Success in combating money laundering, terrorist financing and financial crime will never be achieved until international efforts are focused upon the two key areas of fraud and offshore jurisdictions. To what extent is this statement correct? Discuss.

Fraud and offshore jurisdictions

Success in combating money laundering, terrorist financing and financial crime will never be achieved until international efforts are focused upon the two key areas of fraud and offshore jurisdictions.

To what extent is this statement correct?  Discuss.
In your answer, provide case studies and examples (you can reference the case of Danske Bank but to a minimum as the intent is to have other cases referenced and used).

In the area of International Financial Crime & Security, What went wrong in the case of Danske Bank? To what extent does this case reveal the gaps in international efforts against money-laundering and the vulnerabilities of banking institutions to being exploited for money laundering. Also consider the issue, have the repercussions and impacts on the financial institutions involved of Danske Bank lasted noticeably longer than those adverse results in previous cases of scandals and wrong-doing concerning international banks?

International Financial Crime & Security

In the area of International Financial Crime & Security, What went wrong in the case of Danske Bank?

To what extent does this case reveal the gaps in international efforts against money-laundering and the vulnerabilities of banking institutions to being exploited for money laundering.

Also consider the issue, have the repercussions and impacts on the financial institutions involved of Danske Bank lasted noticeably longer than those adverse results in previous cases of scandals and wrong-doing concerning international banks?


Do Electric Cars Really Help the Environment? Could Jurassic Park (or something like it) Really Happen? Will Space Travel Become Normal? Should We Use AI in Law Enforcement?

Write a set of Instructions, according to the following guidelines:

Length: Minimum of 800 words

Audience: College Freshmen

Design & Graphics: Document must show proficient use of design and graphics principles that are best for the purpose and audience.

Content: Write a set of instructions to show college freshmen how to conduct research on one of the following topics:

  • Do Electric Cars Really Help the Environment?
  • Could Jurassic Park (or something like it) Really Happen?
  • Will Space Travel Become Normal?
  • Should We Use AI in Law Enforcement?

Or a topic of your choice, if approved by Instructor (Failure to obtain Instructor approval will result in a grade of 0.)

In the Steps section of your Instructions, you will need to consider the following:

  • How to develop a research question
  • How to develop a hypothesis
  • How to determine what search engines will be used
  • How to determine what databases will be used
  • How to decide what search terms will be used
  • How to modify your research approach as you move through the process
  • How to keep track of your research process
  • How to keep track of source information for citations
  • How to decide how many sources are enough
  • How to continue researching after initial research is done and your are drafting

Be sure to include all required sections and movements (as defined in the Instructions chapter in your textbook); there is a lot more to Instructions than just a list of steps. Finally, incorporate the Principles of Design and the Guidelines for Graphics to meet the needs of audience and purpose.

What evidence-based treatment options may be employed to maintain Joel whilst he is in the ICU. Assuming Joel recovers from this acute episode discuss the ongoing care he may need to help him rehabilitate and in relation to the management of potential ongoing chronic kidney disease, including any multi-disciplinary team involvement.

Care of deteriorating patient

Joel Johnson

Joel is a 72 year-old retired architect. He continues to work informally as a consultant on some projects in addition to having had a number of books of poetry published in recent years. Joel has been married to Sylvia for 49 years, and they have been planning a cruise to celebrate their golden wedding next year. They have four grown up children, and nine grandchildren, who they see regularly and often assist their parents by providing child care. In addition, Joel and Sylvia also care for Sylvia’s 94 year-old mother who is increasingly frail.

Joel attended the practice nurse at his GP surgery with a painful and inflamed injury to his left fore-arm sustained whilst clearing his garden shed last week, he believes he caught it on a rusty bow saw that was hanging on the shed wall. Concerned about the state of the wound and his observations the nurse called an ambulance for Joel to be transferred to the accident and emergency unit for potential admission.

Joel has mild osteoarthritis for which he takes over-the-counter NSAIDs and is prescribed Ramipril 5mg od for hypertension. Joel was a heavy smoker until giving up twenty years ago.



AIRWAY: Unable to talk in full sentences as needs to catch his breath.

