Select your “city of account” from the list Mrs. Parra has provided. Given a collection of documents you will need to complete this log.

Silk Road Research Log

The Silk Road is one of the most traveled and intricate trading systems throughout the history of Eurasia. Not only was there trading of goods, but also ideas and diseases. The merchants that traveled this system of roads (and ocean routes) experienced many different cultures and civilizations along their way. As merchants made their way along the Silk Road, they documented their travels to share with those around them.

Direr r ins You are now a Silk Road historian, documenting your research in order to publish your findings on one of the lasting cities of the Silk Road. Throughout your research, you will have many tasks to complete along the way. You will document these tasks in your research log. After you have selected your “city of account” from the list Mrs. Parra has provided, you will be given a collection of documents you will need to complete this log. This may include maps, primary sources, secondary sources, images, as well as other resources you will be able to use. You are writing this process log to document your findings for the people who will read your research. It should be heavily detailed and explain both your findings and the process in which you got your information. Attached you will find the rubric depicting what you will be asked to provide in your final product. This will include the goods traded, other historians you come in contact with throughout your research, the influences of religion, as well as how caravans operated during this time.


  1. Five (5) journal entries documenting your research

a Must be at least 200 words each

  1. Must document your findings!
  2. City of account a You MUST pick from the list on Google Classroom (no “doubles”)
  3. Goods being produced a. What is being traded from your city
  4. Caravan life a Explain how caravans work (as well as caravanserais)
  5. Stories of travel, dangers people would’ve faced
  6. Cities that are connected to your own
  7. Must document at least two (2) cities
  8. Must consult a least one (1) of your classmates
  9. Religion a What religion is practiced in this city?
  10. What religions would be encountered?
  11. imagery

a Must include a map of your connections (hand drawn but outline is provided)

  1. Five (5) hand drawn images to go along with your entries


Compare and contrast these three approaches. What are the advantages and disadvantages to each approach?

Mass dispensing of medical countermeasures

Following an aerosol release of anthrax, mass dispensing of medical countermeasures would be needed to limit morbidity and mortality. Multiple approaches to medical countermeasure dispensing in the form of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) have been examined: 1) points of dispensing (PODs), 2) pre-positioning of medical countermeasures, and 3) using the US Postal Service to distribute PEP.

Compare and contrast these three approaches. What are the advantages and disadvantages to each approach?

If you were in charge of planning for a jurisdiction and could only select one or two approaches, which approach(es) would you choose and why?

You need to use current, reliable sources to answer this question. You must provide details and cite information from reliable sources, using APA style, for this assignment. 3 Sources provided – you can choose 2 other professional reference/sources. 500 – 600 words total


Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer. Describe a single memorable day in your life. Explain why a certain sport is your favorite.

Use a word-processing program, preferably Microsoft Word, to complete the examination. At the top of every page include my name Tabitha Shoffner and my student number 57799255. Be sure to save your work. If you do not have access to Microsoft Word, you must properly format this as a document by clicking Save As, naming it using (57799255_847307), choosing File Type: Rich Text Format. This exam must be uploaded as a .doc or .rtf file to be graded electronically.

1.Write a composition using one of the following topics.
*Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits.
*Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer.
*Describe a single memorable day in your life.
*Explain why a certain sport is your favorite.

NOTE: Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Write an email cover letter to submit electronically for a job application. The job can be anything you choose (it doesn’t have to be based on a real job listing), but it must be a specific position. For example, if the job is at a restaurant, you might apply to be a manager or a sous chef. Use full-block style for your email’s formatting. You can base your letter on your own qualifications, or you can make up all the details you need.

NOTE:You cannot use a form letter or a template in constructing your response to Question 2. When you use a form letter or template, you give little to no thought to wording or formatting, and you are not actually creating your own cover letter; you are simply filling in the blanks of someone else’s work. Answer the following questions according to the instructions given.

NOTE: responses to both questions 1 AND 2 must be included in the same submission in order for my examination to be graded; otherwise, it will be returned to me for revision.

Explain which of the treatments you personally would prefer to use and why. Identify the professionals who may be involved in treatment, and then describe their role and how you would personally coordinate treatment with them.

This assignment will help you, a future counselor, analyze various evidence-based addiction treatment interventions.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper that gives a general overview of commonly used substance use disorder treatment approaches. In addition, you are to select two common approaches and compare their similarities and differences.

Include the following in your assignment:

Briefly describe two common empirically researched substance use disorder treatments. Choose two from the following: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, or Solution-focused Brief Therapy.

Compare, in a side-by-side chart, the differences of each of the two treatments chosen.

Explain which of the treatments you personally would prefer to use and why.

Identify the professionals who may be involved in treatment, and then describe their role and how you would personally coordinate treatment with them.

  • Include a minimum of two peer reviewed scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.
  • Consider using the following level-one APA headings in your paper to help organize the content:
  • Common Empirically Researched Substance Use Disorder Treatments
  • Differences in Treatments
  • Treatments Personally Preferred
  • Professionals Involved in Treatment


Apply pharmacology principles to prepare and administer oral and parenteral medications. Complete the following pages by visiting a pharmacy and calculating the dosages and costs of the OTC drugs available in the classes required.

