Write a brief memorandum explaining and contrasting the roles of government, citizens, businesses, and nonprofits in traditional public administration with the roles of those same entities in the context of the New Public Management.

Administrative Memorandum: Public Management Assignment

You are required to write a brief memorandum explaining and contrasting the roles of government, citizens, businesses, and nonprofits in traditional public administration with the roles of those same entities in the context of the New Public Management. You must include an evaluation considering biblical principles.

• This assignment must be 3–5 pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices).
• This assignment must be in current APA format with 1-inch margins, 12-pt Times New Roman font, and must include a title page and reference page.
• You must include citations to at least 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the course textbooks, assigned readings, and the Bible) to fully support your assertions and conclusions.

-Course Textbook: Dresang, D. L. (2017). The public administration workbook (8th ed.). London, UK: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138682085.
-Assigned Reading (See attachments): The Administrative Memorandum
Public Value Governance: Moving Beyond Traditional Public Administration and the public Management

-The Bible

Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited and may result in failure of the assignment, failure of the course, and/or removal from the program. It is your responsibility to ensure that you fully understand what constitutes the various forms of plagiarism and to avoid all forms of plagiarism.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

What evidence-based treatment options may be employed to maintain Joel whilst he is in the ICU. Assuming Joel recovers from this acute episode discuss the ongoing care he may need to help him rehabilitate and in relation to the management of potential ongoing chronic kidney disease, including any multi-disciplinary team involvement.

Care of deteriorating patient

Joel Johnson

Joel is a 72 year-old retired architect. He continues to work informally as a consultant on some projects in addition to having had a number of books of poetry published in recent years. Joel has been married to Sylvia for 49 years, and they have been planning a cruise to celebrate their golden wedding next year. They have four grown up children, and nine grandchildren, who they see regularly and often assist their parents by providing child care. In addition, Joel and Sylvia also care for Sylvia’s 94 year-old mother who is increasingly frail.

Joel attended the practice nurse at his GP surgery with a painful and inflamed injury to his left fore-arm sustained whilst clearing his garden shed last week, he believes he caught it on a rusty bow saw that was hanging on the shed wall. Concerned about the state of the wound and his observations the nurse called an ambulance for Joel to be transferred to the accident and emergency unit for potential admission.

Joel has mild osteoarthritis for which he takes over-the-counter NSAIDs and is prescribed Ramipril 5mg od for hypertension. Joel was a heavy smoker until giving up twenty years ago.



AIRWAY: Unable to talk in full sentences as needs to catch his breath.

BREATHING: RR: 28pm, SpO2 93% on air. Some sounds of gurgling as he breathes.

CIRCULATION: HR: 112bpm, regular but thready, BP: 72/58 – Joel complains of feeling dizzy. Joel seems to think he has been passing less urine in the last couple of days.

DISABILITY: AVPU: Alert but seems a little muddled and shows signs of slurred speech

EXPOSURE: Temperature: 38.4C. Joel has an inflamed wound on his left arm and his skin feels clammy to the touch. Joel also admits to feeling nauseous.

Blood Results:

  • Sodium 142mmol/L
  • Potassium 5.1mmol/L
  • Urea  39 mmol/L
  • Creatinine 259 µmol/L
  • FBC Hb 100.2g/L, WCC 16.2×109/L
  • Lactate 4.1mmol/L
  • CRP 136mg/L


 Problem 1:

Using the A-E approach what are the nursing priorities for Joel’s immediate care including any further tests that may be required?

Problem 2:

Provide the rationale for the care you have suggested in problem 1 .

  • Make use of appropriate pathophysiology
  • Include relevant pharmacology
  • Use appropriate national guidelines.

Developing Scenario

After three days on the ward Joel’s condition has deteriorated and he is now confirmed as having stage 3 acute kidney injury (AKI) with serum creatinine of  403µmol/L and no urine output for 18 hours. He needs renal replacement therapy.


