Provide two researched definitions of negotiation and evaluate whether relationship-building is a substantive part of the definitions. Include a possible edit of a negotiation definition to enhance the place of relationship-building.

Relationship Building

For the first part of your paper, provide two researched definitions of negotiation and evaluate whether relationship-building is a substantive part of the definitions. Include a possible edit of a negotiation definition to enhance the place of relationship-building. Defend your edits with research.

Next, assess some of the social and economic consequences for failing to concentrate on relationship-building while negotiating with someone (individual, delegation, or country) that perceives relationship to be an important part of the process. Your assessment in this section should apply to both a negotiation event as well as larger leadership activities.

Next, analyze some of the important indicators to being culturally sensitive to relationship needs or concerns (and other needs and concerns as might be appropriate) in a negotiation. What would be seen? What would be heard?

Finally, defend three best practices or recommendations for leaders to enhance relationship building in international negotiation and global leadership activities. Make sure to defend your recommendations with research.

Write an essay about your values on how they influence you. How they will impact your professional practice.

Value exploration

Write an essay about your values on how they influence you. How they will impact your professional practice.

How would you use assessments/testing/psychometrics for career development in the field of Human Resources Employee Labor Relations within the Federal Government.

Response to Instructor

Provide a reply to the following Instructor question:

How would you use assessments/testing/psychometrics for career development in the field of Human Resources Employee Labor Relations within the Federal Government.

What is your overall impression of Obama’s speech? What did you learn and how has it made you a better communicator?

Barack Obama Speech

listen to speech that he gave at the democratic national convention in Boston, MA- July 27, 2004. This has to be done the same as the one I submitted this morning. Read: chapter 3& 4 from book Stand up speak out. all question must be written first and answered under each question, and it must tie to the book chapters 3 & 4 and the speech itself that is why it’s important to listen to speech and read both chapters as I stated in the details of the last speech I submitted because the first one writer 4399 I did not give this instruction, even though my professor, gave the paper nice review. it was not tied in with the questions and it must include the question in the paper as it is being written.

Here is the question for this paper:

1. What is your overall impression of Obama’s speech? What did you learn and how has it made you a better communicator?

2. what connections can you make between chapter 4 and the assigned speech?

3. What connections can you make between chapter 5 and the assigned speech?

Note: This is also to be sent to writer 4399/ also these assignments are a discussion form assignment.

Write an essay on the importance of multicultural perspective as a human services professional.

The Importance of Multicultural Perspective as a Human Services Professional

Write an essay on the importance of multicultural perspective as a human services professional.

Assess whether self-efficacy can affect individual task performance in the workplace, given the conflicting research data. Evaluate what managers can do to enhance the positive effects of self-efficacy in their employees.

Unit 2 Discussion

Part 1
Read carefully the “Examining the Evidence: Snakes, Self-Efficacy, and Task Performance: Too Much of a Good Thing?” located in Chapter 3 of the Neck et al. textbook. (Book Information attached) To begin the discussion:

Assess whether self-efficacy can affect individual task performance in the workplace, given the conflicting research data.
Evaluate what managers can do to enhance the positive effects of self-efficacy in their employees.

Part 2
Next, take Self-Assessment 3.1 [General Self-Efficacy] located in Chapter 3 of the Neck et al. text. (Book information attached) Consider sharing your results and what this description tells you about your abilities. How might this help you and others in a work setting?

Given the conflicting research evidence, how can self-efficacy affect individual task performance in the workplace? What can managers do to try to enhance the positive effects of self-efficacy in their employees?


EXAMINING THE EVIDENCE Snakes, Self-Efficacy, and Task Performance: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Some very interesting early classic studies examining the concept of self-efficacy focused on people with a fear of snakes.’ Albert Bandura and his colleagues set up an experiment using both an experimental group and a control group, with a pretest indicating that both groups had strong fear of snakes and low self-efficacy for approaching and handling them. The researchers then carried out an intervention with the experimental group. They explained that the snakes were not poisonous and would not bite, and they described how the snakes would react when the subjects handled them. They also informed the group that the snakes were not cold and slimy, but actually dry and scaly.

The researchers then measured the fear and self-efficacy levels in both groups again. Both groups still had a high fear of snakes, but the experimental group had a much higher level of self-efficacy for approaching and handling the snakes. Consequently, when members of both groups were asked to approach and handle the snakes, those from the experimental group whose level of self-efficacy had increased were able to do so at a much higher rate than those with low self-efficacy.

Although hundreds of studies have shown similar positive effects for self-efficacy on task performance, some recent studies have called this relationship into question’ These studies suggest that high levels  of self-efficacy within an individual could cause that person to become overconfident and to allocate fewer resources and less effort to the task at hand, thereby resulting in lower levels of task performance. For example, one study of students playing an analytical game showed a negative relationship between self-efficacy and performance.58 Self-efficacy resulted in overconfidence and the increased likelihood of making a logical error in the game.

Critical-Thinking Questions
1. Given the conflicting research evidence, how can self-efficacy affect individual task performance in the workplace?

2. What can managers do to try to enhance the positive effects of self-efficacy in their employees?

How does Netflix use intrinsic motivation to support its HR practices? Why would a creative firm choose to use intrinsic motivation where an industrial firm would probably choose to use extrinsic rewards? Explain the appeal of nontraditional work schedules and how Netflix has chosen to implement them.

