Conduct research and consider airspace capacity challenges currently facing the aviation industry. Select one specific topic that is leading to an airspace capacity challenge to address in your paper.

Challenges facing the aviation industry

For this assignment, conduct research and consider airspace capacity challenges currently facing the aviation industry. You will select one specific topic that is leading to an airspace capacity challenge to address in your paper (e.g. unmanned systems operations, an increase in commercial air traffic, etc.).

Your paper must include:

The impact of capacity on the current structure of the national airspace
An evaluation of the FAA’s National Airspace Systems Plan on current air traffic control systems
An assessment of the impact of equipment capacity on national airspace system availability
A proposed recommendation to increase the capacity of the national airspace
Your paper must be 2-3 pages in length, supported by a minimum of three scholarly references, should be grammatically sound, and free of spelling errors. You must include a properly formatted title page, in-text citations where appropriate, and a reference page formatted according to current APA guidelines. If you have any questions regarding APA requirements, please refer to the current APA manual or ask your instructor.

Refer to the rubric to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the expectations and grading scale for this activity.

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

How effective is online therapy with long-term addiction? How does strategic system change in healthcare impact mental healthcare regarding addiction?

Contributing Factors for Addiction

Any person is prone to addiction regardless of their background and beliefs; however, some people are more to addiction than others. It is therefore prudent to assume that regardless of one’s upbringing, several factors can increase the risk of one being addicted. From a social science standpoint, addiction may take many forms, including substance, impulse, and behavioral addiction (Chung, Lee, & Lee, 2019). There are several contributing factors to addiction, mainly environmental, biological, social, and emotional. Addiction may be because of a single factor, or it can be multifactorial. Treatment options often stem from resolving the underlying issues.

Biological factors such as genetics affect addiction, mainly due to genetic predisposition that often causes neurotransmitter imbalance causing brain dysfunction. These brain dysfunctions mainly cause an individual to crave substances they may not have been subjected to directly. From a social point of view, individuals may be subjected to addiction through peer pressure (Ewald, Strack, & Orsini, 2019). Peer pressure is arguably one of the most significant social factors many young people are predisposed to substance addiction. Additionally, human beings learn from observing; unfortunately, people also learn about addiction by copying what others are doing (Ewald, Strack, & Orsini, 2019). Environmental factors also contribute to addiction, including lack of parental involvement and increasing delinquency among young people. Emotional factors such as stress have mainly contributed to dependency on substances as a coping mechanism.

Prevention is the best alternative to treatment; despite the numerous risk factors knowing about them helps reduce the chances of being addicted. Fortunately, having predisposing factors does not guarantee an individual becoming an addict. Therefore, social scientists such as psychologists must ask pertinent questions such as;

a) How effective is online therapy with long-term addiction?

b) How does strategic system change in healthcare impact mental healthcare regarding addiction?

What are you finding? What new information have you learned about this issue? What new questions or thoughts do you have now that you have done some preliminary research? Can you narrow your focus at all? If so, what do you wish to focus on? If you have a few options, what are they? Based on the broad search, refine the list of keywords that you created on the previous page. List here any keywords or keyword combinations that returned results that are relevant to your social science issue.

Social science Factors That Contribute to Addiction

Module Three Question 1

In the textbox provided, brainstorm a list of keywords related to your topic.

  1. Addiction and depression
  2. Does mental health play a role in addiction?
  3. Social factors that contribute to addiction
  4. How does addiction effect brain function?
  5. Does trauma increase chance of addiction?


Module Three Question 2

Now type those keywords into an Internet search engine, such as Google. Spend some time looking through the results. In the textbox below, jot down the titles and hyperlinks of a few of the most interesting articles and websites that come up in your search. Write down at least one article and the corresponding hyperlink for each keyword or group of keywords.

  1. Addiction – Depression and Substance Abuse
  2. mental health-
  3. Social factors-
  4. Brain function-
  5. Trauma-,may%20make%20individuals%20more%20vulnerable%20to%20addictive%20behaviors.


Module Three Question 3

What are you finding? What new information have you learned about this issue? What new questions or thoughts do you have now that you have done some preliminary research?


Module Three Question 4

Can you narrow your focus at all? If so, what do you wish to focus on? If you have a few options, what are they? (You don’t necessarily need to narrow your focus. Mark found this helpful to do because his topic is very broad.)


