What is puffery? Give some examples. Do you ever feel deceived by puffery in advertising? What is the difference between an advertiser’s ethics and its social responsibility?


What is puffery? Give some examples. Do you ever feel deceived by puffery in advertising? What is the difference between an advertiser’s ethics and its social responsibility?

Identify your conceptual variable of interest from this video — what is the concept you want to code for? Provide an operational definition for your conceptual variable. Remember that an operationalization is a very specific description of what you will be observing. Based on your operational definition, how will you code participants?

Research Methods

Watch the following 3-minute YouTube Video depicting The Marshmallow Test – an observational study about delayed gratification. Design an observational study based on the data collected in the video.

A. Identify your conceptual variable of interest from this video — what is the concept you want to code for?

B. Provide an operational definition for your conceptual variable. Remember that an operationalization is a very specific description of what you will be observing.

C. Based on your operational definition, how will you code participants? Rate two of the participants (children in the video) using your coding system.

When would you start “The Bargaining Time Line” as the employer and the union? What are three employer and union activities that must be included in the “Preparation” phase? Why?

MG420 Labor Relations

Discussion topics for the unit:
Your union contract ends June of next year. When would you start “The Bargaining Time Line” as the employer and the union? What are three employer and union activities that must be included in the “Preparation” phase? Why? (ULO 1)

Write a 2000-word reflective report based on the student’s event planning process and event execution experience. Use either Gibbs or Kolb reflective model as a framework to support their reflective report structure and content, including justification for their chosen model.

Reflective report

60% weighting of the module. A 2000-word reflective report based on the student’s event planning process and event execution experience. It should include considerations on performance for the event execution and reflection on the student’s own contribution to their group and work on their event, linking to theoretical concepts and academic discussion underpinning the students own practice.

Students will be required to use either Gibbs or Kolb reflective model as a framework to support their reflective report structure and content, including justification for their chosen model.

The report must use appropriate theory and literature to support the following:

· Reflection on at least 3 aspects of your involvement in your group work, event management process and the event execution

· A critical assessment of the work you undertook, the event outcomes and what you could have improved on

· Consideration on how you may take forward your experiences and learning from your event and group work and apply it to your future practice in Events Management

How do you respond and how do you ensure the children remain safe?

What Would You Do?

Scenario: Mom (Non-Purp Doesn’t Believe There Is Sex Abuse Occurring).

You are investigating a case in which the Boyfriend (BF) of the mother is alleged to being sexually abusing the mother’s 7 and 6 year old sons. The school called it in saying the children are constantly falling asleep at school, acting sexual with the other children in school, sexually flirting with the teachers, and peeing on themselves. All the classic signs of Child Sexual Abuse. You talk to the children and they say the BF of the mother demands they take a shower with him. That he ‘cuddles’ with the boys when they are watching TV making them uncomfortable. They also say mom works at night (3rd shift) and he watches them and comes upstairs to play games with them. The games include tag like ‘you grab my penis and you are it, then I grab your penis and you are it’. You go out to the home and the BF denies every doing this and if the boys are sexually acting out in school that he will take care of it later today. You interview the mother separately the same day and she says she doesn’t believe the allegations and the boys are jealous she has a man. You ask the mother if she knows that her BF is a registered sex offender of a 1 year old girl 10 years ago (The BF is now 40 years old). She says yes but that was when he was 30 and it was with this “16 year old slut girl and he wouldn’t do this to my boys because he is not Gay because he has sex with me daily”. How do you respond and how do you ensure the children remain safe?

Discuss how human-centered design assists with the development of your business model. Describe the key items management will likely seek answers for in your specific model. Why would management need to focus on those elements? Choose a service or product currently in development. You may choose your own product or service for this discussion. Describe the prototype developed for that service or product.

Discussion questions

1. Discuss how human-centered design assists with the development of your business model.

2. Describe the key items management will likely seek answers for in your specific model. Why would management need to focus on those elements?

3. Choose a service or product currently in development. You may choose your own product or service for this discussion. Describe the prototype developed for that service or product.

4.How might a business learn about a proposed process improvement through a prototyping activity? What is the fundamental purpose of a prototype? Provide a specific example.

5. Describe the purchasing behavior of your target customer; why are they purchasing your product, how do they make a purchasing decision, etc.? How would you facilitate communications with your potential customers? Why is it important to understand the beliefs and behaviors of a targeted customer?

6.What is the least expensive and fastest way to test your product or service with targeted customers? Provide a brief summary of a smoke test plan.

7.Describe a benefit of developing a pro forma financial statement. Explain why this benefit would be helpful in a business.

8.An entrepreneur develops a new business and bears the financial risks and benefits. Besides financial returns, what other responsibilities does the entrepreneur have? Besides investors, what other stakeholders does the entrepreneur have to be mindful of?

Complete research and a ten (10) page paper. Provide a detailed description of the project based on the I-P-E-M&C-C lifecycle perspective. Include analysis of specific components of the project and key findings to serve as a project ‘post-mortem’.

