.S. national economy in general?

Case Study – Space Race

For this assignment, analyze the space race.

  • What did it mean for the U.S. and USSR during the Cold War?
  • Is the space program still relevant?
  • Is it worth the cost, considering the growing debt?
  • How does the space program benefit the U.S. national economy in general?
  • How does it benefit the world?
  • Is space exploration the domain of the world’s leading nations?


Would you say that Fuel_Type is relevant to Price based on the side-by-side boxplots on the screen? What is your basis? Could you write down the outcomes of the Python code on the screen without running it in Colab?

Interval informative for a 5-star rating

Q1: Is the interval informative for a 5-star rating variable?

Q2: Would you say that Fuel_Type is relevant to Price based on the side-by-side boxplots on the screen? What is your basis?

Q3: Hands-on Practice II: Could you write down the outcomes of the Python code on the screen without running it in Colab?

Q4: Hands-on Practice III Question 1 (Copy your Python code here)

Q5: Hands-on Practice III Question 2 (Copy your Python code here)

Q6: Hands-on Practice III Question 3 (Copy your Python code here)

Q7: Hands-on Practice III Question 4 (Copy your Python code here)

Q8: Hands-on Practice III Question 4: Which column has the largest standard deviation?


Build a convolutional neural network model using a deeper network and data augmentation for CIFAR-10 image data. Explain how this algorithm could result in ethical and privacy concerns if it were trained on different sets of images.

Jupyter environment

This assignment will help you get hands-on experience training convolutional neural networks in Keras and using them to make predictions. This will deepen your understanding of neural networks. You will then gain practice considering the ethical and legal implications of this type of technology. This will support your work in Project One, which is due in the next module.


Access the Virtual Lab (Apporto) by using the link in the Virtual Lab Access module. It is recommended that you use the Chrome browser to access the Virtual Lab. If prompted to allow the Virtual Lab access to your clipboard, click “Yes”, as this will allow you to copy text from your desktop into applications in the Virtual Lab environment.

  1. Once in the Apporto environment, create a new Jupyter Notebook and configure it using the following naming convention:


    Thus, if your name is Jane Doe, please name the submission file “Doe_Jane_Assignment3.ipynb”.

    For information on how to navigate the Jupyter environment, review the Jupyter Notebook in Apporto (Virtual Lab) Tutorial.

  1. Read through the “Recognizing CIFAR-10 images with deep learning” example on pages 84–94 of Deep Learning with Keras. Copy the code into your Jupyter Notebook, including the code for a deeper network and data augmentation in your model. Run the code to build a convolutional neural network model that includes a deeper network and data augmentation.

    Note: More information about the training and test data sets can be found in the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 Datasets repository.

  1. The algorithm you worked to train can be used to distinguish more realistic images than the hand-written digits example from the previous module. While distinguishing between animals or vehicles may not pose a serious ethical dilemma, it’s important to consider what other types of images an algorithm such as this could be trained on. For example, could such an algorithm eventually be used to distinguish people’s faces? If so, what are the ethical and privacy implications? Create a Markdown cell in your Jupyter Notebook after your code and its outputs. In this cell, analyze the ethical and privacy implications of the algorithm you just created. You are expected to include resources to support your answers, and must include citations for those resources.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Configure the Jupyter Notebook correctly and use the proper naming convention.
  • Build a convolutional neural network model using a deeper network and data augmentation for CIFAR-10 image data.
  • Explain how this algorithm could result in ethical and privacy concerns if it were trained on different sets of images.



Identify potential issues regarding the layout of the farm and how compliance’ with the new FSMA regulations could affect the expansion.

Layout of the farm

Report: Identify potential issues regarding the layout of the farm and how compliance’ with the new FSMA regulations could affect the expansion.

Describe the relationship to your educational goals. Provide a brief overview of your educational background, learning experiences, and educational and career goals. Explain how the learning experience you will focus on is related to your goals.

Portfolio proposal

Writing your portfolio proposal will require you to identify your topic, define how your topic relates to your goals and think about the kinds of sources and documents you can use to support your portfolio.

In preparing your portfolio proposal, be sure to follow all of the following assignment criteria:

Your portfolio proposal must be at least two pages long (at least 500 words).

You must type your proposal. You should double-space the text and use a professional font, such as Times Roman or Helvetica. Use a standard font size like a 12-point font.

Remember that this is a formal written assignment. Use appropriate language and edit your writing for style, grammar, and spelling.

Be sure to number all of the pages and give your assignment a clear, descriptive title that distinguishes it from other students’ assignments.

Required Elements

Your portfolio proposal must address the following topics:

Describe the learning experience you will discuss.

This experience may be, but does not need to be, one of the experiences you describe in your assignments for Lesson 2 or 3.

Most students focus on one significant learning experience, but you may choose to discuss as many as three experiences so long as they form a coherent and focused description about your experiential learning.

Be sure to address how your learning experience can be translated into college-level learning.

Describe the relationship to your educational goals.

Provide a brief overview of your educational background, learning experiences, and educational and career goals.

Explain how the learning experience you will focus on is related to your goals.


Provide a brief description of the kind of sources that you will consult to help you make your case. You can provide details about specific books or journal articles but for the purposes of the proposal you do not need to provide full bibliographic citations.


Provide a brief description of the documentation you will provide to support your portfolio. Different from sources, documentation is often made up of primary sources created by or referring to you and can take many forms including journal entries, photographs, transcripts, certificates of completion, letters of recommendation, and so on.

You do not need to provide a full list of documentation at this point, but you should start thinking about the sorts of information that you can provichode to support your portfolio.