Create and present an education plan/presentation to your colleage regarding Therapeutic Recreation Diversonal Activichoty Plan for Alzheimers and Dementia.

Therapeutic Recreation Diversonal Activity Plan for Alzheimers and Dementia

You work for a skilled nursing home and you are the Director of Therapeutic Recreation . Your administrator gave you a task to education the other disciplines regarding Diversonal activites for resident that have a diagnosis of Alzheimers /dementia.

Create and present an education plan/presentation to your colleage regarding Therapeutic Recreation Diversonal Activichoty Plan for Alzheimers and Dementia.


Develop the PPL policy. Promote the new PPL policy. Hire new employees. Evaluate the success of the PPL policy.

PPL policy

Since a generous PPL policy will position Eastmond as one of the most employee-friendly small tech firms and increase profitability, we should do the following:

  1. Develop the PPL policy (June 15 to July 31, 2020).
  2. Promote the new PPL policy (August 1 to September 30, 2020).
  3. Hire new employees (October 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021).
  4. Evaluate the success of the PPL policy (April 1 to May 31, 2021)

Write a Level One title Write five paragraphs, minimum, five sentences each, describing the highlights of the documentary, from the standpoint of Joseph Bell’s research methodologies, as much as you can see them.

Sherlock Holmes documentaries

After viewing the Sherlock Holmes documentaries and readings:

Write a Level One title Write five paragraphs, minimum, five sentences each, describing the highlights of the documentary, from the standpoint of Joseph Bell’s research methodologies, as much as you can see them;

Relate those approaches, to the material you are reading in textbook. At the end, write a sixth paragraph, entitled, “Conclusion,” (centered and bolded)

In this sixth paragraph, summarize the preceding material.


Prepare a personal reflection of any 2 of the following contents learned up to this point in the module. Can you relate to any of the ideas? Do you have any similar experiences?

Personal Reflection 2:Indigenous History, Identity and Culture

Prepare a personal reflection of any 2 of the following contents learned up to this point in the module.

We had a class group discussion on page 2 (bottom of page, last paragraph) – page 5 (up to first paragraph) of:

For instance, if you choose to reflect on the above, and you found Saul’s arguments compelling – you may discuss this in your reflection and answer the question – why did this stand out to you?

Can you relate to any of the ideas?

Do you have any similar experiences?

These are some of the ways you can go about reflecting on the material.



Research the best practices related to diversity hiring and develop a department policy. Include interviews with your local law enforcement leaders to determine how they are addressing this issue.


Research paper

As the policy manager for your law enforcement organization, research the best practices related to diversity hiring and develop a department policy. This research should include interviews with your local law enforcement leaders to determine how they are addressing this issue. The Final Project: Part 1 – Policy Development Assignment requires you to determine the need for the policy, establish the justification for having such a policy, and presenting a statement of the problem as you would with any proposal.

Write as if you are trying to convince  your chief of the need for having a diversity hiring policy. You should also provide an overview  of the policy components, a background of the problem, and basic goals for the policy.

Final Project: Part 1 – Policy Development Assignment should be 3 pages in length, not including title and reference pages, written in APA format, include an introduction, and provide at least two peer-reviewed references.

Acceptable sources for reference include University Library Resources and police department web pages (for best practices).

You do not need an abstract for this assignment.

For the Final Project: Part 1 – Policy Development Assignment you need not include the results from any interviews with law enforcement leaders.


Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

  1. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Analyze the information gathered regarding the condition and utilize it to create a plan of care. Identify and prioritize a minimum of three nursing actions/therapeutics to be applied to the care of the child affected by the condition.

Pediatric complex

Step one: For your topic, choose a chronic or complex health condition (disorder, disease, or syndrome) in children that interests you.

Step two: After selecting a chronic or complex health condition that affects children, search reputable sources to research your topic (Google Scholar, CDC, etc.). You may use your textbook as a reference, but must also include a minimum of two (2) additional credible, current (less than 5 years old,) and relevant sources in APA format with your assignment.