Problem 3: What evidence-based treatment options may be employed to maintain Joel whilst he is in the ICU. Assuming Joel recovers from this acute episode discuss the ongoing care he may need to help him rehabilitate and in relation to the management of potential ongoing chronic kidney disease, including any multi-disciplinary team involvement.

Identify the E-business model that the website pursues (week 1 topic) Consider E-business concepts and approaches to comment on specific strengths and weaknesses of your chosen website. Identify competitive strategy and digital business strategy the company has followed and provide recommendations/suggestions with clear justifications (week 2 topic).

The presentation concerns a company operating in the UK, headquarters in the UK.

Assessment Tasks
Firstly, you must research and select a company website which has not been  selected by your peers.

Note: Do not start work on the company website until it has been approved by your seminar tutor. Please email your seminar tutor about your choice of company.

• The chosen company website will be allocated to students on a first come first serve basis.
This assignment requires each student choose a website of a company and research on their websites and online business strategies and,

1. Identify the E-business model that the website pursues (week 1 topic) Consider E-business concepts and approaches to comment on specific strengths and weaknesses of your chosen website.

2. Identify competitive strategy and digital business strategy the company has followed and provide recommendations/suggestions with clear justifications (week 2 topic).

3. Identify their digital marketing strategies and options and provide recommendations/suggestions with clear justifications (week 4 topic).

4. Using similar web market intelligence platform () discuss the customer traffic data and provide recommendations/suggestions for further improvement with clear justification (week 4 topic).

5. Identify the company’s e-CRM and social network channels linked with the website and provide recommendations/suggestions for further improvement with clear justification (week 5 topic).

6. Identify the cyber security measures the company website has in place discuss if the company website comply with e-business ethics and provide recommendations/suggestions with justification

Describe the problem that the client is seeking help for in this case. Explain the symptoms affecting the client. Identify any potential harmful behavior. Determine if the client has a family history of the diagnosis. Consider how this may affect the client.

4-2 Draft Two: Final Project One: Biopsychosocial Summary


For this assignment, you will complete the biopsychosocial summary for Final Project One: Diagnosing.
Remember: When you are making revisions to this draft for the Final Project One submission, use the track changes feature for the revisions you make in
response to instructor feedback. Use this
Microsoft Help Guide for instructions on the use of track changes.


Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Biopsychosocial Summary

A. Describe the problem that the client is seeking help for in this case.
i. Make sure to address any problems, issues, or challenges the client may be facing.

B. Explain the symptoms affecting the client.
i. What are the behavioral symptoms?

ii. What are the cognitive symptoms?

iii. What are the emotional symptoms?

iv. What are the physiological symptoms?

C. Identify any potential harmful behavior:
i. Aggression

ii. Harm to others

iii. Harm to themselves

D. Determine if the client has a family history of the diagnosis. Consider how this may affect the client.

E. Use evidence-based research to support the biological factors presented in the case.

F. Outline how the client identifies themselves in the following cultural characteristics. Make sure to add rationale for any obscure answers.
i. Age

ii. Disability

iii. Religion

iv. Social class

v. Sexual orientation

vi. Indigenous background

vii. National origin

viii. Gender identity

G. Summarize how the client culturally identifies.
i. In the context of the identifiers above, how does the client culturally identify?

Develop and deliver academic provision in Human Resource Management and related disciplines. Undertake applied research and scholarship evidenced by outputs and to participate in third stream income generating activities.

Resourcing of organization

To develop and deliver academic provision in Human Resource Management and related disciplines.

To undertake applied research and scholarship evidenced by outputs and to participate in third stream income generating activities. To deliver on operational responsibilities as allocated by the Head of Department. To contribute to and participate in University led and/or College initiatives and developments in line with strategic plans and KPIs.

To teach and assess students in Human Resource Management at all levels (38).

To exercise a high standard outputoriented applied research both personally and as a member of a team.

