Write a Personal Code of Ethics Paper. Clearly articulate each section. Write in your words. You can use the word, “I”.

Personal Code of Ethic Paper

Write a Personal Code of Ethics Paper (35 points):  This assignment contains:

(1) Personal Mission Statement,

(2) a Quote that speaks to you regarding values and ethics,

(3) Personal Ethical Standards with Regard to My Self,

(4) Personal Ethical Standards with Regard to My Clients,

(5) Personal Ethical Standards with Regard to the Larger Community and Society,

(6) Personal Ethical Standards with Regard to My Colleagues,

(7) Personal Ethical Standards with Regard to the Profession, and

(8) Personal Ethical Standards with Regard to Employers.

You are to clearly articulate each section. Write in your words. You can use the word, “I”.


Explain how an organization can help develop and build teams to make them productive as a unit. Describe an approach to employee satisfaction from the article. What are some other ways that leaders can increase levels of job satisfaction among employees within an organization?

Employee Performance

Read the article titled Korean Air Enhancing Employee Satisfaction, and complete the following questions:

  • Explain how an organization can help develop and build teams to make them productive as a unit.
  • Describe an approach to employee satisfaction from the article.
  • What are some other ways that leaders can increase levels of job satisfaction among employees within an organization? Access the assignment template by clicking here.

Include 1–3 references to support your work.


Write about two (2) of the quotes below. Reflect on the cultural values and universal lessons found in the myths selected for this unit. Choose one of the options below and write a short essay.

Single myth


Instead of writing an essay about a single myth and selecting quotes from the reading, you will write about two (2) of the quotes below. Reflect on the cultural values and universal lessons found in the myths selected for this unit. Choose one of the options below and write a short essay.


  • Write 1½ to 3 pages of content (400 words minimum).
  • Use current MLA format for the heading on the first page and for in-text citations.
  • Use proper sentence and essay structure.
  • Use our textbook, Donna Rosenberg’s World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great

Myths and Epics.

  • If you use additional sources, include a works cited page at the end, and provide in- text citations for all borrowed information and quoted wording.
  • If a quote comes from the myth itself, cite the title of the myth, as illustrated on the final page of these instructions.
  • Do either Option A or Option B. Do not do both.

Option A: Short Essay Topics

Choose one of the topics below to write a short essay (3-5 paragraphs) exploring one or more of the myths from Unit 2. Be sure to begin the essay with cultural background and include at least two significant direct quotes from the reading.

Topic 1

Romulus and Remus are said to set the standard of Roman behavior, Achilles is among the greatest of the Greek warriors, and Great Goddesses, like devoted mothers everywhere, can be fiercely protective of their children. When a wrong is committed against oneself or one’s family and friends, the urge for vengeance can be powerful, whether one is mortal or

divine, but the appropriate means of correcting the wrong are usually determined by cultural norms and laws. Select a character (or characters) from a myth or epic in Unit 2 who is compelled to seek revenge. Identify the origins of the myth by telling where and when it comes from. Describe the culture by explaining how the people lived and what they valued.

Then summarize the myth, the conflict that inspires revenge, and the ultimate consequences of the conflict. Discuss the cultural value of vengeance that the ancients wish us to understand. Finally, conclude if the ancient view of the outcomes from vengeance is applicable to the outcomes of acts of vengeance today. Why or why not?

Topic 2

A hero’s journey is comprised of many steps: associating with deities (i.e., gods and goddesses), heeding a call to adventure, wielding a special weapon, receiving aid from a mentor and/or deity, descending into the Underworld, and returning to the everyday world, just to name a few. Select one character from Unit 2 that could be interpreted as a hero or heroine. Identify the origins of the myth by telling where and when it comes from.

As you summarize the myth or epic, chart the hero’s journey. Identify at least five ways in which the character fits the formal definition of the classical hero archetype. Conclude if the character is or is not worthy of the title of hero within his own culture, and then, further conclude if that character would qualify as a hero by today’s standards. Achilles from The Iliad and Heracles are both excellent examples of classical heroes.

Option B: Selected Quotes

Instead of writing an essay about a single myth and selecting quotes from the reading, you will write about two (2) of the quotes below.