BREATHING: RR: 28pm, SpO2 93% on air. Some sounds of gurgling as he breathes.

CIRCULATION: HR: 112bpm, regular but thready, BP: 72/58 – Joel complains of feeling dizzy. Joel seems to think he has been passing less urine in the last couple of days.

DISABILITY: AVPU: Alert but seems a little muddled and shows signs of slurred speech

EXPOSURE: Temperature: 38.4C. Joel has an inflamed wound on his left arm and his skin feels clammy to the touch. Joel also admits to feeling nauseous.

Blood Results:

  • Sodium 142mmol/L
  • Potassium 5.1mmol/L
  • Urea  39 mmol/L
  • Creatinine 259 µmol/L
  • FBC Hb 100.2g/L, WCC 16.2×109/L
  • Lactate 4.1mmol/L
  • CRP 136mg/L


 Problem 1:

Using the A-E approach what are the nursing priorities for Joel’s immediate care including any further tests that may be required?

Problem 2:

Provide the rationale for the care you have suggested in problem 1 .

  • Make use of appropriate pathophysiology
  • Include relevant pharmacology
  • Use appropriate national guidelines.

Developing Scenario

After three days on the ward Joel’s condition has deteriorated and he is now confirmed as having stage 3 acute kidney injury (AKI) with serum creatinine of  403µmol/L and no urine output for 18 hours. He needs renal replacement therapy.


Problem 3: What evidence-based treatment options may be employed to maintain Joel whilst he is in the ICU. Assuming Joel recovers from this acute episode discuss the ongoing care he may need to help him rehabilitate and in relation to the management of potential ongoing chronic kidney disease, including any multi-disciplinary team involvement.

Summarize the entire book in half of your 6-page paper in the book review. Relate your original conclusions to a single essay of the book and its issues in the remaining 3 pages of your essay. In your conclusions, address how government would deal with the issues. You may not dismiss the issue by saying that government has no effect.

The Art of the Commonplace by Wendell Berry

The Art of the Commonplace is a collection of essays that covers a wide range of social issues including agriculture and the environment, family and marriage, consumerism, and globalism. The topic of each of these essays ultimately ends up with government and politics having an effect or response on the issue.

The assignment is two-fold.

1. Summarize the entire book in half of your 6-page paper in the book review.

2. Relate your original conclusions to a single essay of the book and its issues in the remaining 3 pages of your essay.

In your conclusions, address how government would deal with the issues. You may not dismiss the issue by saying that government has no effect.

You may research the issue if you are unfamiliar to it as how government might address it. If you include that information in your paper, be sure to footnote and acknowledge the source in the bibliography of your paper.

Given the extensive number of adult care facilities in Queens, what advantages/disadvantages do county emergency shelters have over the extant facilities sheltering their populations ‘in place’ during a major storm? Does the facility have Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s) or Mutual Aid Agreements (MAA’s) with either county agencies or other adult care facilities in the event of one or more such facilities experience a catastrophic failure?

Hurricane Chester Exercise Instructions

Leadership Project:
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning Exercise
Superstorm Scenario: Adult Residential Care Facility, Queens, NY

Introduction and Background:
You are the executive in charge of an adult care residential facility that serves persons who suffer from a range of mental illnesses and physical disabilities but are functional and independent.
The facility is located at Rockaway Beach which borders the Atlantic Ocean and is a barrier island in the Borough of Queens, in New York City, New York. The area is suburban and primarily residential. Weather reports have been predicting a superstorm. ( and MapQuest at 140 Beach 114th St, Rockaway Park, NY 11694.

The facility normally houses 200 240 residents. The building is seven stories high, and residents primarily have private units with private baths. Services include a dining room serving three meals a day. Meals are served in rooms for residents unable to go to the dining room. The facility includes common areas, activities and recreation, physical and occupational therapy room, a pharmacy, laundry, transportation, 24hour security located at the entrance of the chapel, and a beauty/barber shop. A nurse is available 56 hours a week in the facility, and there is a 24×7. oncall nursing service In all, there are about 430 employees, fulltime and parttime, to support the residents’ needs and maintain the facility.