Step three: You should use Microsoft Word to create the assignment. Per APA format, the font should be 12 point and in the Times New Roman style. The paper should be double spaced, follow APA formatting guidelines, and be approximately 3-4 pages in length (excluding title page and reference page)

Step four: Include this required information for preparing the Pediatric Complex or Chronic Condition Paper:

  • Introduction of the health condition, to include epidemiology as appropriate (~1-2 paragraphs recommended)
  • Etiology of the condition (~1-2 paragraphs recommended)
  • Pathophysiologic process of the condition (~1-2 paragraphs recommended)
  • Clinical manifestations and complications (~1-2 paragraphs recommended)
  • Prognosis, implications of living with the condition (for the child and family,) and ethical considerations related to the disorder (~3-4 paragraphs recommended)

Analyze the information gathered regarding the condition and utilize it to create a plan of care. Identify and prioritize a minimum of three nursing actions/therapeutics to be applied to the care of the child (and/or their family) affected by the condition. Provide rationale for prioritization of the selected actions/therapeutics based on the information gathered for this paper (~3-4 paragraphs recommended)


What aspects do you see of Hemingway in the text in terms of his personality, his relationships and friendships, and his connection to and experience of Paris itself?

Paper 1: Hemingway

There are 2 parts to this paper: the 3-4 page analysis of A Moveable Feast and the 1 page writer’s evaluation.

Remember that a memoir is a writer’s reflection on and depiction of themselves at a particular stage of their life. In Hemingway’s case, he’s recalling the period between 1921 and 1926 when he and Hadley, and later Bumby, were living in Paris post WW1.

Some things to consider as you examine this experience:

  1. What aspects do you see of Hemingway in the text in terms of his personality, his relationships and friendships, and his connection to and experience of Paris itself?
  • Consider his relationship with Hadley. How does he use dialogue to construct this? What issues, characteristics, tensions, happiness, etc. does he convey? What is their marriage like?
  • Examine one or more of his friendships: with Gertrude Stein, Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra

Pound, Ford Maddox Ford, etc. What is the nature of these friendships and how does he express them in his writing?

  1. Hemingway reflects on the nature and process of writing in general and in relation to himself as a writer, both as a journalist and as a writer of fiction. Isolate some aspects of this and examine them analytically. What does he consider important in his writing? Do you see this in the text.
  2. In the last section of the text, Hemingway reflects a lot on memory, and memory as fiction. Explore aspects of this in relation to the text. Remember, he wrote A Moveable Feast from memory in 1957-1959, rather than using the manuscripts he wrote about his experience at the time.
  3. Consider the different implications and applications of the title, A Moveable Feast. Take into account what Patrick and Sean Hemingway say about the title, if you want.
  4. Consider Gertrude Stein naming of Hemingway’s generation “The Lost Generation” — the young men who fought in VVW1 and now find themselves back in the civilian world. What does she mean by this and does it apply to Hemingway?
  5. Focus on a particular chapter or a couple of chapters and analyze them in detail.
  6. Choose an area of your own interest to explore.



Use your own opinions as you reflect on the message from the video and the information in the text. Are there any special teachers that you had when you were in school? Why do you remember them? How did they impact your life? goals? aspirations?

The Power of a Teacher

Video #1 is titled, “The Power of a Teacher”. The speaker reveals information related to his own problems in school and how teachers impact students' lives. Mr. Saenz was educated in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and later attended Katy, Texas schools.

Your task is to view the video and reflect on what the speaker is conveying to you. Unlike other assignments, you can also use your own opinions as you reflect on the message from the video and the information in the text. Are there any special teachers that you had when you were in school? Why do you remember them? How did they impact your life? goals? aspirations?

For this assignment, you will be using Microsoft Word, Times Roman, 12pt. Write 3-5 pages using APA format.

Write a 700 word typed essay discussing income disparity as a problem that needs to be addressed. You may choose to explain why the gap poses such a serious challenge for any society, how it can lead to serious social problems, and why it needs to be addressed.

International business

Read the following article, and watch the videos to get a better understanding on how income disparity can be a destructive force, especially in the long term. They focus on the widening income gap in the U.S., the richest country in the world.

The Rolling Stone article, Wade Davis:

The fall of the American Empire (PBS interview with Wade Davis) 18min. (Income gap):

U.S.A. (Income Gap, a worrying issue in 21st century U.S.): (10:14 min)

12 Myths about taxing the rich (Robert Reich) 8 min.

Trickle down economics (The unknown origins) 3 min:


Write a 700 word (or more) typed (double line) essay discussing income disparity as a problem that needs to be addressed. You can approach this assignment in a variety of ways. You may choose to explain why the gap poses such a serious challenge for any society, how it can lead to serious social problems, and why it needs to be addressed.

Based on the article, and the videos, you may choose to discuss potential solutions.

Share your thoughts on this important question. Remember there are no right or wrong