Product Comparison Project

Competency: B 4 g  Apply pharmacology principles to prepare and administer oral and parenteral medications.

 TASK: Complete the following pages by visiting a pharmacy and calculating the dosages and costs of the OTC drugs available in the classes required.

CONDITONS:  To be completed by the due date assigned by the instructor (date will be at least 2 weeks after the assignment is given.)


Page 1                        3 points

Sections A,B               50 points (25 points each includes 2 each for neatness)

Section C                    32 points (includes 2 for neatness)

Total                            85 points

Total Proportioned to be worth 30 points

            Passing score is 70% (21 points)



All products in a section must have the same active ingredient.

Only refer to one of the listed ingredients for each section.

Use the same dosage or calculate the appropriate proportion

Compare at least one generic product in each section.

Indicate the most cost effective medication.

Round # of doses and costs per dose to the nearest penny.

Calculate in metric units.






Identify the deviant(s)/criminal(s), the victim(s), and the deviant/criminal act(s).Who do you think is most responsible for the baroness’s death?


1. Identify the deviant(s)/criminal(s), the victim(s), and the deviant/criminal act(s).

2. Who do you think is most responsible for the baroness’s death? Rank the characters in order of how responsible you think they are in causing the baroness’s death (1=Most Responsible and 6=Least Responsible).

3. Last, the killing could have been avoided if one character showed mercy. Which one should (or is more likely to) show mercy?



Choose two topics of your choice to compare and contrast. Spend some time brainstorming to find three items you can compare between the two topics.

Compare and contrast

The purpose of the Compare and Contrast Assignment is to take two topics of your choice and write a 2 full-page Compare and Contrast Essay using the organization techniques (Topic-by-Topic or Item-by-Item) presented in Unit 4.

Here are the details:

Choose two topics of your choice to compare and contrast. You are not required to do any research for this essay, so this assignment encourages you to pick topics you know about so that you can use your knowledge to build the content of the essay. Below, there will be some examples of compare and contrast topics, but you may pick your own. Ask your instructor if you have difficulty finding topics.

When you choose your topics, spend some time brainstorming to find three items you can compare between the two topics. The example here is how in the Unit 4 lecture notes we found the items of Cost, Size, and Teachers for our Community College and University essay. Again, the items you choose will decide what you would like your essay to focus on. Use your judgment of what you feel is most important to discuss between the two topics.

Decide whether to use the Topic-by-Topic pattern or the Item-by-Item pattern. Either pattern is valid, so use the one you are most comfortable with. When you decide on your pattern, create an Outline as we did in the Unit 4 notes for Community Colleges and Universities.
Be sure that your essay has an introduction that has the four points listed in the lecture notes, not necessarily in the order given in the notes: Topic, Thesis, Attention Grabber, Signposting. (Note, if you decide to write the essay inductively by not having the thesis in the introduction but in the conclusion, that is acceptable, so in place of the thesis in the introduction, you may ask a question and/or explain the purpose of the essay).

With your outline, you will write the essay filling in all the details for each point in the outline.
Be sure to have a conclusion where you evaluate and analyze the topics. This conclusion could be more than one paragraph, and you will likely develop it after writing all the other points of the essay. Part 3 of the Unit 4 notes show how the essay evaluated and analyzed the two types of schools to question the saying “you get what you pay for.”

Include a title for the essay.

Read over the essay several times to see if you need to make any revisions. Also, proofread the essay to make corrections. It is a good idea to let at least one other person read your essay for revision and proofreading. Your reader could be a friend or family member, or it could even be someone you connect with in class. It is fine to get together with a classmate to e-mail essays back in forth for proofreading and revision.

What are some concepts you learned from watching these 3 videos? Reflect on what you learned and how your understanding of stuttering was shaped. How did you feel watching some of the individuals struggling with fluent speech during these interviews? What was going through your mind?

Speech Therapy

After watching the 3 videos (Dr. Remson, Ryan Cowley, Barrett Documentary), write and submit a 2-3 page reflection that addresses the following 3 ideas (with an optional 4th):

  • What are some concepts you learned from watching these 3 videos? Reflect on what you learned and how your understanding of stuttering was shaped.
  • How did you feel watching some of the individuals struggling with fluent speech during these interviews? What was going through your mind?
  • Based on watching the videos, what are some takeaways that you want to remember in the future if you work with clients who stutter.
  • OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: Some professors require their students to go out into the community somewhere and try a “pseudo-stutter” or a “fake stutter.” I was required to do this in one of my classes and I still remember the experience. If you feel comfortable, try doing a “fake stutter” out in the community and write about your experience. How did it feel? How did people respond? (I completely understand that not everyone will feel comfortable doing this exercise so don’t feel any pressure to complete it.) You are welcome to go in a small group of 2-3 students. If you’d like to read more about the research behind this type of assignment, see here: Pseudostuttering.pdf


Document the direction and intensity of tropical storms in the North Atlantic using data from the National Hurricane Center. Track the storms from Alex to Earl. Map the location and record the storm’s intensity based on the 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM updates.