To supervise UG and PG level student research projects.

To contribute to the development, design, delivery and leadership of modules at various levels, including assessments methods, ensuring that the learning materials and methods of delivery meet defined learning objectives.

To support the Head of Department to ensure the effective day to day operation of the allocated academic area.

To undertake operational and administrative responsibilities as allocated (e.g. module leader); making an important contribution to the accreditation of courses and quality control processes; playing a key role in validations, liaising with accreditation bodies as necessary.

Working with colleagues to ensure the achievement of Department and University deadlines.

To support curriculum development and new course development.

To take on responsibilities (leading small projects where appropriate) in relation to University led and/or Department strategic initiatives including areas such as commercial income generation activity; student recruitment and retention; partnership development; development of flexible and workbased learning provision; development of widening participation activities.

To participate with other staff in the development of teaching, learning and assessment strategies.

To play a role in representing both the course(s) and the School in student recruitment and retention activities including participation in Clearing activities during the summer period and in Open Days throughout the year.

To assist with the pastoral care of students as Academic Advisor.

To undertake staff development as needs are identified by the individual and/or line man

Using the data in the table above, set up your data file in SPSS and create a table of Descriptive Statistics using the “Explore” function that shows descriptives for women and men separately. What is the median salary for men in this sample? What are the mean and standard deviation of salaries for women? Using the same data, create a boxplot in SPSS to show the difference in salaries between women and men.

SPSS Homework: Central Tendency Assignment Instructions


This assignment is designed to increase your statistical literacy and proficiency in summarizing, visualizing, and interpreting central tendency within data sets. You will work within SPSS, using data that are related to specific research scenarios in the behavioral sciences such as psychology, social work, and counseling. A working knowledge of how to summarize and visualize data is fundamental to being able to understand and apply research in your related field to your practice. Additionally, SPSS skills are professionally valuable, as it is one of the most used statistical software packages in behavioral science settings, both academic and professional.


  • This assignment includes two problem sets that contain research scenarios and related questions.
  • For each scenario, you will respond to a series of questions asking you to create and interpret various tables and charts in SPSS. Paste your SPSS output directly into the homework underneath each relevant question. Type written answers into the document underneath the question to which they relate.
  • This assignment is worth 60 points.


Please review Watch: SPSS Homework Tutorial: Describing and Graphing Central Tendency and Watch: SPSS Homework Tutorial: Describing and Graphing Central Tendency for Groups in this module for directions on how to enter data in SPSS and use it to produce the final product for your assignment. The scenarios begin on the next page.


Problem Set 1: A neuropsychologist who works with clients over 60 years of age administers the Dementia Severity Rating Scale (DSRS; Clark and Ewbank, 1996) to the caregivers of 20 clients. On the DSRS, lower scores indicate a lack of, or low severity of, dementia symptoms; while higher scores indicate more severe dementia symptoms. The scores are contained in the table below.


DSRS Score





















  1. Using the data in the table above, set up a data file in SPSS and create a table of descriptive statistics using the “Explore” command. Paste the table here: (8 pts)
  2. Using the same data, create a histogram showing the distribution of DSRS scores in the sample. Paste the histogram here: (7 pts)
  3. List the mean and the median for DSRS scores. (4 pts)
  4. Based on the information in numbers 1-3, which measure of central tendency would you use to describe this data set? Support your answer with material from the presentations and/or reading this week. (6 pts)
  5. Locate the outliers in the data set. Based on your knowledge of DSRS scores, what would your recommendation be for the caregivers of the patients with these outlying scores? (5 pts)


Problem Set 2: The following data are based on numbers taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys from the year 2019 ( https://www.bls.gov/cps/aa2019/cpsaat39.htm ), for community, service, social science, and education occupations. They represent the average weekly pay for wage and salary earners measured during 2019 and broken down by gender. Enter these data into a new file containing one grouping variable for gender and one variable for salary.