Deliverables: The assignment includes:
1. Step 3: Exercise Report/Template

2. Step 4: An AfterAction Report/Template

STEP 1: Learning Demonstration
Before writing your scenario deliverable, there are some tasks to accomplish that will assist you:

1. Locate the Facility via Google Earth and MapQuest.

a. Identify the major terrain features, e.g., flood plains, waterways, lakes, etc.?

b. Locate the major transportation networks, roadways, railways? 
c. What other health care assets, such as hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies, etc., available on the island that assist during a hurricane?

d. What might be the health care assets might be available in the New York City metropolitan area?

2. Become familiar with the resources of this facility. (

3. Local hospital resources.
a. Review the local options for emergency medical care in the Borough of Queens, New York, using a major search engine. Be especially attentive to the reviews of emergency room services by patients.

4. Review the information available from New York City Emergency Management Services (
a. Locate the Facility on the Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder Mapping Tool under “Find Your Zone” (
b. Locate the coastal storm preparedness materials for the Borough of Queens under “Know the Hazards” (
c. Given the extensive number of adult care facilities in Queens, what advantages/disadvantages do county emergency shelters have over the extant facilities sheltering their populations ‘in place’ during a major storm?

d. Does the facility have Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s) or Mutual Aid Agreements (MAA’s) with either county agencies or other adult care facilities in the event of one or more such facilities experience a catastrophic failure?

5. Review the history of socalled Superstorms throughout the region.

a. Lee, L.G. (2013). A twentyyear recollection of the superstorm of March 1993 in the Western Carolinas and Extreme Northeast Georgia. NWS.
( _Superstorm.pdf)

b. Review the general history of major winter storms throughout the region, especially the Blizzard of 1978, January Snowstorm of 1983, as well as other storms available at this resource. National Weather Service. (2014). “Major winter storms.” (

c. Review the impact of Superstorm Sandy in October 2012, especially the lasting impact of the storm as well as other pertinent information such as the wind and gust speeds on Long Island even though little rain fell on the Island itself.

1) New York Times. Nursing Home Is Faulted Over Care After Storm (2012, November 9)

2) British Broadcasting Company. Sandy Anatomy of a Superstorm 2012 (

3) Kusisto, L. and Dawsey, J. (2014, June 17). Many displaced by superstorm sandy still wait for housing help. Wall Street Journal. (
sandystill waitforhousinghelp1403060886).

4) Philadelphia/Mount Holly (2012). Storm summary for superstorm sandy. (

5) Daily News (2013). Hurricane Sandy, one year later: Long Island. ( yearlongisland

6) CoreLogic (2014). Superstorm sandy slams the north east with winds, storm surge, and flooding. ( sandyslamsnortheastwindsstormsurgeflooding20121030/).

7) Additional information about Superstorm ‘Sandy.’ Satellite images and wind speed reports. (

8) Ecker, E. (2018, May 5). Brookdale, Sunrise share best practices for emergency evacuations in senior living. sunrisesharebestpracticesemergencyevacuationsseniorliving/

Identify at least 25 peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to your topic. Write a brief description of the research objectives, methods, and findings of each article. Provide the full citation and journal “impact factor” for each article.

Toxic and Environmental Effects of Benzene and its Compounds: A Systematic Literature Review.

Research question
Are Benzene and its compounds still environmental and health challenges?


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Identifying and Utilizing Peer-Reviewed Literature
1. Identify elements of effective literature-review articles
2. State the objective of your literature-review paper as a question.
3. Describe the importance or significance of this question. (Provide a brief background on the problem and why it is of consequence.)

CHAPTER 2: Create an Annotated Bibliography
1. Identify at least 25 peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to your topic
2. Write a brief description of the research objectives, methods, and findings of each article
3. Provide the full citation and journal “impact factor” for each article

CHAPTER 3: Write the Discussion Section of your paper
1. Summarize the findings from each of the peer-reviewed studies included in your paper
2. Organize your discussion logically, such as by chronology of the research papers

CHAPTER 4: Write the Conclusion Section of your paper
1. Recognize the extent to which the authors’ findings may suggest broad consensus around the topic – versus more divergence in findings. In other words, is the science around the topic more or less “settled”?
2. Report how the summary of the related research yields insight (or answers) to the question you posed in your paper