For each, identify the origins of the myth, including the location and culture of the people who believed it. Briefly summarize the myth from which the quotation has been taken.

Then introduce the quotation by describing the scene and identifying the speaker(s) if dialogue is quoted. Tell what led up to this moment and explain why it is important. Be sure to include parenthetical documentation; you may use the citations that are provided.

Finally, address the questions thoughtfully and in complete sentences. Remember, you need to choose two of the following:

“Without considering whether the baby was female or male, Cronus took the baby lovingly from his wife, opened his gigantic mouth, and swallowed the infant in one gulp. ‘Now,’ he thought with satisfaction, ‘I have cheated the Fates of their prophecy and my child of his throne!’” (“The Creation of the Titans and the Gods” 9). What is the prophecy? What do Cronus’ actions tell us about power?

“We have torn into the grain-giving earth, searching for the riches she has hidden within her. . . . If we do not change our ways, our behavior will destroy us” (Hesiod 14). “The Ages of Man” describes the deterioration of the earth and humanity. How realistic is this myth? Is it relevant to modern life?

“Tell Zeus that I will set foot upon fragrant Olympus in order to talk with him, but I will not permit any seeds to sprout upon the earth until I have seen my beautiful child” (“Demeter and Persephone” 18). Explain how Demeter’s declaration

illustrates the universal lesson of maternal devotion.

“In a fit of madness, he picked up his great bow and shot his children, thinking that they were enemies” (The Labors and Death of Heracles” 27). What causes Heracles to go mad? How does this deed set him on a journey of redemption?

“Whenever he felt the desire, he would attach Hector’s body to his chariot, drag it around and around Patroclus’ tomb, and then leave it lying face down in the dust” (Homer 71). Explain why Achilles does this near the end of The Iliad. What cultural value does he violate in doing so?


Discuss the dynamic and complex nature of Tectonic Hazards in terms of their relationship to the concept of risk. Why is it difficult to assess risk in terms of tectonic hazards? What is the concept of resilience? What are the social and economic impacts of tectonic hazards?

Tectonic Hazards

Discuss the dynamic and complex nature of Tectonic Hazards in terms of their relationship to the concept of risk.

In specific: Why is it difficult to assess risk in terms of tectonic hazards?

What is the concept of resilience?

What are the social and economic impacts of tectonic hazards?

Shifting to the consideration of mass movement hazards which often accompany tectonic hazards, discuss:

Slope stability;

The role of gravity and the role of water in mass movement events;

Whether or not one (gravity or water) can mitigate the effects or either (Gravity or water); How so?

Finally, explore triggering events related to potential mass movement events.

Can mass movement hazard predictions be made on the basis of understanding of slope stability and triggering events?

Research and investigation beyond those materials indicated in the course-ware will be required.


Provide a caption identifying your case and brief. Identify the facts of the case. State the procedural history of the case. Identify the issue in question. State the holdings in your own words. Describe the court’s rationale for each holding. Explain the final disposition.

Week 8 Assignment – Case Brief

How the Supreme Court made decisions that brought about significant change for the country. It is also true that the Supreme Court makes decisions that affect public administration and public policy.
This assignment focus on how case law both guides and affects public policy.
Use and research the below Supreme Court case:

Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico v. Aurelius Investment, LLC
No. 18-1334 – Argued October 15, 2019
Whether the Appointments Clause governs the appointment of members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico (“the Board”), which Congress created through the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act of 2016 (“PROMESA”). Whether the de facto officer doctrine allows courts to deny meaningful relief to successful separation-of-powers challengers who are suffering an ongoing injury at the hands of unconstitutionally appointed principal officers.

Then, using your chosen case, write a case brief. Take a look at the following example case briefs:
Case Brief Example 1 [PDF].
Case Brief Example 2 [PDF].

Your case brief should be 2–3 pages and include the following:
Provide a caption identifying your case and brief.
Identify the facts of the case.
State the procedural history of the case.
Identify the issue in question.
State the holdings in your own words.
Describe the court’s rationale for each holding.
Explain the final disposition.
Include other opinions.

What factors would you consider in selecting applicants for your Mars colonization team? What professional and population demographics would you select? Finally, what was learned from the Biosphere2 project which might inform your choices?