I have narrowed my focus to factors that lead up to addiction


Module Three Question 5

Based on the broad search, refine the list of keywords that you created on the previous page. List here any keywords or keyword combinations that returned results that are relevant to your social science issue. Then, note which keywords or combinations you will no longer use, as they returned off-topic or overly broad results.


mental health disorders

addiction and childhood traumas

factors which cultivate addiction


Module Three Question 6

What professional organizations (other than social science organizations) might have relevant information about your issue? For example, someone researching war might utilize information provided by the United States Department of Defense.

Find 1-2 organizations, and note them here.

Recovery Research Institute:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)


Module Three Question 7

Now select one of the digital libraries or organizations mentioned in this learning block (Shapiro Library, Google Scholar, etc.), and plug your keywords into that site. What credible sources come up in your search? Repeat this step with at least one more digital library/organization. In the textbox, type the titles of 6-8 of the most relevant results along with the corresponding hyperlinks so you can locate these resources later. Note which digital library/organization you used to find each study.

Portraying mental illness and drug addiction as treatable health conditions-

Drug and alcohol problems amongst individuals with severe mental health problems-′

Integrated Treatment of Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Addiction-

The Pathways Model to End
Homelessness for People with Mental Illness
and Addiction Manua-


Module Three Question 8

Collect any information, links, articles, reports, or other resources that are relevant to your issue and capture this additional information in the text box below. Again, be sure to include links to your resources so you can easily locate them later.

The Impact of Substance Use Disorders on Families and Children: From Theory to Practice-
Psychological distress in childhood trauma survivors who abuse drugs-


Module Three Question 9

Begin by noting the title of the resource and including a link to it.

Is this source current? Note the publication date or a date indicating when the content was last updated.

Answer in complete sentences, being sure to include supporting evidence from your source to support your conclusions.


Drug and alcohol problems amongst individuals with severe mental health.

The source is not current but has a lot of good information


Module Three Question 10

Is this source relevant? Note the portion of the text that you believe clearly relates to your research question. Consider whether this source provides an overview of the issue you are interested in, or whether it makes some specific important point.

Portrayals of untreated and symptomatic schizophrenia, depression, and heroin addiction heightened negative public attitudes toward persons with mental illness and drug addiction


Module Three Question 11

Is this source accurate? Note whether the source has been published in a peer-reviewed journal or credible organization, and the organization’s name. Note whether the source includes a list of references and citations. Give your opinion on the source’s presentation ‐ is it clear, organized, professional, and free of errors?

Yes, this source is credible and accurate. It has many peers’ reviews.


Module Three Question 12

Is this source authoritative? Note the author’s credentials. If no author is given, note whether the publishing organization is credible, and the organization’s name again.

a Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 624 N. Broadway, Room 359, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
b Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
c Department of Sociology, Indiana University, USA
d Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
e Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA


Module Three Question 13

Are there any red flags that make you concerned that this source may not be scholarly? For example, are there any clearly biased passages? Are the references all very old? Are there many spelling and grammatical errors? Note any and all concerns you may have.


No there is not.


Identify the social science principle(s) that apply to your issue. In other words, which principles of social science apply to the issue you selected? Explain how the principle(s) you identified applies to your issue. In other words, how is the social science principle(s) you identified relevant to your issue?

Project One: Research Investigation

Identify the social science principle(s) that apply to your issue. In other words, which principles of social science apply to the issue you selected? (The social science principles of interest in this course are social roles, social norms, social institutions, and beliefs and values.)

Social Roles, Social Norms, Social Institutions, and Beliefs and Values apply to my topic

Explain how the principle(s) you identified applies to your issue. In other words, how is the social science principle(s) you identified relevant to your issue?

Social Roles- people who once did normal everyday task such as, work, take care of there families and children are unable to do be a constant role once addiction has taken over their lives.

Social Norms- Many people today follow what is being done around them, if others are doing it then it must be okay.

Social Institutions- Many people who use drugs eventually break the law. They end up in jails most of the time. If they are lucky they find a rehab.

Beliefs and Values- A person reflects how they see themselves and the world around them by the way they ac

Develop an essay discussing the fiscal and the monetary policies adopted and implemented by the federal during the Great Recession and their impacts on the U.S. economy.