Reference: Compile the Reference Section of your paper
1. Organize your references by applying consistently the citation style used by one or more of the journals you cite in your paper.
2. Provide full web addresses and date accessed for all journal articles that you accessed online

Module 6: Write the Abstract and Prepare PPTs for your paper
1. Compose the abstract or summary of your literature review paper
2. Create the PPTs for your presentation of your paper to the class

Explain how the exhibition relates to the ideas and approaches introduced in this course. Provide a full list of the objects you would include in the exhibition, noting information about where they are currently found also discuss your spatial plan.

Curatorial Project with the subject: Primitivism and Appropriation: How Diego Rivera and Pablo Picasso explored Indigenous Cultures in their approaches to Modern Art.

Your 800-word final outline/synopsis will explain-_-in finished and thoughtful prose- the objectives of your exhibition, where you plan to have it, how it will be assembled, and a general discussion of what objects it will include (and why). Explain how the exhibition relates to the ideas and approaches introduced in this course. Refer to specific bibliographical sources whenever possible, and include a minimum of 3 sources. When you hand in your final curatorial project outline on June 29th, also provide a full list of the objects you would include in the exhibition, noting information about where they are currently found (which museum, gallery, archive, private collection, etc.; you can ascertain this information online via ARTstor, via museum and collection websites on the internet, or through books, journals, exhibition catalogs, and other printed media); also discuss your spatial plan (where you would locate these objects within your exhibition design). [Graduate students: in addition, provide a 300-word conclusion explaining what you expect the reception of your exhibition would be (and why)l

Write a researched argumentative essay defending one side of a controversy. What are the key points of the issue? Why is the issue important? Who is most affected by the issue? What are some of the consequences or possible solutions? Select one side of the argument and use persuasive writing techniques (rhetorical devices) to make your point.

Write a researched argumentative essay defending one side of a controversy

Throughout the unit, you will focus on how to research via a standard search engine, how to use the MTC databases Write a researched argumentative essay defending one side of a controversyto find peer reviewed resources, how to determine source reliability and author credibility, how to collect and organize research, how to compile resources on a topic, and how to summarize and paraphrase on the collegiate level. You will use this research to construct and argument of your own, that supports one side of the controversial issue you explored in Unit 3. This unit will culminate in a argumentative essay, supported by strong research (NOT a research report).

Write an argumentative research essay that addresses a controversy related to the topic you worked with from Unit 3. What are the key points of the issue? Why is the issue important? Who is most affected by the issue? What are some of the consequences or possible solutions? You must select one side of the argument and use persuasive writing techniques (rhetorical devices) to make your point. Consider the rhetoric and research needed to persuade your audience to agree with you. Avoid logical fallacies that would weaken your argument and be sure to incorporate several sources that supplement your thoughts.

Your essay should explore one of the above topics and a related controversy (you may use those above or explore another you have found), specifically supporting one side of the issue. For example, if you chose a topic such as gun control, you should not just list out a great deal of information and explanation. Instead, you would need to take a stance either for gun control or against it and make a strong argument with several reasons that support your ideas. These ideas must then be supported by credible sources. Avoid the temptation to argue whether or not a past event should have taken place since we cannot change history. An argumentative essay should, like the one you wrote for MA 2, should allow the reader to make a decision, take an action, or consider differing perspectives from their own.

Clearly and logically explain the four drivers of adaptive teams. Clearly and logically explain how the four drivers apply at the organizational level to increase effectiveness. Illustrate with at least two examples from the “Team of Teams” case study.

Organizational Teams Built on Trust

Explain the role of trust in developing teams at the organizational level. Use at least two examples from the “Team of Teams” case study to support your answer; (See attached Case Study “How Leaders Built Teams of Teams” for reference)

Ensure you include the following elements in your answer:

• Clearly and logically explain the four drivers of adaptive teams.

• Clearly and logically explain how the four drivers apply at the organizational level to increase effectiveness.

• Illustrate with at least two examples from the “Team of Teams” case study.

Turabian Style format with END-NOTES; also please see attached grading rubric for substance and guide for the essay.