Tropical storms in the North Atlantic

This assignment will have you documenting the direction and intensity of tropical storms in the North Atlantic using data from the National Hurricane Center.  You will track the storms from Alex to Earl. You will map the location and record the storm’s intensity based on the 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM updates.  Below are the steps to map and record named storms.

  • Visit the National Hurricane Center’s website:
  • Click on ‘Archives’. Scroll down to ‘Tropical Cyclone Advisory Archive’ and press the ‘Go’ button next to 2022. Here you will find all of the updates and discussions for storms. You are responsible for the updates from 11 AM and 11 PM, for all named storms. Please be aware, some storms cross into central time zone. For those storms, you will be responsible for the 10 AM and 10 PM updates.
  • Select the storm. Click on either 11 AM or 11 PM. It will bring up the discussion.
  • Read through the discussion. Look for details such as shear, pressure, and temperature.
  • Next, go to the Public Advisories and select either the 11 AM or PM update. This will give you the Latitude and Longitude, wind speed, pressure and storm strength.
  • Use the Latitude and Longitude to map the storm on your North Atlantic Map.
  • When mapping the storm, make sure to use the correct symbol for the storm’s strength (Depression, Storm, Hurricane, Post-Tropical Cyclone, or Remnants). The symbols can be found on the home page at the bottom of the National Hurricane Center tracking map. Also, please label the storms with at least the first letter of their name and, if possible use different colors for the storms.
  • On the given table record the latitude, longitude, and max wind speed for each time (11 AM and 11 PM) and date.


Compare the Öt of the regression in (a) and (b) using the regression standard errors, R2 and R2. Why are the R2 and R2 so similar in regression (b)?

E6.1 Using the data set Teaching Ratings described in Empirical Exercises 4.2, carry out the following exercises.

(a) Run a regression of Course_Eval on Beauty. What is the estimated slope?

(b) Run a regression of Course_Eval on Beauty, including some additional variables to control for the type of course and professor characteristics. In particular, include as additional regressors Intro, OneCredit, F emale, M inority, and N N English. What is the estimated e§ect of Beauty on Course_Eval? Does the regression in (a) su§er from important omitted variable bias?

(c) Estimate the coe¢ cient on Beauty for the multiple regression model in (b) using the three-step process in Appendix 6.3. in Stock and Watson textbook (the Frisch-Waugh theorem). Verify that the three-step process yields the same estimated coe¢ cient for Beauty as that obtained in (b).

(d) Professor Smith is a black male with average beauty and is a native English speaker. He teaches a three-credit upper-division course. Predict Professor Smithís course evaluation.

E6.2 Using the data set College Distance described in Empirical Exercises 4.3, carry out the following exercises.

(a) Run a regression of years of completed education (ED) on distance to the nearest college (Dist).What is the estimated slope?

(b) Run a regression of ED on Dist, but include some additional regressors to control for characteristics of the student, the studentís family, and the local labor market.

In particular, include as additional regressors Bytest, F emale, Black, Hispanic, Incomehi, Ownhome, DadColl, Cue80, and Stwmf g80. What is the estimated e§ect of Dist on ED?

(c) Is the estimated e§ect of Dist on ED in the regression in (b) substantively di§erent from the regression in (a)? Based on this, does the regression in (a) seem to su§er from important omitted variable bias?

(d) Compare the Öt of the regression in (a) and (b) using the regression standard errors, R2 and R2. Why are the R2 and R2 so similar in regression (b)?

(e) The value of the coe¢ cient on DadColl is positive. What does this coe¢ cient measure?

(f) Explain why Cue80 and Swmf g80 appear in the regression. Are the signs oftheir estimated coe¢ cients (+ or -) what you would have believed? Interpret the magnitudes of these coe¢ cients.

(g) Bob is a black male. His high school was 20 miles from the nearest college. His base-year composite test score (Bytest) was 58. His family income in 1980 was $26,000, and his family owned a home. His mother attended college, but his father did not. The unemployment rate in his county was 7.5%, and the state average manufacturing hourly wage was $9.75. Predict Bobís years of completed schooling using the regression in (b).

(h) Jim has the same characteristics as Bob except that his high school was 40 miles from the nearest college. Predict Jimís years of completed schooling using the regression in (b).

E6.3 Using the data set Growth_new described in Empirical Exercise 4.4, but excluding the data for Malta, carry out the following exercises.

(a) Construct a table that shows the sample mean, standard deviation, and mini- mum and maximum values for the series Growth, T radeShare, Y earsSchool, Oil, Rev_Coups, Assassinations, RGDP 60. Include the appropriate units for all entries.

(b) Run a regression of Growth on T radeShare, Y earsSchool, Rev_Coups, Assassinations and RGDP 60. What is the value of the coe¢ cient on Rev_Coups? Interpret the value of this coe¢ cient. Is it large or small in a real-world sense?

(c) Use the regression to predict the average annual growth rate for a country that has average values for all regressors.

(d) Repeat (c) but now assume that the countryís value for T radeShare is one stan- dard deviation above the mean.

(e) Why is Oil omitted from the regression? What would happen if it were include