For the Gender variable in column 1, code women as 1 and men as 2

Remember to define these in Value Labels as covered in the presentations.

There will be thirteen “1”s and thirteen “2”s (as many participants as in each group) in the Gender column in SPSS.

The corresponding earnings will be entered in the Salary column in SPSS.


Women Men



























  1. Using the data in the table above, set up your data file in SPSS and create a table of Descriptive Statistics using the “Explore” function that shows descriptives for women and men separately. Paste the table here: (8 pts)
  2. What is the median salary for men in this sample? (5 pts)
  3. What are the mean and standard deviation of salaries for women? (5 pts)
  4. Using the same data, create a boxplot in SPSS to show the difference in salaries between women and men. Paste the boxplot here: (6 pts)
  5. Locate the outlier in the boxplot. What effect does this data point have on the mean of weekly earnings for men? (6 pts)


Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected.  Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP. Focusing on one video you viewed, explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the patient in the video and why it was the treatment of choice. Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the patient. 

Comparing Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy with Other Approaches

Understanding the strengths of each type of therapy and which type of therapy is most appropriate for each patient is an essential skill of the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner. In this Assignment, you will compare humanistic-existential therapy to another psychotherapeutic approach. You will identify the strengths and challenges of each approach and describe expected potential outcomes.

To prepare:

  • Review the humanistic-existential psychotherapy videos in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Reflect on humanistic-existential psychotherapeutic approaches.
  • Then, select another psychotherapeutic approach to compare with humanistic-existential psychotherapy. The approach you choose may be one you previously explored in the course or one you are familiar with and especially interested in.

The Assignment

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

  • Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected.
  • Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP.
  • Focusing on one video you viewed, explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the patient in the video and why it was the treatment of choice. Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the patient.
  • Support your response with specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.

Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/templates ). All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Find and research an article or study that relates to real/potential adverse issues involving the use of composites in aviation.

Composites in Aviation

Find and research an article or study that relates to real/potential adverse issues involving the use of composites in aviation. You may focus on various elements, such as:

Difficulties and limitations in manufacturing composite parts/structures;
Difficulties involved in repairing composite articles (i.e., autoclave ovens and vacuum sealing);
Careful attention to material handling of composite articles (i.e., the sensitive nature of handling composite material without damaging it);
Difficulties involved in detecting failures of composite articles (i.e., fatigue signs, debonding, internal damage, etc.);
Instantaneous vs. progressive failures;
Health risks to employees working with and around composites (i.e., eyes, skin, breathing fibers into lungs, etc.); or
Any other issue you find interesting and would like to share.

Find and research an article or study that relates to an aviation incident or accident involving some failure of a composite article. Explain the mechanical and/or structural factors concerned, complete with and “how” the accident/incident unfolded and “why” it occurred.

Composite Failure

Find and research an article or study that relates to an aviation incident or accident involving some failure of a composite article. Explain the mechanical and/or structural factors concerned, complete with and “how” the accident/incident unfolded and “why” it occurred.

Develop a “partial” accident investigation report based upon the accident information provided on the ‘Zonk Air Accident’ scenario.

Aircraft Accident Investigation

Develop a “partial” accident investigation report based upon the accident information provided on the ‘Zonk Air Accident’ scenario.

1.0 Brief history of flight (Mission)
1.1 On-Scene actions (Scene Management Procedures)
1.2 On-Scene observations (What did you note and observe?)
1.3 Airport information and weather (Basic description and source)
1.4 Flight information and mission (Who, what, where and why)
1.5 Aircraft information (Type, history, performance, maintenance, etc.)
1.6 Pilot information (certificates, hours, training, etc.)
1.7 Company information and operations (Who, what where why)
1.8 Miscellaneous information (Option for additional information)
1.9 Final analysis (Your analysis for causes – prove and bring it all together here)
2.0 Conclusion (The probable and contributing causes)
2.1 Recommendations (Realistic, doable suggestions)