Summarize two or three points in Chan& Salaba’s chapter 3 you feel interested. Why do libraries use MARC to encode cataloging records? What are new standards related to MARC?

Understanding MARC


  1. Chan & Salaba(2016) Chapter 3
  2. Understanding MARC(Library of Congress)


  1. Summarize two or three points in Chan& Salaba’s chapter 3 you feel interested.
  2. Why do libraries use MARC to encode cataloging records? What are new standards related to MARC?


Develop a set of interviews or dialogue points to provide for the leader prior to their virtual meeting and/or phone conversation.

Shadow a leader

“Shadowing a Leader” was introduced in Week 2 and is now due…

Each student was responsible for developing a set of interviews or dialogue points to provide for the leader prior to their virtual meeting and/or phone conversation. Set up a minimum of three meetings, one of which can be, with the leader’s permission ask questions about their leadership at work, in the community, and or family.

  • The analysis should include the leaders:
  • Leadership philosophy
  • Vision and goals for the organization
  • Conflict management techniques and suggestions
  • Methods for establishing and building trust
  • Methods for empowering others.

A written report in APA 7th edition in the assignment thread  3-5 pages

This is just an informational thread for discussion on what “Shadowing a Leader” is.

Introducing it now because it is detailed and needs to be followed.

What is one quality of a good Leadership… the ability to set goals, plan, and complete task.


Information literacy is an important part of this class and important to learn. Explain your understanding of information literacy.

 Explain your understanding of information literacy.

Topic for discussion: Information literacy is an important part of this class and important to learn.

Explain your understanding of information literacy.

Here are a couple of websites to help with this discussion: and


Does the writer use the direct strategy for positive, everyday messages? Does the writer frontload the main idea or purpose immediately so the reader can anticipate and comprehend what follows? Does the writer use simple request and open immediately with a statement of purpose?

Routine Messages Letter or A Direct Request and Direct Reply Message

Good news and neutral message letter include:

Write letters that request information or action.

Write letters that make direct claims.

Write letters that reply directly.

Write letters that make adjustments.

Write special messages that convey kindness and goodwill.

Your good news and neutral message letter will be evaluated as follows.

  1. Frontload in the Opening

Does the writer use the direct strategy for positive, everyday messages?

Does the writer frontload the main idea or purpose immediately so the reader can anticipate and comprehend what follows?

Does the writer use simple request and open immediately with a statement of purpose?

  1. Explain in the Body

Does the writer present details that explain your request or response?

Does the writer use graphic devices to highlight the details?

Does the writer develop each idea in a separate paragraph with effective transitions?

  1. Be Specific and Courteous in the Closing

Does the writer convey in the closing courteously and specifies what action(s) the receiver needs to do?


Write a literature review on lean methods and Its evidence in improved clinical outcomes, cost effectiveness and clinical effectiveness in the operating theatre.

Lean Thinking in the Operating Theatre (Healthcare)


Why Lean?

Lean Methods and Its Evidence in Improved Clinical Outcomes, cost effectiveness and clinical Effectiveness in the Operating Theatre

Lean Healthcare in Ireland

Current situation, trends, and difficulties, progress in using Lean thinking in Healthcare


A Focus on Throughput: Lean Improvement of Nurse Scheduling in the Operating Theatre

Adapting Lean methods to facilitate stakeholder engagement and co-design in healthcare

Analysis to Establish Differences in Efficiency Metrics Between Operating Room and Non-Operating Room Anesthesia Cases

Implementing lean management/Six Sigma in hospitals: beyond empowerment or work intensification?


Develop a five-paragraph style persuasive essay on the Operation Geronimo Case Study. Choose from either one of these two sides to persuade the reader

Persuasive Essay on – President Obama DID NOT have legal authority to order operation Geronimo and execute the plan

You will develop a five-paragraph style persuasive essay on the Operation Geronimo Case Study. You will choose from either one of these two sides to persuade the reader:

“President Obama had the legal authority to order Operation Geronimo and to execute the plan,”


“President Obama did not have the legal authority to order Operation Geronimo and to execute the plan.”


Prepare a review of any diversity and inclusion plan in the selected organization. Include a summary of what is contained in the diversity and inclusion plan. Explore how diversity and inclusion is emphasized in other documents in the organization.

Diversity and Inclusion Plan Assignment:

Prepare a review of any diversity and inclusion plan in the selected organization. If there is a plan, the review should focus on the goals and objectives of the plan.

Both plans focus on program delivery, community engagement, supplier diversity, a diverse workforce, inclusivity at the workplace and diversity training.

Include a summary of what is contained in the diversity and inclusion plan. Explore how diversity and inclusion is emphasized in other documents in the organization.

Recommendations. If the organization has a DEI plan, then these recommendations should focus on missing elements, clarity, or strategy. If the organization does not have a DEI plan, than these recommendations should focus on putting together a DEI plan based on best practices. Recommendations should be based on class readings, lectures, discussions and other materials including the DEI plans of other similar organizations.


Refer to the InfraGard Factsheet in your Readings. Google the closest InfraGard Alliance in your state; it could be a major city. Share with the group what you found of interest in your chosen Alliance, and why.

InfraGard Alliance


  • Refer to the InfraGard Factsheet in your Readings. Google the closest InfraGard Alliance in your state; it could be a major city.
  • Share with the group what you found of interest in your chosen Alliance, and why.

State: Oklahoma

InfraGard factsheet. (2018). FBI: Office of Private Sector. Retrieved from


How effective is a tsunami warning system in mitigating disasters? Write about a particular tsunami, beginning from the warning (if any) to the aftermath.

Tsunami warning system

100-150 words.

  • How effective is a tsunami warning system in mitigating disasters?

In answering this question, you may write about a particular tsunami, beginning from the warning (if any) to the aftermath.

You may also propose a warning system. Remember to cite your sources and provide references.


Explain the differences between the acclimation and adaptation, identify potential physiological changes from exposure to , and explain the from rapid insertion into extreme environments

Discussion post

This is week two discussion post.It is due no later than Wednesday 9/14 at 1159 PM eastern. Is I would like it earlier if possible.

  • Learning Objective
  • Examine human responses to extreme environments, and
  • Address best practices and policies to minimize health risks.
  • Expectations

At the conclusion of this week, you should be able to:
Explain the differences between the acclimation and adaptation,
Identify potential physiological changes from exposure to microgravity environment [radiation effect excluded], and
Explain the maladaptation risks from rapid insertion into extreme environments


Maladaptation to environmental exposures can result in negative consequences from intentional adaptation policy and/or decisions,
Can transcend beyond social and geographic boundaries, and
Can result is sickness or death.

For example:
Changes in hemoglobin structure protects against malaria parasite infection, but results in sickle cell and thalassemia diseases,
Ascent to altitude and pulmonary hypertension, Microgravity and motion sickness.

Lesson 1,
The Lesson 2 power point presentation,
The George Mason Publication on policy development for extreme environments Part 2, and
The SMP Chapter 3 pages 104-109

In no more than 1000 words, provide and discuss an example for a successful outcome and a failed acclimation/adaptation process in long duration exposure to the microgravity environment [do not include radiation health].