Macroeconomic analysis

Macroeconomic analysis deals with the crucial issue of government involvement in the operation of “free market economy.” The Keynesian model suggests that it is the responsibility of the government to help to stabilize the economy. Stabilization policies (demand-side and supply-side policies) are undertaken by the federal government to counteract business cycle fluctuations and prevent high rates of unemployment and inflation. Demand side policies are government attempts to alter aggregate demand (AD) through using fiscal (cutting taxes and increasing government spending) or monetary policy (reducing interest rates). To shift the AD to the right, the government has to increase the government spending (the G-component of AD) causing consumer expenditures (the C-component of AD) to increase. Alternatively the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates reducing the cost of borrowing thereby encouraging consumer spending and investment borrowing. Both policies will lead to an increase in AD.

Develop an essay discussing the fiscal and the monetary policies adopted and implemented by the federal during the Great Recession and their impacts on the U.S. economy. Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, and in APA format.

Note your submission will automatically be submitted through “TurnItIn” for plagiarism review. Note that a minimum of 1500 words for your essay is required.

Your paper should be structured as follows
1. Cover page with a running head

2. Introduction: What is the economic meaning of a recession?
· A brief discussion of fiscal policies
· A brief discussion of monetary policies

3. Conclusions: Discuss the extent to which the use of demand side policies (fiscal policy and monetary policy) during the Great Recession of 2008 has been successful in restoring economic growth and reducing unemployment

4. References
Include in your essay analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of deficit spending and the effects of federal government borrowing on the economy i.e., the “crowding out” effect.

Design a small prevention program that could be implemented at a health fair, at a workplace, or in a school. Identify the population and addiction that you will be addressing with your prevention program.

You will be designing a small prevention program that could be implemented at a health fair, at a workplace, or in a school. The goal of this assignment is to articulate the social, biological, and psychological consequences of addictive behaviors to an at-risk population and contextualize issues of addiction in historical and social frameworks.

For the presentation in this module, you will identify the population and addiction that you will be addressing with your prevention program.

Possible addictions (this is not an all-inclusive list):

  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Internet
  • Gambling
  • Tobacco

Possible populations (this is not an all-inclusive list):

  • Adult
  • Senior
  • Youth
  • Adolescent
  • Workplace
  • Church member
  • LGBT

Possible population and prevention programs:

Seniors who have been diagnosed with macular degeneration who are experiencing increased depression and isolation.
Youths who are not a part of the community and neighborhood functions due to playing video games.
Employees using stimulants in the workplace to meet deadlines due to decreased personnel but increased production demands.

The presentation should include 3–4 slides (not counting title slide and references slide) with speaker notes to address the following topics:

Population that you are using and why this population is at risk for this addiction.
Addiction that you are using and the history of this addiction and its impact on society.
Current impact on the population, family, workplace, and community from this addiction.

An effective presentation will include:

Dynamic formatting of the slides.
Appropriate images, charts, graphs, and so on.
Clean bullets points that do not give too much information per slide.
Use of the speaker notes section to clearly define the bullets of the slide and provide reference to cited material.

Being so knowledgeable about the TPS did the Foam Strike bother you or make you concerned at all? Did you get orders from higher up the NASA chain of command? If yes, what were they?

 Introduction to Leadership

-Course Discussion: Mission Management Team (MMT) meeting – Flight Day 8 – Student Reply

For this assignment I have to pretend I am Calvin Schomburg from the Columbia’s Final Mission case and reply to another student. This was her question:

To Calvin Schomburg: Apparently, although you are a technician, you are in close contact with shuttle management. Being so knowledgeable about the TPS (Thermal Protection System) did the Foam Strike bother you or make you concerned at all? Did you get orders from higher up the NASA chain of command? If yes, what were they?

What is the significance of the Russian-Chinese alignment in global politics today?

Russia, Eurasia and the Crisis of the Liberal West

What is the significance of the Russian-Chinese alignment in global politics today?

Did you use the point-by-point or block method to organize your body paragraphs? What made you decide to organize your essay in this way? In what ways did writing a comparison/contrast essay differ from the Narrative essay you wrote in Touchstone 1?

