In 1,000 words or less, tell us why you believe inclusion is important, and what kind of positive impact it has on your life and the people around you.


In 1,000 words or less, tell us why you believe inclusion is important, and what kind of positive impact it has on your life and the people around you.

With an eye for how Loki is characterized in the Eddas, one of the main written sources of Norse mythology. Consider the following: Is he all bad? Does he have any redeeming qualities? What adjectives are used to describe him?

Myth in Popular Culture

It is nearly impossible to talk about myth in modern culture without the topic of comic books and comic-based films coming into the conversation. This week, we look at the Norse mythological character Loki through the lens of Thompson and Schrempp’s comments about the tendency of culture to adapt myth to the suit the times.

Step 1: With an eye for how Loki is characterized in the Eddas, one of the main written sources of Norse mythology. Consider the following: Is he all bad? Does he have any redeeming qualities? What adjectives are used to describe him?

Step 2: Check out the last few pages of the 300th Anniversary edition of the Marvel comic Thor by Walt Simonson published in 1987. This particular Thor series started in 1966. Consider the following: How is Loki characterized here? Is he all bad?

Step 3: Check out these pages from the comic Loki: Agent of Asgard (vol.1) published in 2014. Consider the following: How is Loki characterized here? Is he all bad?

Step 4: Watch these two clips from the 2017 film Thor: Ragnarok that focus on the relationship between brothers Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Thomas Hiddleston). Again, how is Loki characterized? Is he all bad?

Video Clip 1 from film Thor: Ragnarok (2017): “Thor & Loki do ‘Get Help’” (video 2m cc avail)

Video Clip 2 from film Thor: Ragnarok (2017): “Thor Electrocutes Loki Scene” (video 2m cc avail)

Step 5: Prompts for your Discussion: In clip 2 from the 2017 film, Thor says to Loki: “life is about growth, it’s about change, but you seem to just want to stay the same . . . you’ll always be the god of mischief but you could be more.” Has this always been true in the history of the Loki character? If you see a shift in Loki’s portrayal, where do you see it? Is there any connection between how Loki is written about and how is portrayed visually? Finally, what do you think are some of the underlying cultural reasons that this story was adapted in this manner?

Develop a social media campaign to bring awareness to hazardous alcohol consumption and/or alcohol abuse among a determined target population. Define the problem among the target population Research and gather data and statistics on alcohol use among the target population Identify evidence-based practices used for the target population. Develop health promotional strategies targeted for the population Describe how you plan to monitor the success of your campaign.

Effects of alcohol on veterans diagnosed with ptsd

Use the working bibliography and social media campaign outlined attached to complete the following assignment. the outline and bibliography were completed by two of your writers for a previous assignment leading up to my final assignment.


Develop a social media campaign to bring awareness to hazardous alcohol consumption and/or alcohol abuse among a determined target population.

Define the problem among the target population

Research and gather data and statistics on alcohol use among the target population

Identify evidence-based practices used for the target population (See EBP matrix attachment).

Identify a social media platform for the campaign (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.) and describe the rationale for the platform

Develop health promotional strategies targeted for the population

Describe how you plan to monitor the success of your campaign.

From the information in the report, create a three-column barrier analysis worksheet. On a separate page, discuss the potential causal factors that are revealed in the analysis. Are there additional causal factors that were not identified in the ECF chart you created in the Unit IV assignment?

Barrier Analysis Worksheet

Read the U.S. Chemical Safety Board investigation report of the 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, WV. The final report can be read/downloaded at the following link:
OSH 4601, Accident Investigation 3

Additional information on the incident, including a video summary, can be found at the following link:

NOTE: This is the same investigation report used to create the events and causal factors (ECF) chart in Unit IV.

Complete the assignment as detailed below.

Part I: From the information in the report, create a three-column barrier analysis worksheet. Use the sample form on page 173 of the course textbook as a template, and follow the instructions below:

a. In the first column, list the barriers. Group the barriers by category (failed, not used, did not exist).
b. In the second column, describe the intended function of each barrier.
c. In the third column, evaluate the performance of the barrier.

Part II: On a separate page, discuss the potential causal factors that are revealed in the analysis. Are there additional causal factors that were not identified in the ECF chart you created in the Unit IV assignment?

Examine the three components needed to create a learning objective. Create learning objectives that are aligned with instructional goals.

Week 3 – Analyzing Learners and Contexts • Writing Performance Objectives


This week, we will explore the steps of “Analyze Learners and Contexts” and “Write Performance Objectives” in the Dick & Carey model.

