Discuss/Explain the major issues on which the delegates to the Constitutional Convention had consensus as well as those issues on which the delegates had conflicts and compromise.

Major issues on the Constitutional Convention

Discuss/Explain the major issues on which the delegates to the Constitutional Convention had consensus as well as those issues on which the delegates had conflicts and compromise.

Why do we idealize the rise to a state level society and subsequent conquering and exploitation of one another? Do you think we would be better off if we went back to a hunter-gatherer society where we live in balance with what nature provides?

Articles and Insights

Choose one article , write a summary, and discuss…

Why do we idealize the rise to a state level society and subsequent conquering and exploitation of one another? Do you think we would be better off if we went back to a hunter-gatherer society where we live in balance with what nature provides? At a hunter-gatherer level, everyone is equal (remember that term egalitarian?) and resources are shared. What new diseases are products of globalization? Where can we see examples of agriculture destroying the environment in the United States historically? What does sustainable development mean? How much of the world’s population is currently living in poverty?

http://discovermagazine.com/1987/may/02-the-worst-mistake-in-the-history-of-the-human-race#.XMB5qF9r1pQ.link (Links to an external site.)

http://discovermagazine.com/1992/oct/thearrowofdiseas137#.XMB6EL6RRAc.link (Links to an external site.)

https://people.uwec.edu/degravjr/GEOG-ANTH%20351/Articles/Lappe-Collins-WhyCantPeopleFeedThemselves.pdf (Links to an external site.)- third 1/5 of class

Sick of Poverty.pdfActions –

http://web.mnstate.edu/robertsb/380/PriceOfProgress.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Differentiate between training and development. Describe the components of the ADDIE model of training and development. Understanding Organizations obtaining the human resources they need will eventually be faced with the requirement of upgrading their existing human resource capabilities.

Introduction to Training and Development

This video can be viewed online.

An organization is a social unit of people structured and managed to meet a need or pursue collective goals. As such, an organization is only as good as the people that make up that organization. The term human capital is frequently used to describe this extremely important organizational resource. To compete in today’s dynamic and challenging economy, firms need knowledgeable, competent, and motivated people. There are basically two ways organizations can acquire the skilled human resources needed to be successful: they can hire them from outside or develop them from inside. This is sometimes referred to as the buy or build decision. This book is about the latter—the process of “building” human resource capabilities through training and development.
Even organizations that pursue primarily a “buying” (selection) strategy for Describe the strategic importance of training and development in an organization.

1 Differentiate between training and development.

2 Describe the components of the ADDIE model of training and development.

3 Understanding Organizations obtaining the human resources they need will eventually be faced with the requirement of upgrading their existing human resource capabilities.

For an organization to survive and prosper under rapidly changing environmental conditions, its employees must adapt by continually adding new knowledge, skills, and abilities to their repertoire. Further, organizations must maintain an internal pool of employees capable of moving into higher-level positions. It is through training and development programs that human resource departments are able to upgrade and add to the existing competencies and capabilities of an organization’s internal labor pool. It is also through well-conceived training and development programs that, at least in part, an organization’s reputation as being either a desirable or an undesirable place to work is established. This reputation, in turn, plays an important role in the ability of the organization to recruit and select top quality candidates in the first place.

What specific event do you want to write about that had a lasting impact on your life? In one sentence, describe the event. When and where did it happen. What people were involved in the situation? What people are your audience? What message do you want to convey to your audience?

Persuasive essay

This five-paragraph persuasive essay (introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion) is made up of the following:

  • A clear persuasive thesis statement in the first paragraph after the topic is introduced and the importance of the issue is clear to the reader
  • Logical transitions between the intro, the body, and the conclusion
  • Body paragraphs that support the persuasive thesis with evidence as well as address the opposing viewpoints
  • A conclusion that wraps up all the information presented in the body

Utilize your pre-writing and outlining strategies from week two to help you organize and plan your essay. It is not required to have research and source material for this essay, though it can greatly help support your argument. Using sources shows how your ideas build upon the ideas of previous writers and why your claims merit consideration — because they are supported by credible experts in their field. If you do use source material from the EBSCO library or any other source such as an online source or a hard copy source, please give credit to the author with in-text citations and a references page using APA formatting.