Project Management – Building and Launch of Apollo 11

Complete research and a ten (10) page paper. The subject for the paper is a description and evaluation of a large project management activity – the building and launch of Apollo 11. The first part of the paper should provide a detailed description of the project based on the I-P-E-M&C-C lifecycle perspective. The second part of the paper should include analysis of specific components of the project (resources, timeline, quality, budget, etc.) and key findings to serve as a project ‘post-mortem’.

Three sample papers for reference along with the rubric are attached.
At least 10 sources should be used.

Some initial sources that can be used:

If the price of a portrait during Month 21 is $10, what would you predict for sales in Month 21? Does there appear to be a problem with autocorrelation of the residual? Explain your answer.

Multiple Regression

For this assignment, you may find it helpful to review the Youtube video that is attached in the word document. Excel will be needed for this assignment. Show all your work.

Let Yt be the sales during month t (in thousands of dollars) for a photography studio. Let Pt be the price charged for the portraits during month t. The data will be in the file named week 4 assignment chapter 12 problem that is attached. Use regression to fit the following model to these data:

Yt = a + b1Yt−1 + b2Pt + et

This equation indicates that last month’s sales and the current month’s price are explanatory variables. The last term, et, is an error term.

For your assignment, complete the following:

Part A: If the price of a portrait during Month 21 is $10, what would you predict for sales in Month 21?

Part B: Does there appear to be a problem with autocorrelation of the residual? Explain your answer.

In your Excel spreadsheet,
-Utilize the regression model.
-Utilize the support tool of Excel.
-Predict sales as described in Part A.
-Explain any problem as described in Part B

How do you screen them? What characteristics would group members have? Overall what techniques will you use in your groups? What evaluation methods might you employ?


Use the information in chapter five on how to structure a group proposal. Take time to review the proposals for groups in school or community settings presented in Chapter 10 (Groups in school settings) and Chapter 11 (groups in community settings).

Search for “substance abuse counseling activities” or some variation thereof and find a group activity suitable for a counseling group in a treatment facility. If you have an idea already you may use that. Create a group proposal and submit it on BlackBoard. This is a proposal for a single group activity. In addition to describing that activity and addressing the rationale behind it, you are to describe your imaginary group. How do you screen them? What characteristics would group members have? Overall what techniques will you use in your groups? What evaluation methods might you employ?

What evidence-based treatment options may be employed to maintain Joel whilst he is in the ICU. Assuming Joel recovers from this acute episode discuss the ongoing care he may need to help him rehabilitate and in relation to the management of potential ongoing chronic kidney disease, including any multi-disciplinary team involvement.

Care of deteriorating patient

Joel Johnson

Joel is a 72 year-old retired architect. He continues to work informally as a consultant on some projects in addition to having had a number of books of poetry published in recent years. Joel has been married to Sylvia for 49 years, and they have been planning a cruise to celebrate their golden wedding next year. They have four grown up children, and nine grandchildren, who they see regularly and often assist their parents by providing child care. In addition, Joel and Sylvia also care for Sylvia’s 94 year-old mother who is increasingly frail.

Joel attended the practice nurse at his GP surgery with a painful and inflamed injury to his left fore-arm sustained whilst clearing his garden shed last week, he believes he caught it on a rusty bow saw that was hanging on the shed wall. Concerned about the state of the wound and his observations the nurse called an ambulance for Joel to be transferred to the accident and emergency unit for potential admission.

Joel has mild osteoarthritis for which he takes over-the-counter NSAIDs and is prescribed Ramipril 5mg od for hypertension. Joel was a heavy smoker until giving up twenty years ago.



AIRWAY: Unable to talk in full sentences as needs to catch his breath.

BREATHING: RR: 28pm, SpO2 93% on air. Some sounds of gurgling as he breathes.

CIRCULATION: HR: 112bpm, regular but thready, BP: 72/58 – Joel complains of feeling dizzy. Joel seems to think he has been passing less urine in the last couple of days.

DISABILITY: AVPU: Alert but seems a little muddled and shows signs of slurred speech

EXPOSURE: Temperature: 38.4C. Joel has an inflamed wound on his left arm and his skin feels clammy to the touch. Joel also admits to feeling nauseous.

Blood Results:

  • Sodium 142mmol/L
  • Potassium 5.1mmol/L
  • Urea  39 mmol/L
  • Creatinine 259 µmol/L
  • FBC Hb 100.2g/L, WCC 16.2×109/L
  • Lactate 4.1mmol/L
  • CRP 136mg/L


 Problem 1:

Using the A-E approach what are the nursing priorities for Joel’s immediate care including any further tests that may be required?

Problem 2:

Provide the rationale for the care you have suggested in problem 1 .

  • Make use of appropriate pathophysiology
  • Include relevant pharmacology
  • Use appropriate national guidelines.

Developing Scenario

After three days on the ward Joel’s condition has deteriorated and he is now confirmed as having stage 3 acute kidney injury (AKI) with serum creatinine of  403µmol/L and no urine output for 18 hours. He needs renal replacement therapy.


Problem 3: What evidence-based treatment options may be employed to maintain Joel whilst he is in the ICU. Assuming Joel recovers from this acute episode discuss the ongoing care he may need to help him rehabilitate and in relation to the management of potential ongoing chronic kidney disease, including any multi-disciplinary team involvement.