Case Study 6.1: Netflix Neck et al. Chapter 6

What does it mean to be a game-changer? In 2012, an internal PowerPoint at Netflix outlining new employee practices achieved “viral” status. Sandberg, the organization’s COO said it “may well be the most important document ever to come out of [Silicon] Valley.” As you read Case Study 6.1: Netflix in Chapter 6 of the Neck et al. textbook consider what was revealed in that PowerPoint? Was the content innovative or simply a “commonsense” approach to the contemporary work environment?

The document °It’s w a relatively new industry society. document is hat we wisohnlvivnfe’ears to work on managing industrial firms, “our version of Letters to a Young Poet for budding that experience. Were just beginning to learn e had understood when we started:” He on entertainment—demands s new n (manufacturing so a Lot of as. As a on to arg ed Paracligmu that reativa 176 PART U INDIVIDUAL PROCESSES entrepreneurs;’ how to run ccer4c1 preneurs:’ Re firms which is creative firms The Payoffs HR practices are centered in firms.thrive on increasing we’ve had hundreds haul quite different. . . of its HR P : t. Industrial firms thrive on reducing variation olicies has yielded positive results. Despite the Lack vane : variation (innovation)” are still clear: you have the freedom to of careft-k ° make decision ecisions. ors): 9 err Netflix also offersup Freedom outlined procedures, . but keep isn’t necessary Netftix’s over equals creates more efficiency. Employees don’t have to worry about whether that in mind what is e als reduced stress, arguably. The level of flexibility and self-manag to beat its enough days off to take a trip or whether they’ve worked long enough h s the best for the company. The HR department at Netflix has re i7s, expectations ar people over the head with exactly how to make good d a. l -ed that it or whetherhours management th the boss. They aren’t fretting over how the big annual review will go, they’ll impress get the score that will earn the bonus they’ve been counting on. Eliminating these typical they’ve racked g t ors motivates employees to stay focused on creating ideas and solutions f for the workplace s ress Managers no longer have to spend time “in the weeds” developing improvement plans and s. a At Netflix, clear and honest communication thrives. Employees don’t fear retribution for Look: into openings with other companies; they can go to HR and openly discuss other possibilitieing business. as long no longer relevant, it’s candid about why. As McCord puts it, “People can handle anything colleagues who are not performing. While Netflix lets people go whose knowledge and skills mediocre workers for results. Likewise, employees are less likely to have to pick up slack for riding i – are as they’re told the truth.” in zero lawsuits severance package to employees who are no longer a good fit has reQuitJ.,,i Being straightforward has costs, but having direct conversations with and -Iffering a gene rather than continuing to invest in someone who cannot do what’s needed hi ‘ ‘ ‘ over termination to date. HR is also empowered to find someone who fli,-: ;;-.:‘,. Nil rat While e risr‹,i,g the morale and motivation of fellow coworkers. By allowing its employees plenty of liberty to make decisions for themseives, Netflix has reaped great rewards in employee motivation, efficiency, and productivity. White the premise may have seemed risky, it proved to be a commonsense solution for issues most HR departments face. Considering the way it revolutionized and streamlined the movie rental process for changing times, it is hardly surprising that Netflix seems to have done the same for employee motivation.

Case Questions

1. How does Netflix use intrinsic motivation to support its HR practices?

2. Why would a creative firm choose to use intrinsic motivation where an industrial firm would probably choose to use extrinsic rewards?

3. Explain the appeal of nontraditional work schedules and how Netflix has chosen to implement them.

Choose a topic we are covering in class, but you will need to use three research sources other than class materials. Discuss your paper in an online forum in week 5.

Final Project: Paper and Presentation

The Final Project will include a 4-5 page paper on an ecojustice subject of your choice. The paper for the final project will be worth 100 pts. For this paper, you will research and get involved with an ecojustice issue.

You may choose a topic we are covering in class, but you will need to use three research sources other than class materials. You will discuss your paper in an online forum in week 5. Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:
a) 4-5 pages of content (excluding cove pager and bibliography) – 10 pts.
b) Properly formatted bibliography in MLA style (no exceptions) – 10 pts.
c) Use of at least 3 academic books or journal articles in addition to class materials– 10 pts.
d) Proper evidence and conversational knowledge of sources demonstrated in your paper – 10 pts.
e) Clear thesis – 10 pts.
f) Well-reasoned paper that supports your thesis and addresses 1) issue, 2) action, and 3) warrants – 10 pts

g) Proper writing mechanics (spelling, punctuation, syntax, full sentences, noun and verb agreement, use of plural forms, use of verb tenses, etc.) – 10 pts.
h) Proper citation of sources throughout the paper – 20 pts.
i) Flow and clarity of text – 10 pts

Samples of subject:

Selections from This Sacred Earth:
 “Seeking Eco-Justice in the South African Context,” by Ernst Conradie, et al.
 “On Sustainability,” by B.D. Sharma
 Globalization and the Perennial Question of Justice,” by Mary John Mananzan
 Sacred Rivers, Sacred Dams: Competing Social Visions of Social Justice and Sustainable Development along the Narmada,” by William F. Fisher
 “The Cochobamba Declaration of Water: Globalization,

What is Eco-kosher?” by Arthur Waskow
 “An Islamic Response to the Manifest Ecological Crises: Issues of Justice,” Nawal H. Ammar
 “To Save all Beings: Buddhist Environmental Activism,” by Stephanie Kaza
 “Statements by United Church of Christ on Environmental Racism in St. Louis,” by United Church of Chris

Compare and contrast the nature and poetic and literary effects of verse-form of three texts on the course.

Medieval Literature

Compare and contrast the nature and poetic and literary effects of verse-form of three texts on the course.