  1. What specific event do you want to write about that had a lasting impact on your life?
  2. In one sentence, describe the event.
  3. When and where did it happen.
  4. What people were involved in the situation?
  5. What people are your audience?
  6. What message do you want to convey to your audience?


Free write

Getting pregnant at a young age before marriage and alone. A lot of new mothers are ending up pregnant at a young age and alone and are looking for help and encouragement. I know of so many mothers who ended up in the labor and delivery room alone with just the doctor and nurses but were too afraid to ask if they can hear words of encouragement and can get the help needed in the labor room. There are so many young mothers now that are depressed and are going thru postpartum depression. I would like to write an article called, “How to Be a Successful Single Mom doing it alone and beating the odds”. Though I have people telling me that it can’t be done, I have started my own Journal and Blog to help other mothers who are in those shoes I was in when I was pregnant. The reaction from I got from my Blog was amazing because I didn’t think I would get so many single moms coming to vent and ask for advice. One said I would love to help you blog on your page to reach out to more moms who feel the way we do. It felt great that I had other moms wanting to help with my blog and wanted to join in on reaching out to other moms to be that listening ear they needed.


  1. Introduction and main idea: Getting pregnant at a young age, I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I went through without any help or having anyone there just to keep your head up letting you know that you are not alone and have all the help you need.
  2. Background information: Getting other moms who were and are in those shoes to help me out by joining my blog to get their stories out and to reach other moms who need the help and someone to talk to so that they don’t think they are alone in this.
  3. I started my blog and from there it just got out to other moms that needed someone to talk to and also got other moms wanting to join my blog.
  4. At the same time, we have reached at least 100 moms, but this is just the beginning.

III.        I wrote my first blog, and it was called “Pregnant with my first and didn’t imagine having to do it alone.”

Write a “How-to” Informative Essay. Teach the reader how to do something. Pick your own topic, but avoid overly common topics such as “how to change a tire.”

“How-to” Informative Essay

For this assignment, write a “How-to” Informative Essay. Your essay should teach the reader how to do something. You may pick your own topic, but avoid overly common topics such as “how to change a tire.” (If you do pick a common topic, consider how you may approach it in a new and interesting way. See your textbook’s advice for how to target a specific audience, for example.)

Below is a reminder of some recent examples of how-to essays for this class:

  • How to prepare campfire coffee in an easy and affordable way
  • How to prepare for a driver’s test
  • How to make Kahlua rum-flavored buttercream
  • How to build a weatherproof shooting house for hunters
  • How to prepare yourself for going to a protest
  • How a first-time buyer can negotiate with a car salesman
  • How to make your own customized wig
  • How to save money while living in a college dorm
  • How to care for a person who has dementia

As you can see, the topics vary widely, yet each focuses on a specific task and targets a narrow audience. Likewise, your topic can be unusual and off-the-wall or it can be somewhat common. Either way, it must target an audience that does not know the information you possess but wants or needs to know it.

Your informative essay should include all of the following:

  • An introduction that engages the reader. (Even if you can assume your readers needs this information, you must still draw them in and give them a persuasive purpose.)
  • An overview
  • Several of the other Eight Teaching Tips (imperatives, examples, whys, what not to do, and so forth)
  • Avoid COIK (see p. 239)
  • A conclusion that wraps up your essay without repeating what you’ve already said.

Additional Requirements:

  • 500-800 words
  • APA Style
  • Avoid using first person (“In this paper, I will teach you . . . .”; “I think . . .”) ; avoid using personal experiences.
  • If you use research to support your points, cite and document your sources according to APA Style.