First, we will switch our attention to the learners, the contexts in which they will acquire knowledge and skills, and the environment in which they will perform the skills and knowledge. We will explore the techniques and tools that we can use to conduct learner and context analysis such as interviews, surveys, and observations. Next, we will learn how to create performance objectives which are “detailed description[s] of what students will be able to do when they complete a unit of instruction” (Dick, Carey, & Carey, 2015, p. 118). A performance objective needs to have three parts: Condition (CN), Behavior (B), and Criteria (CR). Table 6.2 (p. 121) in the textbook is a good resource when writing performance objectives. Keep in mind, the behaviors (action verbs) in your performance objectives need to be measurable and achievable. Bloom Taxonomy is a good resource for you to identify action verbs (Behavior) that can be applied to course assignments.


After completing this week, you should be able to:

  • Examine the three components needed to create a learning objective.
  • Create learning objectives that are aligned with instructional goals.

Discuss the four categories of criteria for developing criterion-referenced tests. Assess the five learning components of an instructional strategy. Design a learning activity and teaching strategy that aligns with learning objectives. Create assessments that align with learning objectives. Evaluate how the ARCS model can be used in instructional design.

Week 4 – Developing Assessment Instruments • Planning Instructional Strategy


We will begin this week by exploring four types of criterion-referenced tests including entry skills tests, pretests, practice tests, and posttests. We will discuss why, when, and how to incorporate criterion-referenced tests into the learning design process. In addition, we will learn how to design and develop tests that are suitable for learners and performance objectives.

Then, we will focus on instructional strategy and how to engage students in learning. We will review Gagne’s Conditions of Learning and Keller’s ARCS mode which will be helpful when planning instructional strategies. We will also examine how to design or choose learning components according to learners’ maturity and ability levels.


After completing this week, you should be able to:

  • Discuss the four categories of criteria for developing criterion-referenced tests.

    Planning Instructional Strategy

  • Assess the five learning components of an instructional strategy.
  • Design a learning activity and teaching strategy that aligns with learning objectives.
  • Create assessments that align with learning objectives.
  • Evaluate how the ARCS model can be used in instructional design.

Choose a social issue ( racism or sexuality) and write about how comedy engages with that issue. Use multiple genres of comedy (tv, standup comedy, ) that deal with the same issue to form a unified understanding of the issue.

How comedy engages with racism

Choose a social issue ( racism or sexuality) and write about how comedy engages with that issue. Use multiple genres of comedy (tv, standup comedy, ) that deal with the same issue to form a unified understanding of the issue.

David Chapelle

What are the practical implications of this understanding for how I teach and serve my students? What additional resources or knowledge have I discovered that supports my philosophical/theological understanding of disability and suffering? What biblical texts or stories have impacted my understanding of disability and suffering?

Final Paper

What is my understanding of a biblical approach to understanding God’s perspective on how I should approach disability and suffering?
Other questions to consider are:

What are the practical implications of this understanding for how I teach and serve my students?
What additional resources or knowledge have I discovered that supports my philosophical/theological understanding of disability and suffering?
What biblical texts or stories have impacted my understanding of disability and suffering?
Where have I seen the Imag Dei present in individuals with disabilities with whom I have interacted?
Has my own perspective been challenged, changed, or solidified? Why?

How does your faith system or faith community address how people should respond to disability and suffering? What do you see as God’s role in relationship to this reality of disability? What is the state of disability advancement, collaboration, and advocacy from where you sit? Is the Church more a part of the problem or the solution and why?

Interview Project

Students will interview 3 persons regarding disability:
1 faith community leader (pastor, priest, rabbi, etc.);
1 person affected by disability (physical, mental, emotional);
1 persons providing care to a person affected by disability (parent, caregiver, etc.).
The purpose of this interview project is for the student to discover underlying “theologies” people carry regarding the nature of disability and God’s role and their own understanding of God’s people in relation to disability.

Although the student may come up with his or her own series of questions, some questions to consider are:

What is your experience with disability or persons affected by disability?
How does your church/faith community care for persons with disability (or does your church care for you as a disabled person)?
How does your faith system or faith community address how people should respond to disability and suffering?
What do you see as God’s role in relationship to this reality of disability?
What is the state of disability advancement, collaboration, and advocacy from where you sit?
Is the Church more a part of the problem or the solution and why?

You had the chance to share the Gospel with a famous person, who he/she would be? How would you do it? How would your studies at CLI help you to be a good witness of Christ?

Sharing the Gospel

You had the chance to share the Gospel with a famous person, who he/she would be? How would you do it? How would your studies at CLI help you to be a good witness of Christ?
Be sure you define and describe your argument properly. Do not explain your personal opinion, but your educated opinion based in research and accurate information. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.