Assignment instructions GEOL108:

The word ‘society’ evokes images that go beyond the sheer number of people living within a defined territory. Society involves laws and ethics politics, religion, and other relationships between people.

In the module this week we reviewed the Biosphere2 project in southern Arizona where scientists lived in a representation of the spheres of Earth. In the end, Biosphere2 was beset by many problems, both social and scientific. Although much was learned about the relationship between science and society, some would call the project a failure due to social conflicts as well as design flaws

In this discussion, we’ll explore what was learned from Biosphere2 and hypothesize the ideal characteristics needed to successfully colonize another planet.

Learn more about Biosphere2 and similar endeavors

Step Into the Role…

Today, societies of Earth are in a race to colonize Mars. For this discussion forum, assume you oversee a colonization project, a one-way trip to Mars in which the selected participants will have to survive in an unforgiving environment, very different from that of Earth. There have been 200,000 applicants and it is your responsibility to select an appropriate mix of individuals to form this new society on Mars.

Address the following:

  • What factors would you consider in selecting applicants for your Mars colonization team?
  • What professional and population demographics would you select?
  • Finally, what was learned from the Biosphere2 project which might inform your choices?


Based on what you have learned in this course, predict whether the nations of the world will be able to come together and successfully address any or all the issues outlined by Mr. Guterres.

PAD 540 #11 Discussion

According to the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, nations must “do what is necessary” to ensure that “we are able to solve the dramatic problems we face” (UN News, 1). Based on what you have learned in this course, predict whether the nations of the world will be able to come together and successfully address any or all the issues outlined by Mr. Guterres (climate emergency, rising inequality, an increase in hatred, intolerance as well as peace and security). Provide a rationale for your response.

Define the stated mission goal(s) of the organization. Has its mission goal(s) changed over time? If so, how? Identify one specific policy or law that your chosen organization is currently supporting. Provide information about the policy or law and why the organization supports it.

525 #10 Assignment

As you have learned, public policy is shaped by many factors and evolves. For this assignment, you will focus on a specific advocacy organization and identify a policy or law that connects to the chosen organization. This will allow you to see this evolution within an organization and how it affects issues of politics, ethics, integrity, and society.
Your paper should be 5–6 pages in length. Choose an advocacy organization local to you. Then provide the following information:
First, identify your chosen organization and supply a brief history of it.
Next, identify and briefly (in 1–2 paragraphs) explain the problem(s) or issue(s) that the organization is intended to address.
Finally, define the stated mission goal(s) of the organization. Has its mission goal(s) changed over time? If so, how?
Identify one specific policy or law that your chosen organization is currently supporting. Provide information about the policy or law and why the organization supports it. Be sure to include information on how the organization supports that policy or law.
Thinking about the information above, in your opinion, has the organization successfully achieved its mission goal(s)? Why or why not?

Use at least four sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your sources page once within your assignment.

In the discussion, share whether or not you believe the Freedom of Information Act actually provides accountability for government agencies. Why or why not? Considering that what is redacted is sometimes a matter of national security, should the Freedom of Information Act provide accountability? Why or why not? ​​​​​

525 # 9 Discussion

The Freedom of Information Act allows for American citizens to request information from government agencies as a form of accountability. However, agencies still maintain discretion as to how or exactly what information is made available. This can be seen in things like reports that have large sections of redacted information.

In the discussion, share whether or not you believe the Freedom of Information Act actually provides accountability for government agencies. Why or why not? Considering that what is redacted is sometimes a matter of national security, should the Freedom of Information Act provide accountability? Why or why not? ​​​​​

For the discussion, whether or not there are enough checks to hold agencies accountable adequately. Support your answer with rationale and specific examples.

525 #10 Discussion

The liability of government agencies and their employees depends on several factors.

In your textbook, Hall concludes Chapter 11 by saying, “You are left to decide whether the many structural, organizational, political, and legal limits on agency authority that you have learned about in this book keep agencies adequately accountable to the people” (1).

For the discussion, whether or not there are enough checks to hold agencies accountable adequately. Support your answer with rationale and specific examples.

Daniel E. Hall. 2020. Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy. PAD525 Blackboard Course.