Write an essay on : why civic and political participation is important, how specific issues or events motivated the person to act, why the person deserves a national holiday, and how you and society in general benefit from the person’s efforts

Dear Mr.president

Write an essay on : why civic and political participation is important, how specific issues or events motivated the person to act, why the person deserves a national holiday, and how you and society in general benefit from the person’s efforts

Select an artifact that dates from between 1000–1300 C.E.; artifacts may include written works, laws, codes, buildings, maps, art, rituals, dance, holidays, and so on. First identify and then explain your choice of artifact, including how it reflects the character of this period, and support this with examples of a political, economic, or religious development. Provide a URL to your artifact. whatever you artifact you come up with in that period of time is fine with me. just pick one.

1000–1300 C.E  artifact

Select an artifact that dates from between 1000–1300 C.E.; artifacts may include written works, laws, codes, buildings, maps, art, rituals, dance, holidays, and so on. First identify and then explain your choice of artifact, including how it reflects the character of this period, and support this with examples of a political, economic, or religious development. Provide a URL to your artifact. whatever you artifact you come up with in that period of time is fine with me. just pick one.

What pain points might a user have in attempting to complete the task you have described in question #1?  In other words, what special challenges might some users encounter when trying to complete the task? 

Week 2 discussion

Take a look at both the instructions for writing assignment #2, Set of Instructions for a Website, and writing assignment #1, Three Personas.  You can access both writing assignments by selecting Assignments in the top menu of our class, selecting the link for the assignment instructions you would like to access, and then downloading the PDF document.

For writing assignment #2, you are asked to write a set of instructions that explain how to accomplish a task on a website.  The website should involve your local community.  For example, you could write about how to reserve a book online from your local library.  The instructions for the writing assignment give other examples of topics as well.

For writing assignment #1, you are asked to write three personas in preparation for writing assignment #2.

Please answer the following questions:

1. What topic are you considering for writing assignment #2?

2. For this topic, you will need to make some screen captures of the website.  In addition, you will need to blur out any private information (e.g., your name on the website you are perusing, any credit card information, etc.)  Please create one screen capture for your set of instructions and post it to this discussion topic.

3. What pain points might a user have in attempting to complete the task you have described in question #1?  In other words, what special challenges might some users encounter when trying to complete the task?  The class resources for this week provide some information on pain points.  Please note especially the interview with Dr. Kirk St. Amant and Dr. Guiseppe Getto as well as the video on writing assignments #1 and #2.

To help you prepare, in our class, a sample for writing assignment #1 and a sample for writing assignment #2 are provided. The two samples show how writing assignment #1 and writing assignment #2 are related. 

You must read the instructions for writing assignment #2 and know the topic on which you will write that assignment before you write writing assignment #1.  

Post which one of the five dimensions you think you are high and which of the five dimensions you think you are low. Explain why you chose these particular dimensions.

Unit 1 Discussion

To begin the discussion, post which one of the five dimensions you think you are high and which of the five dimensions you think you are low. Then, explain why you chose these particular dimensions. The inclusion of specific examples to support your views would be helpful.


The Five Dimensions of Personality

  • Extraversion—outgoing, sociable, assertive, and talkative
  • Agreeableness—trusting, good-natured, tolerant, forgiving, and cooperative
  • Conscientiousness—thoughtful, organized, responsible, and achievement-oriented
  • Neuroticism/Emotional Stability—tense, moody, irritable, and temperamental
  • Openness to experience—curious, creative, and receptive to new ideas

Clearly present an explanation of the organizational behavior topic or issue which is Job Satisfaction. Evaluate the business context in which the matter arises. Assess the importance of the topic or issue’s resolution to strategic objectives.

Job Satisfaction

Write an APA formatted, formal paper no longer than 1 page (excluding the title and references pages).

The submitted proposal should:

-Clearly present an explanation of the organizational behavior topic or issue which is JOB SATISFACTION.
-Evaluate the business context in which the matter arises.
-Assess the importance of the topic or issue’s resolution to strategic objectives.
-Offer support from the text as well as other appropriate business sources.
-Be submitted as an attachment in Microsoft Word format (not copied and pasted into the assignment folder comments or as a PDF).