Comparison/contrast essay

A. Instructions
Begin by choosing a topic for your comparison/contrast essay. You are free to select your own topic, or you may use one of the sample topics listed below. However, you should choose a topic that you have knowledge of so that you have sufficient points of comparison or contrast to discuss in your essay. You will need to compare or contrast two or three primary points about the two subjects you choose to write about, resulting in an essay with either four or six body paragraphs, an introductory paragraph, and a conclusion.
Compare or contrast two cities you’ve visited or that you’ve lived in
Compare or contrast two members of your family
Compare or contrast two sources of news
Compare or contrast two singers in different music genres
Compare or contrast two historical figures
Compare or contrast two artists (for example, Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso or Keith Haring and Andy Warhol)
Compare or contrast two eras in time
Compare or contrast two television series
Compare or contrast two types of technologies (for example, Android and Apple phones or PlayStation and Xbox)
Compare or contrast two medical topics (for example, traditional medicine and modern medicine or doctors and midwives)

Remember that the two subjects you choose should have a meaningful connection so that you can draw comparisons or contrasts between the two.
Your thesis should convey the main idea of the essay and clearly articulate what two topics you are comparing/contrasting. Because you are writing in the informative mode for this essay, you should use objective language. Remember that for this essay, you are not trying to persuade or convince the audience that one thing is better or worse than the other; you are instead informing the reader about the similarities or differences between the two subjects in an objective manner.

Note that if you use information from any outside sources, you will need to cite them. Plagiarism is not acceptable in academic writing. The following resources will be helpful to you if you need to cite any sources:

Purdue Online Writing Lab's APA Formatting and Style Guide
This site includes a comprehensive overview of APA style, as well as individual pages with guidelines for specific citation types.
Frequently Asked Questions About APA Style
This page on the official APA website addresses common questions related to APA formatting. The ‘References,”Punctuation,”Grammar and Writing Style’ sections will be the most useful to your work in this course.
APA Style: Quick Answers—References
This page on the official APA Style website provides numerous examples of reference list formatting for various source types.

B. Think About Your Writing
After you’ve drafted your essay, answer the following questions about your writing. Include answers to all of the questions below your essay.

1. Did you use the point-by-point or block method to organize your body paragraphs? What made you decide to organize your essay in this way (3-4 sentences)? Sophia says: Consider the ways a comparison/contrast essay can be organized. Which organization did you choose and why?

2. In what ways did writing a comparison/contrast essay differ from the Narrative essay you wrote in Touchstone 1? Give specific examples (3-4 sentences). Sophia says: Consider how the structure, point of view, and purpose of the two essays differ.

3. Remember that the writing process is a recursive process, and your first draft of an essay is rarely your last. What part of the draft did you struggle with (3-4 sentences)? Sophia says: Think about how you could improve the draft if you continued the writing process with revision and editing.

C. Comparison/Contrast Guidelines
Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until your draft meets all of the guidelines.

Write a brief memorandum explaining the concept of Total Quality Management describing how this approach would apply to the case study found on Dresang: Exercise, Form 18. Briefly explain which diagrams and charts referenced in Dresang: Exercise 5 would be most beneficial in addressing the issues reflected in the case study, and what purpose each would serve in process management.

Administrative Memorandum: Process Management Assignment Instructions


Read these instructions and the grading rubric carefully before beginning your Administrative Memorandum: Process Management Assignment. You are responsible to read and understand these documents.

You are required to write a brief memorandum explaining the concept of Total Quality Management describing how this approach would apply to the case study found on Dresang: Exercise, Form 18. You must briefly explain which diagrams and charts referenced in Dresang: Exercise 5 would be most beneficial in addressing the issues reflected in the case study, and what purpose each would serve in process management.

This is a graduate-level research assignment designed to test your ability to conduct effective research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with those reflected in your textbook readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of political economics.

As with all graduate-level assignments, you are expected to comport yourself with the highest writing, research, and ethical standards. To do well on this Administrative Memorandum: Process Management Assignment you must conduct high-quality research and offer a rich, well-supported analysis; mere opinion or conjecture will not suffice.


  • This assignment must be 3–5 pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices).
  • This assignment must be in current APA format with 1-inch margins, 12-pt Times New Roman font, and must include a title page and reference page.
  • You must include citations to at least 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the course textbooks, assigned readings, and the Bible) to fully support your assertions and conclusions.

Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited and may result in failure of the assignment, failure of the course, and/or removal from the program. It is your responsibility to ensure that you fully understand what constitutes the various forms of plagiarism and to avoid all forms of plagiarism.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.